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- {$R-,S-,I-,D-,T-,F-,V-,B-,N-,L+ }
- {$M 65500,0,0 }
- unit getlogin;
- interface
- uses crt,
- gentypes,configrt,modem,userret,statret,gensubs,subs1,subs2,windows,
- mailret,textret,overret1,mainr1,mainr2;
- procedure getloginproc;
- procedure returnfromdoor;
- implementation
- procedure getloginproc;
- var isnew:boolean;
- procedure addlastcaller (n:mstr);
- var qf:file of lastrec;
- last,cnt:integer;
- l:lastrec;
- begin
- assign (qf,'Callers');
- reset (qf);
- if ioresult<>0 then rewrite (qf);
- last:=filesize(qf);
- if last>maxlastcallers then last:=maxlastcallers;
- for cnt:=last-1 downto 0 do begin
- seek (qf,cnt);
- read (qf,l);
- seek (qf,cnt+1);
- write (qf,l)
- end;
- with l do begin
- name:=n;
- when:=now;
- callnum:=round(numcallers)
- end;
- seek (qf,0);
- write (qf,l);
- close (qf)
- end;
- procedure byebye (byefile:sstr);
- begin
- printfile (textfiledir+byefile);
- unum:=-1;
- disconnect
- end;
- procedure nicetry;
- begin
- byebye ('NiceTry')
- end;
- procedure getsystempassword;
- var tries:integer;
- b:boolean;
- begin
- tries:=0;
- writeln(^B' DDT/6');
- writeln;
- writeln(^B' Kelv''s answering machine. ');
- writeln(^B' Leave your name and number and ');
- writeln(^B' I''ll try to get back to you as ');
- writeln(^B' soon as I can. If it''s urgent ');
- writeln(^B' put an (*) after your name. ');
- writeln(^B' ------------------------------ ');
- repeat
- chainstr:='';
- writeln (^B'Entry:');
- dots:=true;
- writestr ('=> *');
- tries:=tries+1;
- b:=match(input,systempassword)
- until (tries=4) or b;
- if not b then nicetry
- end;
- procedure newuser;
- function validphone:boolean;
- var p:integer;
- k:char;
- begin
- validphone:=false;
- p:=1;
- while p<=length(input) do begin
- k:=input[p];
- if k in ['0'..'9']
- then p:=p+1
- else delete (input,p,1);
- end;
- if length(input)<>10 then begin
- writestr ('The phone number must be 10 digits long.');
- exit
- end;
- if (input[2] in ['2'..'9']) or (input[1] in ['0','1'])
- or (input[4] in ['0','1']) then begin
- writestr ('Invalid phone number.');
- exit
- end;
- validphone:=true
- end;
- procedure getoption (c:configtype; txt:lstr; b:boolean);
- const yn:array [false..true] of string[3]=('No','Yes');
- begin
- if hungupon then exit;
- txt:=txt+' [def: '+yn[b]+'] ? *';
- writestr (txt);
- if length(input)<>0 then b:=yes;
- if b
- then urec.config:=urec.config+[c]
- else urec.config:=urec.config-[c]
- end;
- var oldn:integer;
- k:char;
- begin
- if private then byebye ('Newuser') else begin
- printfile (textfiledir+'Newuser');
- unum:=0;
- oldn:=0;
- repeat
- if oldn<>0 then unam:='';
- if length(unam)=0 then begin
- writestr (^B'Enter your name:'^M'=> *');
- unam:=input;
- if pos('*',unam)>0 then begin
- writestr ('Invalid user name!');
- oldn:=1
- end
- end;
- if hungupon then exit;
- if length(unam)=0
- then oldn:=0
- else begin
- writestr ('Hold on a sec..');
- if not validuname(unam)
- then oldn:=1
- else begin
- oldn:=lookupuser(unam);
- if oldn<>0 then writestr (^B'Sorry! That name is in use!')
- end
- end
- until oldn=0;
- ulvl:=1;
- if unam<>'' then begin
- unum:=adduser (urec);
- if unum<1 then begin
- writeln (^B'Sorry! No room for new users right now!'^M,
- 'Try again later!'^M);
- hangupmodem;
- exit
- end;
- writeln (^B^M'You are user number ',unum,'.');
- repeat
- lastprompt:=^B^M'Please choose a password now.'^B^M'> ';
- write (lastprompt)
- until getpassword or hungupon;
- with urec do begin
- regularcolor:=7;
- promptcolor:=7;
- statcolor:=7;
- inputcolor:=7
- end;
- repeat
- writestr (^M'What is your home phone number? *');
- until validphone or hungupon;
- urec.phonenum:=input;
- writeln;
- repeat
- writestr ('Can you emulate: A)NSI color, V)T52, or N)one:');
- if length(input)>0
- then k:=upcase(input[1])
- else k:='N'
- until (k in ['A','N','V']) or hungupon;
- case k of
- 'A':urec.config:=urec.config+[ansigraphics];
- 'V':urec.config:=urec.config+[vt52];
- 'N':getoption (lowercase,'Can you display lower case',true)
- end;
- if k in ['A','V']
- then getoption (fseditor,
- 'Do you want to use the full-screen editor',true)
- else urec.config:=urec.config-[fseditor];
- getoption (moreprompts,'Should I pause after every screen',false);
- repeat
- writestr ('How many lines long is your screen? *');
- urec.displaylen:=valu(input)
- until ((urec.displaylen>20) and (urec.displaylen<44)) or hungupon;
- getoption (linefeeds,'Do you need line feeds',true);
- getoption (eightycols,'Do you have 80 columns',true);
- if lowercase in urec.config then
- getoption (asciigraphics,'Can you see IBM graphics characters',true);
- if hungupon then begin
- unum:=0;
- exit
- end;
- writeurec;
- isnew:=true
- end else begin
- unum:=0;
- writeln (^B^M'If you aren''t a new user...')
- end
- end
- end;
- procedure getunum;
- var tries,cnt:integer;
- u:userrec;
- enterednum:boolean;
- begin
- tries:=0;
- repeat
- tries:=tries+1;
- if tries>3 then nicetry else begin
- chainstr:='';
- writestr
- (^M'Enter your full name.'+^B^M+'=> *');
- unam:=input;
- isnew:=false;
- enterednum:=valu(unam)<>0;
- if hungupon then unum:=-1 else
- if length(unam)=0
- then newuser
- else begin
- unum:=lookupuser (unam);
- if unum=0
- then
- begin
- writestr ('Not found! Are you new? *');
- if yes then newuser
- end
- else if not enterednum
- then writeln (^M'Use ',unum,' for faster logon.')
- end
- end
- until unum<>0
- end;
- procedure getpwd;
- var u:userrec;
- begin
- seek (ufile,unum);
- read (ufile,u); che;
- if not checkpassword(u) then begin
- nicetry;
- writelog (0,2,unam)
- end;
- writeln (^M)
- end;
- procedure inituser;
- var asc:boolean;
- procedure center (c:lstr; a,b:sstr);
- var cnt:integer;
- tmp:lstr;
- begin
- if asc then begin
- a:='│';
- b:=a
- end;
- fillchar (tmp[1],80,32);
- if length(a)+length(b)+length(c)>39
- then c[0]:=chr(39-length(a)-length(b));
- tmp[0]:=chr((39-length(c)-length(a)-length(b)) div 2);
- c:=a+tmp+c;
- tmp[0]:=chr(39-length(c)-length(b));
- c:=c+tmp+b;
- while c[length(c)]=' ' do c[0]:=pred(c[0]);
- writeln (c)
- end;
- var m:mailrec;
- cnt:integer;
- tmp:lstr;
- const inoutstr:array [false..true] of string[3]=('Out','In');
- begin
- readurec;
- if ulvl=-1 then begin
- byebye ('Trashcan');
- exit
- end;
- if requireforms and (urec.infoform<0) then infoform;
- writestr ('O.K. you''re on!'^M);
- if local
- then tmp:=' (Local)'
- else tmp:=' at '+baudstr;
- writelog (0,1,unam+tmp);
- with urec do begin
- numon:=numon+1;
- numcallers:=numcallers+1;
- callstoday:=callstoday+1;
- asc:=asciigraphics in config;
- if datepart(laston)<>datepart(now) then begin
- cnt:=ulvl;
- if cnt<1 then cnt:=1;
- if cnt>100 then cnt:=100;
- timetoday:=usertime[cnt]
- end;
- if (timetillevent<timetoday+3) and (timetillevent<=63) then begin
- writestr (^M'Due to a timed event scheduled for '+eventtime+',');
- writeln ('your time today is limited to ',timetillevent-3,' mins.')
- end;
- write (^B^M);
- if asc
- then writeln ('╒══════════╡ '^S,versionnum,^N' ╞══════════╕')
- else writeln ('/----------: ',versionnum,' :----------\');
- center ('Welcome, '+unam+'.','\','/');
- center ('Caller number: '+streal(numcallers),' \','/ ');
- center ('Last caller: '+getlastcaller,' /','\ ');
- center ('This is time on #'+strr(numon)+' for you.','/','\');
- center ('Total time on: '+streal(totaltime)+' mins.','\','/');
- if laston<>0 then
- center ('Last on '+datestr(laston)+' at '+timestr(laston)+
- '.',' !','! ');
- subs1.laston:=laston;
- laston:=now;
- center ('Time for today: '+strr(timetoday)+' mins.',' /','\ ');
- center ('Your ranking: Level '+strr(ulvl),'/','\');
- center ('Sysop is: '+inoutstr[sysopisavail],'!','!');
- if asc
- then writeln ('╘═════════════════════════════════════╛'^B^M)
- else writeln ('\-------------------------------------/'^B^M);
- cnt:=getnummail(unum);
- if cnt>0
- then writeln (^B^G'You have ',cnt,
- ' piece',s(cnt),' of mail waiting! Use [E] to read.');
- if (ulvl>=sysoplevel) then begin
- if numfeedback>0 then begin
- thereisare (numfeedback);
- writeln ('piece',s(cnt),' of feedback waiting! Use [%,F] to read.')
- end;
- if exist ('Errlog')
- then writeln (^B^G'Errors have occured! Use [%,E] to read.')
- end;
- logontime:=timer;
- logofftime:=timer+timetoday;
- logonunum:=unum
- end;
- if exist ('ad')
- then writestr ('Buy this software! Use & to read!');
- addlastcaller (unam);
- writeurec;
- bottomline;
- if wanted in urec.config then if sysopisavail then begin
- writeln (^B,sysopname,' wishes to speak with you.');
- writeln ('Paging.. please stand by...'^M);
- for cnt:=1 to 25 do if not keyhit then summonbeep;
- chatmode:=true
- end;
- printnews;
- if tonext>-1 then begin
- writehdr ('Message from last user');
- printtext (tonext)
- end;
- disconnected:=false
- end;
- begin
- stoptimer (numminsidle);
- starttimer (numminsused);
- textcolor (normbotcolor);
- clrscr;
- initwinds;
- fillchar (urec,sizeof(urec),0);
- urec.config:=[lowercase,linefeeds,eightycols];
- uselinefeeds:=true;
- usecapsonly:=false;
- getsystempassword;
- printfile (textfiledir+'Welcome.'+strr(random(numwelcomes)+1));
- if autologin and local and (not carrier) then begin
- unum:=lookupuser (sysopname);
- if unum=0
- then writeln (usr,'User ',sysopname,' not found!')
- else begin
- writeln (usr,'* SYSOP AUTOLOGIN *');
- unum:=1;
- inituser;
- exit
- end
- end;
- getunum;
- if hungupon then exit;
- if not isnew then getpwd;
- if hungupon then exit;
- inituser
- end;
- procedure returnfromdoor;
- var t:sstr;
- begin
- if not fromdoor then exit;
- readdataarea;
- baudrate:=valu(paramstr(2));
- parity:=boolean(valu(paramstr(3)));
- online:=baudrate<>0;
- local:=not online;
- if baudrate=0 then baudrate:=defbaudrate;
- setparam (usecom,baudrate,parity);
- if unum=valu(paramstr(1)) then readurec else begin
- unum:=valu(paramstr(1));
- readurec;
- if (unum<1) or (unum>numusers) then begin
- unum:=-1;
- exit
- end;
- logontime:=timer;
- logofftime:=timer+urec.timetoday
- end;
- if hungupon then begin
- unum:=-1;
- exit
- end;
- fromdoor:=true;
- t:=paramstr(4);
- if t=''
- then returnto:='D'
- else returnto:=upcase(t[1])
- end;
- begin
- end.