home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- {$R-,S-,I-,D-,T-,F-,V-,B-,N-,L+ }
- {$M 65500,0,0 }
- unit mainr1;
- interface
- uses gentypes,configrt,textret,gensubs,subs1,userret,statret;
- procedure showinfoforms (uname:mstr); { UNAME='' shows all }
- function validfname (name:lstr):boolean;
- function searchboard (name:sstr):integer;
- function numfeedback:integer;
- procedure trimmessage (var m:message);
- implementation
- procedure showinfoforms (uname:mstr); { UNAME='' shows all }
- var lnum,un,cnt:integer;
- u:userrec;
- procedure showone;
- var ff:text;
- fn:lstr;
- me:message;
- k:char;
- found:boolean;
- begin
- if u.infoform=-1 then begin
- writeln (^B'That user has no information form.');
- exit
- end;
- fn:=textfiledir+'infoform';
- assign (ff,fn);
- reset (ff);
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- close (ff);
- lnum:=ioresult;
- writeln (^B'No information form is present.');
- exit
- end;
- reloadtext (u.infoform,me);
- writeln (^M,me.text[1],^M^M);
- lnum:=1;
- while not (break or eof(ff)) do begin
- read (ff,k);
- if k='*'
- then if lnum>me.numlines
- then writeln ('No answer')
- else begin
- lnum:=lnum+1;
- writeln (me.text[lnum])
- end
- else write (k)
- end;
- textclose (ff)
- end;
- begin
- if uname='' then begin
- writeln (^B^M' Showing All Forms');
- seek (ufile,1);
- for cnt:=1 to numusers do begin
- read (ufile,u);
- if u.infoform<>-1 then begin
- writeln (^M^M,u.handle,^M);
- showone
- end;
- if xpressed then exit
- end
- end else begin
- un:=lookupuser (uname);
- if un=0 then writeln (^B'No such user.') else begin
- seek (ufile,un);
- read (ufile,u);
- showone
- end
- end
- end;
- function validfname (name:lstr):boolean;
- const invalid:set of char=[#0..#31,'"',']','[',':','\','>','<','/','?','*',
- '|','+','=',';', ',' ,#127..#255];
- var p,cnt:integer;
- k:char;
- dotfound:boolean;
- begin
- validfname:=false;
- dotfound:=false;
- if (length(name)>12) or (length(name)<1) then exit;
- for p:=1 to length(name) do begin
- k:=upcase(name[p]);
- if k in invalid then exit;
- if k='.' then begin
- if dotfound then exit;
- dotfound:=true;
- if (p<length(name)-3) or (p=1) then exit
- end
- end;
- validfname:=not devicename(name)
- end;
- function searchboard (name:sstr):integer;
- var bi:sstr;
- cnt:integer;
- begin
- seek (bifile,0);
- for cnt:=0 to filesize(bifile)-1 do begin
- read (bifile,bi);
- if match(bi,name) then begin
- searchboard:=cnt;
- exit
- end
- end;
- searchboard:=-1
- end;
- function numfeedback:integer;
- var ffile:file of mailrec;
- begin
- assign (ffile,'Feedback');
- reset (ffile);
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- numfeedback:=0;
- rewrite (ffile)
- end else numfeedback:=filesize (ffile);
- close (ffile)
- end;
- procedure trimmessage (var m:message);
- var cnt:integer;
- begin
- for cnt:=1 to m.numlines do
- while m.text[cnt][length(m.text[cnt])]=' ' do
- m.text[cnt][0]:=pred(m.text[cnt][0]);
- while (m.numlines>0) and (m.text[m.numlines]='') do
- m.numlines:=m.numlines-1
- end;
- begin
- end.