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- {$R-,S-,I-,D-,T-,F-,V-,B-,N-,L+ }
- {$M 65500,0,0 }
- unit init;
- interface
- uses crt,dos,
- gentypes,modem,statret,configrt,gensubs,subs1,windows,subs2;
- procedure validconfiguration;
- procedure initforum (checkfiles30:boolean);
- implementation
- procedure validconfiguration;
- var errs:integer;
- cnt:integer;
- flag:boolean;
- procedure error (q:anystr);
- begin
- if errs=0 then writeln (usr,'Configuration Errors:');
- errs:=errs+1;
- writeln (usr,errs,'. ',q)
- end;
- procedure ispath (var x:lstr; name:lstr);
- begin
- if not exist(x+'con') then error (name+' path bad: '+x)
- end;
- procedure isstring (x:anystr; name:lstr);
- var cnt:integer;
- begin
- if length(x)=0 then begin
- error (name+' has not been set!');
- exit
- end;
- for cnt:=1 to length(x) do if not (x[cnt] in [#32..#255])
- then begin
- error ('Bad '+name+' string');
- exit
- end
- end;
- procedure isinteger (n,r1,r2:integer; name:lstr);
- begin
- if (n<r1) or (n>r2) then error ('Bad '+name+' value: '+strr(n))
- end;
- begin
- errs:=0;
- isstring (sysopname,'Sysop name');
- ispath (textdir,'Path to message base');
- ispath (uploaddir,'Path to ASCII uploads');
- ispath (boarddir,'Path to sub-board files');
- ispath (textfiledir,'Path to text files');
- ispath (doordir,'Path to door batch files');
- isinteger (defbaudrate,110,9600,'default baud rate');
- isinteger (usecom,1,2,'COM: port');
- isinteger (mintimeout,1,maxint,'input time out');
- isinteger (sysoplevel,1,maxint,'co-sysop level');
- flag:=true;
- for cnt:=1 to 100 do if flag and (usertime[cnt]<1) then begin
- flag:=false;
- error ('Time per day has non-positive entries')
- end;
- if errs>0 then halt(e_badconfig)
- end;
- procedure initforum (checkfiles30:boolean);
- procedure formatmfile;
- var m:mailrec;
- begin
- rewrite (mfile);
- fillchar (m,sizeof(m),255);
- write (mfile,m)
- end;
- procedure openmfile;
- var i:integer;
- begin
- close (mfile);
- i:=ioresult;
- assign (mfile,'Mail');
- reset (mfile);
- i:=ioresult;
- if i<>0
- then if i=2
- then formatmfile
- else begin
- writeln (usr,'Fatal error: Unable to open mail file!');
- halt (e_fatalfileerror)
- end
- end;
- procedure closetfile;
- var n:integer;
- begin
- close (tfile);
- n:=ioresult;
- close (mapfile);
- n:=ioresult
- end;
- procedure formattfile;
- var cnt,p:integer;
- r:real;
- buff:buffer;
- x:string[1];
- const dummystr:sstr='Blank!! ';
- begin
- write (usr,'Create new message base (y/n)? ');
- buflen:=1;
- readline (x);
- if (length(x)=0) or (upcase(x[1])<>'Y') then halt (e_fatalfileerror);
- rewrite (mapfile);
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- writeln (usr,'Unable to create message base.');
- halt (e_fatalfileerror)
- end;
- p:=-2;
- for cnt:=0 to numsectors do write (mapfile,p);
- p:=1;
- for cnt:=1 to sectorsize do begin
- buff[cnt]:=dummystr[p];
- p:=p+1;
- if p>length(dummystr) then p:=1
- end;
- rewrite (tfile);
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- writeln (usr,'Unable to create message base.');
- halt (e_fatalfileerror)
- end;
- for cnt:=0 to 5 do write (tfile,buff)
- end;
- procedure opentfile;
- var i,j:integer;
- begin
- closetfile;
- assign (tfile,textdir+'Text');
- assign (mapfile,textdir+'BlockMap');
- reset (tfile);
- i:=ioresult;
- reset (mapfile);
- j:=ioresult;
- if (i<>0) or (j<>0) then formattfile;
- firstfree:=-1
- end;
- procedure openufile;
- var u:userrec;
- n,cnt:integer;
- procedure createuhfile;
- var cnt:integer;
- begin
- rewrite (uhfile);
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- writeln (usr,'Unable to create user index file.');
- halt (e_fatalfileerror)
- end;
- seek (ufile,0);
- while not eof(ufile) do begin
- read (ufile,u);
- write (uhfile,u.handle)
- end
- end;
- begin
- close (ufile);
- assign (ufile,'Users');
- reset (ufile);
- n:=ioresult;
- if n=0 then begin
- numusers:=filesize(ufile)-1;
- assign (uhfile,'Userindx');
- reset (uhfile);
- if ioresult<>0
- then createuhfile
- else if filesize(uhfile)<>filesize(ufile) then begin
- close (uhfile);
- createuhfile
- end;
- exit
- end;
- close (ufile);
- n:=ioresult;
- rewrite (ufile);
- fillchar (u,sizeof(u),0);
- write (ufile,u);
- u.handle:=sysopname;
- u.password:='Sysop';
- u.timetoday:=9999;
- u.level:=sysoplevel+1;
- u.udlevel:=10000;
- u.udpoints:=10000;
- u.config:=[lowercase,eightycols,linefeeds,postprompts];
- u.emailannounce:=-1;
- u.infoform:=-1;
- u.displaylen:=24;
- fillchar (u.access2,32,255);
- if useconmode
- then u.config:=u.config+[ansigraphics]
- else u.config:=u.config+[asciigraphics];
- write (ufile,u);
- numusers:=1;
- createuhfile
- end;
- procedure initfile (var f:file);
- var fi:fib absolute f;
- begin
- fi.handle:=0;
- fi.name[0]:=chr(0)
- end;
- procedure openlogfile;
- procedure autodeletesyslog;
- var mx,cnt:integer;
- l:logrec;
- begin
- dontanswer;
- write (usr,'Autodeleting system log ... please stand by ... ');
- mx:=filesize(logfile) div 2;
- for cnt:=1 to mx do begin
- seek (logfile,cnt+mx-1);
- read (logfile,l);
- seek (logfile,cnt-1);
- write (logfile,l)
- end;
- seek (logfile,mx-1);
- truncate (logfile);
- writeln (usr,'Done.');
- doanswer
- end;
- begin
- assign (logfile,'Syslog');
- reset (logfile);
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- rewrite (logfile);
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- writeln (usr,'Unable to create log file');
- halt (e_fatalfileerror)
- end
- end;
- if filesize(logfile)>maxsyslogsize then autodeletesyslog
- end;
- procedure loadsyslogdat;
- var tf:text;
- q:lstr;
- b1,b2,p,s,n:integer;
- begin
- numsyslogdat:=0;
- with syslogdat[0] do begin
- menu:=0;
- subcommand:=0;
- text:='SYSLOG.DAT entry not found: %'
- end;
- assign (tf,'syslog.dat');
- reset (tf);
- if ioresult=0 then begin
- while not eof(tf) do begin
- readln (tf,q);
- p:=pos(' ',q);
- if p<>0 then begin
- val (copy(q,1,p-1),b1,s);
- if s=0 then begin
- delete (q,1,p);
- p:=pos(' ',q);
- if p<>0 then begin
- val (copy(q,1,p-1),b2,s);
- if s=0 then begin
- delete (q,1,p);
- if numsyslogdat=maxsyslogdat
- then writeln (usr,'Too many SYSLOG.DAT entries')
- else begin
- numsyslogdat:=numsyslogdat+1;
- with syslogdat[numsyslogdat] do begin
- menu:=b1;
- subcommand:=b2;
- text:=copy(q,1,30)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end;
- textclose (tf)
- end;
- if numsyslogdat=0 then writeln (usr,'SYSLOG.DAT file missing or invalid')
- end;
- procedure doesfilesequal30;
- var f:array [1..14] of file;
- cnt,i:integer;
- begin
- for cnt:=1 to 14 do begin
- assign (f[cnt],'CON');
- reset (f[cnt]);
- i:=ioresult;
- if i<>0 then begin
- writeln (usr,^M^J'Fatal error: You MUST put the command',
- ^M^J^J' FILES=30',
- ^M^J^J'in your CONFIG.SYS file on the disk from which you boot.',
- ^M^J^J'Note: If you have been modifying Forum-PC, then you may',
- ^M^J' be leaving a file open.');
- halt (e_files30)
- end
- end;
- for cnt:=14 downto 1 do close(f[cnt])
- end;
- var k:char;
- cnt:integer;
- begin
- with textrec(system.output) do begin
- openfunc:=@opendevice;
- closefunc:=@closedevice;
- flushfunc:=@writechars;
- inoutfunc:=@writechars
- end;
- with textrec(system.input) do begin
- inoutfunc:=@readcharfunc;
- openfunc:=@ignorecommand;
- closefunc:=@ignorecommand;
- flushfunc:=@ignorecommand
- end;
- if checkfiles30 then doesfilesequal30;
- if not driverpresent then begin
- writeln (usr,'The modem driver is not installed! Please run the',
- 'program'^M^J^M^J' MODEMDRV.COM'^M^J^M^J,
- 'and run Forum-PC again.');
- halt (e_nomodemdrv)
- end;
- fillchar (urec,sizeof(urec),0);
- urec.config:=[lowercase,eightycols,asciigraphics];
- iocode:=0;
- linecount:=0;
- sysopavail:=bytime;
- errorparam:='';
- errorproc:='';
- unam:='';
- chainstr:='';
- chatreason:='';
- ulvl:=0;
- unum:=-1;
- logonunum:=-2;
- break:=false;
- nochain:=false;
- nobreak:=false;
- wordwrap:=false;
- beginwithspacesok:=false;
- dots:=false;
- online:=false;
- local:=true;
- chatmode:=false;
- texttrap:=false;
- printerecho:=false;
- fillchar (urec,sizeof(urec),0);
- usecapsonly:=false;
- uselinefeeds:=true;
- curattrib:=0;
- buflen:=80;
- baudrate:=defbaudrate;
- parity:=false;
- timelock:=false;
- ingetstr:=false;
- modeminlock:=false;
- modemoutlock:=false;
- tempsysop:=false;
- sysnext:=false;
- forcehangup:=false;
- requestbreak:=false;
- disconnected:=false;
- cursection:=mainsysop;
- regularlevel:=0;
- setparam (usecom,baudrate,parity);
- doanswer;
- initwinds;
- for cnt:=1 to numsysfiles do initfile (sysfiles[cnt]);
- cls;
- loadsyslogdat;
- readstatus;
- openufile;
- opentfile;
- openlogfile;
- openmfile
- end;
- procedure assignname (var t:text; nm:lstr);
- begin
- with textrec(t) do begin
- move (nm[1],name,length(nm));
- name[length(nm)]:=#0
- end
- end;
- var r:registers;
- begin
- textmode (bw80);
- checkbreak:=false;
- checkeof:=false;
- directvideo:=directvideomode;
- checksnow:=checksnowmode;
- r.ah:=15;
- intr ($10,r);
- if r.al=7
- then screenseg:=$b000
- else screenseg:=$b800;
- textrec(system.input).mode:=fminput;
- move (output,usr,sizeof(text)); { Set up device drivers }
- move (output,direct,sizeof(text));
- move (system.input,directin,sizeof(text));
- with textrec(direct) do begin
- openfunc:=@opendevice;
- closefunc:=@closedevice;
- flushfunc:=@directoutchars;
- inoutfunc:=@directoutchars;
- bufptr:=@buffer
- end;
- with textrec(directin) do begin
- mode:=fminput;
- inoutfunc:=@directinchars;
- openfunc:=@ignorecommand;
- flushfunc:=@ignorecommand;
- closefunc:=@ignorecommand;
- bufptr:=@buffer
- end;
- with textrec(usr) do bufptr:=@buffer;
- assignname (usr,'USR');
- assignname (direct,'DIRECT');
- assignname (directin,'DIRECT-IN');
- assignname (system.output,'OUTPUT');
- assignname (system.input,'INPUT')
- end.