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- {$R-,S-,I-,D-,T-,F-,V-,B-,N-,L+ }
- {$M 65500,0,0 }
- unit configur;
- interface
- uses gentypes,userret,gensubs,subs1,subs2,flags;
- procedure configure;
- implementation
- procedure configure;
- const colorstr:array [0..7] of string[7]=
- ('Black','Blue','Green','Cyan','Red','Magenta','Brown','White');
- procedure options (c:configtype; var prompt,onstr,offstr:lstr);
- procedure ret (x1,x2,x3:lstr);
- begin
- prompt:=x1;
- onstr:=x2;
- offstr:=x3
- end;
- begin
- case c of
- linefeeds:ret('Require line feeds','Yes','No');
- eightycols:ret('Screen width','80 columns','40 columns');
- postprompts:ret('Post prompts during newscan','Yes','No');
- moreprompts:ret('Pause every screen','Yes','No');
- asciigraphics:ret('Use IBM graphics characters','Yes','No');
- showtime:ret('Display time left at prompts','Yes','No');
- lowercase:ret('Upper/lower case','Upper or lower case','Upper case only');
- fseditor:ret('Use full-screen editor','Yes','No')
- end
- end;
- function getattrib (fg,bk:integer; hi,bl:boolean):byte;
- begin
- getattrib:=fg+(byte(hi) shl 3)+(bk shl 4)+(byte(bl) shl 7)
- end;
- procedure getcolorvar (attr:byte; var fg,bk:integer; var hi,bl:boolean);
- begin
- fg:=attr and 7;
- hi:=(attr and 8)=8;
- bk:=(attr shr 4) and 7;
- bl:=(attr and 128)=128
- end;
- procedure getthing (c:configtype);
- var n:integer;
- name,onstr,offstr:lstr;
- begin
- options (c,name,onstr,offstr);
- writehdr (name);
- write ('Current setting: '^S);
- if c in urec.config then write (onstr) else write (offstr);
- writeln (^B^M^M'Would you like:');
- writeln (' 1. ',onstr);
- writeln (' 2. ',offstr);
- writestr (^M'Your choice:');
- n:=valu(input);
- if (n>0) and (n<3) then begin
- if n=2
- then urec.config:=urec.config-[c]
- else urec.config:=urec.config+[c];
- writeurec
- end
- end;
- procedure writecolorstr (a:byte);
- var fg,bk:integer;
- hi,bl:boolean;
- begin
- getcolorvar (a,fg,bk,hi,bl);
- ansicolor (a);
- if bl then write ('Blinking ');
- if hi then write ('Highlighted ');
- write (colorstr[fg]);
- if bk>0 then write (' on ',colorstr[bk])
- end;
- function colorval (str:mstr):integer;
- var cnt:integer;
- begin
- colorval:=-1;
- if match(str,'None') then begin
- colorval:=0;
- exit
- end;
- for cnt:=0 to 7 do
- if match(str,colorstr[cnt]) then begin
- colorval:=cnt;
- exit
- end
- end;
- procedure badcolor;
- var cnt:integer;
- begin
- write ('Invalid color! Valid colors are Black, ');
- for cnt:=1 to 7 do begin
- ansicolor (cnt);
- write (colorstr[cnt]);
- if cnt=7
- then writeln ('.')
- else write (', ');
- if cnt=6
- then write (', and ');
- end;
- writestr ('')
- end;
- procedure getcolor (prompt:mstr; var a:byte);
- procedure getacolor (var q:integer; prompt:mstr);
- var n:integer;
- begin
- repeat
- writestr ('Enter new '+prompt+' color:');
- if hungupon or (length(input)=0) then exit;
- n:=colorval(input);
- if n=-1
- then badcolor
- else q:=n
- until n<>-1
- end;
- var fg,bk:integer;
- hi,bl:boolean;
- begin
- if not (ansigraphics in urec.config) then begin
- writestr ('You must have ANSI emulation to see color.');
- exit
- end;
- getcolorvar (a,fg,bk,hi,bl);
- write ('Current ',prompt,' color: ');
- writecolorstr (a);
- writestr (^M^M);
- getacolor (fg,'foreground');
- getacolor (bk,'background');
- writestr ('Highlight the characters? *');
- hi:=yes;
- writestr ('Should the characters blink? *');
- bl:=yes;
- a:=getattrib (fg,bk,hi,bl)
- end;
- procedure emulation;
- begin
- writeln (^B^M'Note: ANSI is required for color.');
- writeln ( ' VT52 or ANSI is required for the full-screen editor.');
- writeln;
- writeln (^B'Please choose your terminal type.'^M^M,
- ' 1. ANSI Color'^M,
- ' 2. VT52 Emulation'^M,
- ' 3. None'^M);
- writestr ('Emulation type:');
- if length(input)=0 then exit;
- urec.config:=urec.config-[ansigraphics,vt52];
- case valu(input) of
- 1:urec.config:=urec.config+[ansigraphics];
- 2:urec.config:=urec.config+[vt52]
- end
- end;
- procedure getdisplaylen;
- var v:integer;
- begin
- writeln ('Current display length is: '^S,urec.displaylen);
- writestr (^M'Enter new display length:');
- if length(input)=0 then exit;
- v:=valu(input);
- if (v<21) or (v>43)
- then writeln ('Invalid!')
- else urec.displaylen:=v
- end;
- procedure configurenewscan;
- var bd:boardrec;
- bn:integer;
- ac:accesstype;
- begin
- opentempbdfile;
- seek (bdfile,0);
- for bn:=0 to filesize(bdfile)-1 do begin
- read (bdfile,bd);
- ac:=getuseraccflag(urec,bn);
- if (ac=letin) or ((ulvl>=bd.level) and (ac=bylevel)) then begin
- writestr ('Newscan '+bd.boardname+' (now '+
- yesno(not (bn in urec.newscanconfig))+'):');
- if length(input)<>0 then
- if yes
- then urec.newscanconfig:=urec.newscanconfig-[bn]
- else urec.newscanconfig:=urec.newscanconfig+[bn]
- end
- end;
- closetempbdfile
- end;
- procedure showit (s,v:lstr);
- begin
- if break then exit;
- tab (s+':',30);
- writeln (^S,v)
- end;
- procedure showthing (c:configtype);
- var n:integer;
- name,onstr,offstr:lstr;
- begin
- if break then exit;
- options (c,name,onstr,offstr);
- tab (name+':',30);
- write (^S);
- if c in urec.config
- then write (^S,onstr)
- else write (^S,offstr);
- writeln
- end;
- procedure showemulation;
- var q:lstr;
- begin
- if ansigraphics in urec.config
- then q:='ANSI Color'
- else if vt52 in urec.config
- then q:='VT52 Emulation'
- else q:='None';
- showit ('Terminal type',q)
- end;
- procedure showdisplaylen;
- begin
- showit ('Display length',strr(urec.displaylen))
- end;
- procedure showcolor (prompt:mstr; attr:byte);
- begin
- if break then exit;
- tab (' '+prompt+' color:',30);
- writecolorstr (attr);
- writeln
- end;
- procedure yourstatus;
- begin
- writehdr ('Your Configuration');
- showthing (linefeeds);
- showthing (eightycols);
- showthing (postprompts);
- showthing (moreprompts);
- showthing (asciigraphics);
- showthing (showtime);
- showthing (lowercase);
- showemulation;
- showthing (fseditor);
- showdisplaylen;
- if ansigraphics in urec.config then begin
- showcolor ('Prompt',urec.promptcolor);
- showcolor ('Input',urec.inputcolor);
- showcolor ('Regular',urec.regularcolor);
- showcolor ('Statistic',urec.statcolor)
- end
- end;
- var q:integer;
- begin
- repeat
- if (not (lowercase in urec.config)) and (ansigraphics in urec.config)
- then begin
- urec.config:=urec.config+[lowercase];
- writestr ('You may not use ANSI in uppercase-only mode.')
- end;
- if (fseditor in urec.config) and
- (urec.config=urec.config-[ansigraphics,vt52])
- then begin
- urec.config:=urec.config-[fseditor];
- writestr ('You may not use the full-screen editor without ANSI or VT52 emulation.')
- end;
- q:=menu ('Configuration','CONFIG','QLWOMGTUEDPIRSNYF');
- case q of
- 2:getthing (linefeeds);
- 3:getthing (eightycols);
- 4:getthing (postprompts);
- 5:getthing (moreprompts);
- 6:getthing (asciigraphics);
- 7:getthing (showtime);
- 8:getthing (lowercase);
- 9:emulation;
- 10:getdisplaylen;
- 11:getcolor ('prompt',urec.promptcolor);
- 12:getcolor ('input',urec.inputcolor);
- 13:getcolor ('regular',urec.regularcolor);
- 14:getcolor ('statistic',urec.statcolor);
- 15:configurenewscan;
- 16:yourstatus;
- 17:getthing (fseditor)
- end;
- writeurec
- until (q=1) or hungupon
- end;
- begin
- end.