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- {$R-,S+,I+,D+,T-,F-,V-,B-,N-,L-}
- {$M 7000,0,0 }
- { $define checkmode} {***** CLOSE THIS TO SEE WHAT CHANGED *****}
- program convert;
- uses crt,gentypes,configrt,gensubs,statret;
- {$I c:\forum20e\gentypes} {***** SPECIFY GENTYPES FROM OLD VERSION HERE *****}
- {$ifdef checkmode}
- procedure check (s1,s2:integer; t:string; done:boolean);
- var x:integer;
- const rows:array [1..4] of integer=(3,3,3,3);
- cols:array [1..4] of integer=(1,21,41,61);
- begin
- if s1<>s2
- then if done
- then x:=2
- else x:=1
- else if done
- then x:=4
- else x:=3;
- gotoxy (cols[x],rows[x]);
- write (t);
- inc(rows[x])
- end;
- begin
- clrscr;
- writeln ('Needs fixing Fixed Unchanged Unchanged/converted');
- check (sizeof(udrec),sizeof(gentypes.udrec),'udrec',true);
- check (sizeof(userrec),sizeof(gentypes.userrec),'userrec',true);
- check (sizeof(boardrec),sizeof(gentypes.boardrec),'boardrec',true);
- check (sizeof(bulrec),sizeof(gentypes.bulrec),'bulrec',true);
- check (sizeof(filerec),sizeof(gentypes.filerec),'filerec',true);
- check (sizeof(mailrec),sizeof(gentypes.mailrec),'mailrec/feedback',true);
- check (sizeof(abrec),sizeof(gentypes.abrec),'abrec',false);
- { check (sizeof(catalogrec),sizeof(gentypes.catalogrec),'catalogrec',false); }
- check (sizeof(grouprec),sizeof(gentypes.grouprec),'grouprec',false);
- check (sizeof(topicrec),sizeof(gentypes.topicrec),'topicrec',false);
- check (sizeof(choicerec),sizeof(gentypes.choicerec),'choicerec',false);
- check (sizeof(lastrec),sizeof(gentypes.lastrec),'lastrec',true);
- check (sizeof(baserec),sizeof(gentypes.baserec),'baserec',true);
- check (sizeof(entryrec),sizeof(gentypes.entryrec),'entryrec',true);
- check (sizeof(arearec),sizeof(gentypes.arearec),'arearec',true);
- check (sizeof(doorrec),sizeof(gentypes.doorrec),'doorrec',false);
- check (sizeof(logrec),sizeof(gentypes.logrec),'logrec',true);
- check (sizeof(syslogdatrec),sizeof(gentypes.syslogdatrec),'syslogdatrec',false)
- {$else}
- var windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2,scrnwidth,midpoint:integer;
- when,shoulderase:boolean;
- procedure killfile (newname:string);
- var f2:file;
- x:integer;
- begin
- assign (f2,newname);
- {$I-} erase (f2); {$I+}
- x:=ioresult
- end;
- procedure window (x1,y1,x2,y2:integer);
- begin
- windowx1:=x1;
- windowy1:=y1;
- windowx2:=x2;
- windowy2:=y2;
- scrnwidth:=x2-x1+1;
- midpoint:=scrnwidth div 2;
- crt.window (x1,y1,x2,y2)
- end;
- procedure center (y:integer; l:string);
- begin
- gotoxy (1,y);
- clreol;
- gotoxy (midpoint-length(l) div 2,y);
- write (l)
- end;
- procedure returntodos;
- begin
- window (1,1,80,25);
- textcolor (6);
- textbackground (0);
- gotoxy (1,25);
- clreol;
- gotoxy (1,24);
- clreol;
- halt
- end;
- procedure topmessage (x:string; printalso:boolean);
- var xx,yy:integer;
- begin
- xx:=wherex;
- yy:=wherey;
- window (1,1,80,25);
- gotoxy (1,6);
- textcolor (15);
- textbackground (1);
- clreol;
- window (3,1,78,25);
- textcolor (14);
- textbackground (0);
- center (4,x);
- window (3,8,78,21);
- gotoxy (xx,yy);
- textcolor (6);
- textbackground (0);
- if printalso then writeln (^M^J,x,^M^J);
- end;
- procedure divider;
- begin
- writeln;
- writeln ('────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────');
- end;
- procedure init;
- var cnt:integer;
- begin
- checksnow:=true;
- textmode (bw80);
- textcolor (15);
- textbackground (1);
- window (1,1,80,25);
- for cnt:=1 to 46 do begin
- gotoxy (1,cnt div 2);
- write (' ');
- gotoxy (80,cnt div 2);
- write (' ');
- gotoxy (cnt,1);
- write (' ');
- gotoxy (79-cnt,1);
- write (' ');
- gotoxy (cnt,23);
- write (' ');
- gotoxy (79-cnt,23);
- write (' ');
- if odd(cnt)
- then gotoxy (39+cnt div 2,12)
- else gotoxy (40-cnt div 2,12);
- delay (10)
- end;
- center (1,'Forum-PC Conversion Program');
- center (2,versionnum+' to '+gentypes.versionnum);
- window (3,4,78,21);
- gotoxy (1,1);
- textcolor (6);
- textbackground (0);
- topmessage ('',false);
- clrscr
- end;
- procedure ensureconfigexists;
- var f:file;
- begin
- topmessage ('Searching for CONFIG.BBS',false);
- assign (f,'config.bbs');
- {$I-} reset (f); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- writeln ('Sorry! I can''t seem to locate your CONFIG.BBS file.');
- writeln ('This means that either:');
- writeln (' 1. You aren''t running CONVERT from your Forum-PC directory');
- writeln (' 2. You haven''t been using an old version and you don''t need to convert');
- writeln;
- writeln ('If you have been running an old version, please change to your Forum-PC');
- writeln ('directory and run this program again.');
- writeln;
- writeln ('If you haven''t been using an old version, then you don''t need this program!');
- returntodos
- end;
- close (f)
- end;
- procedure readconfig; { Shouldn't check version code }
- var q:file of configrt.configsettype;
- begin
- topmessage ('Reading CONFIG.BBS',false);
- assign (q,'Config.BBS');
- reset (q);
- read (q,configset);
- close (q)
- end;
- procedure writeconfig;
- var q:file of configrt.configsettype;
- begin
- assign (q,'Config.BBS');
- rewrite (q);
- write (q,configset);
- close (q)
- end;
- procedure ensurenotsecondtime;
- begin
- if versioncode=gentypes.thisversioncode then begin
- topmessage ('WARNING! You may have already converted',false);
- writeln ('It appears that you may have already converted.');
- writeln ('It is important that you do not try to convert twice!');
- writeln;
- write ('Are you sure you wish to convert [y/n]: ');
- if upcase(readkey)='Y'
- then writeln ('Yes')
- else returntodos
- end;
- divider
- end;
- procedure shouldierase;
- var k:char;
- begin
- topmessage ('Keep old disk files?',false);
- writeln ('In the conversion process, I ordinarily simply remove the old versions');
- writeln ('of Forum''s various data files. However, if you wish, I will keep the old');
- writeln ('data files, with an extension of ".OLD".');
- writeln;
- write ('Should I KEEP the old data files [y/n]: ');
- repeat
- k:=upcase(readkey)
- until k in ['Y','N'];
- shoulderase:=k='N';
- if shoulderase
- then write ('No, erase')
- else write ('Yes, keep');
- writeln (' old disk files');
- divider
- end;
- function convertdati (da,ti:sstr):longint;
- begin
- convertdati:=dateval(da)+timeval(ti)
- end;
- procedure convertfilexfer;
- procedure convertarearec (var oa:arearec; var a:gentypes.arearec);
- begin
- with a do begin
- name:=oa.name;
- xmodemdir:=oa.xmodemdir;
- sponsor:=oa.sponsor;
- level:=oa.level
- end
- end;
- procedure convertudrec (var o:udrec; var u:gentypes.udrec);
- begin
- u.sentby:=o.sentby;
- u.when:=convertdati(o.sentda,o.sentti);
- u.whenrated:=u.when;
- u.sentby:=o.sentby;
- u.filename:=o.filename;
- u.path:=o.path;
- u.points:=o.points;
- if (o.filesize<maxlongint) and (o.filesize>0)
- then u.filesize:=round(o.filesize)
- else u.filesize:=-1;
- u.descrip:=o.descrip;
- u.downloaded:=o.downloaded;
- u.newfile:=ord(o.newfile)<>0;
- u.specialfile:=ord(o.specialfile)<>0
- end;
- var oa:arearec;
- ou:udrec;
- a:gentypes.arearec;
- u:gentypes.udrec;
- oaf:file of arearec;
- ouf:file of udrec;
- af:file of gentypes.arearec;
- uf:file of gentypes.udrec;
- k:char;
- anum:integer;
- begin
- writeln ('NO! I REFUSE to do this.');
- halt;
- topmessage ('Converting file transfer section',true);
- assign (oaf,'areadir');
- killfile ('areadir.old');
- {$I-} rename (oaf,'areadir.old'); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- writeln ('I can''t locate a file transfer section!');
- writeln ('Press any key to continue...');
- k:=readkey;
- divider;
- exit
- end;
- reset (oaf);
- assign (af,'areadir');
- rewrite (af);
- writeln ('Filesize = ',filesize(oaf));
- for anum:=1 to filesize(oaf) do begin
- seek (oaf,anum-1);
- read (oaf,oa);
- convertarearec (oa,a);
- write (af,a);
- writeln (' Converting area ',anum,': ',a.name);
- assign (ouf,'area'+strr(anum));
- killfile ('area'+strr(anum)+'.old');
- {$I-} rename (ouf,'area'+strr(anum)+'.old'); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0
- then writeln (' **** Unable to access file AREA',anum)
- else begin
- assign (uf,'area'+strr(anum));
- rewrite (uf);
- reset (ouf);
- while not eof(ouf) do begin
- read (ouf,ou);
- convertudrec (ou,u);
- write (uf,u)
- end;
- close (uf);
- close (ouf);
- if shoulderase then erase (ouf)
- end
- end;
- close (af);
- close (oaf);
- if shoulderase then erase(oaf);
- divider
- end;
- procedure convertuserfile;
- procedure convertuserrec (var ou:userrec; var u:gentypes.userrec);
- begin
- with u do begin
- handle:=ou.handle;
- password:=ou.password;
- phonenum:=ou.phonenum;
- laston:=convertdati(ou.londa,ou.lonti);
- numon:=ou.numon;
- timetoday:=ou.timetoday;
- nup:=ou.nup;
- ndn:=ou.ndn;
- nbu:=ou.nbu;
- uploads:=ou.uploads;
- downloads:=ou.downloads;
- totaltime:=ou.totaltime;
- voted:=gentypes.voteset(ou.voted);
- udlevel:=ou.udlevel;
- udpoints:=ou.udpoints;
- level:=ou.level;
- emailannounce:=ou.emailannounce;
- beepedpwd:=ou.beepedpwd;
- infoform:=ou.infoform;
- regularcolor:=ou.regularcolor;
- promptcolor:=ou.promptcolor;
- statcolor:=ou.statcolor;
- inputcolor:=ou.inputcolor;
- displaylen:=ou.displaylen;
- config:=ou.config;
- newscanconfig:=ou.newscanconfig;
- access1:=ou.access1;
- access2:=ou.access2;
- fillchar (lastread,sizeof(lastread),0)
- end
- end;
- var uf:file of gentypes.userrec;
- ouf:file of userrec;
- ou:userrec;
- u:gentypes.userrec;
- k:char;
- cnt:integer;
- begin
- topmessage ('Converting user list',true);
- assign (ouf,'users');
- killfile ('users.old');
- {$I-} rename (ouf,'users.old'); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- writeln ('I can''t find the user list!');
- writeln ('Press any key to continue...');
- k:=readkey;
- divider;
- exit
- end;
- reset (ouf);
- assign (uf,'users');
- rewrite (uf);
- cnt:=0;
- while not eof(ouf) do begin
- read (ouf,ou);
- convertuserrec (ou,u);
- write (uf,u);
- cnt:=cnt+1;
- if (cnt mod 10)=0 then write (cnt,'... ')
- end;
- writeln ('Done!');
- close (uf);
- close (ouf);
- if shoulderase then erase (ouf);
- divider
- end;
- procedure convertconfig;
- var f:file;
- k:char;
- begin
- topmessage ('Converting configuration',true);
- assign (f,'config.bbs');
- killfile ('config.old');
- {$I-} rename (f,'config.old'); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- writeln ('This can''t happen! I can''t find the configuration file!');
- writeln ('Press any key to continue...');
- k:=readkey;
- divider;
- exit
- end;
- versioncode:=gentypes.thisversioncode;
- directvideo:=true;
- checksnowmode:=true;
- hashayes:=false;
- writeconfig;
- if shoulderase then erase(f);
- divider
- end;
- procedure convertbulletins;
- var counter:word;
- procedure convertboardrec (var obd:boardrec; var bd:gentypes.boardrec);
- begin
- with bd do begin
- boardname:=obd.boardname;
- sponsor:=obd.sponsor;
- level:=obd.level;
- autodel:=obd.autodel;
- shortname:=obd.shortname
- end
- end;
- procedure convertbulrec (var ob:bulrec; var b:gentypes.bulrec);
- begin
- counter:=counter+1;
- with b do begin
- title:=ob.title;
- leftby:=ob.leftby;
- when:=convertdati(ob.leftda,ob.leftti);
- anon:=ob.anon;
- line:=ob.line;
- plevel:=ob.plevel;
- id:=counter
- end
- end;
- procedure convertfilerec (var oof:filerec; var f:gentypes.filerec);
- begin
- with f do begin
- descrip:=oof.descrip;
- fname:=oof.fname;
- sentby:=oof.sentby;
- when:=convertdati(oof.sentda,oof.sentti);
- downloaded:=oof.downloaded;
- end
- end;
- var bf:file of gentypes.bulrec;
- obf:file of bulrec;
- ff:file of gentypes.filerec;
- off:file of filerec;
- bdf:file of gentypes.boardrec;
- obdf:file of boardrec;
- b:gentypes.bulrec;
- ob:bulrec;
- f:gentypes.filerec;
- oof:filerec;
- bd:gentypes.boardrec;
- obd:boardrec;
- k:char;
- cbprefix:lstr;
- begin
- topmessage ('Converting bulletin section',true);
- assign (obdf,boarddir+'boarddir');
- killfile (boarddir+'boarddir.old');
- {$I-} rename (obdf,boarddir+'boarddir.old'); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- writeln ('I can''t find the bulletin section! (',boarddir,'BOARDDIR)');
- writeln ('Press any key to continue...');
- k:=readkey;
- divider;
- exit
- end;
- reset (obdf);
- assign (bdf,boarddir+'boarddir');
- rewrite (bdf);
- while not eof(obdf) do begin
- read (obdf,obd);
- convertboardrec (obd,bd);
- write (bdf,bd);
- writeln (' Converting ',bd.boardname,' [',bd.shortname,']');
- writeln (' bulletins');
- cbprefix:=boarddir+bd.shortname+'.';
- assign (obf,cbprefix+'bul');
- killfile (cbprefix+'obu');
- {$I-} rename (obf,cbprefix+'obu'); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0
- then writeln (' **** Unable to access file ',cbprefix,'BUL')
- else begin
- reset (obf);
- assign (bf,cbprefix+'bul');
- rewrite (bf);
- counter:=0;
- while not eof(obf) do begin
- read (obf,ob);
- convertbulrec (ob,b);
- write (bf,b)
- end;
- close (bf);
- close (obf);
- if shoulderase then erase (obf)
- end;
- writeln (' text files');
- assign (off,cbprefix+'fil');
- killfile (cbprefix+'ofi');
- {$I-} rename (off,cbprefix+'ofi'); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0
- then writeln (' **** Unable to access file ',cbprefix,'FIL')
- else begin
- reset (off);
- assign (ff,cbprefix+'fil');
- rewrite (ff);
- while not eof(off) do begin
- read (off,oof);
- convertfilerec (oof,f);
- write (ff,f)
- end;
- close (ff);
- close (off);
- if shoulderase then erase (off)
- end
- end;
- close (bdf);
- close (obdf);
- if shoulderase then erase (obdf);
- divider
- end;
- procedure convertmailgeneral (secname,fname:string);
- procedure convertmailrec (var om:mailrec; var m:gentypes.mailrec);
- begin
- with m do begin
- title:=om.title;
- sentby:=om.sentby;
- when:=convertdati(om.sentda,om.sentti);
- anon:=om.anon;
- read:=om.read;
- sentto:=om.sentto;
- line:=om.line;
- fileindex:=om.fileindex
- end
- end;
- var omf:file of mailrec;
- mf:file of gentypes.mailrec;
- om:mailrec;
- m:gentypes.mailrec;
- k:char;
- cnt:integer;
- begin
- topmessage ('Converting '+secname,true);
- assign (omf,fname);
- killfile (fname+'.old');
- {$I-} rename (omf,fname+'.old'); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- writeln ('I can''t find the '+secname+' file!');
- writeln ('Press any key to continue...');
- k:=readkey;
- divider;
- exit
- end;
- reset (omf);
- assign (mf,fname);
- rewrite (mf);
- cnt:=0;
- while not eof(omf) do begin
- {$I-} read (omf,om); {$I+}
- if ioresult=0 then begin
- convertmailrec (om,m);
- write (mf,m);
- cnt:=cnt+1;
- if (cnt mod 10)=0 then write (cnt,'... ')
- end
- end;
- close (mf);
- close (omf);
- if shoulderase then erase (omf);
- divider
- end;
- procedure convertemail;
- begin
- convertmailgeneral ('electronic mail','mail')
- end;
- procedure convertfeedback;
- begin
- convertmailgeneral ('feedback','feedback')
- end;
- procedure convertdatabase;
- procedure convertbaserec (var ob:baserec; var b:gentypes.baserec);
- begin
- if sizeof(ob)=sizeof(b)
- then move(ob,b,sizeof(ob))
- else begin
- writeln ('ARGH, gentypes.baserec has changed size!');
- halt
- end
- end;
- procedure convertentryrec (var oe:entryrec; var e:gentypes.entryrec);
- begin
- e.data:=oe.data;
- e.when:=convertdati(oe.eda,oe.eti);
- e.addedby:=oe.addedby
- end;
- var ob:baserec;
- oe:entryrec;
- b:gentypes.baserec;
- e:gentypes.entryrec;
- obf:file of baserec;
- oef:file of entryrec;
- bf:file of gentypes.baserec;
- ef:file of gentypes.entryrec;
- k:char;
- bnum:integer;
- begin
- topmessage ('Converting database section',true);
- assign (obf,'datadir');
- killfile ('datadir.old');
- {$I-} rename (obf,'datadir.old'); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- writeln ('I can''t locate the database section!');
- writeln ('Press any key to continue...');
- k:=readkey;
- divider;
- exit
- end;
- reset (obf);
- assign (bf,'datadir');
- rewrite (bf);
- for bnum:=1 to filesize(obf) do begin
- seek (obf,bnum-1);
- read (obf,ob);
- convertbaserec (ob,b);
- write (bf,b);
- writeln (' Converting database ',bnum,': ',b.basename);
- assign (oef,'database.'+strr(bnum));
- killfile ('data'+strr(bnum)+'.old');
- {$I-} rename (oef,'data'+strr(bnum)+'.old'); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0
- then writeln (' **** Unable to access file DATABASE.',bnum)
- else begin
- assign (ef,'database.'+strr(bnum));
- rewrite (ef);
- reset (oef);
- while not eof(oef) do begin
- read (oef,oe);
- convertentryrec (oe,e);
- write (ef,e)
- end;
- close (ef);
- close (oef);
- if shoulderase then erase (oef)
- end
- end;
- close (bf);
- close (obf);
- if shoulderase then erase(obf);
- divider
- end;
- procedure convertlastcallers;
- var cnum:integer;
- procedure convertlastrec (var ol:lastrec; var l:gentypes.lastrec);
- begin
- l.name:=ol.name;
- l.when:=convertdati(ol.da,ol.ti);
- l.callnum:=round(numcallers)-maxlastcallers+cnum
- end;
- var ol:lastrec;
- l:gentypes.lastrec;
- olf:file of lastrec;
- lf:file of gentypes.lastrec;
- k:char;
- begin
- topmessage ('Converting list of recent callers',true);
- assign (olf,'callers');
- killfile ('callers.old');
- {$I-} rename (olf,'callers.old'); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- writeln ('I can''t find the recent caller file!');
- writeln ('Press any key to continue...');
- k:=readkey;
- divider;
- exit
- end;
- reset (olf);
- assign (lf,'callers');
- rewrite (lf);
- cnum:=0;
- while not eof(olf) do begin
- cnum:=cnum+1;
- read (olf,ol);
- convertlastrec (ol,l);
- write (lf,l)
- end;
- close (lf);
- close (olf);
- if shoulderase then erase (olf);
- divider
- end;
- procedure convertsystemlog;
- procedure convertlogrec (var ol:logrec; var l:gentypes.logrec);
- begin
- l.menu:=ol.menu;
- l.subcommand:=ol.subcommand;
- l.param:=ol.param;
- l.when:=convertdati(ol.date,ol.time)
- end;
- var ol:logrec;
- l:gentypes.logrec;
- olf:file of logrec;
- lf:file of gentypes.logrec;
- k:char;
- lnum:integer;
- begin
- topmessage ('Converting system log',true);
- assign (olf,'syslog');
- killfile ('syslog.old');
- {$I-} rename (olf,'syslog.old'); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- writeln ('I can''t find the system log!');
- writeln ('Press any key to continue...');
- k:=readkey;
- divider;
- exit
- end;
- reset (olf);
- assign (lf,'syslog');
- rewrite (lf);
- lnum:=0;
- while not eof(olf) do begin
- read (olf,ol);
- convertlogrec (ol,l);
- write (lf,l);
- lnum:=lnum+1;
- if (lnum mod 10)=0 then write (lnum,'... ')
- end;
- writeln ('Done!');
- close (lf);
- close (olf);
- if shoulderase then erase (olf);
- divider
- end;
- procedure alldone;
- begin
- topmessage ('Conversion is complete!',true);
- writeln ('You should now be able to run ',gentypes.versionnum,'.');
- returntodos
- end;
- begin
- init;
- ensureconfigexists;
- readconfig;
- readstatus;
- ensurenotsecondtime;
- shouldierase;
- convertfeedback;
- convertconfig;
- convertbulletins;
- convertdatabase;
- convertemail;
- convertfilexfer;
- convertlastcallers;
- convertsystemlog;
- convertuserfile;
- alldone
- {$endif}
- end.