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- ==============
- You may now enter the text of your message. Words will be wrapped
- automatically for you. While writing your message, or after you have
- finished entering the message, there are several "slash commands" that
- you may use. They are:
- /? - Display the editor commands.
- /S - Save the current message/piece of mail.
- /A - Abort sending the message/letter and return to current subsystem.
- /C - Clear Workspace. This will delete the current message and allow you
- to begin from scratch.
- /D - Delete A Line. This will prompt the system for a line number to
- delete. Enter the line number you wish to delete or <CR> to ignore.
- /I - Insert A Line. This will allow you to begin inserting lines into
- the current message/letter before a given line number.
- /K - Kill Last Line. This will delete the last line of text.
- /L - This will list the message in the current workspace; answering 'Y'
- to line numbers will print the corresponding line number above
- each line. Answering 'Y' to a translate MCI codes will allow you
- to see the "MCI" in action (executing MCI instead of carets).
- /R - Replace A Line. This will allow you to replace a line of text with
- a new line of text.
- /T - Replace Current Title. This will allow you to change the title of your
- message/letter.
- /U - Update/Edit A Line. This will allow you to change a portion of a line
- number specified when the system prompts for a line number.
- /Y - Saves the current message/letter anonymously if allowed.
- /N - Saves the current message/letter normally if allowed.
- Other editor options:
- >C - This will center the remaining text on the line on the screen.
- >S/old/new - This will substitute string 'old' for string 'new' in the
- last line.
- Examples:
- >c:this is centered
- Results:
- this is centered
- this is some text i am typing.
- /su/some/a lot of
- Results:
- this is a lot of text i am typing.
- CONTROL-F - Ctrl-F Macro (User programable, 'D','E' at the main menu)
- CONTROL-D - Ctrl-D Macro (User programable, 'D','E' at the main menu)
- CONTROL-A - Ctrl-A Macro (User programable, 'D','E' at the main menu)
- CONTROL-N - Inserts a backspace in your line.
- CONTROL-X - Deletes the line you are typing.
- CONTROL-W - Deletes the current word you are typing.
- CONTROL-I - Tabs 5 spaces.
- CONTROL-P - This will allow you to change colors within your text. To do
- this, simply hit Ctrl-P followed by a number (0-7). This will
- change your current color to that color number. (Go to the
- default section, option 'K' to find which numbers correspond to
- which colors). To see the colors, you must have the ANSI option
- turned on.
- Pipes:
- Use of pipes in messages may/may not create an ANSI sequence equivilent
- to an ESC[, or Escape + '['. This simplifies the use of ANSI in the editing
- environment.
- MCI Commands. Read the text file on ELITE MCI commands or consult your sysop
- about these if you are interested.