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- ===============
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- M - Message & Mail System. This brings you to the message-base sub-boards
- where public posts and replys are posted. Conversations and such are
- conducted in this area.
- T - Transfer System. This is the Upload/Download section of the bulletin
- board. It allows one to trade files through the BBS.
- E - Electronic Post Office. This will bring you to the post office, where
- all E-Mail/Letters are transacted and such.
- G - General Text Files. These are textfiles which have been put online for
- immediate viewing or download.
- P - Programs & Doors. The system may have on-line programs or user games;
- check this if so. These can be interesing.
- D - Default/Parameters Menu. This will bring you to the Default/Parameter
- menu where you can change your stats on things such as Menu Emulation,
- ANSI, the pause on each page prompt, and much more. This offers more
- personalization for you, the user.
- --------
- $ - Time Bank. Allows you to save some of your left over time to take
- out later when you really need it, also allows the exchange of file
- points for time or time for file points.
- I - Info-Forms. Several questionarres or applications may be available
- for you, the user, to fill out.
- S - Say Auto-Message. This allows you to change the auto-message seen
- when users log on. It will also allow you to read/reply to the current
- auto-message if you desired.
- V - Voting Booth. There are up to 19 questions that you may vote on.
- B - BBS Listings. This will bring you to the BBS Listings menu, where you
- will be able to add to or view 3 bbs lists.
- A - Announcements. A listing of bulletins one may view online.
- ---------
- Y - Your Statistics. This will show you your current user information.
- L - Log of the day. This displays a list of users who logged on today.
- C - Chat with Sysop. This command turns on a pager, which may attract or
- distract the attention of the Sysop.
- F - Feedback. This enables you to send a letter to the sysop and/or several
- different users instead of accessing the Post Office.
- X - Xpert/Novice Mode Toggle. This will toggle the display of each menu
- after each command is entered.
- N - News And Other Information. Displays information or news.
- ? - Print the menu for the Main Subsystem.
- O - Outta Here. This loggs you off the system.
- --------
- /O - Log off immediately. This will hang you up instantly.
- /C - Clear The Screen. Sends a clearscreen code and will clear your screen.
- /D - Disclaimer. Prints the system disclaimer/rules for all users to view.
- /V - Version & Credits. Shows version & credits information concerning the
- particular version of Elite.
- -------
- CONTROL-O - Online Help. This is specific to each area you are in. Such as
- this help file for the main menu.
- CONTROL-T - Time/Date Statistics. This will show the current date, time, and
- the time you have left.