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- This is version 1.1 of the IBM PC air warrior.
- Copyright (c) Kesmai Corporation 1989, 1990.
- Written by Kelton Flinn and David Albrecht of the Kesmai Corporation.
- Ported to the IBM by David Albrecht.
- A manual is available for ordering online, type 'ORDER'.
- Visit the kesmai round table, type 'KESMAI'.
- There is no advantage to using 2400 baud, 1200 is sufficient.
- Important notes to new users
- ----------------------------
- The MOST important thing to remember as a new user in the on-line game is
- that you have friends as well as enemies. The players of the online game
- are divided into three countries A, B, and C. A different color is assigned
- to each of the three countries (which varies according to the choice
- of CGA or EGA resolutions).
- If you inspect your dashboard the far left side has the three country
- symbols outlined in their respective colors. When on-line, below the three
- country symbols is the symbol for your country of allegiance.
- In the on-line game, planes that are 5000 yards or less distant from
- yours will be tracked by a symbol in the row between the picture and the
- dashboard. This symbol will be a surrounded by a square colored appropriately
- for their country of allegiance.
- If you shoot down planes of the same country as yourself, you will be rendered
- PNG (persona non grata) and will not receive any further ammo on takeoff.
- To clear the condition you will have to change to a different country
- (which you can only do once in 24 hours). Not unsurprisingly, your team-mates
- also tend to get miffed if you shoot them.
- Each country in the on-line game has a unique set of airfields. Ergo, if a
- plane is taking off in front of you it is virtually guaranteed that it is the
- same country as you. Typically, all the planes around the airfield will also
- be 'friendlies' though occasionally enemy planes brave ack-ack fire to make
- excursions to enemy airfields and harass pilots taking off or make bomb runs.
- General Info
- ============
- The menu bar is activated by F1.
- The mouse can now be used in the menus. Hold down the right mouse button
- to get the menu bar. Letting go of the right button will select the item
- the mouse cursor is currently over. To select multiple items on one menu
- click the left mouse button while keeping the right button depressed.
- Don't invoke air warrior program by escaping from ANY terminal program.
- Air Warrior is too big to reside with a terminal emulator and it also
- wants sole control over the serial port. Exit from the terminal
- program you are using and then invoke Air Warrior.
- If you have problems getting Air Warrior to come up initially, trying
- giving the video adapter you are using on the command line after Air Warrior.
- If you you have a CGA card then use 'airwar c', EGA use 'airwar e',
- VGA use 'airwar v'.
- The highest res mode is marginally useful at this point as I am bumping
- against memory limitations. Currently, artwork in that mode is simply not
- possible. We are looking into alternatives for more accessable memory i.e.
- LIM, dos extenders, and more versatile overlay managers.
- Be sure to enable the sound, hit, and stall fields. Audible feedback for
- these items is very handy.
- The most popular plane artwork files for the Amiga
- are compatible with the pc's EGA 320x200 mode. The palette might be somewhat
- strange but otherwise it should be reasonable looking. You can go to
- the Amiga user contributions area and download any 'E' style file.
- You might have to shorten the file name slightly after un-arcing, however,
- for the spitfire, parachute, and skydiver.
- Bugs and cheating
- =================
- Kesmai's policy on cheating. Due to the distributed nature of this program
- it is more susceptable to 'hacking' to gain an unfair advantage. The whole
- concept of Air Warrior is that it will reward a 'skilled' pilot. No one is
- particularly interested in a players ability to 'hack' code. At the present
- time the host has a fairly extensive amount of checking for 'cheating'.
- If the program reports to us that you are cheating we will 'blacklist' you
- from the game. Just so there is no confusion, not only will hacking the
- program get you blacklisted, so will running someone else's hacked version.
- Deliberately hunting for and exploiting aspects of the game that allow
- anti-social behavior (like shooting down teammates) under the guise of
- looking for 'bugs' isn't doing us any favors. The time spent fixing these
- 'bugs' is really better spent improving the game especially since such 'bugs'
- aren't a problem if no one exploits them.
- There are limits to how far we can go in programmatically limiting
- anti-social behavior without spoiling the game for everyone. Human
- intervention is the only way to fill that gap between where the
- program limitation leaves off and acceptable behavior begins.
- Generally, we won't step in unless someone is abusing the game in a
- way that is spoiling the game for other people, but we certainly
- reserve the right to do so.
- Artwork file checking simply rejects a view it doesn't like we won't
- ever consider it 'cheating'.
- We are grateful for any bug reports you can give us even though we won't
- always be able to recreate and fix the problem.
- -------
- Menus
- =====
- The mouse can now be used in the menus. Hold down the right mouse button
- to get the menu bar. Letting go of the right button will select the item
- the mouse cursor is currently over. To select multiple items on one menu
- click the left mouse button while keeping the right button depressed.
- Most of the menu entries I won't try and explain in this short guide.
- I will comment on some of the ones that seem to cause the most confusion.
- Data location - This is the DIRECTORY (and/or disk) where you have placed your
- plane art and sound files. If you put the plane art files in the same
- directory with the EXE file then leave the data location field blank. Do not
- put the name of a plane file in the data location field.
- Hangup - Air Warrior will not drop DTR if hangup = NO is selected. You should
- be able to switch to Air Warrior from another comm program given that the comm
- program will also not drop DTR.
- Dial string - If you have a problem with the dial string, be sure you enter
- the ATDT before the number. The requested dial string must include the ENTIRE
- string needed to make your modem dial out. You can, of course, just type
- the commands to the modem since once you enter terminal mode you are
- directly connected to the modem.
- Joystick menu - The joystick menu contains three entries: enable, calibrate
- center, and calibrate corner. The first is self explanatory. When you first
- put a joystick on the machine (or change joysticks) you need to select both
- calibrate options, center first (with the joystick centered) and then
- corner (with the joystick in any corner). Note that occasionally a new
- release of the Air Warrior software will change the format of your config
- file and remove your old one requiring you to set up your various configuration
- options anew. When this happens you will also have to recalibrate your
- joystick.
- Resolution - Air Warrior has the capability for using different resolution
- picture screens as supported by your video card and monitor.
- In-mem views - Air Warrior can use artwork files to replace the computer
- generated views. As loading an artwork file from the disk can be quite slow
- this option allows you to specify how many views to hold in memory in expanded
- format. '0' will always load the view from the artwork file while '1-10' will
- hold that number of views in memory. Be judicious in choosing this number
- because too large a number can exhaust the available memory and cause a program
- crash. Given the very limited amount of directly accessable memory in the PC,
- it is probably better (if you have expanded memory) to use 0 in-mem views and
- load the art from a RAM disk using the data location option.
- Holdown keys - The hold-down key option uses the keyboard intercept
- feature of the BIOS (given your BIOS has it) to make the view keys operate
- only while they are held down instead of a sticky key sequence. Releasing
- the keys will revert to the front view. In this mode, the space bar doubles
- as a brake in addition to the alt key.
- Disk Sounds - Normally when using digital sound files all the samples will be
- loaded in at start-up. You can use this option to load the sounds as
- they are queueing to be played. The engine and machine gun sounds will
- always be loaded start-up. This option should use less memory and seems
- to work pretty well when sounds are located in the RAM disk.
- Sound Volume - This controls the sound volume for the Covox board. Note that
- it has no effect on the built-in PC speaker's volume.
- Minimal mem - On machines which have problems with the machine locking up,
- screen screwing up, etc. when you crash the plane I can best conjecture that
- there is some problem with memory limitations. Minimal mem will substitute
- a short text message replacing the picture oriented crash screen that uses more
- memory.
- Gun camera - There are four menu options for controlling the gun camera and
- two new touch keys which are active in gun camera record/playback. The first
- of the two touch keys is the '9' key. Touching '9' while in flight will
- start the gun camera filming, touching it again will disable recording. The
- gun camera can be enabled and disabled any number of times in a given flight
- and will produce a concatenated film of all the recordings. The film is
- written to a temporary file called 'awcamera.tmp'. Three options on the gun
- camera menu will manipulate this temporary file. The max film size option
- limits the maximum size to which this file will grow and is entered in K
- bytes. The temporary file directory option allows you to specify the
- directory where the file will be created. For maximum perfomance if you
- have the memory put the file in a ram disk. If you want to put the file in a
- directory be sure to enter a trailing back slash i.e. e:films\. The Save
- option allows you to put the temporary file created from a flight into a more
- permanent name/location. If you do not save the film between flights it will
- be overwritten by the next flight.
- The remaining menu option, playback, will either playback the contents of
- the temporary film file or a film previously recorded or downloaded. The
- one remaining key to remember is the second touch key which is 'n'. Touching
- 'n' while in playback will put your viewpoint outside the plane. You can
- use the zoom keys '[', ']' to alter your distance from the plane and the
- view keys to change your viewing location.
- Flight control
- ==============
- Mouse controlled
- ----------------
- The mouse controls most of the important controls: ailerons, elevators,
- throttle, and guns.
- In the normal state of the mouse it controls as follows.
- Rolling the mouse left and right banks the plane left and right.
- Pushing the mouse forward and back pitches the plane up and down.
- Holding the left mouse button down and pushing the mouse forward
- and back adjusts the throttle.
- Double clicking the left button centers the stick.
- Clicking the right button fires the guns.
- You can 'shift' the mouse by hitting key '9' on the keypad. In this
- state the mouse will no longer control the throttle and holding the
- left mouse button down locks the pitch of the plane while you can
- still adjust the bank.
- Joystick
- --------
- When the joystick is enabled, the joystick controls the bank and pitch in
- a similar function to the mouse and the buttons on the joystick fire the
- guns. The mouse still controls the throttle but not the bank and pitch.
- Moving the mouse left to right adjusts the rudder and double clicking
- centers it.
- Autopilot
- ---------
- Air Warrior supports two control systems 'expert' and 'autopilot'.
- The 'expert' control system is the standard emulation of a control stick
- in a real plane. The box in the center of the dashboard indicates the
- current location of the head of the stick. The 'autopilot' control system
- translates any deviation from center into a nose attitude change or bank
- and holds that position. 'autopilot' is easier to fly and less touchy but
- doesn't allow many of the maneuvers absolutely necessary for dogfights.
- Entry into 'autopilot' mode is now restricted to near level flight
- conditions.
- Short command guide
- ===================
- Augmenting the controls available from the mouse or joystick are commands
- available from the keyboard. Keyboard commands come in two flavors: touch
- keys and command line keys.
- Touch keys
- ----------
- Touch keys are keys that you simply touch while in flight and they
- perform a command.
- The touch key commands are: (Note that the ',' separates multiple keys that
- perform the same function i.e. you don't type it)
- b Drop bombs.
- c Increase throttle 10%
- C Full throttle
- f Fire guns.
- n Toggle gun camera playback location (inside plane/outside plane).
- p, F2
- Text back buffer
- v Decrease throttle 10%
- V Zero throttle
- x Toggle expert/autopilot mode.
- ; Raise gear.
- 1 Full picture range.
- 2 Medium picture range.
- 3 Short picture range.
- 4 Combat picture range.
- 5 Abrided range.
- 6 Line Draw mode.
- 7 Toggle war emergency power.
- 9 Start/Stop gun camera recording/playback.
- \ Shift mouse control toggle.
- ] Increase view magnification.
- [ Decrease view magnification.
- ' Enter command mode with intercom communication.
- / Enter command mode with radio communication.
- ESC Enter command mode.
- <, ,, w, keypad 7
- Raise flaps.
- >, ., e, keypad 1
- Lower flaps.
- *, 8
- Start engine
- a, keypad 0
- Rudder left.
- Down shift. (vehicles only)
- d, keypad .
- Rudder right.
- Neutral or Reverse (when stopped and in Neutral). (vehicles only)
- s, keypad 3
- Rudder center.
- Up Shift. (vehicles only)
- F1
- Will toggle between the radar and the picture display.
- View keys:
- h, keypad 4
- look left
- l, keypad 6
- look right
- m, keypad 2
- look back
- k, keypad 8
- look up
- j, keypad +
- look down
- g, keypad -
- look front
- View keys can be combined to give intermediate views.
- A lean direction is available combining left or right and back.
- Intermediate forward views that give no new information but
- provide a different perspective are available through combining
- the left or right and the front keys.
- Left, right, front, or the leans can be combined with up or down.
- The view is activated after selecting the direction via hitting
- the keypad Enter key. Hitting the Enter key again will resume front
- view.
- The view keys will also work in camera film playback. In the out of
- plane mode, your viewpoint location will be outside the plane in the
- direction of the view key looking back towards the plane.
- Brakes:
- Holding the alt key will apply the brakes. This is true also of
- dive brakes for planes so equipped.
- Turret keys:
- When flying as a turret on a bomber, depending on the type of turret
- (remote or gunner controlled), the turret will either automatically
- track the mouse or it will require to be controlled by the turret
- keys.
- keypad 0
- Rotate turret left.
- keypad .
- Rotate turret right.
- keypad 9
- Incline turret down.
- keypad 3
- Incline turret up.
- keypad 1
- Stop turret movement.
- Command line keys
- -----------------
- The command line supports a number of commands. Hitting ESC, / or ' enters
- command line mode. In the case of / or ' it also adds the / or ' character
- to the beginning of the command line. Hitting return terminates entry on the
- command line, CTRL X clears the line, and BACKSPACE deletes a single character.
- The command line commands are:
- a Arm the bombs.
- e Exit the plane (must be on the ground and stopped).
- j Move to a new position on the plane (follow by the characters of the
- position) i.e. j u (for upper).
- m Set radar map range. Adjusts the sector size of the radar. 2 gives
- maximum range, 0 gives minimum range but largest image.
- o The 'o' command prefixes a number of two-letter commands which toggle
- values that were selected from the menus.
- oj Toggle analog joystick.
- ot Toggle visible tracers.
- p Parachute from the plane. Now a 2-3 stage key. In either local or
- on-line the first parachute will exit the plane as a skydiver. The
- next time the parachute command is entered you will open the chute.
- In off-line mode a third time will go to the bail-out requester.
- r Request a roster.
- s Enable/Disable sight toggle.
- sb Lead gunsight indicator set for bombers at 400 yards.
- sd Set to dive bombing sight mode.
- sf Lead gunsight indicator set for fighters at 400 yards.
- sg Set to gunnery sight mode.
- sr Enable/Disable sight rectangle.
- t Tune the radio channel (follow by the channel number).
- w Where am I? Reports the sector number and country allegiance.
- z Switch to bombsight mode.
- / Send a radio message on the tuned channel.
- ' Send a radio message on the intercom.
- Information display
- ===================
- As this is a quick guide I'm not going to explain the instrumentation.
- If you have any knowledge of planes it's pretty straightforward anyway.
- I shall, however, quickly review the plane tracking system. When a plane
- gets within 5000 yards on the current view (or approx 16000 yards on the
- radar), their symbol on the screen will have an 'icon' tracking it on
- the line underneath the picture. The color of the icon indicates their
- country of allegiance, the number inside it is irrelevant except to match
- the same number in the lower left on the screen. When you find the matching
- symbol it is followed by either the unique plane number assigned to that
- person or their plane type and their range from you in yards. The far left
- side of the dashboard has the color assignments of the three countries and
- your current allegiance. Be careful, EGA and CGA have different color schemes.
- Very close planes have full polygonal rendering of their aircraft.
- Distant planes render as a dot. Rendering at the middle ranges is
- based of the difference of the target planes course from your own.
- ___
- | Going |___ To right ___| To left | Coming
- away --- toward
- you
- diff (180) (+90) (-90) (0)
- .' Away `. Away . .' Toward `. . Toward
- ' '. Left .' ` Right `. Left .' Right
- diff (-45) (+45) (-135) (135)
- Radar
- -----
- The radar renders all planes (at under 16000 yards) as lines of the
- color appropriate for their country. If the plane has a 'tail' that
- indicates it is a bomber.
- In addition to the range information for targets under 16000 yards,
- the radar supports reports on more distant planes. Each sector
- on your screen may have a line or two of light green blocks at the top of
- the grid and a line or two of brown blocks just beneath them.
- The light green blocks indicate the number of enemy planes in that
- sector the brown blocks indicate the number of friendly planes
- likewise in that sector.
- Artwork views
- =============
- The views are basically standard IFF images glommed together into a single
- file using a special utility called 'makedat' which available for
- download. For more info on the artwork file production process download
- the 'makedat' entry.
- Artwork views have names linking them to the corresponding aircraft.
- Specifically, the artwork file names which are recognized are:
- p51
- zero
- me262
- spitfir
- me109
- fw190
- p38
- b17
- b25
- a26
- dri
- camel
- spad
- drvii
- skydive
- parachu
- A character is added to the end of the file name which indentifies the
- resolution which it can be used in. CGA mode files use a trailing 'C',
- EGA 320x200 files use a trailing 's', EGA 640x200 use a trailing 'w',
- and EGA 640x350 use a trailing 'f'.
- You can also use Amiga 'E' files in EGA 320x200 though the colors won't
- always map very well.
- To create your own files you will need DeluxePaint for the PC, its
- output files after 'makedat'ing import directly into Air Warrior.
- The plane art is merged with the terrain
- display every update so all 4 (in cga) or 16 (EGA VGA) colors
- are available for your use. In EGA/VGA the last 8 colors can be altered.
- For reference if you wish to use them, the first 8 colors in the pallet
- are:
- EGA (320x200) (640x200)
- I R G B Hex
- x x x 0x13, /* sky */
- x x 0x12, /* ground */
- x x x x 0x17, /* buildings */
- x 0x01, /* ocean */
- x x 0x06, /* mountains */
- x x x 0x07, /* airfield */
- x 0x02, /* forest */
- 0x0, /* plane outlines */
- EGA (640x350)
- R G B Hex
- 2 3 3 0x1f, /* sky */
- 2 3 1 0x1e, /* ground */
- 3 3 3 0x3f, /* buildings */
- 1 1 3 0x31, /* ocean */
- 2 1 0 0x14, /* mountains */
- 2 2 2 0x07, /* airfield */
- 1 2 1 0x29, /* forest */
- 0 0 0 0x0, /* plane outlines */
- Pacific Theater. Implementation of the pacific theater required some
- alteration of the dashboard art. In EGA country B is now brown instead of
- green. For those who like to roll their own plane art the dashboard name is
- now PCD0 and the gunner dash is PCG0. The old dashboard names will not load.
- Sound board support
- ===================
- Covox sound board support. This version of Air Warrior uses Amiga
- Iff sound samples and uses the Covox sound board to output them.
- Presently you can use sound files in the Amiga library. I suggest
- that you stick to the smaller files as memory on the PC is very tight.
- We picked this particular sound board because it can playback digital
- samples from memory without processor intervention which means it
- can reproduce realistic sound with minial processor load.
- The Covox Sound Master board can be obtained directly from Covox for
- $99.95 + $5 shipping. Product code: SMPC-P0-050.
- Covox Inc.
- Eugene, OR 97402
- Phone 503-342-1271
- Fax 503-342-1283
- BBS 503-342-4135
- Credit Card Order Line 800-942-8765 Extension 6.
- At some point I will upload a program which will allow creation of
- sound files from samples created by Covox's Voice Master Key
- system.
- Performance testing
- ===================
- This version of Air Warrior has undergone very stringent testing
- between the different computers (Macintosh, Atari ST, Amiga, and IBM PC)
- to ensure that the flight performance of the different planes is the
- same.
- The testing was performed by internally instrumenting the
- program, to eliminate the errors that would occur by reading the
- instruments or following a stop watch. Not only were the observable
- variables instrumented, but also internal aerodynamic quantities such as
- thrust, engine horsepower, drag, lift, angle of attack, lift
- coefficient, air density, and so on. The magnitude of the differences
- being sought was smaller than could readily be seen on the instruments,
- since split second timing was often required to make valid comparisons.
- Initial conditions for the various tests were established exactly by an
- automated facility, so that no human error or influence would be
- present. The tests were performed on a number of different aircraft,
- representing the various extremes of both performance and certain
- critical properties.
- The following tests were performed:
- An instrumented take off roll, followed by an 11 minute climb,
- a minute of level acceleration, then a 60 degree dive, usually into the
- ground, or 3 minutes, whichever came first. Acceptance was based on the
- point at which the plane reached full throttle, the point at which the
- plane left the ground, the altitude, speed, angle of climb, and engine
- horsepower at the peak of the climb, the speed reached by the end of the
- acceleration, the time and speed at which buffeting began during the
- dive (if it did), the peak Mach number in the dive (for the F-86), and
- the time and speed of impact.
- A 2/3 aileron deflection roll in expert mode. Acceptance was based
- on rate of roll, and loss of altitude and change of attitude during
- one complete roll. A roll time varied from 1.5 seconds for the Sabre to
- 40 or so for the B-17 (the B-17 did not complete the roll before the
- test ended.)
- A test of full rudder deflection at an exact speed and altitude.
- Acceptance was based on the amount of course change, amount of roll,
- and amount of altitude lost during a one minute deflection.
- A full elevator deflection loop starting at an exact speed and
- altitude. Acceptance was based on the g's pulled at various points in
- the loop, the altitude gained during the loop, the final altitude at
- the end of the loop, the time at which various points in the loop
- were reached, and the velocities at various points in the loop.
- A test of the top speed of the plane, at two or more different
- altitudes representing different performance regimes. The plane was
- placed at the correct speed, and acceptance was based on comparison
- of internal values during a one minute run at that speed.
- A test of stall performance. The plane was placed in a known
- climb attitude at a known speed, then throttle was reduced by the
- program. Acceptance was based on the speed of the stall, altitude of
- stall (a check on the climb), various internal values at the stall,
- the time required for the nose to drop through horizontal, the time
- required for recovery from the stall, and the altitude changes
- associated with those points.
- In addition, tests were run at several different settings on the
- Mac II, to quantify the effect of monochrome vs color, that is, the
- frame rate, on aerodynamic performance (the Mac II was the easiest
- machine to perform this test on, it was also done on the IBM PC with
- its variable clock speed.) Several equations were changed to retain
- better numerical accuracy in accounting for very fast update times and
- better accuracy in handling unusual clock frequencies.
- Lastly, a drag race was run with a jeep and a tank, to measure
- the acceleration, turning radius, and roll performance (grin) of the
- vehicle under an automatically controlled test. A bug in the rollover
- point in the jeep was found and corrected.
- In conclusion, we now feel that the machine to machine
- performance is identical, to far greater than the accuracy at which a
- user can read the instrument panel and control an airplane manually. One
- thing that became apparent early on was how sensitive the planes are,
- and how even a very small difference in control setting or initial
- conditions can produce results different enough to mislead the observer.
- Automated testing was essential.
- ------
- Enjoy!
- David Albrecht