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- TSR Utilities Version 2.9
- Kim Kokkonen
- TurboPower Software
- 5/4/89
- Introduction
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The TSR Utilities are a collection of programs useful for managing DOS memory,
- particularly for managing memory-resident programs, also known as TSR's. TSR
- stands for "Terminate and Stay Resident". The most popular use of these
- programs is for removing TSR's from memory without rebooting the PC. There are
- many other uses, however, especially if you are a software developer.
- The TSR Utilities have grown to include 11 programs. Here's a quick overview
- of each one:
- MARK marks a position in memory above which TSR's can be released.
- RELEASE removes TSR's from memory.
- FMARK performs the same function as MARK but uses less memory.
- MARKNET like MARK, but saves a more complete picture of system status.
- RELNET removes TSR's marked with MARKNET.
- WATCH a TSR itself, it keeps records of other TSR's.
- DISABLE disables or reactivates TSR's, leaving them in memory.
- RAMFREE shows how much RAM memory is available.
- MAPMEM shows what memory resident programs are loaded.
- DEVICE shows what device drivers are loaded.
- EATMEM uses up memory for controlled program testing.
- These programs are described in detail in the following sections. If you
- haven't used them before, be sure to read the documentation: All of the
- programs are command line driven, and unexpected events may occur if you just
- start typing the program names at the DOS command line.
- The documentation for version 2.8 has been revised substantially. If you're
- familiar with previous versions of the TSR Utilities, the most important
- change in v2.8 is the addition of MARKNET and RELNET. These new programs allow
- marking and releasing the Novell NetWare shell, as well as other "problem
- TSR's" that could not be released successfully in previous versions.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MARK.COM and RELEASE.EXE are used to remove TSR's from memory, without
- requiring a system reboot. In their simplest form, MARK and RELEASE are used
- as follows:
- 1. Run MARK before installing your TSR(s). This marks the current position in
- memory and stores information that RELEASE will later need to restore the
- system. A common place to call MARK is in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
- 2. Install whatever TSR's you want, using the normal method for each TSR.
- 3. To remove those TSR's from memory, run RELEASE. This will release all of
- the memory above (and including) the last MARK, and will restore the system to
- the state at the time the MARK was made.
- There are a number of variations of this simple method. First, MARKs can be
- stacked in memory, as shown in the following hypothetical batch file:
- TSR1
- TSR2
- TSR3
- Each call to RELEASE releases memory above and including the last MARK. In
- this example, the first call to RELEASE would remove TSR3 and the last MARK
- from memory, the second call would remove TSR2 and its MARK, and so on.
- MARK and RELEASE may be called using a command line parameter. The parameter
- specifies a "mark name" and allows releasing TSR's to a specific point in
- memory. Consider the following example:
- TSR1
- TSR2
- TSR3
- This loads the three TSR's just as in the previous example. However, if
- RELEASE were called like this
- then both TSR2 and TSR3 would be removed from memory. Note that the use of
- such a name does not allow just a single layer of TSR's to be removed (just
- TSR2, for example). RELEASE always removes all TSR's including and beyond the
- one named.
- A mark name is any string up to 126 characters long. The name may not include
- white space (blanks or tabs). Case (upper or lower) is not significant when
- matching mark names.
- When named marks are used as in this example, calling RELEASE without
- specifying a mark name will still remove the last TSR from memory. Assuming
- that TSR1, TSR2, and TSR3 are still in memory, typing just RELEASE would
- remove TSR3 and the last mark. It is possible to change this behavior by using
- "protected marks", which can be released only by explicitly specifying their
- names. A protected mark is placed by giving it a name that starts with an
- exclamation point, '!'. Consider the following:
- TSR1
- TSR2
- TSR3
- Here !TSR3 specifies a protected mark. Typing just RELEASE would produce an
- error message "No matching marker found, or protected marker encountered". The
- same error would occur after entering the command RELEASE TSR2. When this
- error occurs, RELEASE does not remove any TSR's from memory.
- The only way to remove TSR3 in this case is by entering
- Each time a MARK is placed in memory, it consumes about 1600 bytes of RAM
- space, which is used to store a copy of the system interrupt vector table and
- other information with which RELEASE can later restore the system. Although
- 1600 bytes isn't very much, we can reduce this memory usage by storing the
- information in a disk file rather than in memory. FMARK.COM is a variation on
- MARK that does just that. You can call FMARK at any time that you would call
- MARK. FMARK uses only about 150 bytes of memory.
- All calls to FMARK must include a command line parameter to specify the name
- of the file:
- FMARK [d:][directory]filename
- You should generally specify a complete pathname for the mark file. When you
- later call RELEASE, you must give it the identical pathname, regardless of
- what the current directory happens to be at the time. For example, if you
- specified the following file mark
- then the following calls to RELEASE would generate an error:
- even if the current directory on drive C: was \TEST. The only way to call
- RELEASE is with
- or
- release c:\test\test.mrk
- RELEASE can use either type of mark: in-memory or on-disk. Note that RELEASE
- treats marks placed with FMARK just like protected marks. That is, they can be
- released only by explicitly naming them. (This is a change in behavior from
- versions of RELEASE prior to 2.8. The change is especially important when net
- marks, described below, are also in use.)
- Consider the following example:
- TSR1
- TSR2
- Typing just RELEASE in this situation generates the warning message "No
- matching marker found, or protected marker encountered", because the file mark
- is treated like a protected mark.
- TSR2 can be removed from memory by entering
- RELEASE deletes the mark file when it has finished.
- RELEASE has several command line options to modify its behavior. The following
- table lists the options, which must start with a slash, '/', or a hyphen, '-'.
- /E do NOT access EMS memory.
- /K release memory, but keep the mark in place.
- /S chars stuff string (<16 chars) into keyboard buffer on exit.
- /? write this help screen.
- None of the options is required for normal use of RELEASE.
- /E is made available for systems running early, buggy EMS (expanded memory)
- drivers that don't correctly implement all of the EMS 3.2 system calls. Don't
- use it unless you have an EMS-related problem during or after running RELEASE.
- /K is useful when you will be releasing and reloading a TSR repeatedly. With
- it, you avoid the need to replace the mark each time the TSR is released.
- Using /K in combination with a file mark also prevents RELEASE from deleting
- the mark file.
- /S followed by at least one space and then a short string (15 characters or
- fewer) tells RELEASE to stuff this string into the keyboard buffer just before
- exiting. RELEASE automatically adds a carriage return to the end of the
- string.
- To explain why the /S option is important, we must digress a moment. Let's
- assume that you normally keep SideKick loaded, but that you must unload it in
- order to have enough memory free to run Lotus 1-2-3. It would seem reasonable
- to write a little batch file like this:
- SK
- which would remove the previously loaded SideKick from memory, run Lotus, and
- then load SideKick again. Unfortunately, this won't work!
- The reason is complicated to explain. It must suffice here to say that DOS
- batch files trap memory, and the memory freed by a call to RELEASE does not
- truly become available until the current batch file ends.
- Now perhaps the need for the /S option becomes clear. We can split the
- previous batch file into two:
- batch1:
- batch2:
- SK
- The first batch file releases the memory and stuffs the characters
- 'BATCH2<Enter>' into the keyboard buffer. When the batch file ends, the
- released memory becomes available. DOS automatically reads the keystrokes
- waiting in the buffer and starts up the second batch file, which runs Lotus
- and later reloads SideKick.
- To keep things simple, the /S option pokes the specified keystrokes directly
- into the system keyboard buffer. As a result, the number of keystrokes is
- limited to 15 (not counting the <Enter> key, which RELEASE adds automatically).
- This always allows enough keys to start another batch file, however, and the
- new batch file can take over from there.
- RELEASE detects when it is releasing memory within a batch file. It writes a
- warning message to that effect, but continues processing anyway under the
- assumption that the batch file is about to end. You can ignore the warning if
- you've already taken account of DOS's memory management behavior within batch
- files.
- MARK and RELEASE are capable of removing many, but not all, TSR's from memory.
- The TSR's that cannot be released fall into two categories: those that cannot
- be released without specific internal knowledge of the TSR, and those that can
- be released by storing additional general information about the system.
- The most common examples of TSR's that we can't be released without internal
- knowledge are those that cooperate with other TSR's in memory. Examples
- include Microsoft's MOUSE driver and its associated MENU program; and the
- program CED with its "user-installed commands" such as KEYIN, HS, RAW, and
- others. These programs can be released, but only if all the cooperating
- partners are released at the same time. CED is well-behaved in that it
- provides a built-in command (KILL) to release its partners. MOUSE is not so
- flexible, though.
- Other TSR's modify well-defined areas of DOS memory that MARK and FMARK simply
- don't record. Examples of such TSR's include the Novell NetWare workstation
- shell and certain DOS utilities like MODE and SHARE. To deal with these
- programs we've written the MARKNET and RELNET utilities, described in the next
- section, which store just about every imaginable DOS data area, including some
- that are undocumented by MicroSoft. If you have trouble removing a particular
- TSR with MARK/RELEASE, try using MARKNET/RELNET instead.
- WARNING: you should not use either RELEASE or RELNET to try to release most
- disk caching programs. If you do so, part of the information that should be
- stored on disk will never make it, and you may end up with a corrupted disk
- as a result. If you know that the disk cache uses a "write-through" algorithm
- (which guarantees that all writes immediately go to disk), or if the disk
- cache has a "flush the cache" command, then it may be safe to release the
- cache.
- WARNING: you cannot release the DOS 3.3 FASTOPEN or APPEND TSR's. These TSR's
- patch internal DOS data areas that cannot be reliably located by even MARKNET
- and RELNET.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Use of these utilities is very similar to that described in the preceding
- section. MARKNET is analogous to FMARK, and RELNET is like RELEASE. Because
- MARKNET stores so much information about the system, it writes it to a disk
- file in order to reduce its own memory usage. Command line syntax for MARKNET
- and RELNET is:
- MARKNET [d:][directory]filename
- RELNET [d:][directory]filename [options]
- The main command line parameter to each program specifies the name of the file
- where the mark information will be stored. We refer to this file as the net
- mark file. A complete pathname should be specified for the net mark file.
- RELNET's pathname must exactly match that passed to MARKNET, with the
- exception of case.
- Note that MARKNET and RELNET may be used in almost any situation where FMARK
- and RELEASE are used. MARKNET saves all of the same system information as does
- FMARK, but it goes further to store information such as the device driver
- chain, DOS internal variable areas, DOS system file tables, DOS environment,
- communications port status, and other information. Nevertheless, MARKNET and
- RELNET were written primarily because of the large demand to release the
- NetWare shell. We'll refer to NetWare specifically in the following and
- provide an example of how to load and release it.
- The only new restriction for using MARKNET is that the system must be running
- DOS version 3.0 or later. MARKNET depends on the format of certain internal
- DOS data structures that were quite different in DOS version 2.
- Like FMARK, MARKNET leaves a small (144-192) byte mark in memory, and writes a
- disk file to store the system status. MARKNET's file varies in size, but is
- typically 3-4K bytes. The size depends on the number of device drivers, the
- value of the 'FILES=' directive in CONFIG.SYS, and other implementation
- details of DOS.
- Do not attempt to redirect the output of MARKNET. Doing so will waste at least
- one file handle that cannot be recovered later by RELNET.
- Marks placed with MARK, FMARK, and MARKNET may be mixed in the same system.
- RELEASE treats all marks placed with MARKNET as protected; such marks may be
- released only by calling RELNET explicitly. Consider the following example:
- TSR1
- TSR2
- TSR3
- Entering RELEASE by itself would generate a warning and do nothing else.
- Entering RELEASE C:\MARKS\TSR2.MRK would generate the same warning. The only
- way to get all three of these TSR's out of memory would be to enter the
- following commands in sequence:
- RELNET has options to control how much of the system state it restores.
- Several of the options match those of RELEASE; new ones are needed because of
- the additional information that MARKNET stores. RELNET accepts the following
- options:
- /C do NOT restore the communications ports.
- /E do NOT access EMS memory.
- /K release memory, but keep the mark in place.
- /P do NOT restore DOS environment.
- /R revector 8259 interrupt controller to powerup state.
- /S chars stuff string (<16 chars) into keyboard buffer on exit.
- /T do NOT reset the system timer chip.
- /V verbose: show each step of the restore.
- /? write help screen.
- None of these options is required in order to release the NetWare workstation
- shell.
- /C keeps RELNET from restoring the communications state of the system (as
- encoded in the 8250 async chip and the 8259 programmable interrupt
- controller). Because both of these chips provide readable registers, MARKNET
- is able to store an accurate picture of the communications state when the mark
- is stored; RELNET can restore the state to exactly what it was. Therefore, the
- /C option should be needed rarely, perhaps only on newer PS/2 models that
- don't use the 8250 as a communications controller. (We haven't tested MARKNET
- and RELNET on a PS/2 model 50z. Use caution if you have such a system.) Note
- that MARKNET stores information only about COM1 and COM2.
- /E is made available for systems running early, buggy EMS drivers that don't
- correctly implement all of the EMS 3.2 system calls. Don't use it unless you
- have an EMS-related problem during or after running RELNET.
- /K is useful when you will be releasing and reloading a TSR repeatedly. With
- it, you avoid the need to replace the mark each time the TSR is released.
- Using /K prevents RELNET from deleting the net mark file.
- /P keeps RELNET from restoring the DOS environment, which it normally does
- because NetWare modifies the DOS PATH. In some cases, other changes to the
- environment should not be undone; use the /P switch only when such changes
- must be preserved.
- /R may be useful for unloading task-switching utilities that "revector" the
- hardware interrupt controller. Use it only if it solves a problem.
- /S followed by at least one space and then a short string (15 characters or
- fewer) tells RELNET to stuff this string into the keyboard buffer just before
- exiting. RELNET automatically adds a carriage return to the end of the string.
- See the discussion of /S in the preceding section for more details.
- /T keeps RELNET from resetting the system timer chip to its default rate,
- which it does by default.
- /V activates additional status reporting during the release and may provide
- useful information in cases when RELNET isn't working.
- The following is a simplified version of a NetWare LOGIN.BAT file with support
- for releasing the shell:
- rem place the mark
- marknet C:\NET\NETWARE.MRK
- rem load the NetWare shell TSR's
- ipx
- net3
- rem optional portions of the shell
- rem netbios
- rem int2f
- rem switch to login drive and log in
- F:
- login USERNAME
- The items in uppercase, at least, will need to be customized for a given user
- and workstation.
- NetWare could then be released with the following batch file:
- rem let the server know we're leaving
- z:\public\logout
- rem restore the workstation
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- WATCH.COM is a resident program that keeps track of other memory resident
- programs. As a TSR goes resident, WATCH updates a data area in memory that
- contains information about what interrupt vectors were taken over. This
- information can later be used by MAPMEM and DISABLE to show more details about
- interrupts than normally available.
- Installation of WATCH.COM is optional. All of the TSR Utilities except DISABLE
- can be used whether or not WATCH is installed.
- If you want to use it, WATCH.COM should be installed as the first TSR in your
- AUTOEXEC.BAT file. WATCH uses about 4000 bytes of memory when it is installed.
- Most of this memory holds various information about the TSR's installed in the
- system -- it includes two copies of the interrupt vector table, and a data
- area containing a list of the interrupt vectors taken over by each TSR. This
- information is used by DISABLE to deactivate and reactivate TSR's without
- removing them from memory.
- With DISABLE.EXE, you can disable and reenable specified memory resident
- programs without removing them from memory. Its function is analogous to that
- performed by REFEREE from Persoft, although DISABLE has neither a fancy user
- interface nor an option to work from within other programs. DISABLE can allow
- conflicting TSR's to coexist, and it can let you run applications whose
- keystrokes conflict with those of TSR's already loaded. DISABLE also provides
- a small bonus in that it can be used to detect the presence of a particular
- TSR in memory, thus allowing the design of semi-intelligent batch files.
- In order to use DISABLE, you must install WATCH.COM as the first memory
- resident program in your system. WATCH keeps the detailed information about
- each memory resident program that DISABLE uses to later control them.
- Like the other TSR Utilities, DISABLE is operated from the command line. You
- specify a single TSR by its name (if you are running DOS 3.0 or later) or by
- its address as determined from a MAPMEM report (described below). If you
- specify an address, immediately precede the address with a dollar sign "$" and
- specify the address in hexadecimal.
- The name specified for a TSR is the one reported by MAPMEM in the "owner"
- column. If the owner column reports "N/A", then you must instead specify the
- address from the "PSP" column.
- DISABLE accepts the following command line syntax:
- DISABLE TSRname|$PSPaddress [options]
- Options may be preceded by either / or -. Valid options
- are as follows:
- /A reactivate the specified TSR.
- /C check for the presence of the specified TSR.
- /? write a help screen.
- If no option is specified, DISABLE will disable the named TSR.
- Examples of usage:
- DISABLE SK disables SideKick
- DISABLE SK /A reenables SideKick
- DISABLE SK /C checks for the presence of SideKick
- DISABLE $2F2E disables the TSR at address 2F2E (hex)
- DISABLE sets the DOS ERRORLEVEL in order to return status information to a
- batch file. It uses the following values of errorlevel:
- 0 success: TSR is present, was disabled, or was reenabled.
- 1 TSR is present, but no action was required to enable or disable it.
- 2 TSR is not present in memory.
- 254 invalid command line.
- 255 severe error.
- WARNING: you cannot use DISABLE to deactivate SideKick Plus, whose swapping
- technique is incompatible with DISABLE.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- These three utilities provide status information about DOS memory usage. They
- don't make active changes to the system like RELEASE and DISABLE do.
- MAPMEM.EXE displays a map of DOS memory. It shows the resident programs, how
- much memory they use, and what interrupt vectors each one controls. MAPMEM
- also shows information about expanded and extended memory when available.
- MAPMEM writes to the standard output -- hence, the output can be printed or
- stored to a file by using DOS redirection.
- Here is an example of MAPMEM output:
- PSP blks bytes owner command line chained vectors
- ----- ---- ----- -------- ------------------- ------------------------------
- 0008 1 34240 config
- 1228 2 3536 command
- 1315 2 3888 WATCH TSR WATCHER 16 21 27
- 140A 2 22128 CED N/A 1B 21 64
- 1973 1 144 N/A C:\MARK\PS.MRK
- 197D 2 736 PSKEY S3 09 15
- 19AD 2 68400 PS /B:0 /E:1 /R:0 /... 01 03 06 0D
- 2A62 2 1504 MARK test 00 3F
- 2AC2 2 10384 EATMEM 10
- 2D4D 2 469808 free
- block bytes (Expanded Memory)
- ----- ------
- 1 1048576
- free 1048576
- total 2097152
- (Extended Memory)
- total 379240
- "PSP" stands for Program Segment Prefix. This is the physical address,
- specified in hexadecimal, where the program was loaded. If you're running DOS
- 2.x, you'll need to use an address from this column to pass to DISABLE.
- "Blks" is the number of memory blocks DOS is using to manage the program. This
- will typically be two: one for the program itself and another for the
- environment that stores the program name, the DOS path, and other environment
- variables.
- "Bytes" is the number of bytes of memory, specified in decimal, allocated to
- the program.
- The "owner" column shows the name of the program that allocated the block. An
- "N/A" in this column means either that the program deallocated its environment
- to reduce memory usage (as shown on the fifth row of the report) or that the
- system is running DOS 2.x, where the owner names are simply not available.
- "Command line" shows the command line entered when the TSR was originally
- loaded. Some TSR's overwrite their command line with other code or data in
- order to save memory space. MAPMEM can usually detect this behavior and will
- display "N/A" in the command line column when it does.
- The last column will be titled with either "chained vectors" or "hooked
- vectors". When WATCH is loaded, "chained" will appear; otherwise, "hooked"
- will. The numbers in this column indicate what interrupt vectors the TSR has
- grabbed. Without WATCH, MAPMEM must use a heuristic technique to identify
- the owner of each vector; don't be surprised if you see some ridiculous
- looking vector numbers. With WATCH, MAPMEM should report an accurate list for
- each TSR, and should show the complete chain of control for each interrupt.
- MAPMEM indicates disabled TSR's by displaying the word "disabled" in the
- interrupt vector column of the report.
- The expanded memory report shows each allocated block of expanded memory, as
- well as the free and total EMS space. When extended memory is available,
- MAPMEM shows just the total amount available. The extended memory report is
- not highly reliable because of the lack of a standardized method for
- allocating extended memory space. Some applications that use extended memory
- allocate the space by making it appear that the memory is no longer in the
- system.
- MAPMEM shows the various types of marks so that you can examine them prior to
- a releasing them. As shown in the example, MAPMEM reports a call to MARK with
- the owner name "MARK", and the mark name (if any) in the command line area.
- The result of a call to FMARK or MARKNET will show "N/A" in the owner column
- (due to the minimal memory kept by an FMARK), and the name of the mark file in
- the command line area.
- MAPMEM offers the following command line options:
- /V verbose report.
- /? write a help screen.
- The verbose report shows each individual memory block rather than just one for
- each program. It also adds two new columns of information. "Mcb" stands for
- Memory Control Block. This is a physical address, expressed in hexadecimal,
- of the DOS data structure used for managing each block of memory. The MCB
- address is typically one less than the address of the program. "Files" reports
- the number of files kept open by the TSR. In most cases this will be zero.
- When it is non-zero, the maximum number of files opened by the rest of the
- programs (including the foreground application) is reduced accordingly.
- RAMFREE.COM is a tiny program with a single purpose: to tell you how many
- bytes of memory are free for the next application. The number it reports is
- the same as that reported by the DOS CHKDSK utility. RAMFREE's advantage is
- that you don't need to wait for your hard disk to be analyzed before you find
- out how much memory is free.
- DEVICE.EXE reports on device drivers installed by the CONFIG.SYS file. It
- shows the memory used by DOS itself, any additional drivers installed in
- CONFIG.SYS, and the space used for DOS file handles and buffers. Here is a
- simple example of DEVICE output:
- Address Bytes Name Hooked vectors
- --------- ------ -------------- --------------
- 0070:0BB3 - CON
- 0070:0C68 - AUX
- 0070:0C7A - COM1
- 0070:0D17 - PRN
- 0070:0D29 - LPT1
- 0070:0E15 - CLOCK$
- 0070:0EE5 - 3 Block Units
- 0070:2071 - LPT2
- 0070:2083 - LPT3
- 0070:2095 - COM2
- 0000:2C58 37712 NUL 08 0A 0C 0D 0E 13 25 26 29 31 70 72
- 73 74 75 76 77
- 09A5:0000 3488 0 Block Units
- 0A7F:0000 18 EMMXXXX0
- 0A7F:0012 46 386MAX$$ 20
- 0A83:0000 768 1 Block Unit 19
- 0AB3:0000 768 1 Block Unit
- 0AE3:0000 18256 DOS buffers
- The devices up to and including NUL are all part of DOS. DEVICE lumps their
- memory usage into a single value next to the NUL device. The memory usage
- associated with NUL does not include the interrupt vector table, the BIOS data
- area, or the low-memory DOS data area. If you wish to add this memory to the
- total, just take the hexadecimal segment of the first driver you see (in this
- case CON) and multiply it by 16 decimal. When the segment is 0070 as shown,
- that adds 1792 bytes to the total space for DOS.
- Don't expect the sum of the DEVICE bytes to match the bytes reported by MAPMEM
- in the row labeled 'config'. MAPMEM's report shows what DOS thinks has been
- allocated, but that number isn't complete since some of the memory was used
- before DOS was truly loaded. However, you should find that the sum of the
- DEVICE bytes, plus all of MAPMEM's memory excluding the 'config' row, equals
- the total normal RAM in the system.
- DEVICE also lumps all of the drivers up to NUL into a single block when it
- comes to reporting hooked interrupt vectors. Because WATCH can't be installed
- prior to these device drivers, DEVICE must use an empirical technique to
- detect which vectors each driver controls. Therefore, some meaningless vectors
- may appear in the list. Any vectors that are grabbed by another program after
- the driver is loaded will not appear.
- "Block units" typically refer to disk drives. Any drivers that appear after
- the NUL device are in the order that you've entered them in CONFIG.SYS.
- Drivers loaded for non-standard hard disks, like SpeedStor, sometimes make odd
- entries in the DEVICE report, as shown with "0 Block Units" above. RAM disks
- appear more logically: each of the "1 Block Unit" entries above is a VDISK
- with the data stored in extended memory.
- Devices like 386MAX may also cause odd-looking entries: 386MAX puts most of
- its code in extended memory, and leaves just a bit behind in normal memory.
- DEVICE offers the following command line options:
- /R raw report.
- /? write a help screen.
- The raw report shows more information about the device drivers, but in a less
- convenient format. Here's an example, taken on the same system as the previous
- report.
- Starting Next Strategy Interrupt Device
- Address Hdr Addr Attr Entry Pnt Entry Pnt Name
- --------- --------- ---- --------- --------- --------
- 0000:2C58 0AB3:0000 8004 0000:14C6 0000:14CC NUL
- 0AB3:0000 0A83:0000 0800 0000:00A9 0000:00D4 1 Block Unit
- 0A83:0000 0A7F:0012 0800 0000:00A9 0000:00D4 1 Block Unit
- 0A7F:0012 0A7F:0000 C000 0000:0036 0000:003B 386MAX$$
- 0A7F:0000 09A5:0000 8000 0000:0036 0000:003B EMMXXXX0
- 09A5:0000 0070:0BB3 2000 0000:0012 0000:001D 0 Block Units
- 0070:0BB3 0070:0C68 8013 0000:00C6 0000:00D1 CON
- 0070:0C68 0070:0D17 8000 0000:00C6 0000:00D7 AUX
- 0070:0D17 0070:0E15 A040 0000:00C6 0000:00E6 PRN
- 0070:0E15 0070:0EE5 8008 0000:00C6 0000:010C CLOCK$
- 0070:0EE5 0070:0C7A 0840 0000:00C6 0000:0112 3 Block Units
- 0070:0C7A 0070:0D29 8000 0000:00C6 0000:00D7 COM1
- 0070:0D29 0070:2071 A040 0000:00C6 0000:00EC LPT1
- 0070:2071 0070:2083 A040 0000:00C6 0000:00F4 LPT2
- 0070:2083 0070:2095 A040 0000:00C6 0000:00FC LPT3
- 0070:2095 0070:FFFF 8000 0000:00C6 0000:00DD COM2
- In this report, the drivers are listed in DOS priority order rather than the
- order in which they are loaded in memory. Additional columns describe how DOS
- treats each driver. Ray Duncan's book "Advanced MS-DOS" is a good place to
- learn more about these details.
- The DEVICE program assumes that all device drivers are loaded in the
- CONFIG.SYS file. That is not the case with the NetWare shell, which patches
- itself into the device driver chain. DEVICE will write a warning message and
- terminate before reporting the first patched-in driver. The raw device report
- will still show all of the devices even in this case.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- EATMEM is a small program that is useful only to software developers. It is a
- TSR that consumes a specified amount of memory. Developers can use it to
- simulate a system with less memory, or to create a buffer zone between an
- application and programs preceding it.
- The memory used by EATMEM can be freed only by using MARK and RELEASE. Call
- EATMEM with a single command line parameter, specifying the (decimal) number
- of KILOBYTES to eat up:
- EATMEM KiloBytesToEat
- EATMEM will allow you to eat up all available memory, leading to a system
- crash when COMMAND.COM cannot be reloaded. Be sure to calculate how much
- memory to use before calling EATMEM.
- Version History
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you're converting to this version from version 2.5 or earlier, be sure to
- delete RELEASE.COM, DISABLE.COM, and MAPMEM.COM from your directories. The new
- versions are EXE files instead of COM files.
- See the source code for the programs for more detailed information about
- changes.
- Version 2.9 5/4/89
- MAPMEM - fix problem when EMS is available but none is allocated
- DISABLE - fix problem when TSR to disable is last one loaded
- - disallow disable when patches would overlap (SK+)
- - add /O option to allow disable even for overlap (Periscope)
- RELEASE/RELNET - don't treat file marks as protected marks
- Version 2.8 3/10/89
- add DEVICE
- add extended memory reporting to MAPMEM
- add TSR detection capability to DISABLE
- treat file and net marks as protected in RELEASE
- add key stuffing routine to RELEASE
- remove 8259 revector routine from RELEASE (available in RELNET)
- Version 2.7 3/4/89
- used for limited testing of MARKNET/RELNET
- Version 2.6 1/15/89
- fix problem in MARK/RELEASE when command processor is EXE file
- convert source to Turbo Pascal 5.0
- Version 2.5 6/2/87
- version checks to avoid mixing different MARK/RELEASE
- Version 1.0 1/2/86
- initial version
- For information about other versions, see the source files.
- Copyright and License Information
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The TSR Utilities are copyright (c) 1986,1987,1989 by Kim Kokkonen. All Rights
- Reserved.
- These programs are copyrighted, but license is hereby granted to distribute
- them for personal, non-commercial use. You may use them yourself, give them to
- your friends or co-workers, or distribute them for a cost-based fee ($10 or
- less) as part of a user's group or bulletin board service. If you wish to
- distribute these programs as part of a commercial package, please contact us
- for a license agreement.
- These programs are not shareware: we're not asking for a donation. However, if
- you request that we send you a new version, we'll ask for $20 to cover our
- time and costs. The disk will include the latest version of the TSR Utilities,
- including the complete source code.
- The first (and only) place that we upload new versions of the TSR Utilities is
- on CompuServe, the BPROGA forum, in the latest Turbo Pascal library, which at
- this time is LIB 2. The executable programs are stored in a file called
- TSRCOM.ARC, and the source code is stored in a file called TSRSRC.ARC. From
- CompuServe, the programs fan out to public domain bulletin boards around the
- world. Unfortunately, due to the transient nature of bulletin boards, we
- cannot recommend where besides CompuServe you should call to download the
- latest version.
- The TSR Utilities were written by Kim Kokkonen, with thanks to Neil Rubenking
- for the original idea behind MARK and RELEASE. Special thanks to Richard
- Wilson and Barry Simon at CalTech for the idea that lead to FMARK, and for
- much useful correspondence about the TSR Utilities.
- You can reach Kim Kokkonen at:
- TurboPower Software
- P.O. Box 66747
- Scotts Valley, CA 95066-0747
- 408-438-8608 (voice only, Monday-Friday 9AM-5PM)
- Compuserve: 72457,2131