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- 10 4 2 6 28 30
- Commands
- Keys
- Help for Help
- Modes
- Use the Editor like a word processor. The cursor keys and editing keys
- (Ins, Del, etc.) work as you might expect. Use F3 and F4 (or F6) to mark a
- block of lines, then use a command (listed in the lower portion of the main
- screen) to perform an operation on the block.
- Select "Commands" or "Keys" for details about commands and editing keys.
- Select "Help for Help" (or press AltF1) for details about using the help
- system.
- (AltF1 means "hold the Alt key and press F1".)
- Commands COMMANDS
- 13 6 3 8 9 10 11 12
- More
- (find) Again
- Clear
- Dupe
- Exchange
- Find
- Again: repeats Find, using the previous search text rather than prompting
- for a new one.
- Clear: sets the Name, Number, Script, Password and LastCall fields to
- blanks, zeros the Total field, and sets all others to default values over a
- marked block or at the cursor line.
- Dupe: copies selected fields from the cursor line over a marked block.
- Exchange: swaps the locations of two blocks.
- Find: searches for specified text from the line after the cursor through
- the rest of the .FON.
- Commands Continued.. COMMANDS
- 12 6 4 13 14 15 16 17
- More
- Insert
- Kopy
- Load
- Move
- Other info
- Insert: places empty lines in a block or at the cursor line, by pushing
- non-empty lines down.
- Kopy: if two .FONs are loaded, copies a marked block from the one that is
- not visible to the one that is.
- Load: loads another .FON, optionally keeping the present one loaded.
- Move: moves a block to the cursor line.
- Other info: changes the displayed fields from Number, COM and Script to
- Password, LastCall, Total, P and D.
- Commands Continued... COMMANDS
- 9 6 5 18 30 19 20 1
- More
- Pack
- Revise
- Sort
- Undo
- Editor Help
- Pack: moves the empty lines in a block to its bottom.
- Revise: change from Command Mode to Edit Mode.
- Sort: sorts a block on selected fields and directions.
- Undo: restores the state of the directory and the Editor to that saved at a
- previous time.
- Commands Concluded COMMANDS
- 7 4 21 22 7 1
- sWitch .FONs
- eXit
- Quit .FON File
- Editor Help
- sWitch .FONs: if two .FONs are loaded, changes which one is displayed.
- eXit: finishes the session, offering to save the .FON files, if they may
- have been changed, and returns to DOS.
- Quit: offers to save the displayed .FON file, if it may have been changed,
- and discards, making the RAM available for other uses.
- Editing Keys (In Edit Mode) EDITOR KEYS
- 40 2 1 2
- Editor Help
- Commands
- - Cursor Movement -
- Enter : cursor to start of next line
- RtArrow/^D : cursor right one column
- LfArrow/^S : cursor left one column
- Tab/^I : cursor right to start of field
- End: : cursor right to end of field
- ShiftTab : cursor left to start of field
- ^RtArrow/^F : cursor right to next "word"
- ^lfArrow/^A : cursor left to previous "word"
- UpArrow/^E : cursor up one line
- DnArrow/^X : cursor down one line
- PgUp/^R : cursor up one page
- PgDn/^C : cursor down one page
- Home : cursor to first column of line
- ^PgUp : cursor to first page
- ^PgDn : cursor to last page
- - Editing -
- Del/^G : delete character at cursor
- BackSpace/^H : delete character at left of cursor
- ^Y : delete to end of field
- Ins/^V : change between insert and overwrite (overwrite is forced in
- some fields, including the LastCall field)
- - Function Keys -
- F1/AltH : Help
- F2 : turn marks off
- F3 : mark start of block
- F4 : mark end of block
- F6 : mark entire .FON
- - Function Keys in Help -
- AltF1 : Help for Help
- Shift F1 : Last Help
- (AltH means "hold the Alt key and press H or h".)
- Quit .FON File COMMAND
- 11 3 23 22 1
- Save
- eXit
- Editor help
- To Quit the displayed .FON file: Press Q in Command Mode.
- Quit disposes of the displayed .FON file, after a confirming prompt, and
- makes that RAM available for other purposes. If the .FON file has been
- changed, Quit will prompt to save it. See Save for more information.
- At either prompt, to quit the .FON file simply press Y or y. To return to
- the Editor without quitting the file, press N, n or Esc.
- Quit only works if you have two .FON files. Otherwise, QFE will display an
- "oops" message.
- (Find) Again COMMAND
- 6 2 12 1
- Find
- Editor help
- To (find) Again: Press A in Command Mode.
- Again repeats a previous Find, starting from the line after the cursor line
- and continuing to the end of the .FON. Again is like Find in all ways
- except that Again does not prompt for a search text, but uses the previous
- one.
- Clear Lines COMMAND
- 10 1 1
- Editor Help
- To Clear: Press C in Command Mode.
- If a block is marked, Clear replaces the lines in the block with empty
- lines.
- If no block is marked, Clear replaces only the cursor line.
- In the empty line(s), the Name, Number Script, Password and LastCall
- fields will be filled with blanks. The Total field will be zeroed. The
- remaining fields will be set from default values.
- Duplicate (Copy) Entry over Block COMMAND
- 20 1 1
- Editor Help
- To Duplicate : Mark a block and press D in Command Mode.
- A window will open displaying all fields from the cursor line. Duplicate
- will copy fields from the cursor line over a marked block. If you don't
- want a particular field (such as the Number field) to be copied, use Tab or
- ShiftTab to move the cursor to that field, and press AltB. The field will
- fill with #### to show that it won't be copied. (Pressing AltB on a ####
- field will restore its contents, and it will be copied.) After selecting
- the fields to copy, press AltF10, or press Esc to close the Duplicate
- window without copying.
- Note that Duplicate can be used to clear fields--such as the Password
- field--by blanking those fields on the cursor line, and using Duplicate to
- blank that field over the block.
- Duplicate can also be used to change the baud rate over a block, by
- changing it on the cursor line, and using Duplicate to change it over the
- block.
- (AltB means "hold the Alt key and press B or b".)
- Exchange Lines COMMAND
- 8 1 1
- Editor Help
- To Exchange: Mark a block. cursor at the top of another (unmarked) block of
- lines. Press E in Command Mode.
- Exchange moves the marked block to where the cursor line is, and moves an
- equal sized block, starting at the cursor line, to where the marked block
- was. If the two blocks overlap before the exchange, or if the cursor is too
- near the end of the file, a message window will open and the exchange will
- not be made.
- 16 2 8 1
- (find) Again
- Editor Help
- To Find: Press F in Command Mode.
- A window will open to accept search text. Enter the text you want to find,
- up to the limits of the input area. Press Enter when you have finished
- input, or press Esc to close the window without doing a search.
- Find will search for a match for your text, starting with the line after
- the cursor line and continuing to the end of the .FON. If a match is found,
- Find will adjust the display to show the line where the match occurred, and
- put the cursor on that line.
- Find does a case-insensitive search. For example, 'FORBIN', 'FoRbIn', and
- 'forbin' are all the same to it.
- To continue searching for the same text, use the (find) Again command,
- pressing A.
- Insert Lines COMMAND
- 14 1 1
- Editor Help
- To Insert: Press I in Command Mode.
- If a block is marked, Insert pushes the marked lines down, replacing them
- with empty lines.
- If no block is marked, Insert pushes the line at the cursor down, replacing
- it with an empty line.
- The empty lines move from below the block. If there are not enough empty
- lines below the cursor to replace those being pushed down, a message window
- will open and the insert will not be made.
- (Empty lines are those that are filled with blanks in the Name, Number and
- Script fields.)
- Kopy from Other .FON File COMMAND
- 16 3 15 21 1
- Load new .FON
- sWitch .FONs
- Editor Help
- To Kopy: Switch .FON displays. Press K in Command Mode.
- If a block is marked in the .FON which is not displayed, that block is
- copied to the displayed .FON, starting at the cursor line.
- If not block is marked in the nondisplayed .FON, the entry at that .FON's
- cursor will be copied to the displayed .FON at the cursor line.
- If the cursor is too near the end of the file, QFE will display an "oops"
- message and not make the copy.
- The purpose of Kopy is to let you move entries from one .FON to another.
- You must have two .FON files loaded in order to Kopy.
- Kopy writes over entries in the displayed .FON--it does not try to push
- them out of the way.
- Load New .FON File COMMAND
- 11 4 29 1 21 14
- Keep .FON
- Editor Help
- sWitch .FONs
- Kopy
- To Load a new .FON: Press L in Command Mode.
- Load prompts for the name of a .FON file, including drive, path and
- extension, as required. (The extension will be forced to .FON.) Load
- prompts whether to keep the displayed .FON file, then attempts to locate
- and read in the requested file.
- If two .FON files are already loaded, Load will require that one of them
- not be kept before it loads a new one.
- If the current file has been changed, Load prompts to save it.
- Move Entries COMMAND
- 11 2 20 1
- Undo
- Editor Help
- To Move: Mark the top and bottom of a block of lines. Put the cursor where
- you want to move the block. Press M in Command Mode.
- The marked block will be moved to where the cursor is. The exact
- positioning of the block and the lines moved to accomdate it depends on the
- direction of the move (toward the beginning or end of the .FON file) and
- the location of the block relative to the cursor. The results may not
- always be what you expect. See the entry on Undo.
- Move is nondestructive--entries are moved, but not overwritten or otherwise
- changed.
- Other Info Display EDIT or COMMAND
- 9 1 1
- Editor Help
- To display other .FON information: Press O in Command Mode or AltO in Edit
- Mode.
- Not all of the .FON information can be displayed at the same time.
- Sometimes the screen displays the fields Number, COM, and Script. Other
- times it displays Password, LastCall, Total, P(arity), and D(uplex). The
- Other info command changes which set of fields is displayed.
- (AltO means "hold the Alt key and press O or o".)
- Pack Entries COMMAND
- 11 2 24 1
- Page or Block
- Editor Help
- To Pack: Mark the top and bottom of a block of lines. Press P in Command
- Mode.
- Pack moves the empty lines in the marked block to its bottom, pushing the
- rest to the top. (Empty lines are those that are filled with blanks in the
- Name, Number and Script fields.)
- If the marked block consists only of complete pages, and is longer than one
- page, Pack prompts whether to pack individual pages or the block as one
- unit. See "Page or Block" for more information on that. (A complete page is
- one on which all entries are marked.)
- Sort Entries COMMAND
- 30 2 24 1
- Page or Block
- Editor Help
- To Sort: Mark the top and bottom of a block of lines. Press S in Command
- Mode.
- A window will open, listing the fields on which you may sort: Name, Number,
- Area Code, Exchange, Baud, Total Calls, Last Call, Script and Password; as
- well as the directions in which you may sort: Asc and Des.
- Use the space bar, cursor keys, and Enter to move from field to field and
- between the two columns. Number the fields on which you wish to sort, with
- "1" being the most significant field, and "6" being the least. Place the
- numbers in the column under the direction you wish to sort for each field.
- Example: Put "1" across from "Baud," under "Des," to sort by speed, in
- descending order. When you have numbered as many fields as you wish, press
- F10 to begin the sort--or press Esc to cancel it.
- The next time you command Sort, your last chosen fields and directions will
- appear as the defaults. Accept them by pressing F10, edit them in the same
- way you originally entered them, or press Esc to cancel the sort.
- You cannot sort on Number if you sort on Area Code and/or Exchange (and
- vice versa). Sorts on Area Code and Exchange will probably not be correct
- if your numbers are not right justified, in the format "aaa eee nnnn"
- (where aaa is an area code, eee is the exchange, and nnnn is the rest of
- the number).
- If the block being sorted is two or more complete pages, Sort prompts
- whether to sort individual pages or the block as one unit. See "Page or
- Block" for more information on that. (A complete page is one where all
- entries on that page are marked.
- Undo Changes EDIT or COMMAND
- 19 1 1
- Editor Help
- To Undo: Press ^U in Edit Mode or Command Mode.
- Undo puts the .FON file and the Editor into the same condition they were at
- some earlier time, when an internal "backup" was made.
- Internal backups are made when the .FON file is first loaded and before
- executing every command which changes the file. (Eg, Sort causes a backup,
- but Other info does not.)
- The number of available internal backups varies. If none are available for
- Undo, "^U" will not be visible in the command key list; otherwise, the
- number available will be displayed.
- Note that you can only Undo changes made before quitting QFE. The internal
- backups are not written to disk, so there is no way to recover them later.
- However, if disk space is available when you quit QFE, your unedited .FON
- file will be saved with the extension ".BAQ".
- (^U means "hold the Ctrl key and press U or u".)
- sWitch .FON Files COMMAND
- 9 3 15 14 1
- Load new .FON
- Kopy
- Editor Help
- To sWitch .FONs: Press W in Command Mode.
- If you have two .FON files loaded at the same time, sWitch will let you
- change which one is being displayed and edited.
- Only the displayed .FON file is affected by any commands which change the
- .FON file's contents.
- The nondisplayed .FON file is available as a source for the Kopy command.
- 10 2 23 1
- Save
- Editor Help
- To eXit: Press X in Command Mode or AltX in Edit Mode.
- eXit quits QFE and returns to DOS, after a confirming prompt. To quit,
- simply press Y or y. To return to the Editor, rather than quitting, press
- N, n or Esc.
- If the .FON file has been changed, Exit will prompt to save it. See Save
- for more information.
- (AltX means "hold the Alt key and press X or x".)
- Save .FON File PROMPT
- 12 3 22 21 1
- eXit
- sWitch .FONs
- Editor Help
- Save is called by eXit and Load if the displayed file has been changed.
- (Save is called by Load only if you answer no to the "Keep this file?"
- prompt.
- To save the file and eXit or Load, press Y or y. To eXit or Load without
- saving the file, press N or n. To continue with QFE without eXiting or
- Loading, press Esc.
- If space is available on the disk, the original disk file will be kept with
- the extension ".BAQ". In that case, an existing file with the same name and
- the extension ".BAQ" will be erased. In any other case, QFE will prompt you
- before erasing a file.
- Page or Block PROMPT
- 10 3 18 19 1
- Pack
- Sort
- Editor Help
- The prompt "Page by page or the entire block (P/B)" is given when the
- marked block contains only complete pages, is longer than one page, and the
- command is Pack or Sort. (A complete page is one on which all entries are
- marked.)
- Choosing Page (by pressing "P" or "p") causes all entries to stay on the
- page where they start. Choosing Block (by pressing "B" or "b") causes the
- command to treat the entire block as one unit: entries may be moved to
- different pages. Pressing Esc closes the prompt window and cancel the
- command.
- 14 2 20 1
- Undo
- Editor Help
- Backup is called internally by commands which change the .FON file, before
- the changes are made. For example, Sort calls Backup before the sort is
- actually done.
- Backup saves only those pages which may be changed by the command. It also
- saves some other information, such as which entries are marked and which
- page is displayed.
- The Undo command restores the .FON file and the Editor to the conditions
- saved by the most recent Backup.
- Nothing should ever go wrong with Backup. You should never see this display
- unless you are "peeking" into the help file. If QFE shows you this display,
- please let me know what the situation was.
- 13 3 15 27 1
- Load New .FON
- Startup
- Editor Help
- Get New .FON File is called internally by QFE's startup routine and by Load
- New .FON. The calling routines give the .FON file's name to Get New .FON
- File.
- QFE will display "oops" messages if:
- --there is no RAM available for the new .FON file or its buffer;
- --the file cannot be found;
- --the file is the wrong size;
- --a DOS error occurs opening or reading the file.
- If the "cannot be found" message is displayed during startup, QFE will
- stop.
- 14 1 26
- Get New .FON
- QFE's startup routine:
- --determines the screen colors which were active before QFE was called;
- --checks the DOS "environment" for QMODEM=;
- --reads the .FON file name from the DOS "command line";
- --reads other parameters from the "command line";
- --looks for QMODEM.CNF and reads it, if found;
- --determines QFE's screen colors;
- --determines the path to the .FON file;
- --may prompt for keyboard input to continue (unregistered version only);
- --calls Get New to open and read the .FON file.
- If Get New is unable to open and read the .FON file during startup, QFE
- will display an "oops" message and stop.
- Help for Help EDIT or COMMAND
- 22 1 1
- Editor Help
- QFE's help system is available any time after the earliest parts of the
- startup routine. Although F1 is the designated "help key", AltH will also
- call up help.
- To see this help screen, press AltF1 while in the help system.
- Help uses the PgUp, PgDn, up arrow and down arrow keys to display more
- information than one screen can hold.
- The bottom line on the help screen shows one or more related topics. One
- will always be highlighted. If you want to see a related topic's
- information, move the highlighting to that topic and press Enter. Use the
- Tab, Shift Tab, Space, and/or the left and right arrow keys to move the
- highlighting.
- You can also move from the current help screen to the last one that you
- viewed by pressing Shift F1.
- One topic that usually appears is Editor Help. From the Editor Help
- screens, you can switch to topics covering all QFE commands and keys.
- (AltH means "hold the Alt key and press H or h".)
- 6 2 21 1
- sWitch .FONs
- Editor Help
- The command Load new .FON prompts to find out if you want to keep the
- currently displayed .FON file.
- To keep the currently displayed .FON, answer the prompt with Y or y. To
- abandon the currently displayed .FON, answer with N or n. To return to the
- Editor without loading a new .FON file, press Esc.
- 20 3 2 6 1
- Commands
- Keys
- Editor Help
- QFE operates in one of two modes: Command and Edit. The current mode is
- displayed in the upper right portion of the .FON display.
- When in Command Mode, QFE responds to keys much as Qmodem does. Pressing a
- key will cause some command to be carried out, rather than putting that
- key's character into a .FON entry. For example, the S key commands QFE to
- Sort the marked block.
- When in Edit Mode, QFE acts as a full-screen directory processor, much like
- a word processor. Pressing a character key puts the corresponding character
- into the .FON at the cursor location (if the character is proper for that
- location). For example, the S key would put the character "S" (or "s") into
- the .FON at the cursor.
- To change from Command Mode to Edit Mode, press R (for Revise, as in
- Qmodem). To return from Edit Mode to Command Mode, press Esc. Note that,
- unlike in Qmodem, you will not need to press F10 to save the changes when
- leaving Edit Mode, and Esc will not undo those changes. However, the
- changes will not be written to disk unless you choose to do that when
- quitting QFE.