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Text File | 1990-09-01 | 46.4 KB | 1,193 lines |
- +--+ QFE +--+
- The Directory Processor
- for
- Qmodem SST 4.2
- version 4.2
- QFE(tm) Copyright 1986,1990 Sunflower Systems.
- All rights reserved.
- Sunflower Systems
- 5683 Dekalb Lane
- _________ Norcross, GA 30093
- _____|___ | (tm) 404/925-9331
- --| | |-----------------
- | _____|___ | Association of "QFE" and "The Directory
- | | |_| Shareware Processor"are trademarks
- |___| o | Professionals of Sunflower Systems.
- ------| | |-------------------
- |____|____| MEMBER The Qfonedit family of
- software is the product
- of Sunflower Systems.
- Contents
- Copyrights and Trademarks 1
- Disclaimer 1
- License 1
- QFE Support 2
- Paying for QFE 2
- What is QFE? 3
- Keys in QFE and This Manual 4
- A "Quick Start" 5
- A "Quick Finish" 5
- Other Ways to Start 5
- The On-line Help System 7
- Modes in QFE 7
- Marking and Using Blocks 8
- "Oops" Windows and Worse 9
- QFE Commands 10
- Duplicating 12
- Sorting 14
- Appendix A 17
- i
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Copyrights and Trademarks
- =================================================================
- QFE (c) 1986,1989 Sunflower Systems. All rights reserved.
- "QFE" and "The Directory Processor" are trademarks of Sunflower
- System.
- "Qmodem" is a trademark of The Forbin Project, Inc.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Disclaimer
- =================================================================
- QFE is supplied as-is. Sunflower Systems disclaims all warran-
- ties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the
- warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose.
- Sunflower Systems assumes no liability for damages, direct or
- consequential, which may result from the use of QFE. Use of QFE
- indicates acceptance of this disclaimer.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- License
- =================================================================
- QFE is copyrighted Shareware, not public domain, "freeware," or
- anything else that does not have to be paid for.
- License is granted to use QFE for a trial period, to determine
- its suitability for the user and his or her system. The "trial
- period" is over when the user has decided whether QFE is useful
- for his or her purposes. If the decision is that QFE is useful,
- the user is expected to pay for it. (See "Paying for QFE,"
- below.)
- Some users find that QFE is a great deal of help to them for a
- short while after they obtain it, but that they seldom use it
- afterwards. Those users should note that the duration of QFE's
- usefulness to them is not a factor in the license. I.e., they
- should pay for QFE.
- Anyone may distribute copies of QFE and its documentation,
- subject to the following restrictions:
- +-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
- --QFE.EXE, QFE.HLP, QFE.DOC, and QFE_READ.ME must be
- distributed as a complete package.
- --The contents of QFE.EXE and QFE.HLP must not be modified.
- --The contents of QFE.DOC and QFE_READ.ME must not be
- modified other than by brief additions such as paragraphs
- identifying the party distributing the package, etc.
- --No charge may be made for the QFE package without the
- written permission of Sunflower Systems.
- --No charge may be made for any hardware or software package
- distributed with QFE without the written permission of
- Sunflower Systems.
- --An exception to the "no charge" restrictions is that the
- QFE package may always be distributed with Qmodem under
- any terms approved by The Forbin Project, Inc., for
- Qmodem's distribution. However, no additional charge may
- be made for QFE's distribution beyond that made for
- Qmodem's distribution.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- QFE Support
- =================================================================
- QFE is supported on The Forbin Project BBS (check your Qmodem
- documentation for the BBS phone number); in the Qmodem Round
- Table on GEnie; and on CompuServe (73307,3101).
- Sunflower Systems is a member of the Association of Shareware
- Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the Shareware
- principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
- Shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the
- member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can
- help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but
- does not provide technical support for members' products. Please
- write to the ASP Ombudsman at P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006
- or send a CompuServe message via Easyplex to ASP Ombudsman
- 70007,3536.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Paying for QFE
- =================================================================
- QFE is $15 for a single copy. Paying customers receive a copy of
- the most recent release, on diskette; an individual serial
- number, allowing bypass of some of QFE's prompts and displays;
- 2
- +-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
- mailed notices of major upgrades; and telephone support as-
- available.
- Users wishing to pay for QFE using a bank card should order from
- The Public (software) Library. Call them at (800)242-4775 or
- (713)665-7017, or write to PO Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235, for
- details.
- See Appendix A for a form to order QFE directly from Sunflower
- Systems. (An unregistered copy of QFE will offer to print out an
- order form at the end of each session.)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- What is QFE?
- =================================================================
- QFE is a QMODEM.FON processor.
- What does that mean? It means that you can operate on your Qmodem
- dialing directory files like you operate on text with a word
- processor: rearrange the entries, change them like you want to.
- You can even process two directory files at the same time,
- copying from each to the other.
- In the rest of this manual, we'll refer to Qmodem directory files
- as ".FON files", or just ".FONs", because your Qmodem dialing
- directory files always have the "extension" .FON. We'll refer to
- an individual listing in your .FON file as an "entry."
- QFE makes it easy to do a lot of things with your .FON file:
- --Clear (erase) entries, leaving just "defaults" for
- appropriate values.
- --Duplicate an entry: copy it, or part of it, to other
- entries.
- --Find the entry which contains a particular word or number.
- --Insert blank entries.
- --Move entries from one place to another.
- --Pack entries, so that the "empty" ones are at the
- "bottom", and the others are at the "top".
- --Sort it.
- 3
- +-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
- Of course, QFE also makes it easy to change the contents of any
- entry, operating like a word processor: You just type new
- information into the entry.
- And QFE protects your .FON files: While a .FON is still in QFE,
- you can undo recent changes. If disk space permits, QFE will
- leave your original .FON files on disk, changing their extensions
- to .BAQ. (The originals don't have their names changed until QFE
- has written the edited files to disk under a temporary name.)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Keys in QFE and This Manual
- =================================================================
- When run together with the name or number of a key, the words
- Shift, Ctrl, and Alt mean to press the other key while holding
- down a plain Shift key, a Ctrl key, or an Alt key, respectively.
- Preceding a number, the letter F means to press the Function key
- which has that number. The F may be preceded by Shift, Ctrl, or
- Alt. FKey and FKeys refer to any Function key.
- Esc, Tab, PgUp, PgDn, Home, End, Ins and Del refer to the keys
- which usually have those names on an IBM keyboard. Space refers
- to the space bar.
- Up, Down, Left, and Right refer to the cursor control keys which
- move the cursor in those respective directions.
- Enter refers to the Enter or Return key.
- You never have to type the " or [] characters shown in many
- places in the manual. And it never matters whether you use
- capital letters or lower case ones.
- Examples:
- AltH means press H while holding down the Alt key.
- ShiftTab means press the Tab key while holding down Shift.
- CtrlFKey refers to any Function key pressed while holding
- down the Ctrl key.
- QFE uses the same cursor movement keys that Qmodem does, with
- some extensions similar to those used in the Borland editors and
- WordStar. ("WordStar" is the trademark of MicroPro Interna-
- tional.) For example, Qmodem and QFE both use PgUp to move the
- cursor an entire page up, but QFE also uses CtrlR for that. See
- the on-line help for full details.
- 4
- +-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- A "Quick Start"
- =================================================================
- The easiest way to start using QFE is to copy the files QFE.EXE
- and QFE.HLP onto the same disk, in the same directory, as
- QMODEM.EXE and QMODEM.FON. Make that disk and directory the
- current one, type QFE and press Enter. QFE should then load
- QMODEM.FON and let you start editing it.
- (If you are using an unregistered copy, QFE may prompt you for
- some additional keystrokes before displaying QMODEM.FON.)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- A "Quick Finish"
- =================================================================
- To leave QFE, type X from "Command Mode." If QFE prompts you to
- save QMODEM.FON, answer yes or no by typing Y or N--or press Esc
- to continue QFE rather leaving it.
- (If you are using an unregistered copy, QFE will ask if you wish
- it to print an order form. Type Y or N, as appropriate. Note that
- even after you have QFE print an order form, you will still
- receive this question from your unregistered copy.)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Other Ways to Start
- =================================================================
- The general way to command DOS to load and run QFE is to type:
- QFE [parameters] Enter
- where "[parameters]" means any or none of these items:
- filename the name (optionally including drive and
- path) of the .FON file you want to load. (The
- extension ".FON" is forced onto the
- filename.)
- -B use "Black and white" regardless of
- QMODEM.CNF colors or DOS colors
- 5
- +-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
- -C use default Colors regardless of QMODEM.CNF
- colors or DOS colors
- -S use Slow screen writes to avoid making "snow"
- on some video adapters
- -Q be Quiet--don't make beeps
- Separate parameters by at least one space between each pair. Type
- them in any order. If you prefer, you can type "/" instead of
- "-".
- Some examples of running QFE with parameters:
- Run QFE loading BBS.FON from the current directory or the
- Qmodem directory:
- QFE BBS Enter
- Run QFE loading BBS.FON from the C:\QM\BB directory, using
- default colors:
- QFE C:\QM\BB\BBS -C Enter
- or
- QFE -C C:\QM\BB\BBS Enter
- Run QFE quietly, and suppress screen snow:
- QFE -Q -S Enter
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- =================================================================
- QFE looks for "QMODEM=" in your DOS environment. If found, it is
- used to locate QMODEM.CNF and your .FON file. (See the Qmodem
- users' manual and your DOS manual for more information about
- QMODEM= and the DOS environment.)
- If QFE does not find QMODEM=, it searches for QMODEM.EXE by
- looking in the current directory and along the DOS path. (See
- your DOS manual for more information about the DOS path.) Under
- DOS versions 3.X and later, QFE looks in the directory where
- QFE.EXE is.
- If QFE finds QMODEM.CNF, it reads your choices for colors, baud
- rate, etc., from that file and uses them to set its own values.
- If it does not find QMODEM.CNF, QFE relies on preset values and
- 6
- +-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
- rules. For example, in the absence of QMODEM.CNF, QFE sets its
- screen colors based on what was on the screen when you started
- QFE.
- In any case, parameters given at start-up override QMODEM.CNF and
- QFE's preset values and rules.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- The On-line Help System
- =================================================================
- Press F1 or AltH to get on-line help with QFE. Press Esc to leave
- the help system.
- QFE's help is "context sensitive," meaning that the help text
- display depends on what QFE was doing when you requested help.
- For example, if you press F1 while sorting the .FON, the first
- help screen presented will deal with sorting.
- Help text is sometimes too lengthy for display on just one
- screen. Up, Down, PgUp and PgDn will move you through the full
- text.
- Every topic in the help system is linked to at least one other.
- From one to six topics are listed at the bottom of the help
- screen. One of them is always highlighted. Pressing Enter leaves
- the currently displayed topic and displays the one that was
- highlighted. Tab, ShiftTab, Right, Left and Space move the
- highlighting from topic to topic.
- Help topics also have two links which do not appear in the list
- (unless they duplicate a listed topic). Rather than highlighting,
- these topics are selected with FKeys: press ShiftF1 for the most
- recently displayed topic, or AltF1 for help about the help system
- itself.
- Note that the help text is stored in the file QFE.HLP. On-line
- help is available only if QFE can find, open and read QFE.HLP.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Modes in QFE
- =================================================================
- QFE operates in either of two "modes".
- 7
- +-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
- In "Command Mode", the letters you type are interpreted as
- commands. For example, typing "S" in Command Mode tells QFE to
- sort. In Command Mode you cannot type in new entries or type
- modifications of existing ones.
- In "Edit Mode", the letters you type are taken literally: Typing
- "S" in Edit Mode puts the letter S into the "cursor line" (the
- entry at the cursor location)--if "S" is an acceptable character
- there.
- To go from Command Mode to Edit Mode, type R, for Revise, just as
- in Qmodem. To return from Edit Mode to Command Mode, press Esc.
- An upper line on the screen will state whether QFE is in Command
- or Edit Mode.
- For users who dislike modes, QFE can be operated from Edit Mode
- just as if there were no Command Mode. In Edit Mode, all of the
- commands must be given with the AltKey equivalents of the Command
- Mode keys: Sort would be invoked with AltS rather than just "S".
- However, the rest of this manual and all of the help text ignore
- the use of AltKeys in Edit Mode.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Marking and Using Blocks
- =================================================================
- Most QFE commands "need" to "know" which entries to operate on.
- Some commands, such as Load and Quit, operate on the entire .FON.
- Others, such as Find, start at the entry after the cursor line.
- Commands which need to be "told" which entries to operate on get
- that information from "marking" of "blocks" of entries. Marked
- entries usually appear in a different color than unmarked ones,
- and always have the Qmodem marking character to their left.
- To mark a block, move the cursor to the "first" entry in the
- intended block. (The first entry is the one with the lowest entry
- number.) Press F3. Move the cursor to the "last" entry (the one
- with the highest entry number) in the intended block. Press F4.
- To mark the entire .FON as one block, just press F6.
- When a block is marked, an upper line on the screen will say that
- marks are "on" and which are the first and last marked entries.
- When marks are on, pressing F3 makes the cursor line the new
- first line in the block; pressing F4 makes the cursor line the
- new last line. The existing marks will be extended, truncated, or
- 8
- +-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
- cleared as required; you will see the displayed entries marked or
- unmarked accordingly.
- To unmark a block, removing the marking characters and restoring
- normal colors, press F2.
- Some QFE commands need to know both a marked block and some other
- entry. For example, the Move command moves a marked block to the
- cursor line. Thus, to move the block you must first mark it, then
- move the cursor to the intended destination, then give the Move
- command.
- Some other commands act on a block if one is marked, but act on
- the cursor line alone if not. For example, the Clear command
- erases the entries in a marked block, but it erases only the
- cursor line if no block is marked.
- If a marked block comprises only complete pages (pages where the
- marked entries include both the page's "top" entry and its
- "bottom" one), and more than one such page, some commands will
- prompt whether to operate on the entire block as a unit, or on a
- page by page basis. Type P for page, B for block, or Esc to quit
- the prompt without performing the operation. If the command is
- performed by page, all entries will stay on their original pages;
- if by block, some entries may be moved to different pages than
- their original ones.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- "Oops" Windows and Worse
- =================================================================
- If QFE cannot carry out a command, it will open an "oops window",
- explaining its problem and possibly suggesting how to fix the
- problem.
- Suggestions for better oops windows are always welcome.
- You may, under very unusual circumstances, be presented with a
- window announcing "an embarrassing, terminal failure". That does
- not mean that your disk is threatened, or that your .FON file is
- in danger. It means that the QFE programmer did not foresee some
- problem that arose. QFE will not save your .FON file if a
- terminal failure occurs. However, all that will be lost will be
- the changes made in that session. Nothing on the disk will be
- changed.
- A terminal failure leaves some information on the screen, with a
- request to report it. Please record that information. (Press
- ShiftPrtSc to copy it to your printer, if possible.) If you
- report the information, together with a copy of your AUTOEXEC.BAT
- 9
- +-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
- and CONFIG.SYS files and any other relevant information, it may
- be possible to avoid that failure in future QFE releases. And you
- will receive the programmer's nearly undying (but embarrassed)
- thanks.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- QFE Commands
- =================================================================
- Unless noted otherwise, QFE commands are given by typing a letter
- from the command name, while in Command Mode. In this section,
- the letter to be typed is capitalized in the command name.
- Again: Repeat a Find command, starting at the entry after the
- cursor line. You must have previously done a Find command to do
- an Again command.
- Clear: Erase the entries in a marked block; erase the cursor line
- if no block is marked. Erasing a line clears the Name, Number,
- and Script fields to all blanks, and sets other fields to default
- values.
- Duplicate: Copy selected fields from the cursor line to all
- entries in a marked block. (Duplicate is explained in more detail
- in a later section.)
- Exchange: Exchange the entries in a marked block with those in an
- equal-sized block starting at the cursor line. The cursor line
- must not be within the marked block, and must not be too close to
- the end of the .FON for the exchange to occur.
- Find: Locate an entry containing values you specify. If a match
- is located, the entry with the match will become the cursor line,
- and the screen will display the field where the match occurred.
- Find and Again start with the entry after the cursor line, so
- they cannot operate with the cursor on the last line of the .FON.
- They search all fields--not just Name and Number.
- Insert: Replace the entries in a marked block with "blank"
- entries; replace the cursor line with a blank entry if no block
- is marked. Blank entries look like those produced by the Clear
- command, with all blanks in the Name, Number, and Script fields.
- The entries in the marked block, or the cursor line, are actually
- moved "down" (toward the higher-numbered end of the .FON) during
- an insert; blank lines from farther down are moved into the
- vacated places. No entries are lost during an insert. If there
- are not enough blank entries farther down, an oops window will
- open.
- 10
- +-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
- Kopy: Copy the entries from a marked block in one .FON to another
- .FON, starting at the cursor line of the second .FON. QFE must
- have two .FONs loaded at once for Kopy to work. The block is
- copied from the .FON which is not displayed to the .FON which is.
- The entries in the displayed .FON are lost, overwritten by the
- copied ones. If only one .FON is loaded, or the cursor is too
- near the end of the displayed .FON, an oops window will open.
- Load new .FON: Load another .FON file, optionally quitting (and
- possibly saving) the currently displayed one. QFE will prompt for
- name of a file to load. Edit the displayed name and press Enter
- to load the new .FON, or Esc to leave the prompt without loading
- it. QFE will ask whether to keep the currently displayed .FON.
- Note that QFE can have two .FONs loaded at once, but no more. If
- you already have two .FONs loaded, you must quit one of them in
- order to load a new one. See the section on "eXit QFE" for a
- discussion of saving .FON files.
- Move: Move the entries in a marked block to a new location which
- starts at the cursor line. Such a move rearranges more entries
- than just those in the marked block; the results are sometimes
- not what was intended. See the section on Undo.
- Other info: Switch between display of the Number through the
- Script fields, and display of the Password through the D fields.
- Pack: Move the blank entries in a marked block to its bottom
- (nearer the highest numbered entry), moving the rest of the
- entries to its top.
- Quit .FON: Quit the currently displayed .FON, optionally saving
- changes to disk. Do not confuse "Quit" with "eXit QFE": Quit will
- leave you in QFE, editing the remaining .FON. You can only quit a
- .FON if two of them are loaded; otherwise an oops window will
- open. The primary purpose of Quit is to make more RAM available
- by freeing that used for the currently displayed .FON file. See
- the section on "eXit QFE" for a discussion of saving .FON files.
- Revise: Change from Command Mode to Edit Mode. (To return from
- Edit Mode to Command Mode, press Esc. See the section on "Modes
- in QFE".) While in Edit Mode you can revise entries as you might
- with a word processor. Cursor keys and other keys act as you
- probably expect. See the on-line help for specific details.
- Sort: Sort the entries in a marked block. The sort can be made on
- up to eight fields. Each field may be individually selected to be
- sorted in either order: ascending or descending. (Sort is
- explained in more detail in a later section.)
- Undo: Undo restores the .FON file, the display and various other
- things, to a previous state. Note that Undo is invoked with
- CtrlU, as in Qmodem, rather than just the letter U. Undo is only
- available if QFE currently has one or more "internal backups"
- stored. If Undo is available, the displayed command list will
- 11
- +-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
- include "^U" to the left of "Undo", and the number of available
- backups to the right. If Undo is not available, only the word
- "Undo" will appear in the list. QFE tries to make an internal
- backup before executing any command which modifies the .FON. For
- example, QFE tries to make a backup before doing a sort, but not
- before turning marks on or loading a new .FON file. Whether QFE
- can make an internal backup, and how many are available, depends
- on available RAM. QFE will make and keep as many internal backups
- as available RAM permits. When RAM is required for other purposes
- (such as loading a new .FON file, performing a sort, or making a
- current internal backup), QFE disposes of the oldest backups,
- until sufficient RAM is available or all backups have been
- disposed of. You may see the displayed number of available
- backups decrease--or disappear--when you have not commanded Undo.
- sWitch .FONs: Change the display from the currently displayed
- .FON to the one not displayed. QFE must have two .FONs loaded for
- sWitch to operate.
- eXit QFE: Return to DOS, optionally saving the currently loaded
- .FON files. Before saving and/or returning to DOS, QFE will
- prompt to be sure you want to exit. Answer Y to return to DOS, or
- N or Esc to continue in QFE. Note that QFE will not prompt to
- save a file if it is sure that no changes have been made. If QFE
- does prompt, answer Y to save the file, N to exit without saving,
- or Esc to continue in QFE without saving the file or returning to
- DOS.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Duplicating
- =================================================================
- Duplicate is a general purpose copy command. Although Duplicate
- may appear complex at first, it is easily mastered and allows any
- fields in one entry to be copied over a marked block.
- Uses for Duplicate include changing baud rates en masse, deleting
- passwords, reassigning script files, etc.
- To prepare for duplication, select one entry to serve as the
- master from which the duplicates will be made. Edit it so that
- the fields of interest contain what you want. (You may need to go
- into Edit Mode to do this.) Don't worry about the other fields--
- only the fields you select will be duplicated.
- When the master entry is ready, and a block is marked, press D in
- Command Mode. (Note that the master entry may be within the
- marked block.)
- 12
- +-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
- The Duplicate window will open, showing all of the fields from
- the master entry. It will look something like this, with the Name
- field highlighted:
- +============== Duplicate an Entry ==============+
- | |
- | Name |
- | Forbin Project--Home of Qmodem |
- | |
- | Number COM Script |
- | 1 319 233 6157 2400-8-N-1 FORBIN.SCR |
- | |
- | Password LastCall Total P D |
- | brouhaha 07-04-88 590 Z F |
- | |
- +================================================+
- Pick the fields which you do not want to copy, using Tab and
- ShiftTab to move the highlighting from field to field. When a
- field is highlighted, you can prevent it from being copied by
- pressing AltB (for Blank). The field contents will be replaced by
- a series of # characters. The # characters will not be copied
- over the block; instead, Duplicate will leave the "blanked"
- fields untouched.
- If a field is blanked, but you wish to duplicate it, highlight it
- and press AltB again. The contents from the master entry's field
- will be restored.
- When you have selected all fields which are to be blanked, and
- only the fields you want to duplicate are left, press F10.
- If you decide to close the Duplicate window without doing the
- copy, press Esc rather than F10.
- Suppose you were copying a .FON file for a friend who had a 1200
- baud modem. One way to do that is to use Duplicate to blank the
- private fields or those which might just be wrong for your
- friend, like this: copy the Name, Number, Protocol and Duplex
- fields as they are; blank the Script, Password and LastCall
- fields; set the COM field to 1200-8-N-1, and zero the Total
- field.
- To do this: Mark the entire .FON using F6. Press R to enter Edit
- mode. Edit one entry so that the COM, Script, Password, LastCall
- and Total fields are like you want them. That will be your master
- entry. Press Esc to return to Command Mode. Press D to bring up
- the Duplicate window. Use Tab and/or ShiftTab to move to the
- Name, Number, P and D fields. In each one of those, press AltB to
- fill the field with #.
- Here's how the Duplicate window would look:
- 13
- +-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
- +============== Duplicate an Entry ==============+
- | |
- | Name |
- | ########################### |
- | |
- | Number COM Script |
- | ################### 1200-8-N-1 |
- | |
- | Password LastCall Total P D |
- | 0 # # |
- | |
- +================================================+
- Then press F10.
- That's all there is to it. Does it seem like quite a lot? Well,
- you will find that Duplicate quickly becomes easy to use. If
- needed, on-line help fully explains this command.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Sorting
- =================================================================
- QFE's Sort is the most powerful and general .FON file sorting
- feature available anywhere.
- To Sort a marked block, press S in Command Mode. The Sort window
- will open, showing the fields on which the sort can be made and
- the two directions. If you have previously sorted during a
- session, the window will display values from the most recent
- sort. The Sort window will look something like this:
- +===== Select Sort Fields ======+
- | |
- | Asc Des |
- | Name |
- | Number |
- | Area Code |
- | Exchange |
- | Baud |
- | Total Calls |
- | Last Call |
- | Script |
- | Password |
- | |
- +===============================+
- The first time the Sort window opens, the cursor will be on the
- Name line, in the Asc column. The Enter, Tab, ShiftTab and Space
- 14
- +-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
- keys, as well as the cursor keys, will move the cursor among the
- lines and columns.
- To select a field for sorting, move the cursor to the line that
- field is on. Put the cursor in the Asc column if you want that
- field to be sorted in ascending order (where 'A' comes before
- 'Z'), or the Des column to sort in descending order. When you
- have the cursor in the right place, type a number from 1 to 8.
- Field number 1 would be the most important one in the sort; a
- field numbered 8 would be the least. (Don't worry about skipping
- a number or using the same number twice. QFE will fix it.)
- If you decide not to sort on a field which has already been
- numbered, move the cursor to that number and type a space.
- Notice how the Area Code and Exchange fields are indented under
- the Number field. Sorting on Number includes the contents of the
- entire Number field, so sorting on Area Code and/or Exchange
- would be redundant. Similarly, sorting on Area Code and/or
- Exchange could be messed up if also sorted on Number. QFE won't
- let you choose Number unless both Area Code and Exchange
- selections are blank, and it won't let you choose either of them
- unless the Number selection is blank.
- When you have selected all the fields for the sort, press F10. If
- you decide to leave the Sort window without performing the sort,
- press Esc.
- Suppose you wanted sort a .FON file so that entries with the
- highest baud rate were first in the file, followed by those with
- the next highest baud rate, and so on to the entries with the
- lowest baud rate. You might also want the entries grouped by area
- code within the baud groups, and by name within the area code
- groups.
- To do this: Press F6 to mark the entire .FON. In Command Mode,
- press S to open the sort window. In any sequence, move the cursor
- to put the number 1 across from Baud, under Des; the number 2
- across from Area Code, under Asc; and the number 3 across from
- Name, under Asc. If the Sort window displays fields number higher
- than 3, then either ignore them (as irrelevant to your sort), or
- else move the cursor to them and type a space.
- Here's how the Sort window would look:
- 15
- +-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
- +===== Select Sort Fields ======+
- | |
- | Asc Des |
- | Name 3 |
- | Number |
- | Area Code 2 |
- | Exchange |
- | Baud 1 |
- | Total Calls |
- | Last Call |
- | Script |
- | Password |
- | |
- +===============================+
- Press F10 to start the sort.
- At the "Page or Block" prompt, press B to treat the entire .FON
- as a single block.
- Sorts by Area Code and/or Exchange only work properly if you
- maintain the numbers in a particular format. If the number
- "1-900-555-1212" were entered just like that, with the "1212" in
- the four rightmost columns in the Number field, then QFE's Sort
- would interpret "900" as the Area Code and "555" as the Exchange,
- just as it should. The format "19005551212", however, would not
- be interpreted correctly.
- QFE expects numbers to be in the general format
- xxxxxxxAAAxEEExxxxx
- where "AAA" is the Area Code, "EEE" is the Exchange, and "xxxx"
- can be anything.
- 16
- +-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Appendix A
- =================================================================
- Number #001
- QFE 4.2 Registration
- Order QFE from, and make payment to:
- Sunflower Systems
- 5683 Dekalb Lane
- Norcross, GA 30093
- 404/925-9331
- QFE is $15 per copy, shipped prepaid on diskette in the US or to
- Canada. Orders from other countries require an additional $5 for
- shipping. Purchase orders (written) are accepted only from
- government agencies and schools. (There is a $5 surcharge for
- invoiced orders.) Payment must be in US dollars. Except for
- bankcard orders (see next paragraph) or American Express money
- orders, payment must be in cash or with instruments drawn on US
- institutions. (Payment in US funds with instruments drawn on
- foreign institutions will not be accepted.)
- QFE may also be ordered from The Public (Software) Library at
- (800)242-4775 (orders only) or (713)665-7017 (orders or
- information), PO Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235-5705. The Public
- (Software) Library accepts MasterCard and Visa and can accept
- payment for QFE registrations.
- Name & Title : ..................................................
- ..................................................
- Address I : ..................................................
- Address II : ..................................................
- City, ST zip : ..................................................
- Telephone : ..................................................
- For corporate registration, the name and title should be those of
- the person to be notified of updates, etc.
- Source of your copy of QFE : ....................................
- Remarks : .......................................................
- .................................................................
- 17