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- ----------------------------------------------
- All versions of PC and MS DOS above 1.x maintain an area in
- memory called the environment. The environment contains a series of
- text strings that are used by DOS and applications programs for
- various purposes. You can see what strings are currently in the
- enviroment by typing SET and pressing <RETURN> from the DOS level. As
- a minimum, the environment will contain the string COMSPEC= followed
- by a DOS directory path and (usually) COMMAND.COM. Most hard disk
- equipped machines will show the following COMSPEC string:
- Other strings that frequently appear in the environment are the
- PROMPT= and PATH= strings. Control of the environment is effected
- through the DOS SET command, which may be entered at the DOS level or
- from a batch (like AUTOEXEC.BAT) file. For example, if a user desired
- that DOS used a copy of COMMAND.COM that was in a directory named
- C:\DOS, he/she might place the command SET COMSPEC=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM
- in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. After booting, DOS would load COMMAND.COM
- from C:\DOS each time it needed to reload the command interpreter.
- All other copies of COMMAND.COM in the system would be superfluous and
- ignored by DOS.
- One very useful string that can be placed in the DOS environment
- by the user is the PATH= string. When the name of an executable file
- is issued from the DOS level, DOS will first look in the current
- subdirectory for the file. If it finds it, it loads and executes it
- and all is fine. If it cannot find the file in the current directory,
- DOS will search the environment for the PATH= designator. If one
- exists, DOS will start searching the system directories that are in the
- PATH= string for the executable file. For example, suppose that
- the AUTOEXEC.BAT contains the command SET PATH=C:\DOS;D:\UTIL;E:\JUNK.
- Note that directory path names are separated by semicolons and can
- (and should) include the drive designator. Now further suppose that
- the user is in a directory named D:\SOMENAME and desires to run the
- program MYPROG.EXE but MYPROG.EXE is not resident in D:\SOMENAME.
- When the user enters MYPROG, DOS, unable find it in the current
- directory, starts searching the directories in the PATH= string
- starting with C:\DOS. If MYPROG.EXE was in D:\UTIL, DOS would load
- and execute the program and D:\UTIL would be the active directory when
- the program received control from DOS. Obviously, if DOS cannot find
- MYPROG.EXE in any of directories in the PATH= string, the message BAD
- COMMAND OR FILENAME will be displayed.
- The exact same sequence is followed if a running program calls
- DOS to execute a program but with one possible important difference.
- For technical reasons, some programs (like ZipMaster) need to load a
- secondary copy of COMMAND.COM and then pass the name of the program to
- be executed to COMMAND.COM. This is accomplished by searching the
- environment string for the COMSPEC= string to locate COMMAND.COM,
- changing to that directory, and telling DOS to load COMMAND.COM. The
- command passed to DOS might look somethin like this:
- This tells DOS to run COMMAND.COM and for COMMAND.COM to load and
- execute MYPROG.EXE. Even if MYPROG.EXE were located in the active
- directory when the applications program passed this command to DOS,
- COMMAND.COM might not find MYPROG.EXE because the applications program
- switched to the directory where COMMAND.COM was located in order to
- start things rolling. Therefore, unless MYPROG.EXE was in a directory
- contained in the PATH= string or in the same directory as COMMAND.COM,
- DOS would not find it.
- Each Identifier in the DOS path string MUST be unique. For
- example, consider the path identifier C:\UTIL\DOS\MYDIR. Placing
- this string in the DOS path string will NOT automatically place the
- the dirctories C:\UTIL and C:\UTIL\DOS in the DOS path. Each must
- be uniquely identified by the correct path name. For each of these
- directories to be identified in the DOS path, the following would
- be entered:
- ZipMaster depends upon the presence of an archive system's
- executable files (PKZIP.EXE, PKUNZIP.EXE, etc.). It calls these
- programs by using the command sequence just described and therefore
- cannot function properly unless these programs are in a directory
- specified in the PATH= string. The simplest thing to do is to place
- your archive system files and LIST.COM in one subdirectory and place
- its DOS path name in the environment. For example, suppose you are
- using PKWare and you place PKZIP, PKUNXIP, and LIST in a directory
- named C:\ARCUTILS. Placing the following line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT
- file and rebooting will ensure that ZipMaster will function properly:
- Obviously, the PATH= string can contain other directory path names and
- you may already have a PATH= command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. If
- so, just add the directory containing the archive system files to the
- string. For maximum speed, make it the first directory name in the
- string.
- When ZipMaster loads it will check your system environment
- to see if a PATH= string exists. If so, it will search each
- directory in the string to see if any of the supported archive
- system files can be found in the directories defined in the PATH.