home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- echo off
- cls
- if "%3" == "" goto Nodrive
- if %1 == a: goto Driveerst
- if %1 == A: goto Driveerst
- if %1 == b: goto Driveerst
- if %1 == B: goto Driveerst
- if %1 == c: goto Driveerst
- if %1 == C: goto Driveerst
- if %1 == d: goto Driveerst
- if %1 == D: goto Driveerst
- goto Nodrive
- :Driveerst
- if %2 == c: goto Testcard
- if %2 == C: goto Testcard
- if %2 == d: goto Testcard
- if %2 == D: goto Testcard
- if %2 == e: goto Testcard
- if %2 == E: goto Testcard
- if %2 == f: goto Testcard
- if %2 == F: goto Testcard
- if %2 == g: goto Testcard
- if %2 == G: goto Testcard
- if %2 == h: goto Testcard
- if %2 == H: goto Testcard
- if %2 == i: goto Testcard
- if %2 == I: goto Testcard
- if %2 == j: goto Testcard
- if %2 == J: goto Testcard
- if %2 == k: goto Testcard
- if %2 == K: goto Testcard
- goto Nodrive
- :Testcard
- if %3 == vga goto Cardvga
- if %3 == VGA goto Cardvga
- if %3 == ega goto Cardvga
- if %3 == EGA goto Cardvga
- if %3 == cga goto Cardcga
- if %3 == CGA goto Cardcga
- if %3 == mono goto Cardcga
- if %3 == MONO goto Cardcga
- :Nodrive
- echo Format: install [source drive]: [target drive]:
- echo Please specify the drive you want to install from and the drive on which
- echo you want to install 'EAST V WEST' both followed by a colon.
- echo To specify the graphics adaptor, use VGA, EGA, CGA and MONO.
- echo For example: If you have installed a VGA card and you want to copy
- echo 'EAST V WEST' from drive a: to drive c: type
- echo INSTALL A: C: VGA [Enter]
- echo │ │ │
- echo │ │ └────── VGA, EGA, CGA or MONO
- echo │ └────────── target drive
- echo └───────────── source drive
- goto end
- :Cardvga
- cls
- echo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- echo + +
- echo + EAST V WEST +
- echo + +
- echo + 'Berlin 1948' will be installed on drive %2. +
- echo + This program will create a subdirectory called %2\BERLIN +
- echo + Press Ctrl-C to break. +
- echo + +
- echo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- pause
- if exist %2\BERLIN\*.* goto VExists
- mkdir %2\BERLIN
- goto VCopynow
- :VExists
- echo The directory BERLIN on drive %2 already exists.
- echo Press Ctrl-C now if you don't want to overwrite this directory.
- pause
- :VCopynow
- echo Hard disk install...
- copy v %2\berlin > NUL
- copy berlin.bat %2\berlin > NUL
- copy vgame.exe %2\berlin > NUL
- copy vvor.exe %2\berlin > NUL
- copy director.ibm %2\berlin > NUL
- copy stream0.ibm %2\berlin > NUL
- copy install.bat %2\berlin > NUL
- copy mbf.bat %2\berlin > NUL
- if not exist %2\BERLIN\stream0.ibm goto error
- %2
- cd %2\BERLIN
- mbf %1 %2 %3
- goto End
- :Cardcga
- cls
- echo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- echo + +
- echo + EAST V WEST +
- echo + +
- echo + 'Berlin 1948' will be installed on drive %2. +
- echo + This program will create a subdirectory called %2\BERLIN +
- echo + Press Ctrl-C to break. +
- echo + +
- echo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- pause
- if exist %2\BERLIN\*.* goto CExists
- mkdir %2\BERLIN
- goto CCopynow
- :CExists
- echo The directory BERLIN on drive %2 already exists.
- echo Press Ctrl-C now if you don't want to overwrite this directory.
- pause
- :CCopynow
- echo Hard disk install...
- copy c %2\berlin > NUL
- copy berlin.bat %2\berlin > NUL
- copy director.ibm %2\berlin > NUL
- copy stream0.ibm %2\berlin > NUL
- copy install.bat %2\berlin > NUL
- copy mbf.bat %2\berlin > NUL
- if not exist %2\BERLIN\stream0.ibm goto error
- %2
- cd %2\BERLIN
- mbf %1 %2 %3
- goto End
- :Error
- echo An error has occured while installing 'EAST V WEST'.
- echo Please check if your hard disk is full.
- :End