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- @echo off
- goto parms
- :info
- echo DOS 5.0 Hardware Compatibility Test
- echo ===================================
- echo FMT_TEST test script
- echo -----------------------------------
- echo tests FORMAT using all disk sizes.
- :usage
- echo usage: FMT_TEST [?] 5.25drive: 3.5drive:
- echo /? help information
- echo 5.25drive drive for 5.25" disks ('-' indicates not supported)
- echo 3.5drive drive for 3.5" disks ('-' indicates not supported)
- goto end
- :parms
- if "%1" == "/?" goto info
- if "%1" == "" goto usage
- if "%2" == "" goto usage
- if "%1" == "-" goto f720
- echo testing format with 160KB 5.25" floppy
- ync /c yn "is this disk type supported?"
- if errorlevel 1 goto f180
- @echo on
- format %1 /s /f:160
- @echo off
- :f180
- echo testing format with 180KB 5.25" floppy
- ync /c yn "is this disk type supported?"
- if errorlevel 1 goto f320
- @echo on
- format %1 /s /f:180
- @echo off
- :f320
- echo testing format with 320KB 5.25" floppy
- ync /c yn "is this disk type supported?"
- if errorlevel 1 goto f360
- @echo on
- format %1 /s /f:320
- @echo off
- :f360
- echo testing format with 360KB 5.25" floppy
- ync /c yn "is this disk type supported?"
- if errorlevel 1 goto f1200
- @echo on
- format %1 /s /f:360
- @echo off
- :f1200
- echo testing format with 1.2 MB 5.25" floppy
- ync /c yn "is this disk type supported?"
- if errorlevel 1 goto f720
- @echo on
- format %1 /s /f:1.2M
- @echo off
- :f720
- if "%2" == "-" goto end
- echo testing format with 720KB 3.5" floppy
- ync /c yn "is this disk type supported?"
- if errorlevel 1 goto f1440
- @echo on
- format %2 /s /f:720
- @echo off
- :f1440
- echo testing format with 1.44 MB 3.5" floppy
- ync /c yn "is this disk type supported?"
- if errorlevel 1 goto f2880
- @echo on
- format %2 /s /f:1.44M
- @echo off
- :f2880
- echo testing form with 2.88 MB 3.5" floppy
- ync /c yn "is this disk type supported?"
- if errorlevel 1 goto end
- @echo on
- format %2 /s /f:2.88M
- @echo off
- :end
- echo on