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- README for DOS 5.00 Beta Test
- This text discusses differences between the DOS DOCs and the beta software.
- In addition, it addresses features which are not yet mentioned in the docs,
- as well as known problems with the beta software.
- ================================================
- The main area of difference is in the shell. The structure of the shell
- menus have been completely changed.
- Fortunately, online help is available in the shell to describe what
- each menu function does. To access the help, open the menu (using
- ALT or F10), move the cursor to the menu item, and press F1.
- Out of Memory when using Help:
- If you encounter "Out of Memory" messages when trying to access
- help, try running the shell in character mode (Run "Change Colors"
- from the program manager, and tab to "NEXT" on the screen mode
- and press the enter key; You can tell when you're in character mode
- because the icon next to the program items will turn into to dashes
- "--". For example, the program item for Change Colors will become:
- "-- Change Colors").
- To use the Help Index:
- Press Alt-H I to bring up the Help Index dialog. At this point,
- you MUST press UP before you can access the index (the cursor
- which appears is misleading). After pressing up, you can move
- the selection down to the topic you desire and press enter.
- If you press enter before pressing UP (or using tab to move to
- the topic list), the dialog will close without displaying any
- help.
- ==================================================
- The files on the installation diskettes with file extensions which
- end with a $ are in a compressed format. To retrieve a single file
- from the installation diskettes, use the Unpack command.
- Usage: unpack d inFile outFile
- Where,
- d - The letter "d", a required parameter for unpack.
- InFile - is the pathname of the file on the installation diskette,
- such as, a:\redir.ex$.
- OutFile- The name of the file to received the unpacked copy of
- InFile. For example, c:\dos\redir.exe
- EDIT is not mentioned in the reference manual (it is described in
- detail in the User's manual). EDIT invokes the Full Screen Editor.
- The Quick Basic Interpreter is included in DOS 5.0. To start the
- interpreter, enter:
- The interpreter includes fully intergrated online help (accessed
- via the F1 key). Try opening (Alt-F-O) one of the BASIC programs
- in the DOS directory. Then run the program (Alt-R-S).
- Dos 5.0 checks for the existence of the "TEMP" environment variable
- when createing temporary files for piping operations. If such a
- variable exists, temporary files are created in the directory
- described in the variable. Otherwise, temporary files are created
- in the current working directory. For example, the following
- command will cause all temporary variables to be created in the
- directory c:\tempdir:
- ==============
- Some applications check for version =n, where n is 3 or 4. Such
- applications refuse to run when version is 5. To handle this, a new
- command, SETVER has been added to DOS. This command is documented in the
- DOS reference manual.
- Be careful when using this command. The application you are trying
- to run may not have been verified on DOS 5.0.
- Upgrade Installation on Hard disk Systems with NO CONFIG.SYS and/or
- There are a couple of glitches in the way the upgrade install creates the
- autoexec.bat and config.sys on hard disk systems which do not already
- have the files. For users who have hard disk systems with no AUTOEXEC.
- BAT and/or no CONFIG.SYS, there is a simple work around. Simply create an
- empty file called AUTOEXEC.BAT and/or CONFIG.SYS so that both files
- exist. The UPGRADE installation will work fine if these files are present.
- DOS 5.0 and WORDSTAR
- Due to a known problem, some older versions of WORDSTAR don't work
- correctly with this pre-release version DOS 5.0. We know what the problem
- is, but the fix was not incorporated in time for this beta release.
- WORDSTAR 2000 seems to work fine with DOS 5.0.
- Toshiba 5200 running Toshiba DOS 3.2
- The DOS installation fails to install correctly on some of these
- configurations. The install does sucessfully recover the Toshiba
- system after it fails to install.
- DOS 5.0 and DOS 4.0 PCLP redirectors
- DOS 5.0 will not work with DOS 4.0 PCLP redirectors. If you have a
- PCLP redirector, you can get your network to boot by doing the
- following:
- 1) Copy your old redir.exe to a file, such as redir.sav.
- 2) Copy the file redir.exe from the dos installation diskettes to
- replace your existing file REDIR.EXE. This new REDIR.EXE is a
- MS-NET 4.0 redirector.
- 3) Reboot your computer
- DOS 5.0 and 3.3 MS-NET based redirectors
- Same as for DOS 5.0 and DOS 4.0 PCLP Redirectors (see above)
- DOS, SHARE, and DBASE IV Installation
- Due to a problem with the DBASE IV installation program, DBASE IV
- will not install when SHARE is loaded. To install DBASE IV,
- boot dos without installing share and then run the installation program.
- You can then install share and everything should work fine.
- This problem also appears with DOS 3.3 and DOS 4.0
- DOS 5.0, SHARE, EXCEL 2.1 Installation
- Due to a problem with the EXCEL installation program, EXCEL
- will not install when SHARE is loaded. To install EXCEL, boot dos
- without installing share and then run the installation program. You can
- then install share and everything should work fine.
- This problem also appears with DOS 3.3 and DOS 4.0
- DOS 5.0 and Deskmate
- On sufficiently large disks, it Deskmate erroneously concludes that there
- is not enough space on the disk to write out files.
- This problem also occurs on DOS 4.0.
- DOS 5.0 and QEMM versions prior to QEMM 5.0
- When running DOS in the HMA, and using the /INT15 switch on HIMEM,
- QEMM will cause the system to hang. To fix the problem:
- if himem has /INT15=xxxx option & DOS=high is specified in config.sys,
- add a command line option 'MEMORY=yyyy' for the device=qemm.sys line
- in config.sys
- where yyyy = xxxx - 64
- (64 is the size of the HMA, in K).
- The Help key in Help Dialogs
- When you select help on an item, by pressing F1, the dialog box has
- buttons, including a button labled "Help". This button does not
- currently work correctly. Pressing it will cause the machine to
- freeze for a few seconds. If you wait, the cursor will reappear
- and you can select other keys.