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Text File | 1990-06-12 | 16.4 KB | 1,019 lines |
- 00:00 Text
- Lesson One....
- an overview...
- TRACON II provides a
- simulation of a
- Terminal Radar
- Approach Control
- facility, complete
- with realistic
- sectors and traffic.
- 00:09 Text
- In the demo lesson,
- you found that you
- control aircraft
- over Los Angeles, San
- Francisco, Chicago,
- Miami, or Boston
- TRACON sectors.
- 00:18 Text
- This lesson will
- explain all of the
- new features for you
- original TRACON
- users, and will be
- a helpful intro for
- those of you looking
- at the program for
- the first time!
- 00:26 Text
- Let's go ahead and
- cover the different
- parts of the screen.
- 00:34 Text
- The blue area above
- this notepad is the
- "Pending" flight-
- strip area where
- you can see inbound
- aircraft about 5
- minutes before they
- become active.
- 00:46 Text
- The green "Actives"
- area mirrors the blue
- area, but it contains
- the aircraft that are
- actually under your
- control.
- 00:58 Text
- The purple area to the
- left is the Communica-
- tions area. When you
- issue commands, and
- pilots or other
- facilities respond,
- this is where the
- voice-equivalent info
- is shown.
- 01:10 Text
- The black area which
- takes up the largest
- part of your screen
- is where your air-
- craft targets will
- be. We will see
- this area in more
- detail later.
- 01:25 Text
- The menu bar across
- the top of your
- screen shows File,
- Radarscope, Detail,
- and Simulation
- headings. Each of
- these helps control
- the simulation.
- 01:40 Text
- For those of you
- familiar with
- WINDOWS (tm), you'll
- feel right at home!
- Let's go ahead and
- discuss each of these
- areas in detail.
- 01:50 File
- 01:55 Text
- This is the first
- menu area we will
- look at. Remember,
- each of these menus
- can be activated
- with your mouse, or
- with an Alt+(first
- letter) command.
- 02:10 Text
- In this case, we used
- Alt+F to show this
- menu. If you wanted
- to activate the Detail
- menu, you would press
- Alt+D, Radarscope, Alt
- +R, etc.
- 02:25 Text
- We are going to start
- a lesson file, so we
- will move down to the
- "O" key and press
- enter. You could just
- type the letter O with
- the file menu showing.
- 02:35 Down
- 02:36 Down
- 02:37 Up
- 02:40 Enter
- 02:40 Text
- Notice that choosing
- the Open option pops
- up a white box in the
- middle of your screen.
- This is called a
- dialog box. TRACON II
- uses them to give you
- messages and to ask
- additional questions.
- 02:55 Text
- Things are simple if
- you have a mouse. You
- click on the item you
- want and type in any
- new information (if
- necessary). If it is
- a text box, like the
- one asking for your
- name, enter any text.
- 03:15 Text
- Dialog boxes all
- share the same
- keystrokes to move
- among fields. Tab
- moves the dotted-
- line to the next
- field, while Shift-
- Tab moves it backward.
- 03:25 Tab
- 03:26 Tab
- 03:27 Backtab
- 03:28 Backtab
- 03:30 Text
- Backspace erases
- characters you have
- typed into a fill-in
- field. For radio
- button and list box
- fields, use the Up/
- Down or Left/Right
- arrow keys to move.
- 03:40 Text
- Some of these features
- will be shown a little
- later in the lesson.
- 03:47 Text
- At a check box field,
- use the space bar to
- toggle the check box
- on and off. When you
- Tab out of an area, a
- black highlight, check
- mark, or button dot
- indicates your final
- selected choice.
- 04:00 Text
- Pressing Enter will
- immediately highlight
- the OK button in any
- box, accepting all
- the current box
- settings. Pressing
- ESC will always
- "press" the Cancel
- button.
- 04:15 Text
- Remember: Pressing ESC
- whenever a dialog box
- is showing will unpop
- the box and return you
- to TRACON II's Radar
- scope without changing
- anything. Pressing
- ENTER will always
- accept and continue!
- 04:30 Text
- We've spent several
- minutes talking about
- menus, let's press on
- with the meaning of
- some of the terms
- inside of them and
- their dialog boxes,
- and show how to
- select items.
- 04:45 Text
- We're going to fill
- in the file name
- as "LESSON1" for this
- scenario.
- 04:52 L
- 04:53 E
- 04:54 S
- 04:55 S
- 04:56 O
- 04:57 N
- 04:58 1
- 05:02 Text
- We will also use all
- of the default
- settings that come on
- your master TRACON II
- disk, including the
- LOS ANGELES sector.
- 05:15 Text
- Next, let's take a
- look at the setup
- dialog box.
- 05:22 Tab
- 05:23 Tab
- 05:26 Tab
- 05:28 Enter
- 05:30 Text
- The first area we
- encounter is weather.
- IMC means that the
- puddle-jumpers are
- home, but traffic is
- moving normally.
- 05:45 Down
- 05:45 Text
- Minimums means an
- occasional approach
- will be missed and the
- aircraft will popup as
- though taking off when
- you think you're
- finished with him.
- You will just have to
- work him around again!
- 06:00 Down
- 06:00 Text
- Turbulent and Stormy
- conditions make the
- approaches mighty
- difficult and lots of
- misses occur. This
- will really crowd
- your airspace!
- 06:07 Down
- 06:14 Down
- 06:15 Tab
- 06:15 Text
- Wind Direction can be
- set by pressing one of
- the arrow keys until
- the desired direction
- is reached.
- 06:22 Right
- 06:26 Right
- 06:30 Right
- 06:30 Tab
- 06:30 Text
- The speed is set by
- simply typing in a
- number in this box.
- If you do not want
- to change the
- wind speed, each
- weather pattern has
- a default wind speed.
- 06:42 1
- 06:43 0
- 06:45 Tab
- 06:45 Text
- The types of pilots
- you will have are
- next.
- "Perfect" pilots are
- wonderful -- they do
- what you tell them
- every time.
- 07:00 Down
- 07:00 Text
- "Average" pilots make
- some mistakes, but not
- very many and not very
- often.
- 07:15 Down
- 07:15 Text
- "Lousy" pilots, on the
- other hand, make lots
- of mistakes over and
- over. They're quite
- a handful! Let's use
- Perfect pilots for
- this demo.
- 07:28 Down
- 07:30 Tab
- 07:30 Text
- Emergencies are
- next, and you
- select depending on
- how much stress you
- can stand (enjoy?).
- 'None', leaves every-
- thing running
- smoothly.
- 07:45 Down
- 07:45 Text
- 'Maybe' is a more
- realistic scenario...
- 07:50 Text
- 'Maybe' is a more
- realistic scenario...
- and 'Nightmare' is
- just that! For real
- excitement try this
- with stormy weather,
- and lousy pilots!!!
- 07:50 Down
- 08:00 Text
- In this lesson, we
- will stay away
- from the emergencies.
- 08:00 Down
- 08:10 Tab
- 08:10 Text
- This area lets
- you choose how
- reliable your
- equipment will be.
- 08:18 Down
- 08:19 Down
- 08:20 Down
- 08:20 Text
- This area lets
- you choose how
- reliable your
- equipment will be.
- Let's stick with
- 'Perfect' equipment.
- 08:30 Tab
- 08:30 Text
- Everything's set! We
- are ready to begin
- our shift at the
- 08:45 Enter
- 00:00 Text
- Our radar is working,
- and located on the
- airport. It is
- sweeping our entire
- coverage area, so we
- are in good shape!
- 00:10 Simulation
- 00:11 Down
- 00:12 Down
- 00:14 Enter
- 00:14 Text
- Let's keep things
- paused for a moment
- and look at some of
- the other menu areas.
- 00:22 Text
- First, under the
- Radarscope, we can
- adjust the airways
- display.
- 00:30 Radarscope
- 00:32 Enter
- 00:32 Text
- There are three ways
- to show your airways.
- They can be off, on,
- or you can temporarily
- show both the airways
- and the names. The
- default selection is
- for them to be off.
- 00:44 Down
- 00:45 Down
- 00:46 Down
- 00:46 Text
- Let's leave the
- airways and names
- off for now...
- 00:50 Escape
- 00:50 Radarscope
- 00:51 Down
- 00:52 Enter
- 00:52 Text
- Fix names can be
- displayed under
- this menu. If you
- forget where every-
- thing is, select
- Radarscope (Alt+R)
- and then arrow down
- to Fix Names.
- 01:02 Text
- Let's redraw the
- screen to remove
- the fix names.
- 01:06 Radarscope
- 01:08 R
- 01:10 Radarscope
- 01:11 Down
- 01:12 Down
- 01:13 Enter
- 01:13 Text
- You can turn on or off
- several features that
- are shown on your
- radar scope by
- selecting 'Display'
- under the Radarscope
- menu.
- 01:21 Text
- For instance,
- 'Boundary' turns on
- a visual display of
- your boundary
- airspace.
- 01:28 Space
- 01:30 Enter
- 01:30 Text
- 01:35 Radarscope
- 01:36 Down
- 01:37 Down
- 01:38 Enter
- 01:39 Text
- Turning on or off
- the Ground allows
- you to display
- whether you want
- lake outlines etc.
- to show on your
- screen.
- 01:47 Down
- 01:48 Space
- 01:50 Enter
- 01:50 Text
- 01:55 Radarscope
- 01:56 Down
- 01:57 Down
- 01:58 Enter
- 02:00 Text
- Your compass can be
- displayed on the
- radarscope to assist
- you in giving headings
- to aircraft.
- 02:10 Down
- 02:11 Down
- 02:12 Space
- 02:13 Enter
- 02:13 Text
- 02:18 Radarscope
- 02:19 Down
- 02:20 Down
- 02:21 Enter
- 02:21 Text
- You also have the
- ability to turn the
- sweep and range marks
- on or off.
- 02:27 Down
- 02:28 Down
- 02:29 Down
- 02:30 Space
- 02:31 Enter
- 02:31 Text
- 02:36 Radarscope
- 02:37 Down
- 02:38 Down
- 02:39 Enter
- 02:40 Text
- The last two display
- functions are weather
- and small font.
- 02:46 Text
- Displaying the weather
- shows you where the
- cells are. Turning
- it off, cleans up the
- screen display, but
- does NOT stop all the
- effects of the storms!
- 02:58 Text
- Small Font, is the
- default for CGA
- displays. However,
- on other monitors, it
- allows smaller text,
- making your display
- appear less congested.
- 03:08 Text
- Let's go back to our
- default settings.
- 03:12 Text
- 03:12 Space
- 03:13 Down
- 03:14 Space
- 03:15 Down
- 03:16 Space
- 03:17 Down
- 03:18 Space
- 03:19 Enter
- 03:24 Radarscope
- 03:24 Text
- TRACON II gives you
- the capability to
- change the color of
- almost every area of
- the screen.
- 03:32 Down
- 03:33 Down
- 03:34 Down
- 03:36 Text
- For those of you with
- color monitors, spend
- a little time trying
- this feature out!
- Just move down to the
- color display area,
- and try experimenting.
- 03:42 Text
- Let's get out of the
- experimental mode and
- back to explaining
- these menu items!
- 03:50 Text
- If you want to look
- closer at the airspace
- around one aircraft,
- you can zoom in and
- then back out again.
- 04:02 Radarscope
- 04:03 Down
- 04:04 Down
- 04:05 Down
- 04:06 Down
- 04:07 Enter
- 04:07 Text
- You are able to zoom
- in twice to expand the
- target area. Just
- don't spend too much
- time concentrating on
- one target! Other
- things are always
- happening in your
- radar coverage area!
- 04:15 Text
- Let's go ahead and
- get back to that full
- screen...
- 04:19 Radarscope
- 04:20 Down
- 04:21 Down
- 04:22 Down
- 04:23 Down
- 04:24 Down
- 04:25 Enter
- 04:25 Text
- Sometimes there might
- be a reason to Redraw
- your screen display.
- If you ever need to do
- that, we have included
- a command...
- 04:32 Radarscope
- 04:33 Down
- 04:34 Down
- 04:35 Down
- 04:36 Down
- 04:37 Down
- 04:38 Down
- 04:39 Enter
- 04:40 Text
- TRACON II is full of
- different types of
- information. You can
- call up a page of
- aircraft character-
- istics. For instance,
- you'll be able to find
- out the final approach
- speed of an aircraft.
- 04:50 Detail
- 04:52 Enter
- 05:04 Escape
- 05:06 Text
- You are also able to
- find out the flight
- plan of an aircraft.
- As you get more and
- more traffic, you
- will find out that
- this is a very
- valuable feature!
- 05:14 Detail
- 05:15 Down
- 05:16 Enter
- 05:17 Text
- This would be a good
- time for us to use the
- Redraw command. We'll
- use it to erase the
- flightpath while we
- are in a Pause mode...
- 05:24 Radarscope
- 05:26 R
- 05:27 Text
- Another great feature
- in TRACON II, is the
- ability to look up
- your airport informa-
- tion. What if you
- forget that final
- approach fix
- altitude?
- 05:34 Detail
- 05:35 Down
- 05:36 Down
- 05:37 Enter
- 05:37 Text
- This dialog box gives
- you the chance to pick
- which airport you want
- information on...How
- about looking up Long
- Beach?
- 05:42 Down
- 05:43 Down
- 05:44 Enter
- 05:44 Text
- Here is all of the
- airport information
- on LGB, including
- its location in your
- coverage area...
- 05:50 Escape
- 05:50 Text
- Let's move on to
- the last menu area
- there is.
- 05:55 Simulation
- 05:55 Text
- In this area, you are
- able to adjust the
- sounds you receive,
- advance the scenario,
- pause your scenario,
- and connect to Flight
- Simulator (tm)
- targets!
- 06:04 Text
- Let's take a look at
- what sounds can be
- adjusted...
- 06:11 Enter
- 06:11 Text
- In this dialog box,
- you can see that you
- have the ability to
- turn all talking off,
- to have only the
- pilots talk to you,
- or if you like...
- TRACON II will echo
- your commands also!
- 06:25 Text
- In addition, TRACON II
- will allow you to turn
- on or off all of the
- beeps and buzzes that
- alert you to different
- situations.
- 06:35 Escape
- 06:35 Text
- Air Traffic Control
- sometimes has its
- boring moments...yes,
- ATC types are not
- ALWAYS busy...so, if
- you get to one of
- those lonely moments
- and just can't take
- it anymore, we have
- a solution....
- 06:48 Simulation
- 06:49 Down
- 06:50 Text
- This is one of the
- functions where a
- 'hot key' is nice.
- You can select 'Step
- Time' from the menu,
- or use the F10 key
- instead. Each time
- that you press it,
- it will advance your
- scenario one sweep.
- 07:02 Text
- Of course, the next
- item on the Simulation
- menu is pretty self-
- explanatory.
- 07:11 Down
- 07:12 Text
- You are able to pause
- the program at any
- time....but is this
- realistic? Real
- controllers don't
- have this function,
- so you are HEAVILY
- penalized for using
- it!
- 07:22 Down
- 07:22 Text
- The last feature of
- TRACON II that we
- want to look at is
- probably one of the
- most exciting! The
- ability to hook up
- with REAL pilots with
- only a modem or null
- modem cable!
- 07:34 Enter
- 07:34 Text
- This is the dialog box
- where you can choose
- your options when you
- hook up with Flight
- Simulator (tm).
- 07:42 Text
- First, you want to
- select which comm port
- you are using. Four
- are listed, but with
- additional hardware,
- you can add many more
- real pilots to your
- scenario. Detailed
- instructions are in
- the manual.
- 07:54 Down
- 07:55 Down
- 07:56 Up
- 07:57 Up
- 07:58 Tab
- 07:58 Text
- You have the ability
- to change an aircraft
- ID...FS1 and FS2 are
- the defaults, but you
- can name your targets
- anything that will
- fit. For instance,
- Bozo21, or Randy01.
- 08:10 B
- 08:10 O
- 08:10 Z
- 08:10 O
- 08:10 2
- 08:10 1
- 08:11 Tab
- 08:11 Text
- You are also able to
- put in a flight plan.
- This way, you will
- know where the
- aircraft is going when
- you look at the strip
- in the Actives area.
- 08:21 M
- 08:21 E
- 08:21 G
- 08:22 Space
- 08:22 L
- 08:22 A
- 08:22 X
- 08:23 Space
- 08:23 T
- 08:23 w
- 08:23 r
- 08:24 Tab
- 08:24 Text
- And finally, you are
- able to set your baud
- rate.
- 08:29 Right
- 08:30 Right
- 08:31 Right
- 08:32 Tab
- 08:32 Text
- Here, you can set
- whether you are using
- a null modem cable
- (direct connection),
- or not.
- 08:39 Down
- 08:40 Tab
- 08:40 Text
- If you decide to be
- the one to call out,
- you can enter the
- phone number here and
- let TRACON II's
- fingers do the
- walking!
- 08:48 3
- 08:48 8
- 08:48 8
- 08:48 -
- 08:49 6
- 08:49 1
- 08:49 5
- 08:49 9
- 08:52 Tab
- 08:54 Text
- Or, if you like, you
- can wait for a caller.
- 08:58 Tab
- 08:58 Text
- The bottom of the
- dialog box shows your
- options... Connect,
- Disconnect, or
- Cancel to change your
- mind and return to
- your traffic.
- 09:10 Text
- Let's go ahead and
- leave the Flight
- Simulator option off
- for now...but you
- will want to be
- calling your friends
- real soon to
- experience what REAL
- Air Traffic Control
- is like!
- 09:22 Escape
- 09:22 Text
- Well, we have about
- finished our tour of
- TRACON II. The only
- thing left to look at
- is under the File
- menu.
- 09:32 File
- 09:32 Text
- In this menu area, you
- can choose a New
- scenario...
- 09:37 Down
- 09:37 Text
- You can open a
- previous scenario that
- you have saved.
- 09:42 Down
- 09:42 Text
- Here, you can save an
- interesting scenario
- to try again later, or
- just show your friends
- how well you did on
- those 40 aircraft
- in 20 minutes!
- 09:52 Down
- 09:52 Text
- This options lets you
- close a scenario out.
- 09:57 Down
- 09:57 Text
- And of course, we give
- you a way to exit the
- program...
- 10:02 Down
- 10:02 Text
- What better point in
- this lesson than here,
- at the end,
- to let you know who
- the people are that
- brought you TRACON II!
- 10:10 Enter
- 10:20 Escape
- 10:22 Text
- We hope that you have
- enjoyed this over-
- view of TRACON II!
- You should be ready to
- try it yourself now!
- 10:32 File
- 10:33 X
- 10:34 Enter