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- --------------------------------------
- This README file contains important information about Turbo
- Assembler Version 2.0. For the latest information about
- Turbo Assembler 2.0, the accompanying programs, and the manual,
- read this file in its entirety. The UPDATE.DOC file contains
- information on the new features in Turbo Assembler version 2.0.
- The HELPME!.DOC file answers many common Technical Support
- questions.
- -----------------
- 1. How to Get Help
- 2. Installation
- 3. Important Notes
- 4. Files on the Disks
- -------------------
- If you have any problems, please read this file, HELPME!.DOC,
- UPDATE.DOC, and the Turbo Assembler manuals first. If you still
- have a question and need assistance, help is available from the
- following sources:
- 1. Type GO BOR on the CompuServe bulletin board system for
- instant access to the Borland forums with their libraries of
- technical information and answers to common questions.
- If you are not a member of CompuServe, see the enclosed
- special offer, and write for full details on how to receive
- a free IntroPak containing a $15 credit toward your first
- month's online charges.
- 2. Check with your local software dealer or users' group.
- 3. Write to us at the following address:
- Borland International
- Turbo Assembler Technical Support
- 1800 Green Hills Road
- P.O. Box 660001
- Scotts Valley, CA 95066-0001
- Please remember to include your serial number or we will be
- unable to process your letter.
- 4. If you have an urgent problem that cannot wait and you have
- sent in the license agreement, you may call the Borland
- Technical Support Department at (408) 438-5300 Monday through
- Friday between the hours of 6 a.m. and 5 p.m. Pacific Time.
- Please have the following information ready before calling:
- a. Product name and serial number on your original
- distribution disk. Please have your serial number ready
- or we will be unable to process your call.
- b. Product version number. The version number for Turbo
- Assembler is displayed when you run the program.
- c. Computer brand, model, and the brands and model numbers
- of any additional hardware.
- d. Operating system and version number. (The version number
- can be determined by typing VER at the DOS prompt.)
- e. Contents of your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files.
- ----------------
- You should read the rest of this README file to get further
- information about this release before you do the installation.
- The Turbo Assembler/INSTALLATION disk contains a program called
- INSTALL.EXE that will assist you with the installation of Turbo
- Assembler 2.0.
- To start the installation, change your current drive to the one
- that has the install program on it and type INSTALL. You will
- be given instructions in a box at the bottom of the screen for
- each prompt. For example, if you will be installing from drive
- A:, type
- A: <Enter>
- INSTALL <Enter>
- If you have difficulty reading the text displayed by the INSTALL
- program, use the /B command-line parameter to force it to use
- black and white colors:
- a:install /B - Forces INSTALL into BW80 mode
- Specifying the /B parameter may be necessary if you are using an
- LCD screen or a system that has a color graphics adapter and a
- monochrome or composite monitor.
- Notes for installation:
- INSTALL copies all Turbo Assembler files onto your hard disk
- and puts them into subdirectories. The default subdirectories
- are
- Turbo Assembler Directory: C:\TASM
- Examples Subdirectory: C:\TASM
- By default, all files from the distribution disks are placed in
- the Turbo Assembler Directory. If you would rather separate the
- examples programs into their own subdirectory, edit the default
- example files path before selecting START INSTALLATION.
- The Turbo Assembler distribution disks contain several files
- with a .ZIP file extension: TASM.ZIP, MANUAL.ZIP, etc. These
- files contain one or more other files that have been compressed
- and placed inside an archive. You can de-archive them yourself
- by using the UNZIP.EXE utility. For example,
- unzip /o tasm
- unpacks all the files stored in the TASM.ZIP archive into the
- current directory.
- INSTALL gives you a choice of copying the .ZIP files intact or
- de-archiving and copying all the individual files onto your hard
- disk during the installation process.
- -------------------
- o Updated QUIRKS mode list
- The following apply to QUIRKS mode:
- 1) NEAR or SHORT jumps are generated even if FAR is specified,
- if source and destination segments are the same.
- 2) Type checking for some two-argument instructions is disabled,
- for example, MOV ES,BYTEPTR is allowed.
- 3) Forces an EQU to an expression with PTR in it to be a text
- macro.
- 4) Forces an EQU to an expression with : in it to be a
- text macro.
- 5) Forces an EQU to an expression with OFFSET in it to be a text
- macro.
- 6) Forces SHL operator to lose track of sign info.
- 7) Forces numeric equates (= or numeric EQU) to lose complex
- expression information such as segment, fixup type.
- 8) Reduces priority of GLOBAL, UNION keywords so that they may
- be overridden.
- 9) Causes warning instead of error to be generated if the second
- argument is missing in a two-argument instruction.
- 10) Allows REPT without argument to be interpreted as REPT 0.
- 11) Disables test for extra stuff on line after IF conditional.
- The following apply to QUIRKS with MASM51:
- 1) @@, @F, and @B are enabled.
- 2) Trailing language ID after NEAR or FAR in procedure
- declaration is allowed.
- 3) All procedure symbols are published globally.
- 4) :: label definitions are allowed.
- o MASM compatibility pass
- Using TASM's /m command-line switch will generate a MASM-style
- second pass (compatibility pass) when the following
- constructions are present:
- o IF1 and IF2 directives
- o .ERR1 and .ERR2 directives
- o ELSEIF1 and ELSEIF2 directives
- o Forward references with IFDEF or IFNDEF
- o Forward references with the .TYPE operator
- o Recursively defined numbers (FOO=FOO+1)
- o Forward-referenced or recursively defined text macros
- o Forward referenced macros
- The execution of the compatibility pass effectively disables
- the advantages associated with Turbo Assembler's multiple pass
- capabilities.
- o Updated example files
- The WHEREIS example file has been updated to reflect some of
- the new TASM 2.0 features. In addition, IWHGLOBL.INC and
- have been changed to remove the warning message "Global type
- doesn't match symbol type."
- o SMART/NOSMART directives
- One of the optimizations that TASM 2.0 performs is to change
- FAR calls to an address in the same segment into a PUSH CS
- followed by a CALL NEAR. Any FAR procedures that have an
- EXTRN definition declared inside a segment are considered to
- be in that segment, and TASM will generate the PUSH CS, CALL
- NEAR instructions for them. To avoid this, put a procedure's
- EXTRN definition inside of a segment only if the procedure
- is actually in that segment, or put NOSMART and SMART
- directives around calls to the procedure in that segment.
- o Turbo Assembler 2.0 Reference Guide corrections
- P. 187 In the section titled "Examples," make the following
- changes:
- prog.exe: myprog.asm prog2.asm include\stdio.inc
- tasm /t myprog.asm # Recompile myprog using Turbo Assembler
- tasm /t prog2.asm # Recompile prog2 using Turbo Assembler
- tlink myprog prog2, prog
- Here are some better examples:
- prog.exe: myprog.obj prog2.obj
- tlink myprog prog2, prog
- myprog.obj: myprog.asm include\stdio.inc
- tasm myprog.asm
- prog2.obj: prog2.asm include\stdio.inc
- tasm prog2.asm
- P. 196 The directives in Table D.1 should be uppercase.
- P. 212 Ignore the second paragraph under the section "Turbo Link";
- TASM does not call TLINK.
- ---------------------
- ----------------------------
- INSTALL EXE - Turbo Assembler installation program
- README COM - Reads this README
- UNZIP EXE - Program to unzip the .ZIP files
- TASM ZIP - Turbo Assembler 2.0 and Utilities
- TASM EXE - Turbo Assembler 2.0
- TLINK EXE - Borland Turbo Linker
- MAKE EXE - Program for managing projects
- GREP COM - Turbo GREP program
- TCREF EXE - Turbo Assembler cross-reference utility
- OBJXREF COM - Object file cross-reference utility
- TOUCH COM - Program that updates a file's date and time
- TLIB EXE - Borland Turbo Librarian
- MANUAL ZIP - Turbo Assembler 2.0 Documentation files.
- UPDATE DOC - Complete description of new TASM 2.0 features
- UTIL DOC - Updated information on the TASM 2.0 utilities
- HELPME! DOC - Text file with the answers to many common
- questions. Please read HELPME!.DOC before
- contacting Technical Support
- BASIC DOC - Interfacing Turbo Assembler with Turbo Basic
- PROLOG DOC - Interfacing Turbo Assembler with Turbo Prolog
- MMACROS ZIP - MASM Mode Macros
- BIOS INC - Equates representing the BIOS services
- DOS INC - Equates representing the DOS services
- KBD INC - Equates representing the IBM PC keyboard keystrokes
- MBIOS MAC - Macros used to interface with the IBM PC BIOS.
- MASM Mode
- MDOS MAC - Macros to interface with DOS. MASM Mode
- MMACROS MAC - General macros. MASM Mode
- README - This file
- ------------------------
- TAEXMPL1 ZIP - Ideal mode example and macros
- BIOS INC - Equates representing the BIOS services
- BIOSMAC DOC - Documentation for macros implemented in ?BIOS.MAC
- DEMO1 BAT - Batch file to make Whereis.exe
- DOS INC - Equates representing the DOS services
- DOSMAC DOC - Documentation for macros implemented in ?DOS.MAC
- IASCIIZS ASM - Routine to display an ASCIIZ string
- IBIOS MAC - Ideal mode macros used to interface with the
- IBYTECPY ASM - Routine that copies an array of bytes from one
- location to another
- IDELCHAR ASM - Routine that deletes n characters from a
- Pascal-style string starting at position i
- IDOS INC - Type declarations used to interface with DOS
- IDOS MAC - Macros to interface with DOS. Ideal Mode
- IEXECDOS ASM - Routines to handle calling DOS to perform a
- command on a file
- IFINDBYT ASM - Routine that searches an array of bytes, looking
- for a value; routine that returns the length of
- an ASCIIZ string.
- IFINDFIL ASM - Routine that does a recursive search of a hard disk
- looking for a file
- IFINDREP ASM - Routine that searches through an array of
- bytes, replacing all instances of a value
- with another value.
- ILOCSTRG ASM - Routine that searches through memory looking
- for the nth Pascal-style string
- IMACROS MAC - General macros. Ideal Mode
- IPARAM ASM - Routines to return the # of command-line
- parameters and the contents of an individual
- parameter
- IPARSEFN ASM - Routine that parses a file name into Drive,
- Path, and File spec
- ISKPWHIT ASM - Routine to advance a pointer past any whitespace
- in an array of bytes
- IWHEREIS ASM - Main module for Whereis program
- IWHGLOBL INC - Global declarations for Whereis
- IWRITEPS ASM - Routine to display a Pascal-style string
- KBD INC - Equates representing the IBM PC keyboard keystrokes
- WHEREIS DOC - Documentation for Whereis file locator program
- WHEREIS MAK - Make file for creating Whereis.exe using the Make
- utility
- WHUSAGE INC - Usage screen text
- TAEXMPL2 ZIP - FILT and standard segmentation (SHOW87) examples
- CONVERT1 INC - Converts from binary numbers to strings
- CONVERT2 INC - Converts from floating point to integer numbers
- DEMO3 BAT - Batch file to make Filt.exe text filter program
- DEMO2 BAT - Batch file to build Show87
- FILT ASM - Text filter main file
- FILT DOC - Documentation file for Filt.exe text filter
- program
- FILT MAK - Make file for creating Filt.exe using the
- make utility
- FILT RSP - Linker response file for linking Filt.exe
- GLOBALS INC - Declares procedures and symbols needed by
- the modules of FILT
- OBYTEHI ASM - Processes the current high byte value in AL
- OBYTELOW ASM - Processes the current low byte value in AL
- OBYTENRM ASM - Processes the current normal byte value in AL
- OCMDNUM ASM - Parses the command line
- OERREXIT ASM - Handles the printing of error messages
- OFCREATE ASM - Creates or truncates a file; the file is opened
- for writing
- OFILALOC ASM - Allocates a read/write buffer
- OFILCLOS ASM - Closes a file
- OFILEFIL ASM - Fills a read buffer
- OFILFREE ASM - Deallocates a read/write buffer
- OFILREAD ASM - Reads from a file
- OFILWRIT ASM - Writes to a file
- OFLFLUSH ASM - Flushes the write buffer
- OFOPENR ASM - Opens a file for reading
- OFOPENW ASM - Opens a file for writing
- OLOCASE ASM - Routine converts a letter to lowercase
- OPARSCMD ASM - Parses the command line
- OPRCBYTE ASM - Processes a byte
- OPROCDOC ASM - Processes an entire document, one line at a time
- OPROCLIN ASM - Processes a line
- OSETOPTN ASM - Sets options for FILT
- OSPACES ASM - Stores a specified number of spaces at
- particular location
- OSTORSPC ASM - Stores any currently stored spaces
- OSTORTAB ASM - Stores a tab character if there are any spaces
- to compress
- OTABCLR ASM - Clears all tab stops
- OTABNEXT ASM - Returns the number of spaces to the next tab stop
- OTABRSET ASM - Sets tab stops every eight columns
- OTABSET ASM - Sets a tab stop at a specified column location
- OUPCASE ASM - Converts a letter to uppercase
- SHOW87 ASM - Standard Segmentation Demo Program
- SHOW87 DOC - Documentation for Show87 8087 register display
- program
- VIDEO1 INC - Routines to display text and control the screen
- VIDEO2 INC - Routines to display formatted text strings
- CHAPXMPL ZIP - Example Programs from the Manual
- Note: This file is not automatically unzipped when Turbo Assembler
- is installed to a hard disk. To unzip these files you
- will first need to switch to the drive and
- subdirectory containing this file and then give the
- command
- unzip /o chapxmpl
- Example Pre-2.0 Doc 2.0 Doc
- HELLO ASM - Pg 9 Pg 11
- HELLO2 ASM - Pg 13 Pg 15
- HELLOPRN ASM - Pg 15 Pg 17
- REVERSE ASM - Pg 16 Pg 18
- ECHOCHAR ASM - Pg 55 Pg 72
- MODCHAR ASM - Pg 80 Pg 78
- DELAY ASM - Pg 88 Pg 87
- DSLYSTR ASM - Pg 109 Pg 105
- USE_ES ASM - Pg 110 Pg 107
- STDSEG ASM - Pg 115 Pg 111
- STRINGS ASM - Pg 132 Pg 127
- PRNTSTR ASM - Pg 175 Pg 163
- CNTWORDS ASM - Pg 181 Pg 168
- MAIN ASM - Pg 207 Pg 191
- SUB1 ASM - Pg 208 Pg 191
- PLUSONE C - Pg 282 Pg 262
- SQRETBLE C - Pg 287 Pg 266
- SQRTBLE2 C - Pg 287 Pg 266
- STRINGUP C - Pg 293 Pg 271
- DOTOTAL ASM - Pg 305 Pg 283
- SHOWTOT C - Pg 306 Pg 284
- DOTOTAL2 ASM - Pg 307 Pg 285
- TOGLFLAG C - Pg 313 Pg 290
- TOGFLAG ASM - Pg 313 Pg 290
- COUNT ASM - Pg 327 Pg 304
- CALLCT C - Pg 328 Pg 305
- COUNTLG ASM - Pg 329 Pg 305
- CALCAVG C - Pg 334 Pg 311
- AVERAGE ASM - Pg 334 Pg 312
- SAMPLE PAS - Pg 344 Pg 322
- ASMPROC ASM - Pg 344 Pg 322
- TSAMPLE PAS - Pg 345 Pg 323
- HEXSTR ASM - Pg 357 Pg 334
- HEXTEST PAS - Pg 358 Pg 336
- XCHANGE ASM - Pg 360 Pg 337
- XCHANGE PAS - Pg 361 Pg 338
- ENVSTR ASM - Pg 362 Pg 340
- ENVTEST PAS - Pg 364 Pg 342
- SCROLLH PRO - Pg 387 see Prolog.doc
- SCROL ASM - Pg 388 see Prolog.doc
- MYPROLOG PRO - Pg 391 see Prolog.doc
- MYASM ASM - Pg 391 see Prolog.doc
- ADDPRO PRO - Pg 393 see Prolog.doc
- ADD ASM - Pg 393 see Prolog.doc
- SHOWMESS PRO - Pg 395 see Prolog.doc
- FROM_ASM ASM - Pg 395 see Prolog.doc
- SHOWNEW PRO - Pg 396 see Prolog.doc
- FROM_NEW ASM - Pg 396 see Prolog.doc
- FUNC PRO - Pg 398 see Prolog.doc
- IFUNC ASM - Pg 398 see Prolog.doc
- MULT_C&D ASM - Pg 469 Pg 404
- PRIMES ASM - Pg 521 Pg 449
- MASEXMPL ASM - Pg 548 Pg 476
- IDLEXMPL ASM - Pg 549 Pg 477
- THELP ZIP - Turbo Help files for Turbo Assembler 2.0
- THELP COM - Borland Turbo Help
- TASM TAH - Turbo Assembler Help text file
- THELP DOC - Information about THELP.COM
- TFEXMPL2 ZIP - Turbo Profiler example files
- TFHELP ZIP - Turbo Help file for Turbo Profiler 1.0
- NOTE: If you have the 3.5" version of Turbo Assembler, you can
- find all files on one disk.