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- Turbo Assembler 2.0 New Features
- Borland's Turbo Assembler 2.0 is now a multi-pass assembler that
- has forward-reference resolution, assembly speeds of up to 48,000
- lines per minute, MASM compatibility, and an optional Ideal mode
- extended syntax.
- In addition to all the features of version 1.0, Turbo Assembler 2.0
- offers you these:
- o PUBLICDLL statement
- o Multiple pass capability - NOP removal
- o CALL extensions
- o PUSH, POP instruction extensions
- o COMM extension
- o Generalized line-continuation character
- o Language-specific procedures, extrns, publics
- o New MODEL identifiers - WINDOWS
- o Virtual segments
- o QASM Compatibility Additions
- o 486 instruction support
- o New TASM 2.0 error messages
- o CODEPTR type
- o RETCODE instruction
- o SMART/NOSMART directives
- o Overlay object code
- --PUBLICDLL statement--
- The PUBLICDLL directive lets you define program labels and
- procedures to be dynamic link entry points as well as publicizing
- them to your other modules, which allows you to build dynamic link
- libraries in assembly code. For example,
- XYPROC PROC NEAR ;accessible as dynamic
- ;link entry point
- The syntax for PUBLICDLL follows:
- PUBLICDLL [language] symbol [,[language] symbol]...}
- symbol is published in the object file as a dynamic link
- entry point so that it can be accessed by programs under OS/2.
- This statement is used only to help build an OS/2 dynamic link
- library. If you don't make a symbol public, it can only be
- accessed from the current source file.
- In most cases, you declare only PROC labels to be PUBLICDLL.
- Other program labels, data variable names, and numeric constants
- defined with EQU can also be declared to be PUBLICDLL.
- The optional language specifier causes any language-specific
- conventions to be applied to the symbol name. For instance,
- using the C language specifier would cause the symbol name to
- be preceded by an underscore character when published in the
- object file. Valid language specifiers are C, PASCAL, BASIC,
- COMM, EXTRN, GLOBAL, and PUBLIC are related instructions.
- --Multiple pass capability: NOP removal--
- Turbo Assembler 2.0 can pass over your source code more than once
- either for compatibility with some of MASM's pass-dependent
- constructions or to remove NOP instructions that were added to
- the code because of forward references. This feature is enabled
- by the command-line switch /m#, where # is the maximum number of
- passes allowed. Turbo Assembler automatically assesses the
- need to perform extra passes up to the maximum that you specify.
- The command-line switch /m sets the maximum number of
- assembly passes:
- /M[npasses]
- For maximum compatibility with MASM, two passes (/m2) should
- be used. If you don't specify the number of passes, a default
- of five is used.
- TASM 2.0's new multiple pass capability enhances compatibility
- with MASM in the following areas:
- 1) Any construction that generates a "Pass-dependent
- construction" warning in TASM 1.0. These include
- constructions containing the IF2 directive, and some
- constructions with IFDEF or IFNDEF. If the /m option is
- enabled, Turbo Assembler will assemble this module
- correctly but will not optimize the code by removing
- NOPs, no matter how many passes are allowed. The warning
- "Module is pass dependent--compatibility pass was done"
- is displayed if this occurs.
- 2) Forward-referenced macros.
- The NOP-squishing capability also enhances the use of other
- TASM features, namely the JUMPS mode of operation. For
- example,
- jumps
- jnz foobar
- foobar:
- Under TASM 1.0, the JNZ generates 3 NOPs, because FOOBAR is
- forward-referenced. With the /m switch enabled in TASM 2.0,
- these NOPs are eliminated: The JUMPS mode can be enabled with
- no wasteful NOPs being generated.
- Usually, two passes are sufficient to squish out all NOPs.
- Occasionally, however, more passes may be required. If you
- need better compilation speed, place the correct overrides
- everywhere so that a single pass will produce optimal code.
- --CALL extensions--
- The CALL instruction has been extended in Turbo Assembler
- to allow high-level language routines to be called in a
- language-independent manner. Any CALL instruction can now
- specify a language and an argument list for the routine
- being called. Turbo Assembler automatically generates
- the necessary stack setup and cleanup code required to
- pass the arguments to a high-level routine written in the
- specified language. The syntax is as follows:
- CALL <destination> <optional language>,
- <first argument>,<second argument>,...
- For example,
- call far ptr abc pascal, ax dx,word ptr wordval
- This example generates a far call to the Pascal-style routine
- ABC, which takes two arguments: a DWORD and a WORD. The DWORD
- argument is considered to be in AX and DX, and the WORD
- argument is assumed to be in WORDVAL.
- If the optional language is not specified, the current default
- language is assumed.
- Formerly, to call a higher-level language routine, the
- arguments needed to be explicitly PUSHed onto the stack, and
- the stack needed to be explicitly adjusted (after the call)
- depending on the language. The new CALL extensions save you
- the tedium of doing all this explicitly.
- --PUSH, POP instruction extensions--
- The PUSH and POP instructions have been extended in Turbo
- Assembler to allow more than one argument to appear in a
- single PUSH or POP instruction. For example,
- push ax dx ;equivalent to PUSH AX then PUSH DX
- pop dx ax ;equivalent to POP DX then POP AX
- In addition, the PUSH instruction allows constant arguments
- even when generating code for the 8086 processor. Such
- instructions are replaced in the object code by a 10-byte
- sequence that simulates the 80186/286/386 PUSH immediate
- value instruction.
- --COMM extension--
- The COMM directive has been extended to allow the array
- element size and the array element count to be selected
- independently of each other for FAR communal variables.
- This supports Turbo C++'s inline code generation, and
- can be used advantageously by a native assembly language
- programmer. The syntax is as follows:
- COMM FAR <id>{[<array element size multiplier>]}:<basic element
- size>{:<array count>}
- For example, this code fragment reserves an array of size
- 410: 10 elements each of size 41 bytes:
- --Generalized line-continuation character--
- In TASM 2.0, a line-continuation feature has been added that
- works in TASM's Ideal mode and is available even when the MASM
- 5.1 mode is off. A backslash (\) can be placed almost anywhere
- as a line-continuation character. It cannot be used to break up
- strings or identifiers. Its meaning is "read the next line in at
- this point and continue processing." It can thus be used in a
- natural way without losing the ability to comment each line as
- desired. For example,
- foo mystructure \ ;Start of structure fill.
- <0 \ ;Zero value is first.
- 1, \ ;One value.
- 2> ;Two value and end of structure.
- There are contexts where the line-continuation character is
- not recognized. In general, it isn't recognized in any context
- where characters are treated as text rather than identifiers,
- numbers, or strings, or in MASM mode when the line continuation
- is used in the first two symbols in the statement. For example,
- ifdif <123\>,<456\>
- does not recognize the two enclosed line-continuation characters.
- comment \
- :
- begins a comment block, but does not define a near symbol
- called COMMENT.
- The line-continuation character is also not recognized
- inside of macro definitions. It is recognized, however,
- when the macro is expanded.
- --Additional display--
- TASM 2.0 displays the number of passes as well as the error and
- warning counts and remaining space. This allows you to assess
- the amount of work TASM is putting into the compilation process.
- --Language-specific procedures, extrns, publics, calls--
- TASM 2.0 allows procedures, publics, extrns, and calls to be
- overridden with a language specifier. This causes wide
- flexibility in writing assembler code that interfaces with
- multiple language models. The MODEL statement has also been
- extended.
- Here are some syntax examples:
- <procname> PROC {<language modifier>} {<language>} {NEAR | FAR}
- {args and uses}
- EXTRN {<language>} <symbol>:<distance>, {<language>}
- <symbol>:<distance>,...
- PUBLIC {<language>} <symbol>, ...
- COMM {<language>} <symbol>:<distance>, ...
- GLOBAL {<language>} <symbol>:<distance>, ...
- PUBLICDLL {<language>} <symbol>, ...
- CALL <procname> {{<language>}, {args}}
- .MODEL {<model modifier>} <model> {<module name>} {,
- {<language modifier>} <language> {, <language modifier> } }
- Here's the syntax for the IDEAL mode PROC statement:
- PROC {<language modifier>} {<language>} <procname> {NEAR | FAR}
- {args and uses}
- Legal models are TINY, SMALL, MEDIUM, COMPACT, LARGE, and HUGE.
- Note that TPASCAL is also a legal model.
- Legal model modifiers are
- o FARSTACK (Selects model where SS is not assumed to be
- in DGROUP)
- o NEARSTACK (Selects model where SS is in DGROUP. This
- is the default)
- Legal languages are NOLANGUAGE, C, PASCAL, BASIC, FORTRAN,
- and PROLOG.
- Legal language modifiers are
- o NORMAL (Selects normal procedure entry/exit sequences)
- o WINDOWS (Selects MSWindows procedure entry/exit sequences)
- You don't need the .MODEL statement to make use of any of these
- language specifiers; the .MODEL statement simply serves to set
- the default language.
- --New MODEL identifiers: WINDOWS--
- Here is a description of the model modifier SS_NE_DS and the
- language modifiers NORMAL and WINDOWS.
- The model modifier can precede any use of a model keyword.
- This only happens in the .MODEL statement. For example,
- .MODEL SS_NE_DS LARGE ;Equivalent to TC's default large model
- This modifier causes SS to be assumed to NOTHING and the stack,
- if any, to not be part of DGROUP.
- The language modifiers can precede any use of a language keyword.
- A language keyword can be used in any of the following places:
- A language modifier affects the type of stack frame that's
- generated for procedure entry and exit. When used in EXTRN,
- GLOBAL, PUBLIC, PUBLICDLL, COMM, and CALL, a language modifier
- is allowed but will have no effect.
- The stack frames actually generated for each modifier are as
- follows:
- NORMAL: ;No entry/exit sequence generated if no args or locals.
- ;8086 version (186 version uses ENTER/LEAVE).
- push bp
- mov bp,sp
- sub sp,local_size ;If any locals.
- <push uses registers>
- ...
- <pop uses registers>
- mov sp,bp ;If any locals.
- pop bp
- ret
- WINDOWS: push ds
- pop ax
- xchg ax,ax
- inc bp
- push bp
- mov bp,sp
- push ds
- mov ds,ax
- sub sp,local_size ;If any locals.
- <push uses registers>
- ...
- <pop uses registers>
- sub bp,2 ;If any locals.
- mov sp,bp ;If any locals.
- pop ds
- pop bp
- dec bp
- ret
- Here's an example:
- .MODEL large,windows pascal
- .code
- foo proc
- arg abc:word,def:word
- xor ax,ax ;Generates FAR WINDOWS PASCAL sequences.
- ret
- endp
- foo proc normal c
- arg ghi:word,jkl:word
- xor ax,ax ;Generates FAR NORMAL C sequences.
- ret
- endp
- --VIRTUAL segments--
- A new keyword VIRTUAL has been added to the SEGMENT
- statement. VIRTUAL defines a special kind of segment
- that will be treated as a common area and attached to
- another segment at link time.
- <segname> SEGMENT VIRTUAL ;In MASM mode.
- ...
- SEGMENT <segname> VIRTUAL ;In Ideal mode.
- ...
- In TASM, the VIRTUAL segment is assumed to be attached to the
- enclosing segment. The VIRTUAL segment also inherits its
- attributes from the enclosing segment.
- A VIRTUAL segment is treated as normal except that it is
- considered part of its parent segment for the purposes of
- The linker treats virtual segments as a common area that will
- be combined across modules. This permits static data that
- comes into many modules from include files to be shared.
- --QASM compatibility additions--
- TASM 2.0 has new and modified directives to support source code
- for QASM:
- These commands generate startup code for the particular
- model in effect at the time. These also define the near
- label @@Startup and cause the END statement at the end of
- the module to generate the equivalent of 'END @@Startup'.
- Note that only the 'STARTUPCODE' directive is available
- in IDEAL mode.
- It is now possible to select a third field in the .MODEL
- statement to specify the stack association with DGROUP:
- would specify that the stack not be included in DGROUP.
- This capability is already provided in TASM through the
- language modifiers of the same name. The additional field
- is provided only for MASM compatibility.
- Two new predefined variables have been added:
- Startup: Defined by the .STARTUP and STARTUPCODE directives.
- @Model: An integer representing the model currently in effect.
- 4 = LARGE 5 = HUGE
- --486 Instruction support--
- The following directives have been added to TASM 2.0 to support
- the Intel 486 microprocessor:
- .486,.486c (Masm mode only)
- P486N: Enables assembly of non-protected instructions
- for the 486 processor.
- .486p (Masm mode only)
- P486: Enables assembly of protected instructions
- for the 486 processor.
- BSWAP <32-bit register>: 486 byte swap instruction.
- XADD <r/m>,<reg>: 486 exchange and add instruction.
- CMPXCHG <r/m>,<reg>: 486 compare and exchange instruction.
- INVD: 486 invalidate data cache instruction.
- WBINVD: 486 write back and invalidate data cache inst.
- INVLPG <memptr>: 486 invalidate TLB entry for address inst.
- The following test registers have also been added:
- TR3,TR4,TR5
- --New TASM 2.0 error messages--
- TASM 2.0 reports several new error messages:
- Global type doesn't match symbol type
- This warning is given when a symbol is declared
- using the GLOBAL statement and is also defined in the
- same module, but the type specified in the GLOBAL and
- the actual type of the symbol don't agree.
- Illegal segment address
- This error appears if an address greater than
- 65,535 is specified as a constant segment address;
- for example,
- Module is pass-dependent--compatibility pass was done.
- This warning occurs if a pass-dependent construction
- was encountered and the /m command-line switch was
- specified. A MASM-compatible pass was done.
- Near jump or call to different CS
- This error occurs if the user attempts to
- perform a NEAR CALL or JMP to a symbol that's
- defined in an area where CS is assumed to a
- different segment.
- Only one startup sequence allowed
- This error appears if you have more than one
- .STARTUP or STARTUPCODE statement in a module.
- Smart code generation must be enabled
- Certain special features of code generation require
- SMART code generation to be enabled. These include PUSH
- of a pointer, POP of a pointer, and PUSH of a constant
- (8086 only).
- Text macro expansion exceeds maximum line length
- This error occurs when expansion of a text macro
- causes the maximum allowable line length to be exceeded.
- USES has no effect without language
- This warning appears if you specify a USES statement
- when no language is in effect.
- --CODEPTR type--
- CODEPTR returns the default procedure address size depending
- on the current model (WORD for models with NEAR code; DWORD
- for models with FAR code). CODEPTR can be used wherever
- DATAPTR is used. Here is its syntax:
- CODEPTR expression
- --RETCODE instruction--
- The RETCODE instruction is exactly equivalent to RETN or RETF,
- depending on the specified model. RETCODE syntax follows:
- RETCODE {<expression>}
- RETCODE is available in both MASM and Ideal modes.
- The SMART/NOSMART directives control the generation of
- optimized object code. These are the areas that the SMART
- and NOSMART directives apply to:
- 1) OR, AND, or XOR of a signed immediate byte
- 2) PUSH <constant>
- 3) PUSH <large pointer>
- POP <large pointer>
- 4) CALL <far address in same segment>
- 5) JMP <far address in same segment>
- 6) LEA <constant effective address>
- The default condition is SMART enabled. When SMART is
- enabled, a qualifying FAR jump will be replaced by a NEAR or a
- SHORT jump. Also, when SMART is enabled, a qualifying FAR call
- will be replaced by a PUSH CS instruction and a NEAR call.
- When NOSMART is selected, the following code generation
- changes occur:
- a) AND, OR, XOR of an immediate word value are no longer done
- using the signed-extended immediate byte version of these
- instructions where possible, but rather the longer
- immediate word version that MASM uses.
- b) PUSH of a constant value on the 8086 processor using the
- special 10-byte code sequence (which preserves all registers
- and flags) is not allowed.
- c) PUSH and POP of a DWORD memory variable (or PWORD variable
- on a 386) are not allowed.
- d) Far JMPs and CALLs within the same segment are no longer
- optimized by replacing the FAR JMP or CALL with the NEAR
- version.
- e) LEA instructions that refer to a constant effective address
- will no longer be converted to the equivalent MOV operations.
- For maximum MASM compatibility, you must select NOSMART and
- --Overlay object code--
- The /o commmand-line option
- Function Generates overlay code
- Syntax {/o}
- Remarks Turbo Assembler 2.0 supports overlays. Specifying
- the /o switch on the command line causes overlay-
- compatible fixups to be generated. When this switch
- is used, 386 references to USE32 segments should not
- be made since they won't link properly.