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- Interfacing Turbo Assembler with Turbo Basic
- Turbo Assembler's upward compatibility with Microsoft's Macro
- Assembler makes life easier for the Turbo Basic programmer. In this
- document, we'll expand on some Turbo Basic examples currently in the
- Turbo Basic manual and supply others that illustrate how Turbo
- Assembler can extend the power of Turbo Basic.
- Note: When we refer to Turbo Basic, we mean versions 1.0 and
- greater.
- Turbo Basic provides three general ways to call an assembler
- routine:
- 1) You can use CALL to call a procedure containing inline code.
- 2) You can use CALL ABSOLUTE to a particular address in memory.
- 3) You can use CALL INTERRUPT and Turbo Basic's support for the
- processor's interrupt-handling to branch to a routine.
- Whichever calling method you select, you must be sure to preserve
- the values of certain registers. CALL INTERRUPT is the least
- demanding in this respect: You need only be sure to save SS (stack
- segment) and SP (stack pointer). The other two methods require that
- you save the DS (data segment) and BP (base pointer) registers, as
- well as SS and SP.
- "Preserving the registers" doesn't necessarily mean you must push
- all the registers on the stack, though that is the most typical way
- of ensuring their safety. Simple routines might not modify any of
- the registers, in which case, you might not need to take any
- precautions.
- We use the word "might" because it's generally a very good idea to
- avoid making assumptions, especially where assembler programming is
- concerned. Though your MS-DOS manual might specifically state that
- a particular interrupt will not alter the contents of the stack
- pointer or base pointer (or any one of the other registers), that
- might not always be the case. MS-DOS does change, and some
- combinations of interrupts might contradict the information in the
- MS-DOS manual. It's better to be safe than sorry under such
- circumstances. Taking care to save the required registers will not
- adversely affect the performance of your routine, considering the
- risks and added portability for new releases of MS-DOS.
- Passing parameters
- Turbo Basic passes parameters to assembler routines on the stack.
- All such calls are far; the last 4 bytes on the stack are the
- return address used by Turbo Basic when your routine is finished.
- The address of the first parameter you pass to your routine will be
- at [SP+4]; add two to that value for each register you push on the
- stack. Remember, stacks grow downward in memory to lower-numbered
- addresses.
- Each simple variable (other than arrays) passed on the stack will
- cause the stack to grow by 4 bytes; Turbo Basic passes both the
- segment (2 bytes) and the offset (2 bytes) of such variables. This
- will be an important advantage later, as you will see.
- Parameters passed by value (as in constants and expressions) also
- take precisely 4 bytes on the stack. In this case, the value on the
- stack is not the value of the expression: It is the address of the
- temporary location in memory where the value is stored. This may
- seem roundabout, but it has two appreciable advantages. First, all
- assembler routines can handle passed values in precisely the same
- way. Second, routines that modify the value of a parameter
- mistakenly passed by value instead of by reference cannot alter an
- important area of memory.
- This way of using the stack can increase the standardization of
- your routines. The following example shows why this is
- advantageous. Suppose the value of the integer variable x% is
- precisely 4, and you have an assembler routine MYROUTINE that
- expects an integer to be passed. This routine will work exactly the
- same whether you invoke it with CALL MYROUTINE(x%) or CALL
- MYROUTINE(4%). If the routine were invoked with CALL MYROUTINE(4%)
- and tried to modify the value of the passed parameter, it would
- modify an area of memory where the integer value 4 was temporarily
- stored and no harm would be done.
- Note that the type was explicitly stated in the second case (4%).
- This is not absolutely necessary, though it is good practice. If
- Turbo Basic happened to assume that the value 4 is a single-
- precision number, your routine will use a bad value (2 bytes from a
- 4-byte, single-precision number) and run incorrectly. To make sure
- that your routines are passed the correct variable type, it is best
- to indicate the type of the variables or values every time the
- routine is invoked.
- If you pass an array to a routine, the stack will grow by 60
- bytes--most of the information that's passed to you is probably
- irrelevant. The Turbo Basic manual recommends that you pass the
- relevant array parameters as integers instead of passing the entire
- array. Passing a few selected parameters rather than the whole
- array will save stack space, decrease the time needed to call your
- routine, and make your routine more portable to later versions of
- Turbo Basic.
- For example, suppose you have a simple routine that needs to push
- only the base pointer, BP. In that case, the value or address of
- the first parameter will be at [SP+6]. If you had pushed two
- registers, the address or value of the first parameter would be at
- [SP+8].
- Let's suppose the first parameter is an integer value and is passed
- by value to the assembler routine. In that case, you can put the
- integer value into the CX register by simply writing
- push bp ;save the base pointer
- mov bp,sp ;make the base pointer equal the stack pointer
- les di,[bp+6] ;ES contains the segment, DI the offset of value
- mov cx,es:[di] ;now put the value into CX
- Note: The value will not be in the same segment as ordinary
- variables. You must take care to use the correct and complete
- address to access the value. We'll say more about variables that
- are not in the current data segment later.
- On the other hand, if you knew the integer variable had been passed
- by reference instead of by value, [BP+6] would contain the offset
- address of the variable within its data segment. To put the value
- of that integer into the CX register you could write
- push bp ;save the base pointer
- mov bp,sp ;make the base pointer equal the stack pointer
- mov bx,[bp+6] ;put the address of the value in BX
- mov cx,[bx] ;put the passed value into CX
- This routine assumes that the variable is located in the current
- data segment, and that only the variable's offset within that
- segment is needed to update the variable's value.
- Passing variables is safer if you always assume the pass is done by
- value. If the variable is actually passed by reference, you will
- have lost nothing; the complete variable address will include the
- current data segment. On the other hand, if your routine assumes
- that the variable was passed by reference and it was not, the
- address you obtain will not be the correct complete address because
- the segment will be wrong. Therefore, the routine will either
- retrieve the wrong value or, if you attempt to alter the value of
- the passed variable, will alter an incorrect area of memory with
- unpredictable results.
- Passing variables by reference is much easier for variables such as
- strings, arrays, and floating-point numbers. Those variables can be
- long enough to cause problems if they were actually passed on the
- stack. In addition, it takes nearly as much overhead to read a long
- variable from the stack as to obtain its address from the stack and
- manipulate the variable at a memory location. For string variables
- (unless the string is very short, indeed) it's unlikely there would
- be enough register space available to process the string without
- performing memory accesses anyway.
- Variables not in the current data segment
- If the variable passed is not in the current data segment, then
- you'll need both the segment and the offset of the variable to
- access the value of the variable within your assembler program.
- Turbo Basic always passes both the segment and the offset of each
- variable on the stack; therefore, the complete address of each
- variable is always available to the programmer.
- The segment part of the address is in the 2 bytes immediately
- following the offset of the parameter. The most convenient way to
- use this information in your assembler programs is via the
- instruction LES.
- LES will load the indicated register with the offset value of the
- variable and load the ES register with the segment part of the
- address. This guarantees you the full address of any variable,
- regardless of which data segment it is in.
- Again, suppose your routine needs to store the value of an integer
- variable into the CX register. Since the ES register needn't be
- preserved, you can make use of LES:
- push bp ;save the base pointer
- mov bp,sp ;make the base pointer equal the stack pointer
- les di,[bp+6] ;ES contains the segment, DI the offset
- mov cx,es:[di] ;put the value of the variable in CX
- By passing the complete address of each variable, Turbo Basic makes
- it possible for the assembler programmer to write routines that are
- independent of where the data is stored. If you rewrite your
- program and put variables or arrays into different data segments,
- you won't need to rewrite your assembler routines if you use the
- complete variable address and the LES instruction.
- What kind of CALL?
- There are two kinds of CALLs: far and near. Far CALLs leave the
- current code segment; near CALLs do not.
- In Turbo Basic, only CALL ABSOLUTE can cause any problems because
- it can be located anywhere in memory. Therefore, Turbo Basic
- requires CALL ABSOLUTE routines to terminate with a far return, and
- automatically generates a far CALL when passing control to such
- routines.
- CALL INTERRUPT can implicitly generate a far call, but Turbo Basic
- handles that internally. If you have written your own interrupt
- handlers, you only need to use an IRET (return from interrupt)
- instruction to pass control back to the Turbo Basic program.
- Inline assembler is inserted into your program when it is compiled.
- The code will generally be within the current code segment, but
- Turbo Basic doesn't assume that; such routines also terminate with
- a far return. Turbo Basic will automatically generate the CALL and
- the return, so don't use a RET instruction in your code. If you
- want to terminate the routine somewhere before the end of the code,
- simply jump to a label at the end of the code.
- Note: Since Turbo Basic doesn't use the DOS LINK program, you won't
- need to concern yourself with declaring your routines PUBLIC, nor
- will you need to declare them external within your program.
- Popping the stack
- Before the end of your routine, you should make sure that all the
- registers you have pushed onto the stack have been popped from the
- stack. It's easy to make a mistake in this area, especially if your
- routine conditionally PUSHes and POPs registers.
- If you pop too few registers, your routine will probably never
- return after it is called, since Turbo Basic assumes that the last
- item on the stack is the address to which it should return. If you
- pop too many, the same thing will probably happen.
- Don't load or pop trash values into the segment registers because
- this can make your source code incompatible with future versions of
- DOS (protected mode OS/2, for example).
- Creating an assembler program for Turbo Basic
- If you have created an assembler program and want to convert it
- into a .COM file for use in a Turbo Basic program, you can still
- use the example batch file in the Turbo Basic manual:
- TASM %1;
- Tlink /t %1;
- You should not include a stack segment because the assembler
- routine will use the stack furnished by Turbo Basic when running
- anyway.
- Turbo Assembler will default to a starting address of 100h if you
- do not provide an explicit ORG 100h statement at the beginning of
- your program. Still, it is better to explicitly state the ORG for
- later reference.
- If your routine is intended to run on an 80186, 80286, or 80386
- processor, you can also use the .186, .286, and .386 directives at
- the beginning of your assembler code. Turbo Assembler then allows
- you to use opcodes applicable for those processors. This can be a
- very big advantage, as you will see.
- CALLing an inline assembler procedure
- Suppose you have created an assembler routine and converted it into
- a .COM file with Turbo Assembler. There are two ways you can use
- the result within your Turbo Basic program: with the $INLINE COM
- directive or with the $INCLUDE directive.
- The most direct way is to use the $INLINE COM filename method and
- have Turbo Basic insert the .COM file in the place you've
- indicated. This method is relatively simple to implement, but has
- several disadvantages:
- Turbo Basic has a limit of 16 $INLINE directives per procedure.
- This can cause problems if you're doing something rather complex
- (but it's rather unlikely).
- A more serious problem comes from the fact that the .COM files do
- not include documentation. You can include remarks in the calling
- program, of course, but it would be better if the .COM file
- included some documentation of its own.
- $INLINE .COM files can proliferate, too. Placing several of them in
- one file would be useful, especially if you often use a number of
- them together. (That's one of the reasons for using a library of
- assembler routines; unfortunately, it's not easy to create a
- library of .COM files.)
- Finally, $INLINE .COM files must be modified and reassembled if you
- alter them. This can be aggravating if the changes are relatively
- minor.
- Because of the way $INCLUDE COM works, you might want to convert
- the .COM files into a sequence of hexadecimal numbers that you can
- insert into programs via the $INCLUDE directive. Such routines can
- also be read from disk using the Turbo Basic editor's Read File
- command (Ctrl-K R); that way, your source file will explicitly show
- what is being included. This can be a big advantage for the Turbo
- Basic programmer.
- Since the hexadecimal codes are editable text, you can include or
- add comments. You can also use the Turbo Basic editor to make small
- changes in the inline code without having to re-assemble it, and
- you can put several routines into one file. By combining these
- techniques, you can effectively create a library of assembler
- routines for use with a family of programs. You might be able to
- maintain such a library more easily than if you had a formal
- library manager.
- If the routine is very long, the hexadecimal code file will be very
- large and might make the source file too large to edit comfortably.
- There is a limit of 64K on the largest file you can edit in one
- piece. If that becomes a problem, you can incorporate the
- hexadecimal file in your program as an $INCLUDE file. (Something
- that large wouldn't make your program more readable anyway.)
- Here is a small Turbo Basic program that will convert .COM files
- into hexadecimal files:
- 'This program converts COM files to $INCLUDE files with the Turbo
- 'Basic $INLINE meta-command for easy insertion in Basic programs.
- 'All variables will be integers
- 'Check to see if there's a command line
- WHILE F$=""
- PRINT"This program will convert COM files to $INCLUDE files"
- PRINT"for use with Turbo Basic. The default file type of"
- PRINT"the source file is COM. The default file type of the"
- PRINT"output file is INC. You may override either default"
- PRINT"by entering a specific file-type specification."
- PRINT"If you enter no name for the output file, it will be"
- PRINT"named the same as the input file, but will have a file"
- PRINT"type specification of INC."
- LINE INPUT"Enter the name of the file to convert: ";F$
- LINE INPUT"Enter the name of the desired output file: ";O$
- IF INSTR(F$,".")=0 THEN F$=F$+".COM" 'fix input spec
- IF O$="" THEN
- O$=LEFT$(F$,INSTR(F$,"."))+"INC" 'fix output spec,
- IF INSTR(O$,".")=0 THEN O$=O$+".INC" 'both ways
- OPEN"R",#1,F$,1 'input file will be read one byte
- FIELD #1,1 AS A$ 'at a time into A$
- LASTBYTE&=LOF(1) 'end of file position
- OPEN"O",2, O$ 'output file is opened
- GET 1,I&
- X%=ASC(A$)
- IF ((I&-1) MOD 5=0) THEN PRINT #2,"":PRINT #2,"$INLINE ";
- PRINT #2,"&H";HEX$(X%);
- IF ((I&-1) MOD 5<>4) THEN PRINT #2,",";
- PRINT #2,"&H";HEX$(ASC(A$))
- PRINT"Conversion complete. ";LASTBYTE&;" bytes read."
- PRINT 0$;" contains ";LOF(2);" bytes."
- This program will output a file with up to five hex codes per line.
- Each line will begin with the $INLINE directive, and the resulting
- file should have enough room in it for comments you might want to
- add. If you want to put more or fewer hex codes on a single line,
- you need only change the references to MOD 5 to MOD N, where N is
- greater or less than 5.
- If you want to make small changes to the routines you have written
- and converted to hex codes, you should be able to do so without
- having to recreate the whole routine from scratch, provided the
- changes are small enough and your documentation is complete.
- Locating a Turbo Basic routine in memory
- There are three general ways of finding the location of a routine
- in memory:
- 1) You can have the routine itself return its address.
- 2) You can group a series of routines together and have a single
- routine return an address applicable for all of them.
- 3) You can look for a special sequence of bytes within the
- computer's memory.
- To create a routine that will return its address, you could use
- code similar to the following:
- xy: mov ax,cs ;move the code segment register to AX
- push bp ;save the base pointer
- mov bp,sp ;and copy the stack pointer into BP
- les di,[bp+6] ;ES contains the segment, DI the offset
- mov es:[di],ax ;store the CS value to first parameter
- mov dx, offset xy ;get the current offset
- les di,[bp+0ah] ;address of second parameter
- mov es:[di],dx ;store offset value to second parameter
- jmp fin ;jump around "real" code
- ; real code would be here
- fin: pop bp ;restore BP and return
- You will need to pass two integers to this routine's variables; it
- will return the code segment in the first and the offset in the
- second. The problem: All that code is useless after it has been
- used once. In fact, it's worse than useless because the code must
- be removed before the routine can be run normally.
- Unless the routine you want to use can gain a lot of speed from the
- modification you make, it's likely that making the modification
- will cost more time than you'll save. The modification had better
- be good; unless your routine is completely relocatable, the working
- code will be preceded by a lot of NOPs.
- You can still determine the address of the routine, however. If you
- had grouped several routines together and put labels in your Turbo
- Basic program so you could call the one you wanted, wouldn't that
- allow you to include a "tell me the address" routine in with the
- others?
- The answer is no. Remember, Turbo Basic handles the RET instruction
- for you. Since the routines are given different names, Turbo Basic
- will assume each is relocatable code. There is no guarantee that
- the separate routines will be in the same area of memory in the
- final .EXE file. Even if the routines are in the same area of
- memory and in the same order, you won't know how many bytes of code
- Turbo Basic put between them, and so you won't know where to go in
- each to make the changes you want.
- The third method of determining a routine's address is the
- signature method. To use this, you search the computer's memory for
- a memory location containing the particular sequence of bytes that
- identify the routine you want to change.
- The signature method also has problems. First, such a search will
- take a good deal of time. Second, there is no guarantee that you
- have definitely located the routine even if you match the
- signature. Third, each routine must contain a different signature;
- this wastes code space and adds to the time needed to modify all
- routines.
- To make routines the program can modify, you need a better way of
- determining the address of the routine, and you need an easier way
- of altering the instructions in the routine.
- To find a solution to these problems, read the next section, where
- we consider a special way to use routines that you can modify from
- within your Turbo Basic program.
- Hiding strings
- Turbo Basic allows a maximum of 64K for string space. Sometimes you
- will need every byte of that space, but quoted string constants
- (such as those used for menus and prompts) also take up string
- space.
- Code space, however, is limited only to a maximum of 16 segments,
- each up to 64K long. Life would be grand if you were allowed to
- store some of those string constants in code space, where they
- wouldn't reduce the space available for dynamic string data.
- Fortunately, this is not too hard to do.
- Consider the following routine:
- ;This routine takes two integer parameters and returns
- ;the segment and offset of the text in the body of the program.
- ;
- push sp
- mov bp,sp
- mov dx,offset show ;location of string
- mov ax,cs ;code segment to AX
- les di,[bp+6] ;ES:DI point to parameter
- mov es:[di],dx ;report string location
- les di,[bp+0ah] ;next parameter
- mov es:[di],ax ;report the code segment
- jmp fini ;and go back show
- DB 'Any text we like here and as much as we want'
- DB 'For as long as we want, terminated with any'
- DB 'character we like. Here, a null.',0
- fini pop bp
- The effect of this routine is somewhat different than the ones we
- proposed earlier for program-modifiable inline code. For one thing,
- you're not storing code (though Turbo Basic will process the
- resulting .COM file as if it were all code); instead, you're
- storing data.
- The routine is returning the current address of the data stored
- within it. If you wanted to know the length of the data, you could
- have the routine report that, too, though you'd have to pass a
- third integer parameter.
- Since you know where the text is in memory, you can use the PEEK
- instruction to read the string data into string space any time you
- want to print the message. When you've finished printing the
- message, you can throw away the now unneeded string; it will still
- be available in code space if you need it again.
- You can determine the number of bytes available in this routine. In
- particular, you can determine the number of bytes preceding the
- text. Just replace all but the final instruction with your own
- code: Since you know where the routine is and how big it is, you
- can use BLOAD to overwrite it. As far as the Turbo Basic .EXE file
- is concerned, nothing will have changed--even though the whole
- routine is now different.
- Usually, this technique is not necessary. Saving strings in code
- space is sometimes useful, but replacing a whole routine with
- another is better done by using CALL ABSOLUTE.
- CALL ABSOLUTE is given a short mention in the Turbo Basic manual
- for several reasons. The first one is that Turbo Basic has less
- control over such routines. Second, such routines are commonly used
- because they were written for the Basic interpreter: Turbo Basic is
- different enough from the Basic interpreter that those routines
- might not work. Third, future operating systems may not allow CALL
- ABSOLUTE routines to be used. In particular, operating systems that
- make a clear distinction between code space and data space might
- refuse to allow the processor to execute instructions located in
- data space. Fourth, routines called by CALL ABSOLUTE may only be
- passed simple integer variables. This is not as much of a
- restriction as it seems, since simple integer variables can contain
- segment and offset addresses of any type of variable. Still, it can
- make parameter-passing somewhat more time-consuming.
- For this discussion, we'll assume you're using MS-DOS 2.0 or
- greater and that the operating system permits the processor to
- execute instructions anywhere in memory.
- CALL ABSOLUTE to fixed memory locations
- If you have a family of programs that share the same set of
- routines, it makes sense to put those routines in a fixed location.
- Then, each program that needs to use those routines can call them
- at a particular address. Turbo Basic allows you to safeguard
- addresses in high memory for this purpose with the MEMSET command.
- ENDMEM is frequently used with MEMSET. ENDMEM will return a long
- integer that will be the last memory location the compiled Turbo
- Basic program can use. Routines are commonly placed in high memory
- at some fixed location beginning below this limit.
- If you have such a set of routines, you will need to call them with
- the CALL ABSOLUTE command. To put them into high memory, use BLOAD.
- You will need to use DEF SEG to set the segment address into which
- the routines should be loaded, and specifically declare the offset
- address at which they should be loaded.
- When you create these routines with Turbo Assembler, you should
- take care to follow these rules:
- 1) Unless the routine is intended to run at one and only one
- address, all transfers (JMPs and CALLs) in the program should be
- completely relocatable. (A complete discussion of relocatable
- code is beyond the scope of this chapter.)
- 2) If the program is intended to be run at only one address, you
- must specify that address in the ORG directive in the assembler
- source code.
- CALL ABSOLUTE to other locations in memory
- Turbo Basic will also allow you to use CALL ABSOLUTE to memory
- locations that might vary each time you run a program. The most
- typical way to do this is to load the assembler routine into an
- array outside of normal data space.
- Consider the following code fragment:
- DEFINT a-z
- $DYNAMIC 'arrays will be dynamic
- DIM RoutineArray(10000) '20,002 bytes allocated
- 'miscellaneous code here
- whereseg% = VARSEG(ROUTINEARRAY(0)) 'segment address
- whereoffset% = VARPTR(ROUTINEARRAY(0)) 'offset address
- DEF SEG = whereseg% 'set default segment
- BLOAD"COMFILE", whereoffset% 'read routine in
- CALL ABSOLUTE whereoffset%(parameter%) 'call the routine
- DEF SEG 'return to default
- If you want to use a number of routines, you could load each in
- turn into the same array. If you wanted to use special versions of
- the routines, you could select which ones to load, and load each
- into a different array. Finally, if you wanted to alter portions of
- the array, you could do so by simply changing the values of
- selected array elements.
- As you can see, routines designed for use by CALL ABSOLUTE can be
- far more easily located and modified than $INLINE ones. The
- difficulty with the CALL ABSOLUTE routines is that they must be
- fully relocatable if they are to be generally useful. For short
- routines, this might not be a problem; for complex routines, it can
- be quite difficult to write fully relocatable code.
- You can also BLOAD routines into string variables. Here, you must
- be especially careful. If you attempt to BLOAD a routine longer
- than the string variable, you will overwrite some other string. If
- that string is modified, part of your BLOADed routine might also be
- modified.
- String variables can move, too. Even if the routine is loaded
- correctly into a string, you should take care to use VARSEG and
- VARPTR to establish the address of the string immediately before
- attempting to call the routine.
- Turbo Basic strings are not stored the same way numeric variables
- are. If you perform VARPTR(A%), you'll get the address of the
- integer variable A%. If you do VARPTR(A$), you'll get the address
- of the string descriptor for A$. The memory location 2 bytes
- further along will contain the actual address of the string in
- string space. To come up with the same result as VARPTR(A%), you'd
- have to do something equivalent to this:
- A% = VARPTR(A$)
- A% = A%+2
- StringAddress% = CVI(CHR$(PEEK(A%)) + CHR$(PEEK(A%+1)))
- Though putting assembler routines into character strings used to be
- quite popular, it's a lot less appealing now that integer arrays
- can be dimensioned and erased. It would be better to use integer
- arrays for CALL ABSOLUTE routines and avoid the extra difficulties
- of accessing constantly moveable string data.
- If you want to avoid using BLOAD, it's also possible to load .COM
- files into strings by using binary file I/O; that is, open the .COM
- file as type binary and read the correct number of bytes into the
- string. You can use the same approach to read the data into an
- integer array. BLOAD is faster and easier, however.
- Other problems with CALL ABSOLUTE
- Code read from disk for use by CALL ABSOLUTE suffers from several
- important disadvantages, the most important being the requirement
- for relocatability, which we mentioned previously.
- Another serious problem is that the routines must be read from disk
- separately from the main program, introducing several possibilities
- for error. The required code might not be present on the disk, or
- might be present but damaged.
- A third problem is that the time spent reading the code from disk
- might remove the very reason to have the routine in assembler--
- rather than in Turbo Basic--in the first place.
- Despite these stumbling blocks, the flexibility of pulling in
- different routines, of having code that can be modified under
- program control, and of reducing the amount of code that needs to
- be present in memory at any time can be strong enough reasons to
- consider using the CALL ABSOLUTE construction.
- The third and final way to access assembler routines from within
- Turbo Basic is perhaps both the easiest way to avoid assembler and
- the most difficult way to use assembler.
- Most programmers will use CALL INTERRUPT to access the normal MS-
- DOS services. In this situation, there is really no assembler to
- worry. Instead, you need to remember the following:
- Name Register
- REG 0 Flags
- REG 1 AX
- REG 2 BX
- REG 3 CX
- REG 4 DX
- REG 5 SI
- REG 6 DI
- REG 7 BP
- REG 8 DS
- REG 9 ES
- To set the value of a register, use the REG statement:
- REG 3,&H0F01
- This sets the value of the CX register to hexadecimal 0F01.
- Register CH will be hexadecimal 0F, and CL will be 01.
- To read the value of a register, use the REG function:
- A%=REG(3)
- This assigns the current value of the CX register to A%.
- The following example causes the screen to do a reverse scroll,
- from line 1 to 24:
- REG 3,0 'row zero, column zero for top
- REG 4,&H175F 'row 23, column 79 for bottom
- REG 2,&H70 'color 7,0
- REG 1,&H0701 'bios function 7, scroll 1 line
- CALL INTERRUPT &H10 'video interrupt 10h
- The equivalent routine is more difficult to write in assembler and
- won't work any better. In fact, the CALL INTERRUPT form is easier
- to modify when needed.
- The whole procedure is normally very easy. However, for more
- advanced programmers, interrupts can be used for other than the
- normal MS-DOS services.
- Interrupts are often used to manage devices (such as temperature
- sensors, remote recorders, timers, and samplers). To use such an
- interrupt, you must first find an unused interrupt. (Many are used
- by MS-DOS, and others may be used by devices such as tape drives
- and storage devices such as the Bernoulli Box.)
- Within the Turbo Basic program, you will point the interrupt vector
- to the routine written with Turbo Assembler. As noted in the Turbo
- Basic manual, the interrupt routine should preserve the values of
- the SS and SP registers; any of the others can be modified. At the
- end of the routine, control is passed back to the Turbo Basic
- program via an IRET instruction.
- It is possible to use the techniques mentioned already to determine
- the location of a routine and to put that location in the interrupt
- vector, but it's better to put interrupt routines either in high
- memory or to BLOAD them like routines for CALL ABSOLUTE.
- Interrupt routines included in your programs via the $INLINE
- command will need to be located somehow. BLOADed routines stored in
- integer arrays might not be in the same location from time to time,
- but at least the location will be known. Still, putting interrupt
- handlers into such arrays will mean that all of the code in the
- interrupt routine must be fully relocatable.
- For that reason, interrupt routines are usually put in fixed
- locations in high memory. If you decide to use that approach, be
- sure to include the proper ORG command in your Turbo Assembler
- source code.
- Sample program
- ' cld rep stosw ret
- DIM a%(100) 'integer array whose elements are all 0
- WHERE%=VARPTR(FILLIT2$) 'this locations stores the length
- WHERE%=WHERE%+2 'and this is the string location
- 'and this is the string location
- DEF SEG 'not necessary here, but good
- ' programming practice
- WHERE%=PEEK(0)+256*PEEK(1)
- DEF SEG=WHERE% 'string segment is the first word in
- ' default DS
- REGES%=VARSEG(a%(0))
- REGSI%=VARPTR(a%(0))
- REG 1,5% 'put the fill value into AX
- REG 3,101% 'number of elements to fill, 0 to 100
- ' inclusive into CX
- REG 9,REGES% 'segment of the array to fill into ES
- REG 6,REGSI% 'offset to first array element into SI
- CALL ABSOLUTE HERE% 'fill the array with the value 5
- FOR i%=0 TO 100:PRINT a%(i%);:NEXT i%
- CALL FILLIT(a%(0),-1%,101%) 'fill the array with the value -1
- FOR i%=0 TO 100:PRINT a%(i%);:NEXT i%
- $INLINE &H55,&H8B,&HEC,&HC4,&H7E
- $INLINE &HE,&H26,&H8B,&HD,&HC4
- $INLINE &H7E,&HA,&H26,&H8B,&H5
- $INLINE &HC4,&H7E,&H6,&HFC,&HF3
- ;Routine to transfer an arbitrary number of elements with an
- ;arbitrary value into an integer array for call absolute.
- ;
- ;Calling syntax is
- ;REG 1,FILLVALUE% 'AX has the fill value
- ;REG 3,FILLCOUNT% 'CX has the number of elements to fill
- ;REG 9,VARSEG(ARRAY(0)) 'ES has the segment of the array
- ;REG 6,VARPTR(ARRAY(0)) 'DI is the offset to first array elem
- ;
- ;FILLIT2 is the address of the absolute routine and DEF SEG
- ;will have set the default program segment to that of
- ;FILLIT2 before the CALL ABSOLUTE.
- START PROC FAR ;this will force a far return
- push bp ;save the base pointer
- cld ;clear direction flag
- rep ;next instruction repeats until CX is 0
- stosw ;store AX to ES:DI and increment DI by 2
- pop bp ;restore base pointer
- ret ;intersegment (far) return
- PROGRAM ENDS ;end of segment
- ;Routine to transfer an arbitrary number of elements with an
- ;arbitrary value into an integer array. Calling syntax is:
- ORG 100h
- push bp ;save the base pointer
- mov bp,sp ;move stack pointer to BP
- les di,[bp+0eh] ;get offset address of # of elems to fill
- mov cx,es:[di] ;number of elements to fill into CX
- les di,[bp+0ah] ;get offset address of fill value
- mov ax,es:[di] ;put fill value in AX
- les di,[bp+6] ;offset address of array to fill
- cld ;clear direction flag
- rep ;next instruction repeats until CX is zero
- stosw ;store AX to ES:DI and increment DI by two
- pop bp ;restore base pointer
- PROGRAM ENDS ;end segment--no RET instruction