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- Board name, Long
- Enter the name of your bulletin board
- lstr
- Board name, Short
- Enter a shortened form of the above
- lstr
- Sysop name
- Enter your name here.
- lstr
- Sysop auto-login
- If yes, signing on local will automatically log in under the sysop's name
- Boo
- Path to message base
- The message base files are held in this sub-directory.
- path
- Path to board files
- Databases and sub-board files will use this path.
- path
- Path to G-Files
- The G-Files will use this path.
- path
- Path to text files
- This directory includes the menus, raise request, info-form, help, etc.
- path
- Path to door files
- Batch files for doors go in this directory by default.
- path
- Path to Bimodem
- Path where bimodem resides, it CAN NOT be the same as the bbs!!
- path
- DSZLOG Setting
- The Setting/location of SET DSZLOG=xxx in your autoexec.bat
- lstr
- Supported BAUD rates
- baud
- Download BAUD rates
- baud
- Default BAUD rate
- Enter the start-up baud rate (for modem setup).
- Int 110-19200
- COM# port
- Enter the COM: port to which your modem is connected. Standard value is 1.
- Int 1-2
- Hayes or compatible
- Enter Y if you have a Hayes SmartModem or a compatible.
- boo
- Modem setup text
- Text sent to the modem between callers. |=CR, ~=pause, ^x=control-char
- lstr
- Modem hangup text
- Text sent to the modem to make it hang up. |=CR, ~=pause, ^x=control-char
- lstr
- CO-SYSOP level
- Choose the security level for co-sysop.
- Int 1-32767
- Anonymous level
- Enter the level required to post anonymously.
- Int 1-32767
- # of welcome files
- Enter the number of welcome files you have. Files named WELCOME.1, WELCOME.2
- Int 1-999
- Is the system private
- Enter Y or N. If Yes, new users will not be allowed.
- boo
- Direct video addressing
- If Yes, screen output will be faster, but it may interfere with multitasking
- boo
- Snow filtering
- If you are experiencing video snow, set this option to No.
- boo
- Output to DOS CON:
- If Yes, then ANSI.SYS will work, but the colors may not. Usually No.
- boo
- Escape in messages
- If Yes, users may place "escape codes" (ANSI control) in messages. Usually No.
- boo
- Backspacing in msgs
- If Yes, users may press ^Q in their messages to produce an overprint effect.
- boo
- Normal color
- Enter the standard text color attribute. Commonly 2 (green) or 7 (white)
- Attrib
- Top split color
- Enter the attribute for the top screen half. Commonly 2 (green) or 7 (white)
- Attrib
- Output-lock color
- Attribute to use when in snoop mode. Commonly 5 (purple) or 7 (white)
- Attrib
- Split-line color
- Attribute to use for the line between the halves. Commonly 7 (white)
- Attrib
- Status line color
- Attribute to use for the bottom line. It will be in inverse mode. 7=white
- Attrib
- User time per day
- Usertime
- Input time out
- Number of minutes of silence from remote user until the system hangs up.
- Int 2-60
- Hidden-input character
- Character to echo when user is entering his password. Commonly ".".
- char
- End of download text
- Text to send at the end of an ASCII download. Commonly holds this BBS's name.
- lstr
- Newuser file xfer lvl
- File transfer level for new users
- Int 0-32767
- Newuser file xfer pts
- File transfer points for new users, 0 if downloads are free on your system
- Int 0-32767
- 2nd call access level
- Access level to be automatically assigned on all users' second calls
- Int 0-32767
- 2nd call xfer level
- File transfer level to be assigned on all users' second calls
- Int 0-32767
- 2nd call xfer points
- File transfer points to be assigned on all users' second calls
- Int 0-32767
- Bulletin post level
- Level required to post a bulletin
- Int 0-32767
- Upload factor
- When you rate a file, the uploader will get (this number * your rating) points
- Int
- Time sysop's available
- Enter time sysop becomes available for chat. Form: 8:30 am, 10:00 pm, etc.
- Time
- Time sysop isn't
- Enter time sysop becomes unavailable for chat. Form: 11:30 pm, 1:45 am, etc.
- Time
- Time file xfer opens
- Enter time the file transfer section opens. Form: 9:28 am, 12:15 pm, etc.
- Time
- Time file xfer closes
- Enter time the file transfer section closes. Form: 7:36 pm, 11:32 am, etc.
- Time
- Private Hours Start
- Users without the privledged level or higher can't logon at at these time.
- time
- Private Hours End
- Time at which the private hours end.
- time
- Privledged Level
- Users with this level or higher can logon during 'Private Hours'.
- int 0-32767
- Anonymous string
- The other users will see this replacing the name of an anonymous poster.
- mstr
- Require info-forms
- If yes, then all users without info-forms will be required to enter them.
- boo
- Remote door maintenance
- If yes, remote co-sysops will be able to create potentially dangerous doors.
- boo
- Allow doors at all
- If yes, doors will be allowed. If not, all doors will be locked. For security.
- boo
- Lockout Baud Pass
- The password needed to download at a locked out baud rate.
- mstr
- Post/Call Ratio
- The number of Posts/Calls required to enter the file section. (0/None)
- int 0-100
- Exempt PCR Level
- Level that overrides PCR Checking. (0/None)
- int 0-32767
- Carbon Copy Level
- Level Required to send Carbon Copy. (0/None)
- int 0-32767
- Group Edit Level
- Level Required to Edit/Create Email Groups. (0/None)
- int 0-32767
- Maximum Time in Bank
- Maximum amout of time that can be in the time bank.
- int 0-32767
- System Password
- Password needed to access the system. (N/None)
- sstr
- System 2 Password
- Password need to access system 2. (N/No System 2)
- sstr
- Matrix Logon
- Have a matrix/security logon system. (y/n)
- boo
- Chat Start Msg
- Message given when user is pulled into chat.
- lstr
- Chat End Msg
- Message given when user is let out of chat.
- lstr
- User List Level
- Level need to list users & recent callers.
- int 0-32767
- Gambling Level
- Level needed to play gambling.
- int 0-32767
- Local Logon String
- String sent to the modem when logging on locally. (N/None)
- sstr
- UL Percent Back
- Percentage of upload time back.
- int 0-255
- Rumor Level
- Level need to add rumors.
- int 0-32767
- Status Box Msg
- Message Printed at the bottom of the logon/status box. (ie. "Keeping, etc")
- lstr
- PCR Exempt File
- File with names of users who are exempt from PCR.
- sstr
- Top 10 Level
- Level needed to access Top 10 List from main menu.
- int 0-32767
- Second Sysop PW
- Password needed to logon when users level is cosysop or above. (N/None)
- sstr
- Main Sysop PW
- Password need to access the [%] sysop functions. (N/None)
- sstr
- Def Level
- Defualt level for [+] from user edit.
- int 0-32767
- Def File Level
- Defualt File Level for [+] from user edit.
- int 0-32767
- Def File Points
- Defualt File Points for [+] from user edit.
- int 0-32767
- Def G-File Level
- Defualt G-File Level for [+] from user edit.
- int 0-32767
- Def G-File Points
- Defualt G-File Points for [+] from user edit.
- int 0-32767
- Def Account Note
- Defualt account note for [+] from user edit.
- mstr
- Arc List String
- Command to list an arcfile. (ie. PKXARC /V)
- mstr
- System Status Level
- Level needed to view system status.
- int 0-32767
- Next Caller Msg Lvl
- Level needed to leave a message to the next caller.
- int 0-32767
- Level to Add Rumor
- Level needed to add a rumor.
- int 0-32767
- Un-Rated File List
- Users in this list can download files while they are still [New]..
- sstr
- New User Password
- Password required to logon as a new user. [N/None]
- sstr
- Card Level
- Level Reqd. to use the credit cards section. [K From main menu]
- int 0-32767
- Transfer Log File
- File that CPS rates, Baud rates, Filenames, etc are printed in. [N/None]
- sstr
- Max Translog Size
- When the transfer log file reaches this size, it will erase itself. (in K)
- int 0-255
- Sysop in Who Called
- If yes the sysop is printed in the last 20 callers, if no, he isn't.
- boo
- UL/DL Ratio
- Upload/Download Ratio reqd to download.
- int 0-32767
- Exempt UL/DL Level
- Users with this [File Level] are exempt from the UL/DL ratio.
- int 0-32767
- Logon Alarm
- If yes, an alarm is sounded when a user logs on.
- boo
- Leech Week
- If yes, all files will be free.
- boo
- Text Editor
- The Filename and path for your text editor
- lstr
- Zip Comment
- The comment to be added to a zip after an upload. (ie. <scrn.ans)
- mstr
- UL/DL Exempt file
- File with names of people who are exempt from UL/DL Ratio.
- sstr
- Min Free Space
- Minimum free space before Posting & Uploads are not allowed (in K)
- int 0-32767
- EmuMail Time
- Time to process and send emumail. (ie. 4:00 am)
- time
- Your Phone #
- Your number for Emumail format is 1 416 467 7555 with those spaces and ACN
- Mstr
- Extender
- The prefix before the emumail dest is dialed. (ie. 9501234,,12345,)
- Level For Emumail
- Emumail can be used by users with level xx or greater
- INT 0-32767
- Allow Matrix Feedback
- Allow users to leave feedback from the matrix. (y/n)
- boo
- Matrix Time Limit
- Time limit allowed to logon to the bbs through the matrix. (usually 5)
- int 0-60
- Emu-Mail Command
- Command sent at matrix to invoke Emu-Mail..
- sstr