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- 1 Damage Report
- 2 Plasma Devices
- 3 Hitting Mines
- 4 Attack Player
- 5 Transport Base
- 6 Movement
- 7 Sanctuary
- 8 Fighters
- 9 Mines
- 10 Port
- 11 Autopilot
- 12 BattleGroup
- 13 Macro
- 14 Main Menu
- 15 Genesis Device
- 16 Pulsar Bomb
- 17 Planetary Stn/clk
- 18 Planet Menu
- 19 Team Menu
- 20 S-Base Transport
- 21 Starbase Menu
- 22 Interstel
- 23 Guild/Death Payoff
- 24 Fines
- 25 Credit Account
- 26 Stocks
- 27 Reporting Cabal
- 28 Alpha Centauri
- 29 SOL
- 30 Joe's Bar & Grill
- 31 Amazing Devices
- 32 Devices
- :1
- The damage report command gives you a
- report of the damage that your ship's systems
- and accessory devices have sustained.
- Damaged is sustained in the form of TURNS.
- For each turn that a device has been damaged, it
- requires one turn to repair turn of damage the
- device in question has susatained. If your ship
- has sustained damaged, you will be allowed to
- repair it here using your turns remaining.
- 1) You may also repair your ship using repair
- turns (which are less costly than normal
- turns) at SOL in sector #1, providing you
- can get there.
- 2) The first few devices listed are your ship
- systems. (These are essential to your
- operation in the game). Repairing them is
- very important.
- 3) Ship systems may only sustain up to 150
- turns of damage.
- 4) If your engines are damaged, you may not
- move until you repair them. (Unless you
- use a teleportation device of some type)
- 5) Certain devices (i.e. Armor, krypton
- deflectors, etc) are immune to turn-damage.
- 6) Invasion Packs may report turn damage. In
- this case, the phaser bank/shield of the
- invasion pack is damaged, but the Krypton
- deflector portion is unharmed.
- :2
- Using a plasma device in a sector will
- allow you to edit the warp-links in the sector.
- You may link any warp in the sector (of the
- eight possible) to any other sector in the
- universe. The warp will be linked both ways. You
- must have a plasma device to do this; And the
- plasma device is used up when you edit the
- link.
- 1) The federation has banned linking warps
- to/from sectors 1-10.
- 2) You may not link a sector in that already
- has all eight of its warps filled.
- 3) Plasma use is recorded in the news file.
- 4) Excessive plasma use may arouse the sus-
- picion of the metrons/
- :3
- You are in the process of hitting mines,
- krypton bombs, or some other form of explosive
- device. The best thing to do is kick back and
- relax while your fighters/holds are being
- destroyed.
- 1) On average, mines will do 400 fighters of
- damage each.
- 2) On average, Krypton bombs will do 20,000
- fighters of damage each.
- 3) Krypton bombs WILL damage your devices;
- Mines MAY damage your devices.
- 4) If your EM-Warp becomes damaged while you
- are hitting mines, it will offer you no
- protection until you have repaired it.
- :4
- You are in the attacking or preparing to
- attack another player. Attacks are basically a
- fighter-based combat. Your fighters will be put
- up against his fighers, there's a 50/50 chance
- of whose fighters are destroyed. If you destroy
- all of his fighters, you will destroy his ship
- and possibly salvage some equipment.
- 1) If the ship being attacked has an emergency
- warp (EM-Warp) device, he may be able to
- escape when all of his fighters are wasted.
- 2) If you fail in your attack, the other
- player's fighters may counter-attack you.
- 3) If the other player is carrying devices or
- holds, you may be able to salvage them.
- 4) If the other player is carrying explosive
- devices and you destroy his ship, they may
- go off.
- :5
- The transport base allows you to teleport
- your ship to any sector within the know galaxy.
- To do this, you must have transport pass which
- may be purchased at a moderate price at SOL in
- sector one.
- You may also use starbase teleporter
- services to/from the transport base just like
- a normal starbase.
- 1) If you teleport into a sector which
- contains mines, they may go off.
- 2) One transport pass is used up each time
- you use the port.
- :6
- The MOVE command is your basic means of
- traveling from one sector to another. A turn is
- used eachtime you move.
- 1) The autopilot (Y) command may be used to
- enter a course in to move to a specific
- sector that is not adjacent to the one
- you are in.
- 2) If you move into a sector that has a
- hostile defense force, you must defeat
- that force to enter the sector.
- 3) If you move into a sector with hostile
- mines, they will go off.
- :7
- Sanctuary is a special port located in
- sector nine that will allow small players to
- dock inside the port and be protected from any
- hostile attacks. Sanctuary is only available to
- players whose team score AND player score are
- both under one million.
- 1) Sanctuary only protects your ship; Any
- defense forces, planets, starbases, etc
- belonging to you are open for attack.
- 2) Inside sanctuary, your ship is completely
- protected; Absolutely nothing can happen
- to it.
- 3) If you don't logon for 30 days, you may
- still be deleted from the game.
- :8
- This command allows you to leave a
- defense force of fighters in the sector to
- protect the sector from hostil forces. You may
- leave any amount of fighters in the sector up
- to the amount that you are currently carrying
- with you (in addition to any fighters that are
- already in the sector)
- 1) You can't leave a defense force in a sector
- that already has a defense force belonging
- to another player in it.
- 2) Defense forces cannot be left in sectors
- one through ten.
- 3) Setting your defense force to <Attack
- Cabal> will have the federation pay you ten
- percent of the fighters worth per day, but
- the fighters will only attack the cabal,
- not other players.
- 4) The defense group will allow your team
- mates to enter the sector.
- :9
- This command allows you to drop sector
- mines in a sector to protect it from others. The
- mines will detonate, doing severe damage to any
- player other than yourself or your teamates when
- they enter the sector.
- 1) Mines may not be left in sectors one
- through ten.
- 2) Setting your defense force to <Attack
- Cabal> will cause the federation to pay you
- ten percent of the value of your mines
- per day as rental, but your mines will
- only protect against the cabal.
- 3) You may not drop mines in the sector if
- another player already has mines there
- unless you force-detonate the mines.
- :10
- The port command is the priciple means of
- making money in GW through trading. The process
- of trading is far to complex to outline in this
- simple poop-up window, so I suggest that you
- consult the Galactic Warzone manual (available
- through the "Z" command of the main menu).
- 1) Docking requires one turn unless you have a
- speed-dock accessory.
- 2) Sectors 1-10 have special ports that
- provide specialized services for your
- ship.
- :11
- The autopilot command will utilize your
- ship's computer to calculate the quickest path
- from your current sector to a destination
- sector. You will then be given the option to
- enter this course into autopilot which will
- automatically fly you there.
- 1) The Starbase-Autopilot and Scout-Autopilot
- devices significantly enhance the autopilot
- command.
- 2) Autopilot will move you to the destination
- sector-by-sector which means you will have
- to deal with any mines/fighters that could
- be in your path.
- :12
- The battle group command will allow you
- to send a fleet of fighters (or a one fighter
- scout) to any sector in the universe. It will
- report back on any planets, starbases, hostile
- forces, etc that it locates.
- Sending one fighter will send the group
- in "Scout mode" which means that your scout will
- attempt to evade any trouble. Sending multiple
- fighters will send the group in "battle mode"
- which means your fighters will attack various
- things if they encounter them.
- 1) If your scout/group encounters a hostile
- defense force, they may do battle. This
- goes for hostile mines as well.
- 2) Scouting is good to do before an autopilot
- to make sure the route is clear.
- :13
- The macro command allows you to record a
- string to text that will be used as your
- commands any time you press the CONTROL-N key
- on your keyboard. The string may contain any
- characters (except control-N) and may be up to
- 80 characters in length.
- 1) Your macro is lost when you log off.
- 2) The macro may/may not be aborted at some
- points if it contains errors. (I.e.
- tries to move to a sector that you can't
- get to, etc)
- 3) The macro is very useful when doing
- repetive actions such as trading.
- :14
- You are at the Galactic Warzone main
- menu. From here, you can perform a variety of
- services needed to play the game. There is
- too much information to place in this pop-up
- help about this title, so I will refer you to
- the galactic warzone manual which can be
- viewed with "Z" from the main menu.
- 1) "Z" will show you the GW manual. (35+
- pages; explains most aspects of the
- game)
- 2) "?" will show you a quick menu of available
- commands.
- :15
- Genesis devices are used to create
- planets. Each genesis device is capable of
- creating one planet. They may be purchased at
- port SOL in sector number one.
- 1) There may only be one planet per sector. If
- a planet is destroyed (either through
- pulsar damage or invasion damage), then you
- can place a planet in the sector to replace
- the destroyed one.
- 2) You may carry as many genesis devices as
- you wish.
- 3) Rumors indicate that there may be a maximum
- limit of 500 planets in the universe.
- :16
- Pulsar bombs are nuclear devices capable
- oof doing immense damage to a planet or star-
- base. At Present, there are four known ways in
- which pulsar bombs may be used.
- 1) Dropped on a planet while after the player
- has landed. (You would first have to defeat
- any defenses on the planet)
- 2) Launched from a starbase in the sector.
- 3) Launched from a player's ship which is
- equipped with a pulsar tube. (You do not
- have to defeat planetary defenses for this
- method)
- 4) Left on a starbase for self-destruct-on-
- capture purposes. (Multiple bombs are
- usually left for this purpose)
- Pulsar bombs may be purchased from SOL in
- sector one, produced on a starbase, or won in
- the lottery.
- 1) Pulsar bombs usually do 1,000 production
- units of damage if dropped while the player
- is on the planet, 500 production units
- of damage if launched from methods #2
- or #3, or 1,000 units of damage if a star-
- base self-destructs via method #4.
- 2) You may transport up to 64,000 pulsar bombs
- on your ship at any one time. A maximum
- of 64,000 pulsar bombs may be left on a
- starbase.
- :17
- This option allows you to transport stun
- mines and cloaking devices to/from the planet's
- surface. You may either transport the devices in
- a one-at-a-time manner or if you posess a device
- transport, you may transport them in bundles of
- 255. Below is a listing of the devices and their
- functions:
- CLOAK: Makes your planet invisible to players
- without anticloaking devices and
- battle groups.
- STUN: Does damage to the players devices and
- ship systems in the form of turns.
- Only used as a last-resort weapon when
- you planet is in danger of being
- captured.
- 1) If a planet is captured, the cloaking
- devices will be captured with it.
- 2) Cloaking not only attempts to make your
- planet invisible to sensors, but also
- causes interference to planetary
- scanners and early warning sensors.
- 3) When stun mines detonate, they all detonate
- at once. If an invader has armor of some
- type, he can deflect a portion of the
- damage.
- :18
- The planet menu is a submenu providing
- various commands needed to manage your planets.
- In order to get to this menu, you must either
- land on a friendly planet (i.e. owned by you
- or one of your teammates) or defeat/capture an
- enemy planet.
- There are an immense number of planetary
- commands so we will once again refer you to the
- GW manual for help which is available with "Z"
- from the main menu.
- 1) You may create a planet with a Genesis
- device which may be purchased at SOL
- in sector one.
- :19
- The team menu provides various services
- used to accomodate team play in GW. You may
- Join, Quit, Create, and list teams. Here are
- some topics of interest:
- Why Play on Teams
- -----------------
- Playing on a team is almost a necessity
- in GW. Team play gives you a form of collective
- security, meaning that your team members defense
- forces also aid in defending your ship and
- property.
- How to join/start a team
- ------------------------
- Teams may have a maximum of four players
- so you may have to shop around for one that both
- has room and has players willing to let you
- join. Usually, just write messages to other
- players on teams and one will respond, giving
- you the password to join.
- If you want to create a team, you can use
- the create-team command.
- The Team Quit Rule
- ------------------
- A while back, we had troubles with
- players repetetively quitting and joining teams
- in order to evade taxes. Because of this, the
- galactic council has created the one-day team
- quit rule.
- To quit a team, you must have 1) Been on
- the team for one day or more or 2) Be on a team
- by yourself.
- 1) See the above Team Quit rule, it is
- important.
- 2) Being on a team with players of higher
- scores may raise your taxes (or lower
- your sale) at SOL.
- :20
- Starbases have the unique capability to
- transport players from any starbase to any other
- starbase in only one turn! This capability is
- achieved with the starbase teleporter. To use
- it, simply use the [M] command while you are
- inside the starbase or the [R] command if you
- are outside a starbase, but in the sector.
- Starbases may charge a price for tele-
- portation TO the starbase. (There is no charge
- to teleport FROM a starbase). If a starbase
- charges a price of 64,000 credits, then it is
- considered "closed" to all but teammates.
- 1) You can always transport to/from the
- federation transport base in sector five.
- 2) Purchasing a starbase autopilot will give
- your ship the capability to automatically
- figure starbase teleporters in when
- calculating the shortest path.
- 3) Purchasing a starbase teleporter will allow
- you to teleport to any starbase (assuming
- the you meet the "fee" requirements)
- whether there is a starbase in the sector
- or not.
- :21
- The starbase menu provides all necessary
- for managing all aspects of your starbase. You
- may control the trading portion of your star-
- base, its defensive capabilities, and you may
- log off inside the starbase.
- Due to the amount of information
- regarding starbases, starbase use is covered
- both in the GW manual and in the specific
- starbase instruction command.
- 1) "?" will get you a quick summary of
- commands.
- 2) "H" will display the starbase help
- file.
- 3) "Z" from the main menu will display
- the GW manual (which partially covers
- starbase operations)
- :22
- Interstel is a specialized port located
- in sector number two which allows players to
- perform a variety of financial and other mis-
- cellanious functions. Here is a brief rundown
- of what you can do at interstel:
- 1) By purchasing an Interstel link, you will
- be permitted to remotely use interstel's
- services from any sector in the universe.
- :23
- Since the Traders Guild provides funds
- for all player's starting expenses, they get a
- bit upset if you happen to die and their
- investment is lost. After a certain number of
- deaths, they will start providing you with less
- equipment every time you are recreated.
- There are, however, certain ways to get
- around these difficulties. For a modest fee, the
- Trader's Guild will "forget" how many times you
- have died. You may pay them off at their office
- at Interstel in sector two.
- :24
- The Federation does not take kindly to
- players destroying their defense forces or
- capturing thier planets. If you are guilty of
- any of these high crimes against the federation,
- they will impose a fine upon you and after your
- fine has accumulated to a certain amount, they
- will begin to deny your ship access to the
- federation sectors #1 through #10.
- You may repay this fine at the port
- Interstel which is located in sector number two.
- 1) Since sector two is protected by federation
- fighters, if you accumulate a high fine,
- they will deny you access. Therefore, you
- must either defeat the sector defenses or
- use an interstel link device to gain access
- to the port.
- 2) If you accumulate a high enough fines, all
- fighters set to <Attack Cabal> will become
- hostile towards your ship. This includes
- fighters that other players are "renting"
- to the federation.
- :25
- You may invest your credits in a "Credit
- Account" at the galactic bank at Interstel in
- sector two. Credit acocunts will earn you five
- percent of your investment per day.
- 1) If you die, any money in your credit
- account dies with you.
- 2) Unlike stocks, credit accounts are NOT
- confidential or tax deductable.
- :26
- The Galactic Stock exchange is located at
- Interstel is sector two. The stock market allows
- you to invest in a total of five companies as
- well as in other players in the game. The stocks
- will vary each night during maintenance, cor-
- responding with changes in the game.
- 1) You may invest in the five galactic warzone
- companies or in individual player's
- scores.
- 2) Investment in stocks is completely tax
- deductable, condifential, and is not
- reported in the rankings.
- 3) If you die, any money you have invested in
- stocks will die with you.
- :27
- The Federation will pay you if you report
- the location of cabal fighters to them. You may
- report these fighters at the port Interstel in
- sector two. The federation will pay you a
- certain amount of credits depending on how many
- fighters are present.
- 1) If someone else has already reported
- fighters in the sector you report, you will
- not be paid.
- :28
- Alpha Centauri is the local gambling port
- in the galaxy. A variety of games are available
- for your entertainment and profit. Alpha
- Centauri is located in sector three.
- 1) The Galactic Lottery is available within
- Alpha Centauri.
- :29
- Sol is your basic Galactic Market. You
- may purchase such necessities as fighters,
- mines, holds, etc. Sol is located within Fed-
- eration space in sector number one.
- 1) The Federation will grant a sale to smaller
- players and will impose taxes on the larger
- players.
- 2) Sol does not require a turn for docking
- purposes.
- 3) Repair turns are available from Sol for a
- modest fee.
- 4) A device known as the "Armageddon Device"
- was discovered in deep space and brought to
- Sol for examination. It is said that who-
- ever can activate it will be granted great
- wealth.
- :30
- Joe's Bar and Grill is kind of a hang-out
- for the local traders. Also known to frequent
- the bar are a group of daredevil renegade pilots
- known simply as the "spies". Each night the
- spies roam the universe in search of information
- that they can sell other traders for a profit.
- This information may be purchased inside Joe's
- Bar and Grill.
- 1) Information that the spies posess is not
- always current. (i.e. it is only updated
- nightly).
- 2) Traders sometimes tack up pictures of them-
- selves on the walls of the bar in the form
- of ANSI art.
- :31
- The company "Amazing Devices" owns two
- ports located in sectors six and seven that sell
- a variety of useful devices that may be added to
- your ship.
- Many different devices are available
- including such exotic devices as krypton bombs,
- cloaking and anticloaking devices, pulsar tubes,
- etc.
- 1) Half of the inventory of Amazing Devices
- is contained at Amazing Devices I in sector
- six; The other half is contained in Amazing
- Devices II in sector seven.
- 2) "Rogue Devices" which have been captured
- from the cabal are available as daily
- specials.
- 3) Devices are sometimes also available at the
- Vault in sector 8.
- 4) Amazing Devices will sell, buy, and
- identify devices.
- :32
- Devices are special accessories that may
- be added to your ship to increase its offensive
- and defensive capabilities. A total of 30 known
- devices have been invented by the company
- "Amazing Devices, Inc" located in sectors six
- and seven.
- An additional 20-40 devices are rumored
- to have been invented by the cabal and have been
- classified as "Rogue Devices".
- You may list or activate devices from the
- "B" command of the galactic warzone main menu.
- 1) Some devices effect your ship all of the
- time (example: Shields, Armor, etc) while
- others can only be activated through the
- "B" command listed above. (Example: Device
- Transport, Fusion Cell, etc)
- 2) If you are unclear about what a device
- does, you can have Amazing Devices (in
- either sectors size or seven) [I]dentify
- it. They will tell you as much as they know
- about its funciton.
- 3) Devices may be listed with the "B" command
- from the GW main menu.
- :33
- The vault is a specialized port located
- in sector eight of federation space. The vault
- will for a modest fee, store almost any devices,
- cargo, holds, or other items within thier
- protected enclosure. The vault will charge you a
- monthly rental fee for items that you store
- there.
- Every player is allocated a personal
- vault and every team is allocated a team vault
- which is shared among all players of the team.
- There are also special purpose vaults. Below is
- a listing of all vaults and their corresponding
- vault numbers:
- Allocated to each player to store
- his/her property in.
- 100-200 TEAM VAULT
- Allocated one per team. Any member
- of the team may access the teams
- vault. This make the vault a very
- powerful means of sharing wealth
- among players.
- When people die or teams are
- abandoned, anything in their
- vaults is moved to here. You may
- purchase anything in this vault.
- This vault was created as a means
- for players to trade between them-
- selves. You may both buy and sell
- items from this vault.
- Each night, federation operatives
- capture some cabal devices. These
- devices are placed in this vault
- for players to use.
- Items sold to this vault will be
- re-distributed to the smaller
- players in the game. The Galactic
- IRS is working on a tax-break
- for players who donate, but as of
- this date, it was not completed.
- 1) Lottery winnings are automatically placed
- in your personal vault.
- 2) If you kill another player and capture his
- holds or devices, they will be placed in
- your personal vault.
- 3) The daily rental prices at the vault may be
- listed from the vaults main menu.