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- #
- # @(#) link.src 1.8 88/08/12
- # /tmp/init.link - onetime initialization script
- #
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/etc
- # Return code definitions
- : ${OK=0} ${FAIL=1} ${STOP=10} ${HALT=11}
- # Must be at root for fixperm to work
- cd /
- # Brand the link kit
- echo "\nLink kit serialization" >&2
- file=/usr/sys/mdep/libmdep.a
- while echo "\nEnter your serial number: \c"
- do read serial
- echo "\nEnter your activation key: \c"
- read key
- /etc/brand $serial $key $file
- case $? in
- 0) break ;;
- 1) echo "Error, please try again" >&2 ;;
- 2) ;;
- 3) echo "$file is already serialized" >&2; break ;;
- esac
- while echo "Do you wish to try activation again? (y/n) \c"
- read yn
- do case $yn in
- [Yy]*) break
- ;;
- [Nn]*) echo "
- The Xenix link kit will not work correctly without proper
- serialization. Contact your support center to obtain a
- valid activation key and re-install the link kit." >&2
- exit $FAIL
- ;;
- *) echo "Enter either 'y' or 'n'" >&2
- esac
- done
- done
- exit $OK