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- "We had a pretty bad winter in 1800. With the first signs of spring,
- St. Louis emerged from its lethargy. The big sailboats made the journey
- back up the Mississippi River and lined up along the jetty.
- I didn't have a dime to my name. I'd spent all my savings in the local
- saloons. It was time to head west again and hunt beaver, so I could
- sell the skins to my associate at the time, Schwartzbauer the goldsmith.
- I only took what was strictly necessary on these expeditions - a big
- knife, a sturdy two-handed axe, and Betty, my famous rifle with the
- maplewood stock. Schwartzbauer bought me a canoe and I sailed away on a
- misty April morning.
- I was canoeing quietly up the South Platte River when I suddenly heard
- shouts coming from the shore. I glimpsed a group of Pawnees between
- the trees, attacking an old Indian. I grabbed my faithful Betty, and
- pulled the trigger. Once again, my aim was good. The head Pawnee
- bit the dust. The other warriors, frightened by "the stick that spits
- fire" ran away immediately. I rushed over to the old man. He was a
- Cheyenne big chief. I noticed he was tied to the ground by a length
- of rope connected to a heavy wooden peg. I recognized this as a
- Cheyenne death ritual-an aged Indian will tie himself this way in an
- enemy's territory, so he may die the death of a warrior.
- The man was dying. He had been wounded in three places. He held out
- a piece of parchment to me, and whispered in a weak voice, "Help me,
- I am dying, I have lived the life of a warrior, now I die like one...
- but also I must be buried as one to enter the Happy Hunting ground.
- Do this for me, and I will make you rich."
- Moved by pity (and, I must say, the thought of money) I vowed to do
- this.
- "Take this map, it will lead you into a mysterious land. If you prove
- to be both strong and law-abiding, brave and cautious, cunning and
- helpful, you will discover the secret of your tribe, Pocohontas's
- gold mine. It will belong to you because you will have deserved it for
- saving my soul."
- With these words, the old man breathed his last. I built a burial-
- place for him, then returned to my canoe.
- I followed the rivers and streams for several days, as directed in
- the parchment. At dawn on the seventh day of travelling, I entered
- the territory mentioned on the map. I had no idea then of all the
- adventures I would have..."
- Extract from "MEMORIES OF A TRAPPER"
- ___________________________________________________________
- | | | | | | | | | | |
- | F1| F2| F3| F4| F5| F6| | | | |
- |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|
- \_____________ _____________/ | | |
- \/ | Powder level|
- Icons for objects | |
- Icon for |
- picking up Life points level
- and putting
- down
- - ICONS: You can only own a maximum of six objects. By pressing the
- corresponding function keys (F1 to F6), you can use certain objects
- directly.
- Thus, you can:
- - Select a weapon (rifle, axe or knife)
- - drink a potion (to replenish your life points level)
- - change your powder-horn (increases the powder level)
- - display a parchment (holding down the key to read it)
- - use specific objects (a big powder-barrel, a silver bullet)
- - TO PUT DOWN AN OBJECT: hit function key F7 then select the object
- you want to leave behind.
- - THE ESC KEY is a pause key.
- You move your character with the keyboard or a joystick. If you are
- using the keyboard use the numeric keypad (numbers 1 to 9 for the
- corresponding directions) and use the shift button to fire.
- - MOVING: You can move in six directions - right, left and on the four
- diagonals.
- - CLIMBING: To climb up or down a mountainside, use joystick directions
- up and down.
- Recharge the gun Long jump
- (if the gun is selected) 2 Throw explosive
- 1 \ | / 3
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | / Sign of peace if no
- \|/ weapon has been
- Turn around ----------- selected,
- 4 /|\ otherwise a high
- / | \ strike, depending
- / | \ on the weapon.
- / | \ 6
- / | \
- Pick up an object 8 Low strike,
- 7 Crouch depending on the
- weapon.
- 9
- You can barter with Mac Biggie, the general storekeeper.
- When he has opened his shop, place yourself in front of him and an
- exchange menu will appear on the screen.
- To make an exchange, press the firing button.
- To get out again, go to the top of menu.
- The game is saved automatically at certain specific places. It happens
- directly on to your game diskette while you are pitching camp.
- - CANOE COMMANDS (without firing key or shift key)
- Accelerating left Accelerate Accelerating right
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | /
- Left ------------------- Right
- / | \
- / | \
- / | \
- / | \
- / | \
- / | \
- / | \
- / | \
- Braking left Slowing down Braking right
- - FIGHTING: To hit an enemy, use the joystick with fire button (or
- shift key) depressed.
- - LANDING: You can tie up alongside dry land. You can then step out
- of the canoe, using the firing button in the upper position.
- - MAP: You could follow the route on the map, which may help you to
- avoid the terrible waterfalls.
- Complete manual provided by P A R A N O I M I A !