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- # @(#) prof.hd.src 1.7 88/08/12
- #
- #
- PS1="<Installation> "
- HZ=20
- export PS1 HZ
- # if xenix is on the hard disk carry on as normal
- # xenix should always be on the hard disk in the 96tpi version
- [ -f /xenix ] && {
- /etc/firsttime && {
- mv /etc/firsttime /tmp
- /etc/haltsys
- }
- exit 0
- }
- # move xenix onto hard disk, serialise it and exit
- cd /
- /etc/mount -r /dev/install /mnt || {
- echo "Unable to mount floppy" >&2
- echo "Please reboot" >&2
- /etc/haltsys
- }
- /bin/cp /mnt/xenix /xenix
- /bin/cp /mnt/etc/default/boothd /etc/default/boot
- # copy perm lists from floppy to hard disk
- /bin/cp /mnt/etc/inst.perms /etc/inst.perms
- /bin/cp /mnt/etc/dsmd.perms /etc/dsmd.perms
- /bin/cp /mnt/etc/tpmd.perms /etc/tpmd.perms
- # link perm lists
- /bin/ln /etc/inst.perms /etc/perms/inst
- /bin/ln /etc/dsmd.perms /etc/perms/dsmd
- /bin/ln /etc/tpmd.perms /etc/perms/tpmd
- # print restricted rights legend on user screen
- echo "
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | |
- | |
- | Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to |
- | restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights |
- | in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013. |
- | |
- | The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. |
- | 400 Encinal Street |
- | Santa Cruz, CA 95061 |
- | |
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- " >&2
- # We have to serialize the kernel or we'll be in trouble when we re-boot
- echo "\nOperating system serialization." >&2
- file="/xenix /etc/getty"
- while echo "\nEnter your serial number \007\nand press <RETURN> \c" >&2
- do read serial rest
- echo "Enter your activation key \nand press <RETURN> \c" >&2
- read key rest
- /etc/brand $serial $key $file
- case $? in
- 0) break ;;
- 1) echo "Error, please try again" >&2 ;;
- 2) echo "Invalid activation key" >&2 ;;
- 3) echo "$file is already serialized" >&2; break ;;
- esac
- while echo "Do you wish to try activation again? (y/n) \c" >&2
- read yn
- do case $yn in
- [Yy]*) break
- ;;
- [Nn]*) echo "
- Xenix will not work correctly without proper serialization.
- Contact your support center to obtain a valid activation
- key and restart the installation." >&2
- /etc/haltsys
- ;;
- *) echo "Enter either 'y' or 'n'" >&2
- esac
- done
- done
- /etc/umount /dev/install || echo "Floppy umount failed" >&2
- echo "
- AFTER you see the message: '** Normal System Shutdown **'
- OPEN the floppy door and REMOVE the floppy disk.
- To reboot the system, PRESS any key.
- The screen will clear and you will see the boot message:
- Boot
- :
- Press <RETURN> to reboot and continue the installation.\n" >&2
- /etc/haltsys