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- /*
- * %Z% %M% %I% %D% %Q%
- *
- * Copyright (C) The Santa Cruz Operation, 1985, 1986.
- * This Module contains Proprietary Information of
- * The Santa Cruz Operation and should be treated as Confidential.
- *
- */
- typedef struct sio_device
- {
- char txbuffer;
- char intrenable;
- char intrident;
- char linctrlreg;
- char modemctrlreg;
- char linstatreg;
- char modemstatreg;
- char _xpadx;
- } siodev_t;
- #define rxbuffer txbuffer
- #define lsbdivlatch txbuffer
- #define msbdivlatch intrenable
- typedef struct sio_device * sd;
- typedef struct board {
- int b_num; /* board number */
- int b_type; /* each manufacturer gets a different one */
- int b_pcnt; /* port count on the board */
- int b_vec; /* interrupt vector */
- int b_dev; /* minor dev base */
- sd b_addr; /* base address of board */
- int b_poll; /* interrupt poll addr */
- int b_inc; /* increment (spacing) of io ports on board */
- int b_outbits; /* value for OUT1/OUT2 bits in MCR */
- } board_t;
- /* Modem Control Register defines */
- #define MCRDTR 0x01 /* Data Terminal Ready */
- #define MCRRTS 0x02 /* Request To Send */
- #define MCRBIT2 0x04
- #define MCRBIT3 0x08 /* Interrupt control for 8250 level4 */
- /* Board Number defines */
- #define IBM_BOARD 0
- #define HOST_BOARD 1
- #define MITS_BOARD 2 /* mitsubishi (sperry) */
- #define ARNET_BOARD 3
- #define AST_BOARD 4
- #define AMI_BOARD 5
- #define STARGATE 6
- #define DIGIBOARD 7
- #define KIMTRON 8
- #define QUADRAM 9
- #define CTC 10
- #define TANDON 11
- /* stuff for kimtron board */
- #define KIMTRON_POLL 0x8000
- /* stuff for ctc board */
- #define CTC_POLL 0x7
- /* stuff for quadram board */
- #define QUADRAM0_POLL 0x2d3 /* Not a displacement */
- #define QUADRAM1_POLL 0x2db /* Not a displacement */
- /* stuff for hostess board */
- #define HOSTESS_POLL 0x7
- #define HOSTESS_MASK 0x7
- /* stuff for mitsubishi (sperry) board */
- #define MITS_POLL 0x40 /* displacement to poll register */
- #define MITS_CNTRL 0x40
- #define MITS_IR 0x01 /* interrupt reset bit (CNTRL reg) */
- #define MITS_IE 0x02 /* interrupt enable bit (CNTRL reg) */
- /* stuff for arnet board */
- #define ARNET_POLL 0x42
- /* stuff for AST board */
- #define AST_POLL 0x1f
- /* stuff for AMI board */
- #define AMI0_POLL 0x210 /* NOT A DISPLACEMENT! com1 port at 0x210 */
- #define AMI1_POLL 0x212 /* NOT A DISPLACEMENT! com2 port at 0x220 */
- /* stuff for stargate 4 and 8 port boards */
- /* displacement to interrupt status port */
- #define STAR_POLL 0x40
- /* stuff for tandon board */
- #define TANDON0_BRD 0x2a0
- #define TANDON0_POLL 0x2a2 /* Not a displacement */
- #define TANDON0_ECHO 0x680
- #define TANDON1_BRD 0x280
- #define TANDON1_POLL 0x282 /* Not a displacement */
- #define TANDON1_ECHO 0x6a0