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- ;
- ; %Z% %M% %I% %D% %Q%
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- ; Copyright (C) The Santa Cruz Operation, 1988.
- ; This Module contains Proprietary Information of
- ; The Santa Cruz Operation and should be treated as Confidential.
- ;
- ;
- ; Configurable parameters for the Busmouse or InPort driver
- ;
- ; If parameter is not initialized, the default for the type of
- ; machine will be used. The base address and interrupt vector
- ; will override the default if initialized.
- ;
- ; Defaults interrupt vector is 5.
- ; Default base address by type is:
- ; Type InPort: 0x23c
- ; Type busmouse: 0x23c
- ;
- ifdef M_I386
- .386p
- endif
- name mousconfig
- DGROUP group _DATA
- ifdef M_I386
- _DATA segment byte use32 public 'DATA'
- else
- _DATA segment byte public 'DATA'
- endif
- ; DO NOT change the order or format of the following lines
- MOUSINT equ 5 ; @PARM1
- MOUSBASE equ 0H ; @PARM2
- public _mousint
- _mousint dw MOUSINT ; LOGICAL interrupt vector number
- public _mousbase
- _mousbase dw MOUSBASE ; i/o base address
- _DATA ends
- end