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- /*
- * @(#) vid.h 1.1 88/11/03
- *
- * Copyright (C) The Santa Cruz Operation, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988.
- *
- * This Module contains Proprietary Information of the Santa
- * Cruz Operation, and should be treated as confidential.
- *
- */
- #ifndef MAXFK
- #include "../h/comcrt.h"
- #endif
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- /*
- * Maximum nunmber of multiscreens.
- */
- #define MAXSCRN 12 /* max number of screens */
- /*
- * maximum number of allowed.
- */
- #define MAXADAPTERS 16
- /*
- * Maximum number of control sequence parameters in
- * an escape sequence.
- */
- #define NCSPARAMS 3
- /*
- * Maximum number of keyboard scan codes that can
- * be saved in the read ahead buffer.
- */
- #define MAXRA 8
- /*
- * Commands to the (*v_sgr)() routine.
- * Defined by ANSI
- */
- #define SGR_NORMAL 0 /* return attributes to normal */
- #define SGR_BOLD 1 /* called INTENSE in video'ese */
- #define SGR_FAINT 2 /* NOT-supported */
- #define SGR_PRCOLORS 2 /* PR's set the normal colors */
- #define SGR_ITALIC 3 /* NOT-supported */
- #define SGR_PRBLKCTL 3 /* PR's blink bit control */
- #define SGR_UNDERL 4 /* underline */
- #define SGR_BLINK 5 /* blink */
- #define SGR_FBLINK 6 /* NOT-supported */
- #define SGR_REVERSE 7 /* reverse video w/ setcolor */
- #define SGR_CONCEALED 8 /* hide characters */
- #define SGR_CROSSED 9 /* NOT-supported */
- #define SGR_FONT 10 /* fonts 0 through 9 w/ 10-19 */
- #define SGR_GOTHIC 20 /* NOT-supported */
- #define SGR_DLBUNDERL 21 /* NOT-supported */
- #define SGR_NORMCI 22 /* NOT-supported */
- #define SGR_0ITALIC 23 /* NOT-supported */
- #define SGR_0UNDERL 24 /* NOT-supported */
- #define SGR_0BLINK 25 /* NOT-supported */
- #define SGR_RES1 26 /* RESERVED by ANSI */
- #define SGR_0REVERSE 27 /* NOT-supported */
- #define SGR_0CONCEALED 28 /* NOT-supported */
- #define SGR_0CROSSED 29 /* NOT-supported */
- #define SGR_FORECOLOR 30 /* ANSI forground colors 30-37 */
- #define SGR_RES2 38 /* RESERVED by ANSI */
- #define SGR_DEFFOREFOL 39 /* NOT-supported */
- #define SGR_BACKCOLOR 40 /* ANSI background colors 40-47 */
- #define SGR_RES3 48 /* RESERVED by ANSI */
- #define SGR_DEFBACKCOL 49 /* NOT-supported */
- /*
- * Commands to the (*v_adapctl)() routine.
- * Defined by SCO
- */
- #define AC_BLINKB 0 /* Clear or Set the blink bit */
- #define AC_FONTCHAR 1 /* display font character */
- #define AC_DEFCSR 2 /* define Cursor type */
- #define AC_BOLDBKG 3 /* turn on intense bg color */
- #define AC_DEFNF 10 /* define normal forground */
- #define AC_DEFNB 11 /* define normal background */
- #define AC_ONN 12 /* begin using normal colors */
- #define AC_DEFRF 13 /* define reverse forground */
- #define AC_DEFRB 14 /* define reverse background */
- #define AC_ONR 15 /* turn on reverse colors */
- #define AC_DEFGF 16 /* define graphic forground */
- #define AC_DEFGB 17 /* define graphic background */
- #define AC_ONG 18 /* turn on graphic colors */
- #define AC_SETOS 30 /* set overscan colors */
- #define AC_PRIMODE 100 /* return primary text mode */
- #define AC_SAVSZQRY 101 /* return size (bytes) of state */
- #define AC_SAVSCRN 102 /* save screen */
- #define AC_RESSCRN 103 /* restore screen */
- #define AC_CSRCTL 104 /* arg=0 hide cursor, arg=1 show cursor */
- #define AC_USERFONT 105 /* load or dump the soft font */
- #define AC_IOPRIVL 106 /* grant or revoke IO privl */
- #define AC_SOFTRESET 107 /* reset text mode (keep colors)*/
- #define AC_SENDSCRN 108 /* write screen chars to stdin */
- #ifdef VPIX
- #define AC_VTKDPARAM 200 /* get VPIX display parameters */
- #define AC_TXTRECVR 201 /* recover text mode from DOS */
- #define AC_TXTRELSE 202 /* release text mode to DOS */
- #endif
- typedef struct {
- int cmd, flg; /* weird data structure to make loadable */
- faddr_t faddr; /* fonts easier to implement */
- } pgiofontarg_t;
- #ifdef M_I386
- typedef short *strixp_t; /* pointer to function key text index's */
- typedef uchar_t *strtabp_t; /* pointer to function key text table */
- typedef short *vseg_t; /* pointer to a video segment of 'short's */
- typedef long *vecp_t;
- #else
- typedef short far *strixp_t; /* pointer to key/scrn table of chars */
- typedef uchar_t far *strtabp_t; /* pointer to function key text table */
- typedef short far *vseg_t; /* pointer to a video segment of 'short's */
- typedef long far *vecp_t;
- #endif
- extern char ansicolormap[];
- struct colors {
- char fore; /* foreground colors */
- char back; /* background colors */
- };
- /*
- * Structure for listing valid
- * adapter IO addresses
- */
- struct portrange {
- ushort first; /* first port */
- ushort count; /* number of valid right after 'first' */
- };
- /*
- * Structure for a user virtual address.
- */
- struct userva {
- faddr_t addr;
- unsigned size;
- };
- #define BLACK 0x0
- #define BLUE 0x1
- #define GREEN 0x2
- #define CYAN 0x3
- #define RED 0x4
- #define MAGENTA 0x5
- #define BROWN 0x6
- #define WHITE 0x7
- #define GRAY 0x8
- #define LT_BLUE 0x9
- #define LT_GREEN 0xA
- #define LT_CYAN 0xB
- #define LT_RED 0xC
- #define LT_MAGENTA 0xD
- #define YELLOW 0xE
- #define HI_WHITE 0xF
- /*
- * A keyboard group is a set of Multiscreens,
- * a set of video adapter drivers and the global
- * state of one keyboard.
- */
- struct kbgrp {
- struct mscrn *kg_m0; /* multi-screens[] for the keyboard grp */
- struct adapter *kg_a0; /* adaptsw[] for the keyboard grp */
- int (*kg_in)(); /* keybd grp line displn in() routine */
- struct map *kg_memmap; /* keybd grp multiscreen save area map */
- short kg_dtoa[MAXADAPTERS];/* device # to adapter index table */
- short kg_curscrn; /* Current screen */
- short kg_maxscrn; /* Maximum valid screen in keyboard grp */
- struct keymap *kg_keymap; /* ScanCode translation map */
- char kg_rabuf[MAXRA]; /* keyboard scan code read ahead buffer */
- uchar_t *kg_rafp; /* read ahead buf front pointer */
- uchar_t *kg_rabp; /* read ahead buf back pointer */
- uchar_t kg_break; /* was last Scan Code a break? */
- short kg_down; /* Which state keys are down */
- uchar_t kg_state; /* Local keyboard state */
- uchar_t kg_gblklk; /* Global key lock keyboard state */
- uchar_t kg_kbmode; /* keyboard mode AT vs. XT */
- int (*kg_scrsend)(); /* kb command sender (leds) S001 */
- int (*kg_scrdrain)(); /* clear any keyboard data S001 */
- int (*kg_scrgetkey)(); /* fetch key from keyboard S001 */
- int (*kg_scrmode)(); /* put kb in AT or XT mode S001 */
- int (*kg_bell)(); /* activate bell S003 */
- int kg_extmode; /* Extended mode flag S005 */
- int kg_altseq; /* ALT key sequence S005 */
- #ifdef VPIX
- int (*kg_sound)(); /* VP/ix sound generator S004 */
- uchar_t kg_num; /* keyboard group number */
- uchar_t kg_vtlock; /* VT interlock token */
- uchar_t kg_vtsw_id; /* serialized VT screen switch number */
- struct mscrn *kg_vtswtchto; /* next screen in a VT switch */
- #endif
- };
- /*
- * All activity center around a multi-screen.
- */
- struct mscrn {
- struct kbgrp *m_grp; /* multiscreen group header */
- int m_num; /* screen number */
- struct tty *m_tty; /* tty structure */
- /*
- * video part
- */
- struct adapter *mv_adapter; /* ptr to the screen's adapter */
- vseg_t mv_savscrn; /* save screen RAM */
- unsigned mv_savsz; /* size of save screen used */
- faddr_t mv_smap; /* font value translation table */
- uchar_t mv_font; /* ANSI font, one of 0, 1, or 2 */
- ushort mv_tmpcol; /* used by ANSI */
- ushort mv_row, mv_col; /* cursor position */
- ushort mv_rsz, mv_csz; /* text screen size */
- ushort mv_csstate; /* Ctl Sequ state */
- ushort mv_csparam[NCSPARAMS]; /* Ctl Sequ parameters */
- uchar_t mv_csindex; /* Ctl Sequ parameter index */
- uchar_t mv_cstyp; /* cursor type */
- struct colors mv_norm, /* normal attributes */
- mv_rev, /* reverse video attributes */
- mv_grfc; /* graphic character attributes */
- uchar_t mv_ovscan; /* border color */
- #ifdef VPIX
- /*
- * VP/ix virtual terminals.
- */
- struct proc *vt_procp;
- struct v86dat *vt_v86p;
- ushort vt_pid;
- uchar_t vt_relsig;
- uchar_t vt_acqsig;
- uchar_t vt_frsig;
- uchar_t vt_kbmode;
- uchar_t vt_scrnmode;
- #endif
- /*
- * Keyboard part
- */
- char mk_qstr[MAXFK]; /* work space for func. key conf */
- strixp_t mk_strix; /* function key string table pointer */
- strtabp_t mk_strtab; /* function key string text table */
- uchar_t mk_keylock; /* caps/num/scroll lock */
- /*
- * flag definitions for mk_keylock
- */
- #define CLKED 0x01 /* caps locked */
- #define NLKED 0x02 /* num locked */
- #define SLKED 0x04 /* scroll locked */
- /*
- * Bell part
- */
- ushort mb_time; /* bell duration 1/10 secs */
- ushort mb_freq; /* bell frequency (pitch) */
- /*
- * Misc. Features
- */
- ushort mf_savrow; /* ^[[7 save current row & col */
- ushort mf_savcol; /* ^[[8 restore row & col */
- ushort mf_snd_row; /* row and col for sendscreen */
- ushort mf_snd_col;
- ushort mf_status; /* terminal status bit field */
- ushort mf_xtraopenf; /* flags for systty support */
- /*
- * Defines for mf_status.
- */
- #define MFS_SND_SCRN 0x0001 /* currently send screening */
- #define MFS_KBD_LOCK 0x0002 /* keyboard is locked */
- #define MFS_TEXTMODE 0x0004 /* textmode (not graphics mode) */
- #define MFS_LOSTPUTC 0x0008 /* kernl putc's lost in grafixs */
- #define MFS_NOMARGIN 0x0010 /* no automargin mode */
- #ifdef VPIX
- #define MFS_PROCMODE 0x0020 /* screen has VPix handler proc */
- #define MFS_VTWAIT 0x0040 /* writes to noncur scrs, block */
- #define MFS_VTMAPPED 0x0080 /* display is mapped VPix style */
- #endif
- /*
- * Defines for mf_xtraopenf.
- */
- #define MFXOF_CONS 0x0001
- #define MFXOF_CDEV 0x0002
- /*
- * Per Screen hardware fields for use by the adapter drivers.
- * Each adapter driver uses this area in any manner it choses.
- * If the adapter driver wished to make use of m6845.c then
- * the first 8 bytes of the adapter area must match m6845_a.
- */
- uchar_t adp_area[32];
- };
- /*
- * All adapter multiscreen field definitions must have
- * these fields at the top if the adapter driver is
- * intended to work with m6845.c
- */
- struct m6845_a {
- uchar_t a_battr; /* Bold & Blink attributes */
- uchar_t a_cattr; /* Color/Reverse attributes */
- uchar_t a_attrs; /* OR battr with cattr */
- uchar_t a_modereg; /* contents of 6845 mode reg */
- ushort a_csr; /* cursor shape */
- ushort a_scroff; /* offset of screen in video */
- };
- /*
- * Data for accessing an adapter driver.
- */
- struct adapter {
- char *v_name; /* name of the adapter ie "CGA" */
- ushort v_type; /* basic type eg. MONO, CGA,... */
- ushort v_oem; /* nonstandard vendor name */
- struct mscrn *v_curscrn; /* pointer to the current screen*/
- ushort v_initrc; /* saved return value of v_init */
- /*
- * Adapter routines
- * These routines manipulate the
- * on video and save image screens.
- */
- int (*v_init)(); /* init the adapter driver */
- int (*v_cmos)(); /* Extra cmos type checking */
- int (*v_initscreen)(); /* init a multiscreen on the adapter */
- void (*v_scroll)();
- void (*v_copy)();
- void (*v_clear)();
- void (*v_pchar)(); /* put a string of characters */
- void (*v_scurs)(); /* set the active and cursor position */
- void (*v_sgr)(); /* set graphic rendition; see Ansi X.64 */
- int (*v_ioctl)(); /* Adapter specific ioctl handler */
- int (*v_adapctl)(); /* Adapter specific misc other stuff */
- vseg_t v_videoram; /* Kernel pointer to video ram */
- paddr_t v_paddr; /* Physical address of video ram */
- ulong_t v_size; /* Size of of video ram in bytes */
- #ifdef VPIX
- ulong_t v_v86addr; /* Where VP/ix needs this card */
- #endif
- };
- /* bits fields of v_initrc (Adapter Init return values */
- #define AI_PRESENT 0x0001
- #define AI_COLOR 0x0002
- #define ADAP_NP 0
- /* misc. macros */
- #define DISPLAYED(msp) ((msp)->mv_adapter->v_curscrn == (msp))
- #define TEXTMODE(msp) (MFS_TEXTMODE & (msp)->mf_status)
- #define SCREENSZ(msp) ((msp)->mv_rsz * (msp)->mv_csz)
- #define CURSOR(msp) ((msp)->mv_row * (msp)->mv_csz + (msp)->mv_col)
- #ifdef M_I386
- #define VIDMEMGET(pages) ( (pfn_t) memget(pages) )
- #else /* M_I286 */
- #define VIDMEMGET(pages) ( (mloc_t) mmuget(pages) )
- #endif
- faddr_t vidmap();
- faddr_t vidumapinit();
- #ifdef VPIX
- struct kbgrp *vidgetgrpp(); /* get a kb grp ptr from a kb grp num */
- int vidgetgrpnum(); /* get a kb grp num from a kb grp ptr */
- #endif