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- /*
- * @(#) v86.h 1.3 88/06/24
- *
- * Copyright (C) The Santa Cruz Operation, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988.
- * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988.
- * This Module contains Proprietary Information of
- * The Santa Cruz Operation, Microsoft Corporation
- * and AT&T, and should be treated as Confidential.
- *
- * NOTE: This file is part of the ECT.
- */
- /*
- * Move the following definition to proc.h stat code definitions
- */
- #define NV86TASKS 20 /* Maximum number of V86 tasks */
- #define V86VIRTSIZE 0x0100 /* Size of virtual 8086 in pages ( 1M bytes)*/
- #define V86WRAPSIZE 0x0010 /* Size of copy/wrap in pages (64K bytes)*/
- #define V86XTSSSIZE 0x0010 /* Size of Xtss in pages (64K bytes)*/
- #define V86SIZE 0x0400 /* Size of v86 region ( 4M bytes)*/
- /*
- * Definitions for Lotus/Intel/Microsoft Expanded Memory Emulation
- */
- #define V86EMM_PGSIZE 0x4000 /* Size of Expanded memory page */
- #define V86EMM_LBASE 0x00200000 /* Expected lowest EMM logical page addr*/
- #define V86EMM_LENGTH 0x00200000 /* Expected size EMM logical pages */
- #define V86EMM_PBASE 0x000D0000 /* EMM physical page address */
- #define V86EMM_PBASE0 0x000D0000 /* EMM physical page address */
- #define V86EMM_PBASE1 0x000D4000 /* EMM physical page address */
- #define V86EMM_PBASE2 0x000D8000 /* EMM physical page address */
- #define V86EMM_PBASE3 0x000DC000 /* EMM physical page address */
- #define V86EMM_NUMPGS 4 /* Number of EMM physical pages */
- /*
- * General definitions for a dual mode process
- */
- #define XTSSADDR ((caddr_t)0x110000L) /* XTSS addr in user mem*/
- #define ARPL 0x63 /* ARPL inst, V86 invalid opcode*/
- #define V86_RCS 0xF000 /* Reset CS for V86 mode */
- #define V86_RIP 0xFFF0 /* Reset IP for V86 mode */
- #define V86_SLICE 20 /* Default time slice */
- #define V86_SLICE_SHIFT 4 /* Max shift for time slice */
- #define V86_SHIFT_PAT 0x78 /* Pattern for v86 slice shift */
- #define V86_DELTA_NICE 10 /* Preferential nice for v86 */
- #define V86_TIMER_BOUND 10 /* Pending ticks limit for ECT */
- /*
- * The maximum number of arguments that can be used for v86() system
- * call is dependent on the maximum number of arguments allowed for
- * the sysi86 call in sysent.c. Since the v86() system call is a sub-
- * function (SI86V86) of the sysi86 call and v86() itself has sub-
- * functions, the maximum arguments for each sub-function of the v86()
- * system call is two less than the maximum allowed for the sysi86
- * system call. The value defined here is assumed in the library.
- */
- #define V86SC_MAXARGS 3 /* Includes sub-func # of v86() */
- /*
- * SI86V86 is a sub system call of the system call "sysi86". The following
- * definitions are sub system calls for SI86V86 and are processed in v86.c
- */
- #define V86SC_INIT 1 /* v86init() system call */
- #define V86SC_SLEEP 2 /* v86sleep() system call */
- #define V86SC_MEMFUNC 3 /* v86memfunc() system call */
- #define V86SC_IOPL 4 /* v86iopriv () system call */
- /*
- * The V86 timer has a frequency of 18.2 times a second. The XENIX
- * timer has a frequency of 50 times a second. So the following
- * value ensures that the ECT gets an interrupt at least as often
- * as it needs one.
- */
- #define V86TIMER 2 /* Every 40 ms (25 times a second) */
- /*
- * Software Interrupt mask bit array definitions
- */
- #define V86_IMASKSIZE 256 /* Max number of software INTs */
- #define V86_IMASKBITS ((V86_IMASKSIZE + 31) / 32)
- /* # of bits for software INTs */
- /*
- * The offsets of members "xt_viflag", "xt_signo" and "xt_hdlr" are
- * hard coded in the file "v86enter.s". So any changes to the
- * structure that changes these offsets have to be reflected
- * in this file.
- *
- * NOTE: The value of "xt_intr_pin" should be 0xFF or 0.
- */
- typedef struct v86xtss
- { struct tss xt_tss; /* Normal TSS structure */
- unsigned int *xt_vflptr; /* Ptr to 8086 virtual flags */
- unsigned char xt_magictrap; /* Saved byte of virt intr */
- unsigned char xt_magicstat; /* Status of magic byte */
- unsigned char xt_tslice_shft; /* Time slice shift requested */
- unsigned char xt_intr_pin; /* Interrupt to virtual machine */
- time_t xt_lbolt; /* Ligthening bolt value */
- unsigned int xt_viflag; /* Virtual interrupt flag */
- unsigned int xt_vimask; /* Mask for virtual interrupts */
- unsigned int xt_signo; /* Sig number on V86VI_SIGHDL */
- int (* xt_hdlr)(); /* Sig handler for V86VI_SIGHDL */
- unsigned int xt_timer_count; /* Number of pending timer ticks*/
- unsigned int xt_timer_bound; /* Ticks before forcing ECT in */
- unsigned int xt_imaskbits[V86_IMASKBITS]; /* Bit map for software INTs */
- } xtss_t;
- /*
- * Definitions for the field "xt_magicstat". The location "xt_magictrap"
- * is valid only when "xt_magicstat" field is set to XT_MSTAT_OPSAVED.
- */
- #define XT_MSTAT_NOPROCESS 0 /* Do not process virtual intr */
- #define XT_MSTAT_PROCESS 1 /* Process virtual intr */
- #define XT_MSTAT_OPSAVED 2 /* v86 program opcode saved */
- #define XT_MSTAT_POSTING 3 /* Phoenix defined */
- struct v86parm
- { xtss_t *xtssp; /* Ptr to XTSS in user data */
- unsigned long szxtss; /* Length in bytes of XTSS */
- int xtss_off;
- };
- typedef dev_t (*dev_t_funcp_t)();
- typedef struct v86memory
- { int vmem_cmd; /* Sub command for screen func */
- paddr_t vmem_physaddr; /* Physical memory base for map */
- caddr_t vmem_membase; /* Screen memory base */
- int vmem_memlen; /* Length of screen memory */
- } v86memory_t;
- /*
- * Definitions for the field "vmem_cmd".
- */
- #define V86MEM_MAP 1 /* Map virt addr to physical */
- #define V86MEM_TRACK 2 /* Track memory modifications */
- #define V86MEM_UNTRACK 3 /* Untrack memory modifications */
- #define V86MEM_UNMAP 4 /* Unmap virt addr */
- #define V86MEM_EMM 5 /* LIM expanded memory emulation*/
- #define V86MEM_GROW 6 /* Grow Lim expanded memory */
- typedef struct v86dat
- { struct proc *vp_procp; /* Ptr to process's proc struc */
- ushort vp_oldtr; /* Old task register */
- unsigned short vp_szxtss; /* Size of XTSS in user space */
- unsigned int vp_viflag; /* Virtual interrupt flag */
- v86memory_t vp_mem; /* Memory map/track definitions */
- long vp_emm[V86EMM_NUMPGS]; /* Current EMM regs emulation */
- unsigned int vp_vimask; /* Mask of virt ints for wakeup */
- char vp_wakeup; /* Wakeup process on virt intr */
- char vp_slice_shft; /* Saved time slice shift */
- char vp_nice; /* Requested nice from sys call */
- char vp_filler; /* Use these when chars needed */
- dev_t vp_dev_id;
- xtss_t *vp_xtssptr; /* kernel ptr to xTSS structure */
- } v86_t;
- /*
- * Virtual interrupt bit definitions for the field "vp_viflag".
- * The low order 16 bits reflect the setting of the AT hardware
- * interrupts. The high order 16 bits are used for other
- * interrupts.
- *
- * NOTE: The value of V86VI_SIGHDL is hard coded in the file
- * "v86enter.s". Any change to this value has to reflected in
- * this file.
- */
- #define V86VI_NONE 0x00000000 /* No interrupts */
- #define V86VI_TIMER 0x00000001 /* Virtual timer interrupt */
- #define V86VI_KBD 0x00000002 /* Scancode rcvd when buf empty */
- #define V86VI_SLAVE 0x00000004 /* Can be reused when needed */
- #define V86VI_SERIAL1 0x00000008 /* Serial port 1 state change */
- #define V86VI_SERIAL0 0x00000010 /* Serial port 0 state change */
- #define V86VI_PRL1 0x00000020 /* Parallel port 1 state change */
- #define V86VI_MOUSE 0x00000020 /* Microsoft mouse */
- #define V86VI_DISK 0x00000040 /* Fixed and floppy disk */
- #define V86VI_PRL0 0x00000080 /* Parallel port 0 state change */
- #define V86VI_RCLOCK 0x00000100 /* Realtime Clock interrupt */
- #define V86VI_NET 0x00000200 /* Network interrupts */
- #define V86VI_RSVD_1 0x00000400 /* Reserved 1 */
- #define V86VI_RSVD_2 0x00000800 /* Reserved 2 */
- #define V86VI_RSVD_3 0x00001000 /* Reserved 3 */
- #define V86VI_COPROC 0x00002000 /* Coprocessor interrupt */
- #define V86VI_FDISK 0x00004000 /* Fixed disk controller */
- #define V86VI_RSVD_4 0x00008000 /* Reserved 4 */
- #define V86VI_DIV0 0x00010000 /* Divide by 0 (vector 0) */
- #define V86VI_SGLSTP 0x00020000 /* Single step intr (vector 1) */
- #define V86VI_BRKPT 0x00040000 /* Break point intr (vector 3) */
- #define V86VI_OVERFLOW 0x00080000 /* Overflow fault (vector 4) */
- #define V86VI_BOUND 0x00100000 /* Bound exception (vector 5) */
- #define V86VI_INVOP 0x00200000 /* Invalid opcode (vector 6) */
- #define V86VI_SIGHDL 0x00400000 /* Virtual signal hdlr interrupt*/
- #define V86VI_MEMORY 0x00800000 /* Tracking memory has changed */
- #define V86VI_LBOLT 0x01000000 /* fake virtual interrupt */
- /*
- * Virtual interrupt subcodes for V86VI_SERIAL[01] interrupts.
- * These values appear in the fields "xt_s[01]flag".
- */
- #define V86SI_DATA 0x00000001 /* New data available from kbd */
- #define V86SI_MODEM 0x00000002 /* Modem status line[s] changed */
- /*
- * Are we a v86 proc? - look at proc structure
- */
- #define V86PROC(p) ((p)->p_v86)