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- /*
- * @(#) tiuser.h 1.1 88/05/18
- *
- * Copyright (C) The Santa Cruz Operation, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988.
- * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988.
- * This Module contains Proprietary Information of
- * The Santa Cruz Operation, Microsoft Corporation
- * and AT&T, and should be treated as Confidential.
- */
- /*
- */
- /*
- * The following are the error codes needed by both the kernel
- * level transport providers and the user level library.
- */
- #define TBADADDR 1 /* incorrect addr format */
- #define TBADOPT 2 /* incorrect option format */
- #define TACCES 3 /* incorrect permissions */
- #define TBADF 4 /* illegal transport fd */
- #define TNOADDR 5 /* couldn't allocate addr */
- #define TOUTSTATE 6 /* out of state */
- #define TBADSEQ 7 /* bad call sequnce number */
- #define TSYSERR 8 /* system error */
- #define TLOOK 9 /* event requires attention */
- #define TBADDATA 10 /* illegal amount of data */
- #define TBUFOVFLW 11 /* buffer not large enough */
- #define TFLOW 12 /* flow control */
- #define TNODATA 13 /* no data */
- #define TNODIS 14 /* discon_ind not found on q */
- #define TNOUDERR 15 /* unitdata error not found */
- #define TBADFLAG 16 /* bad flags */
- #define TNOREL 17 /* no ord rel found on q */
- #define TNOTSUPPORT 18 /* primitive not supported */
- #define TSTATECHNG 19 /* state is in process of changing */
- /*
- * The following are the events returned by t_look
- */
- #define T_LISTEN 0x0001 /* connection indication received */
- #define T_CONNECT 0x0002 /* connect confirmation received */
- #define T_DATA 0x0004 /* normal data received */
- #define T_EXDATA 0x0008 /* expedited data received */
- #define T_DISCONNECT 0x0010 /* disconnect received */
- #define T_ERROR 0x0020 /* fatal error occurred */
- #define T_UDERR 0x0040 /* data gram error indication */
- #define T_ORDREL 0x0080 /* orderly release indication */
- #define T_EVENTS 0x00ff /* event mask */
- /*
- * The following are the flag definitions needed by the
- * user level library routines.
- */
- #define T_MORE 0x001 /* more data */
- #define T_EXPEDITED 0x002 /* expedited data */
- #define T_NEGOTIATE 0x004 /* set opts */
- #define T_CHECK 0x008 /* check opts */
- #define T_DEFAULT 0x010 /* get default opts */
- #define T_SUCCESS 0x020 /* successful */
- #define T_FAILURE 0x040 /* failure */
- /*
- * protocol specific service limits
- */
- struct t_info {
- long addr; /* size of protocol address */
- long options; /* size of protocol options */
- long tsdu; /* size of max transport service data unit */
- long etsdu; /* size of max expedited tsdu */
- long connect; /* max data for connection primitives */
- long discon; /* max data for disconnect primitives */
- long servtype; /* provider service type */
- };
- /*
- * Service type defines
- */
- #define T_COTS 01 /* connection oriented transport service */
- #define T_COTS_ORD 02 /* connection oriented w/ orderly release */
- #define T_CLTS 03 /* connectionless transport service */
- /*
- * netbuf structure
- */
- struct netbuf {
- unsigned int maxlen;
- unsigned int len;
- char *buf;
- };
- /*
- * t_bind - format of the addres and options arguments of bind
- */
- struct t_bind {
- struct netbuf addr;
- unsigned qlen;
- };
- /*
- * options management
- */
- struct t_optmgmt {
- struct netbuf opt;
- long flags;
- };
- /*
- * disconnect structure
- */
- struct t_discon {
- struct netbuf udata; /* user data */
- int reason; /* reason code */
- int sequence; /* sequence number */
- };
- /*
- * call structure
- */
- struct t_call {
- struct netbuf addr; /* address */
- struct netbuf opt; /* options */
- struct netbuf udata; /* user data */
- int sequence; /* sequence number */
- };
- /*
- * data gram structure
- */
- struct t_unitdata {
- struct netbuf addr; /* address */
- struct netbuf opt; /* options */
- struct netbuf udata; /* user data */
- };
- /*
- * unitdata error
- */
- struct t_uderr {
- struct netbuf addr; /* address */
- struct netbuf opt; /* options */
- long error; /* error code */
- };
- /*
- * The following are structure types used when dynamically
- * allocating the above structures via t_structalloc().
- */
- #define T_BIND 1 /* struct t_bind */
- #define T_OPTMGMT 2 /* struct t_optmgmt */
- #define T_CALL 3 /* struct t_call */
- #define T_DIS 4 /* struct t_discon */
- #define T_UNITDATA 5 /* struct t_unitdata */
- #define T_UDERROR 6 /* struct t_uderr */
- #define T_INFO 7 /* struct t_info */
- /*
- * The following bits specify which fields of the above
- * structures should be allocated by t_structalloc().
- */
- #define T_ADDR 0x01 /* address */
- #define T_OPT 0x02 /* options */
- #define T_UDATA 0x04 /* user data */
- #define T_ALL 0x07 /* all the above */
- /*
- * the following are the states for the user
- */
- #define T_UNINIT 0 /* uninitialized */
- #define T_UNBND 1 /* unbound */
- #define T_IDLE 2 /* idle */
- #define T_OUTCON 3 /* outgoing connection pending */
- #define T_INCON 4 /* incoming connection pending */
- #define T_DATAXFER 5 /* data transfer */
- #define T_OUTREL 6 /* outgoing release pending */
- #define T_INREL 7 /* incoming release pending */
- #define T_FAKE 8 /* fake state used when state */
- /* cannot be determined */
- #define T_HACK 12 /* needed to maintain compatibility !!!
- * (used by switch statement in
- * t_getstate.c)
- */
- #define T_NOSTATES 9
- #define ROUNDUP(X) ((X + 0x03)&~0x03)
- /*
- * The following are TLI user level events which cause
- * state changes.
- */
- #define T_OPEN 0
- #define T_BIND 1
- #define T_OPTMGMT 2
- #define T_UNBIND 3
- #define T_CLOSE 4
- #define T_SNDUDATA 5
- #define T_RCVUDATA 6
- #define T_RCVUDERR 7
- #define T_CONNECT1 8
- #define T_CONNECT2 9
- #define T_RCVCONNECT 10
- #define T_LISTN 11
- #define T_ACCEPT1 12
- #define T_ACCEPT2 13
- #define T_ACCEPT3 14
- #define T_SND 15
- #define T_RCV 16
- #define T_SNDDIS1 17
- #define T_SNDDIS2 18
- #define T_RCVDIS1 19
- #define T_RCVDIS2 20
- #define T_RCVDIS3 21
- #define T_SNDREL 22
- #define T_RCVREL 23
- #define T_PASSCON 24
- #define T_NOEVENTS 25
- #define nvs 127 /* not a valid state change */
- extern char tiusr_statetbl[T_NOEVENTS][T_NOSTATES];
- /* macro to change state */
- /* TLI_NEXTSTATE(event, current state) */
- #define TLI_NEXTSTATE(X,Y) tiusr_statetbl[X][Y]