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- /*
- * @(#) sess.h 2.1 88/05/18
- *
- * Copyright (C) The Santa Cruz Operation, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987.
- * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987.
- * Copyright (C) Intel Corporation, 1984.
- * This Module contains Proprietary Information of
- * The Santa Cruz Operation, Microsoft Corporation, Intel Corporation,
- * and AT&T, and should be treated as Confidential.
- */
- /***
- **
- **
- ** AUTHOR: Rajiv Chugh
- **
- ** Intel Corporation
- ** ISO-S
- ** 2402 W. Beardsley Road
- ** Phoenix, Arizona 85027
- **
- */
- /*
- * TITLE: Data structure declarations for the OpenNET Session driver.
- * DATE: December 4, 1984
- */
- /*
- * Session request codes
- */
- # define PASSOP 0x20
- # define ACTOP 0x21
- # define SWRITE 0x24
- # define SREAD 0x22
- # define SEOMWRITE 0x32
- # define GSTAT 0x12
- # define SSTAT 0x26
- # define CLOSEVC 0x27
- # define ABORTVC 0x25
- # define SREADI 0xa2 /* Not available to Application-level user */
- # define PASSOPI 0xa0 /* Not available to Application-level user */
- # define TESTSEND 0x30 /* Not available to Application-level user */
- # define TESTRECEIVE 0x31 /* Not available to Application-level user */
- /*
- * defines for Nameserver interface
- */
- # define EADDRSIZE 35 /* Max length of Ethernet Address */
- # define MAXNAMSIZE 17 /* Maximum process name size */
- /*
- * Structures to extract parameters passed to Session and return results
- */
- /*
- * Structure to extract parameters passed for ACTIVE OPEN/
- * PASSIVE OPEN and return results
- */
- struct s_open
- {
- int so_rsvd1[2]; /* Reserved */
- unsigned so_ato;
- unsigned so_pc; /* Used only for ACTIVE OPEN */
- unsigned so_err;
- int (*so_anr)(); /* Used only by the kernel interface */
- char so_pnames[MAXNAMSIZE * 2];
- };
- /*
- * Structure to extract parameters passed for SEND MESSAGE/
- * RECEIVE MESSAGE and return results
- */
- struct s_sr
- {
- int (*ssr_anr)();
- caddr_t ssr_sleep; /* Used by the kernel RECEIVE interface */
- unsigned ssr_err;
- unsigned ssr_count;
- unsigned ssr_bklen;
- faddr_t ssr_bkptr;
- unsigned ssr_eomflag; /* Meaningful only for a Receive */
- unsigned tsr_cid; /* Reserved for use by Xenixcomm */
- unsigned tsr_err; /* Reserved for use by Xenixcomm */
- unsigned tsr_nbks; /* Reserved for use by Xenixcomm */
- unsigned tsr_bytecount; /* Reserved for use by Xenixcomm */
- faddr_t tsr_bkptr; /* Reserved for use by Xenixcomm */
- unsigned tsr_bklen; /* Reserved for use by Xenixcomm */
- unsigned tsr_eomflag; /* Reserved for use by Xenixcomm */
- unsigned tsr_fid; /* Reserved for use by Xenixcomm */
- };
- /*
- * Structure to return results for GET STATUS
- */
- struct s_gstat
- {
- unsigned sg_err;
- unsigned sg_state;
- unsigned sg_lnet;
- unsigned sg_lhost[3];
- unsigned sg_lport;
- unsigned sg_rnet;
- unsigned sg_rhost[3];
- unsigned sg_rport;
- unsigned sg_pc;
- unsigned sg_ato;
- unsigned sg_nsent;
- unsigned sg_nrec;
- int (*sg_anr)(); /* Used only by the kernel interface */
- char sg_pnames[MAXNAMSIZE * 2];
- };
- /*
- * Structure to extract parameters for SET STATUS
- */
- struct s_sstat
- {
- int ss_rsvd[2];
- int (*ss_anr)(); /* Used only by the kernel interface */
- unsigned ss_nsent;
- unsigned ss_nrec;
- };
- struct s_acvc
- {
- int sa_rsvd[2];
- unsigned sa_err;
- };
- /*
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * The structures below this line need not concern an Application-level
- * user.
- */
- /*
- * Misc Constants.
- */
- # define PSESS PRIBIO /* PRIBIO is declared in param.h */
- # define TRUE 1
- # define FALSE 0
- # define NVC 21 /* Maximum number of VCs + 1 */
- # define S_KERN 0x40
- # define D_KERN 0
- # define D_USER 1
- # define SPL spl5
- # define D_BOOTED (2)
- # define DS_DELAY 200 /* Roughly 0.5 secs. Kludge for iNA problem */
- /*
- * Connection State Enumerated Types
- */
- # define NORM 1
- # define OPEN 2
- # define OPEND 3
- # define CPEND 4
- # define CLOSED 5
- # define ABORT 6
- /*
- * Sundry Constants
- */
- # define REMABORT 0x0E
- # define TOUT 0x10
- /*
- * TCL driver request type codes
- */
- # define TRQ_AOPEN ('c' << 8 | 1)
- # define TRQ_POPEN ('c' << 8 | 2)
- # define TRQ_STAT ('c' << 8 | 3)
- # define TRQ_DEFSTAT ('c' << 8 | 4)
- # define TRQ_SEND ('c' << 8 | 5)
- # define TRQ_EOMSEND ('c' << 8 | 6)
- # define TRQ_RECEIVE ('c' << 8 | 7)
- # define TRQ_CLOSE ('c' << 8 | 8)
- # define TRQ_ABORT ('c' << 8 | 9)
- # define TRQ_NORM ('c' << 8 | 10)
- struct dcb
- {
- unsigned d_state;
- char d_lname[MAXNAMSIZE]; /* Local Process name */
- char d_rname[MAXNAMSIZE]; /* Remote Process name */
- unsigned d_lnet;
- unsigned d_lhost[3];
- unsigned d_lport; /* Local port number for the VC */
- unsigned d_rnet; /* Remote net ID */
- unsigned d_rhost[3]; /* Remote host ID */
- unsigned d_rport; /* Remote port number for the VC */
- unsigned d_cid;
- unsigned d_pc;
- unsigned d_ato;
- int (*d_anr)();
- unsigned d_nsent;
- unsigned d_nrec;
- };
- /* Structures necessary to interface with the iNA 951 driver */
- /* Structure of ACTIVE OPEN and PASSIVE OPEN */
- struct tclopen
- {
- unsigned to_lport;
- unsigned to_rhost[3];
- unsigned to_rnet;
- unsigned to_rport;
- unsigned to_pc;
- unsigned to_ato;
- unsigned to_err;
- unsigned to_cid;
- int (*to_anr)();
- };
- /* Structure for STATUS and DEFERRED STATUS */
- struct tclstat
- {
- unsigned tst_cid;
- faddr_t tst_bkptr;
- unsigned tst_bklen;
- unsigned tst_err;
- };
- /* structures for SEND and RECEIVE */
- struct tclsen
- {
- unsigned ts_cid;
- unsigned ts_err;
- unsigned ts_nbks;
- unsigned ts_count;
- faddr_t ts_bkptr;
- unsigned ts_bklen;
- };
- struct tclrec
- {
- unsigned tr_cid;
- unsigned tr_err;
- unsigned tr_nbks;
- unsigned tr_count;
- faddr_t tr_bkptr;
- unsigned tr_bklen;
- unsigned tr_eomflag;
- unsigned tr_fid;
- };
- /* structure to do ABORT/CLOSE */
- struct tclac
- {
- unsigned tac_cid;
- unsigned tac_err;
- };
- /*
- * Structure of the request block passed by Session to an asynchronous
- * notification routine
- */
- struct s_anrargs
- {
- unsigned san_fid;
- unsigned san_err;
- unsigned san_cmd;
- unsigned san_count;
- unsigned san_bklen;
- faddr_t san_bkptr;
- unsigned san_eomflag;
- };
- /*
- * Structure to extract information returned by the driver DEFERRED STATUS
- * Call
- */
- struct t_retstat
- {
- char te_tcl_state;
- unsigned te_def_ato;
- long te_def_rt;
- unsigned te_def_pc;
- char te_max_cdb;
- char te_num_cdb;
- unsigned te_lnet;
- unsigned te_lhost[3];
- unsigned te_rsvd1[5];
- char te_conn_state;
- unsigned te_lref;
- unsigned te_lport;
- unsigned te_rnet;
- unsigned te_rhost[3];
- unsigned te_rport;
- unsigned te_pc;
- unsigned te_ato;
- unsigned te_rref;
- long te_rt;
- unsigned te_rsvd2[11];
- char te_options;
- char te_max_tpdu;
- unsigned te_max_tpdu_len;
- };