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- /*
- * @(#) relsym.h 2.1 88/05/18
- *
- * Copyright (C) The Santa Cruz Operation, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987.
- * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987.
- * This Module contains Proprietary Information of
- * The Santa Cruz Operation, Microsoft Corporation
- * and AT&T, and should be treated as Confidential.
- */
- /*
- * <sys/relsym.h> - Declarations for symbol table
- * and relocation record structures.
- *
- */
- /*
- * Symbol table for x.out.
- * Each symbol in the table has the below structure, followed
- * immediately by its name in the form of a null terminated string.
- * No effort is made to word align subsequent "sym" structures in
- * the symbol table. The contents of the s_seg field is defined
- * for XS_SXSEG symbols only. For XR_S86ABS symbols, the segment
- * is stored in the high 16 bits of the s_value field, and the offset
- * in the low 16 bits.
- */
- struct sym { /* symbol management */
- unsigned short s_type; /* type */
- unsigned short s_seg; /* file segment table index */
- long s_value; /* address or value */
- };
- #define SYMLENGTH 50 /* max symbol name length */
- /*
- * Definitions for sym.s_type:
- *
- * xxxxxxxxxx extra
- * e external
- * ttttt type
- */
- #define S_UNDEF 0x0000
- #define S_ABS 0x0001
- #define S_TEXT 0x0002
- #define S_DATA 0x0003
- #define S_BSS 0x0004
- #define S_COMM 0x0005 /* for internal use only */
- #define S_REG 0x0006
- #define S_COMB 0x0007 /* for internal use only */
- #define S_SEG 0x0008 /* segment name */
- #define S_FN 0x001f
- #define S_TYPE 0x001f /* mask */
- #define S_EXTERN 0x0020
- #define FORMAT "%08lx" /* symbol value format */
- #define FWIDTH 8 /* symbol value width */
- /*
- * Relocation table entry for x.out and x.out segmented, long form.
- * This form is normally attached to ".o" files and may also be found
- * in segmented executables.
- */
- struct reloc {
- unsigned short r_desc; /* descriptor */
- unsigned short r_symbol; /* if extern, sym id; else segment id */
- long r_pos; /* position of reloc in segment */
- };
- /*
- * Definitions for reloc.r_desc (short).
- *
- * ss segment type
- * ss size
- * d displacement
- * rrr reference type
- * xxxxxxxx extra
- */
- /* type of segment referenced */
- #define RD_TEXT 0x0000 /* text */
- #define RD_DATA 0x4000 /* data */
- #define RD_BSS 0x8000 /* bss */
- #define RD_EXT 0xc000 /* unknown, use type of reloc.r_symbol */
- #define RD_SEG 0xc000 /* segment type mask */
- /* number of bytes involved in reference */
- #define RD_BYTE 0x0000 /* 1 */
- #define RD_WORD 0x1000 /* 2 */
- #define RD_LONG 0x2000 /* 4 */
- #define RD_SIZE 0x3000 /* size mask */
- #define RD_DISP 0x0800 /* set if self relative (pc relative) */
- /* type of reference */
- #define RD_ROFF 0x0000 /* offset only */
- #define RD_RSEG 0x0100 /* segment only */
- #define RD_RFAR 0x0200 /* segment and offset */
- #define RD_REFT 0x0700 /* reference type mask */
- /*
- * Relocation table entry for x.out, short form.
- * This form is normally attached to non-segmented executable files.
- */
- struct xreloc {
- long xr_cmd; /* reloc command */
- };
- /*
- * Definitions for xreloc.xr_cmd (long).
- *
- * c set if code segment
- * l set if long operand
- * oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo offset
- */
- #define XR_CODE 0x80000000L /* code/data segment */
- #define XR_LONG 0x40000000L /* long/short operand */
- #define XR_OFFS 0x3fffffffL /* 30 bit offset mask */
- /*
- * Group structure for segmented x.out.
- * A segment of type XS_TGRPS contains an array of struct xgroup.
- */
- struct xgroup {
- unsigned short xg_gnoff; /* string table group name offset */
- unsigned short xg_snoff; /* string table segment name offset */
- };
- /*
- * All of the following are provided for compatibility only.
- */
- struct asym { /* a.out, modified from struct nlist */
- char sa_name[8]; /* symbol name */
- unsigned short sa_type; /* type flag */
- unsigned short sa_value; /* value */
- };
- /* Definitions for asym.sa_type and nlist.n_type. */
- #define N_UNDF 0 /* undefined */
- #define N_ABS 01 /* absolute */
- #define N_TEXT 02 /* text symbol */
- #define N_DATA 03 /* data symbol */
- #define N_BSS 04 /* bss symbol */
- #define N_TYPE 037
- #define N_REG 024 /* register name */
- #define N_FN 037 /* file name symbol */
- #define N_EXT 040 /* external bit, or'ed in */
- struct bsym { /* b.out, non-portable version of x.out */
- char sb_type; /* use definitions for sym.s_type */
- long sb_value;
- };
- /*
- * Definitions for reloc.r_desc, compatible with bitfield
- * allocation from the low end of a word (pdp11).
- */
- #define RD_BTEXT 0x0000
- #define RD_BDATA 0x0001
- #define RD_BBSS 0x0002
- #define RD_BEXT 0x0003
- #define RD_BSEG 0x0003
- #define RD_BBYTE 0x0000
- #define RD_BWORD 0x0004
- #define RD_BLONG 0x0008
- #define RD_BSIZE 0x000c
- #define RD_BDISP 0x0010