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- /*
- * @(#) machdep.h 2.10 88/12/09
- *
- * Copyright (C) The Santa Cruz Operation, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988.
- * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988.
- * This Module contains Proprietary Information of
- * The Santa Cruz Operation, Microsoft Corporation
- * and AT&T, and should be treated as Confidential.
- */
- /*
- * Various machine dependent things
- */
- #ifndef _INMACHDEP
- #define _INMACHDEP
- /* PC/AT Floppy disk control */
- #define FLIOC ('F'<<8)
- #define FLIOCFTRK (FLIOC|1) /* ioctl command to format a track */
- #define FLIOCSIZE (FLIOC|2) /* ioctl command to get floppy size */
- #define FLIOCPRT (FLIOC|3) /* ioctl command to turn on/off prtfs */
- #ifdef VPIX
- #define F_RAW (FLIOC|63)
- #define F_DOR (FLIOC|62)
- #define F_FCR (FLIOC|61)
- #define F_DTYP (FLIOC|60)
- #define CMD_BYTES 10
- /* structure used by F_RAW ioctl command */
- struct fdraw {
- unsigned char fr_cmd[CMD_BYTES]; /* user-supplied command bytes */
- short fr_cnum; /* number of command bytes */
- unsigned char fr_result[CMD_BYTES]; /* controller result bytes */
- short fr_nbytes; /* number to transfer if r/w */
- char *fr_addr; /* where to transfer */
- };
- #endif
- /* PC/AT Floppy tape control */
- #define MTIO ('T' << 8)
- #define MTTENSION (MTIO | 1) /* tension the tape */
- #define MTTAPE_STATUS (MTIO | 2) /* get tape status */
- /* (see return values below) */
- #define MTERASE_SERVO (MTIO | 3) /* erase the servo track */
- #define MTWRITE_SERVO (MTIO | 4) /* write the servo track */
- #define MTFORMAT_TRACK (MTIO | 5) /* format one tape track */
- #define MTBUILD_BTT (MTIO | 6) /* build the bad block table */
- /* and return the number of */
- /* good blocks */
- #define MTCART_TYPE (MTIO | 7) /* cartridge type */
- #define MTENABLE_BTT (MTIO | 8) /* enable bad track table */
- #define MTDISABLE_BTT (MTIO | 9) /* disable bad track table */
- #define MTENABLE_ECC (MTIO | 0xA) /* enable ecc */
- #define MTDISABLE_ECC (MTIO | 0xB) /* disable ecc */
- #define MTNUM_BB (MTIO | 0xC) /* change the number of bufs */
- #define MTDC1000 (MTIO | 0xD)
- #define MTDC2000 (MTIO | 0xE)
- /* Drive types: */
- #define IRWIN_110 5 /* Irwin 10 M tape drive */
- #define IRWIN_145 6 /* Irwin 40 M tape drive */
- #define IRWIN_125 7 /* Irwin 20 M tape drive */
- /* cartridge tape ioctl commands */
- #define MTIOC ('m'<<8) /* ioctl code for tape commands */
- #define MT_STATUS (MTIOC | 0) /* read tape status */
- #define MT_RESET (MTIOC | 1) /* reset tape hardware */
- #define MT_RETEN (MTIOC | 2) /* retention tape */
- #define MT_REWIND (MTIOC | 3) /* rewind tape */
- #define MT_ERASE (MTIOC | 4) /* erase tape */
- #define MT_AMOUNT (MTIOC | 5) /* report on amount of data xfered */
- #define MT_RFM (MTIOC | 6) /* find next filemark */
- #define MT_WFM (MTIOC | 7) /* write filemark */
- #define MT_REPORT (MTIOC | 64) /* report device type */
- /* device types returned by MT_REPORT */
- #define MT_UNKNOWN_TYPE 0
- #define MT_CT_TYPE 1
- #define MT_FT_TYPE 2
- /*
- * structure returned from ioctl MT_STATUS
- */
- union tape_status {
- struct {
- unsigned short fm : 1 ; /* file mark detected */
- unsigned short nobie : 1 ; /* big time booboo */
- unsigned short derr : 1 ; /* unrecoverable data error */
- unsigned short eot : 1 ; /* end of tape */
- unsigned short wprot : 1 ; /* write protected cartridge */
- unsigned short offln : 1 ; /* drive off line */
- unsigned short nocart : 1 ; /* no cartridge in drive */
- unsigned short eb0 : 1 ; /* exception byte 0 valid */
- unsigned short reset : 1 ; /* reset/power up occured */
- unsigned short reserved : 2 ;
- unsigned short bot : 1 ; /* beginning of tape */
- unsigned short retry : 1 ; /* 8 or more read retrys */
- unsigned short nodata : 1 ; /* no data detected */
- unsigned short illcmd : 1 ; /* illegal command */
- unsigned short eb1 : 1 ; /* exception byte 1 valid */
- unsigned short sfterr; /* blocks re-written / soft errors */
- unsigned short undrun; /* number of underruns */
- } status ; /* read status' data goes here */
- unsigned char stat[6] ;
- } ;
- /* Magnetic tape, return values from MTTAPE_STATUS ioctl call: */
- #define MTXENIX_TAPE (MTIO | 32) /* XENIX formatted tape */
- #define MTNOT_XENIX_TAPE (MTIO | 33) /* formatted tape, not */
- /* XENIX format */
- #define MTNO_SERVO (MTIO | 34) /* no servo track on tape */
- #define MTNOT_FORMATTED (MTIO | 35) /* servo track on tape, */
- /* VPIX serial ioctls */
- #ifdef VPIX
- #define AIOC ('A'<<8)
- #define AIOCINTTYPE (AIOC|60) /* set pseudorupt personality */
- #define AIOCDOSMODE (AIOC|61) /* set DOSMODE */
- #define AIOCNONDOSMODE (AIOC|62) /* reset DOSMODE */
- #define AIOCSERIALOUT (AIOC|63) /* serial device data write */
- #define AIOCSERIALIN (AIOC|64) /* serial device data read */
- #define AIOCSETSS (AIOC|65) /* set start/stop chars */
- #define AIOCINFO (AIOC|66) /* tell user what device we are */
- /* Ioctl alternate names for use by vpc */
- #endif /* VPIX */
- /* PC/AT Cga adapter control */
- #define CGAIOC ('C' << 8)
- #define CGAMODE (CGAIOC | 1) /* change cga mode */
- #define CGAIO (CGAIOC | 2) /* do inb/outb on cga port */
- #define CGA_GET (CGAIOC | 3) /* get cga mode setting */
- #define CPQVDUMODE0 (CGAIOC|72) /* compaq Dual mode low res */
- #define CPQVDUMODE1 (CGAIOC|73) /* compaq Dual mode high res */
- /* PC/AT Pga adapter control */
- #define PGAIOC ('P' << 8)
- #define PGAMODE (PGAIOC | 1) /* change pga mode */
- #define PGAIO (PGAIOC | 2) /* do inb/outb on pga port */
- #define PGA_GET (PGAIOC | 3) /* get pga mode setting */
- /* PC/AT Ega adapter control */
- #define EGAIOC ('E' << 8)
- #define EGAMODE (EGAIOC | 1) /* change ega mode */
- #define EGAIO (EGAIOC | 2) /* do inb/outb on ega port */
- #define EGA_GET (EGAIOC | 3) /* get ega mode setting */
- #define EGA_IOPRIVL (EGAIOC | 4) /* get in/out privilege for ega ports */
- /* PC/AT Vga adapter control */
- #define VGAIOC ('E' << 8)
- #define VGAMODE (VGAIOC | 65) /* change vga mode */
- #define VGAIO (VGAIOC | 66) /* do inb/outb on vga port */
- #define VGA_GET (VGAIOC | 67) /* get vga mode setting */
- #define VGA_IOPRIVL (VGAIOC | 68) /* get in/out privilege for vga ports */
- /* PC/AT Mca adapter control */
- #define MCAIOC ('M' << 8)
- #define MCAMODE (MCAIOC | 1) /* change mca mode */
- #define MCAIO (MCAIOC | 2) /* do inb/outb on mca port */
- #define MCA_GET (MCAIOC | 3) /* get mca mode setting */
- /* Hercules support */
- #define SW_HGC_P0 (MODESWITCH | M_HGC_P0)
- #define SW_HGC_P1 (MODESWITCH | M_HGC_P1)
- /* Common PC/AT adapter control */
- #include "comcrt.h"
- /* Defines for console-switching ioctl -- MONO, CGA, PGA, and EGA */
- /* definitions are in comcrt.h */
- #define SWAPCONS ('s' << 8)
- /* defines for mode-switching ioctl -- modes are defined in comcrt.h */
- #define MODESWITCH ('S' << 8)
- #define SW_B40x25 (MODESWITCH | M_B40x25)
- #define SW_C40x25 (MODESWITCH | M_C40x25)
- #define SW_B80x25 (MODESWITCH | M_B80x25)
- #define SW_C80x25 (MODESWITCH | M_C80x25)
- #define SW_BG320 (MODESWITCH | M_BG320)
- #define SW_CG320 (MODESWITCH | M_CG320)
- #define SW_BG640 (MODESWITCH | M_BG640)
- #define SW_EGAMONO80x25 (MODESWITCH | M_EGAMONO80x25)
- #define SW_CG320_D (MODESWITCH | M_CG320_D)
- #define SW_CG640_E (MODESWITCH | M_CG640_E)
- #define SW_CG640x350 (MODESWITCH | M_CG640x350)
- #define SW_ENH_CG640 (MODESWITCH | M_ENH_CG640)
- #define SW_ENHB40x25 (MODESWITCH | M_ENH_B40x25)
- #define SW_ENHC40x25 (MODESWITCH | M_ENH_C40x25)
- #define SW_ENHB80x25 (MODESWITCH | M_ENH_B80x25)
- #define SW_ENHC80x25 (MODESWITCH | M_ENH_C80x25)
- #define SW_ENHB80x43 (MODESWITCH | M_ENH_B80x43)
- #define SW_ENHC80x43 (MODESWITCH | M_ENH_C80x43)
- #define SW_VGA40x25 (MODESWITCH | M_VGA_40x25)
- #define SW_VGA80x25 (MODESWITCH | M_VGA_80x25)
- #define SW_VGAM80x25 (MODESWITCH | M_VGA_M80x25)
- #define SW_VGA11 (MODESWITCH | M_VGA11)
- #define SW_VGA12 (MODESWITCH | M_VGA12)
- #define SW_VGA13 (MODESWITCH | M_VGA13)
- /* defines for display memory mapping ioctl (see consioctl in console.c) */
- #define MAPADAPTER ('m' << 8)
- #define MAPPGA1K (MAPADAPTER | 0xff)
- /* defines for ibm keyboard ioctls (see consioctl in console.c) */
- #define FKEYIOC ('k' << 8)
- #define SETFKEY (FKEYIOC | 1)
- #define TIOCKBON (TIOC|8)
- #define TIOCKBOF (TIOC|9)
- #define KBENABLED (TIOC|10)
- #ifdef M_I386
- #pragma pack(2)
- #endif
- /* structure used for SETFKEY and GETFKEY ioctls */
- struct fkeyarg {
- unsigned short keynum;
- char keydef[MAXFK];
- char flen;
- };
- #ifdef M_I386
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- /* defines for ibm console ioctls */
- #define CONSIOC ('c' << 8)
- #define CONS_GET (CONSIOC|2)
- #define CONSIO (CONSIOC|3)
- #define PIO_FONT8x8 (CONSIOC|64)
- #define GIO_FONT8x8 (CONSIOC|65)
- #define PIO_FONT8x14 (CONSIOC|66)
- #define GIO_FONT8x14 (CONSIOC|67)
- #define PIO_FONT8x16 (CONSIOC|68)
- #define GIO_FONT8x16 (CONSIOC|69)
- #define CONSADP (CONSIOC|72) /* get specific adapter screen */
- /* defines for inb/outb ioctls for graphics adapter ports */
- #define IN_ON_PORT 1
- #define OUT_ON_PORT 0
- #ifdef M_I386
- #pragma pack(2)
- #endif
- /* structure used for inb/outb ioctls for graphics adapter ports */
- struct port_io_struct {
- char dir; /* direction flag (in vs. out) */
- unsigned short port;
- char data;
- };
- struct port_io_arg {
- struct port_io_struct args[4];
- };
- #ifdef M_I386
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- /* defines for Adaptec AHA-1540 ioctls */
- #define ADIOC ('a'<<8)
- #define ADFORMAT (ADIOC|1) /* format disk */
- #define ADMODESELECT (ADIOC|2) /* issue mode select */
- #define ADTEST (ADIOC|3) /* run diagnostics */
- #define ADBADSEC (ADIOC|4) /* set bad sector */
- /*
- * Initialize clock constant for 50msec clock interrupts.
- * Magic value to cause proper interrupt interval.
- * Assumes a 1.193181MHz clock input. (1193181 / HZ)
- */
- #define CLKNUM 23864
- /*
- * Various defines for 8259 special fully nested support
- */
- /* Yes 3 is correct for certain systems running this kernel */
- #define NUM_8259 3 /* number of 8259s on this system */
- #define MAX8259 9 /* max number of 8259s possible */
- #define MAXLEV 8 /* max interrupt levels on an 8259 */
- #define MAXVEC 72 /* max vectors on fully cascaded system */
- #define HAS_REBOOT /* This system has a software reboot capability */
- #define CTLR_16BIT /* This system has a device controller that cannot */
- /* handle transfers across a 64k boundary. */
- #define AUTOBOOT /* This system has autoboot support */
- #define POWERDOWN 2 /* 2nd argument to shutd() */
- #define AUTOFLAG 0xbe11 /* 3rd argument to shutdown() */
- /*
- * event driver ioctls
- */
- #define EQIOC ('Q' << 8)
- #define EQIO_GETQP (EQIOC | 1)
- #define EQIO_SETEMASK (EQIOC | 2)
- #define EQIO_GETEMASK (EQIOC | 3)
- #define EQIO_SUSPEND (EQIOC | 4)
- #define EQIO_RESUME (EQIOC | 5)
- #define EQIO_BLOCK (EQIOC | 6)
- /*
- * line discipline specific ioctls to the mouse line discipline
- */
- #define EVLD_IOC (LDIOC)
- #define LDEV_SETTYPE (EVLD_IOC | 13) /* set mouse type */
- #define LDEV_GETEV (EVLD_IOC | 14) /* get an event */
- #define LDEV_ATTACHQ (EVLD_IOC | 15) /* activate mouse */
- #define LDEV_SETRATIO (EVLD_IOC | 16) /* set a device ratio */
- struct mouseinfo {
- unsigned char status;
- char xmotion, ymotion;
- };
- /*
- * ioctls to the busmouse driver
- */
- #define MOUSEIOC ('M'<<8)
- /* Mouse status register definitions */
- #define BUT3STAT 1
- #define BUT2STAT 2
- #define BUT1STAT 4
- #define BUT3CHNG 8
- #define BUT2CHNG 0x10
- #define BUT1CHNG 0x20
- #define MOVEMENT 0x40
- #endif