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- /*
- * @(#) disk.h 1.2 88/06/07
- *
- * Copyright (C) The Santa Cruz Operation, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988.
- * This Module contains Proprietary Information of
- * The Santa Cruz Operation and should be treated as Confidential.
- *
- */
- /*
- * Common include file for disk driver front and back ends.
- * The 'front end' provides a common scheme for disk partitioning
- * and bad track aliasing.
- * The front end assumes an ibm style partition table on sector 0
- * of each disk. If this is not true certain routines in the front
- * end would have to be rewritten.
- */
- /*
- * Drive parameter structures.
- */
- struct dkparms {
- unsigned short prcmp; /* Write precomp */
- unsigned short lzone; /* Landing zone */
- unsigned short wrt_reduce; /* Write reduce cylinder*/
- unsigned char ecc; /* Ecc level */
- unsigned char ctrl; /* Control */
- };
- #if defined(STANDALONE) || defined(M_I386)
- typedef struct badtrks *btrkp_t;
- #else
- typedef struct badtrks far *btrkp_t;
- #endif
- /*
- * The sprawling diskinfo structure.
- */
- struct diskinfo {
- /*
- * This field for disk.c internal use only;
- * drivers should not test or set.
- */
- int dkflags;
- #define DK_USED 0x01 /* this structure in use */
- #define DK_INIT 0x02 /* this structure initialized */
- #define DK_PART 0x04 /* partition table read */
- #define DK_VALID 0x08 /* we like it */
- #define DK_PRINT 0x10 /* params printed */
- /*
- * Fields drivers need to set or examine.
- */
- int (*dkstrat)(); /* driver strategy routine */
- struct dparam dkparam; /* drive params */
- struct dkparms dkparms; /* more drive params */
- int spcyl; /* sectors per cylinder */
- int dkcinit; /* controller must be init'd */
- /*
- * Drivers should not set or examine
- * anything in this structure past this point.
- */
- /*
- * Virtual drive structures and constants. See partition.h and dio.h
- * A virtual drive is our concept of an fdisk partition. The fdisk
- * partition structure is not terribly useful so we have to convert.
- * Virtual drive 0 is the whole physical disk - it is initialized to
- * the size of the default disk.
- */
- #define NLVS 8 /* 2^3 - max "logical" virtuals */
- #define NVDS 4 /* actual number of virtual drives */
- struct dkvdtab {
- unsigned short v_magic;
- unsigned short v_nvds; /* number vds allowed */
- struct vdisk v_vdisk[NVDS+1];
- } dkvdt;
- /*
- * -1 indicates virtual drive does not exist, else entry points to itself
- */
- int dkvds[NLVS];
- int dkvdflags[NVDS+1]; /* flags virtual drive open */
- #define DK_VDVALID 1 /* good virtual drive */
- #define DK_VDPART 2 /* partition table read */
- #define DK_VDBAD 4 /* bad track table read */
- /*
- * We now need another array similar to dkvds. this one is needed
- * to map fdisk partitions (0-4) into XENIX partitions. This is cause
- * only XENIX partitions have divvy and badtrk data structures set up
- * for them according to the limit NXPD. You can have MORE than NXPD
- * XENIX partitions, but they cannot all be OPEN at the same time.
- * actually, once you open NXPD of them, you will not be able to open
- * another w/o rebooting the machine. nxd is the counter of the
- * number of opened XENIX partitions.
- */
- int nxd;
- int dkxds[NVDS+1]; /* Also need to map the ACTIVE XENIX */
- /************************************************************************
- * Partition structures and constants. See dio.h
- * A XENIX virtual drive can be partitioned into up to DKNPARTS partitions.
- * We only allow NXPD XENIX virtual drives per drive in order to not waste
- * kernel data. npartabs counts the number of struct dkpartabs allocated.
- * dkpp[v] contains a virtual drive's pointer to its struct dkpartab.
- *
- * Each virtual drive has reserved space for alias tracks and system
- * tables which are not available for the user.
- *
- * Each XENIX virtual drive requires a struct dkpartab and a struct dkbadtab.
- */
- #define DKNPARTS 8 /* max number of partitions of a vd */
- #define NXPD 3 /* number xenix partitions per drive */
- #define WHOLE_VIRT 7 /* partition which is whole virtual */
- #ifdef M_I386
- #pragma pack(2)
- #endif
- struct dkpartab {
- unsigned short p_magic;
- struct parts p[DKNPARTS];
- }dkpartab[NXPD];
- #ifdef M_I386
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- struct dkpartab *dkpp[NVDS+1];
- int npartabs;
- /*************************************************************************
- * Bad track structures and constants. See dio.h
- * Each virtual drive gets up to MAXBTRKS bad tracks. Each virtual drive
- * gets a struct dkbadtab in core and a struct badtab on disk.
- *
- * dkbtp[v] is a virtual drive's pointer to its struct dkbadtab.
- *
- * Each virtual drive opened gets as many badtracks as the user desires, up
- * to MAXBTRKS or the size of the virtual drive (in trks), whichever is less.
- *
- * DIOWBTRK takes effect immediately. The table copied in is checked for bad
- * tracks whick are as yet unaliased - the kernel assigns the alias track.
- * Bad tracks and alias track in the tables are physical - this allows
- * access to them through the physical device.
- *
- * with new kernel badtrack structures, pre 2.2 disk layouts have the
- * potential to have more badtracks by just tar'ing off the new kernel.
- * Old layouts will generally get more badtracks if the size of the virtual
- * drive is greater than 20 Mb, assuming 17 sectors/track.
- * Previously, max badtracks was min(~2% of size of the virtual drive,DKMAXBAD).
- * Now it will be ~2% of the size of the virtual drive(for OLD layouts).
- *
- * Of course, new (2.2) installations will get however much they want.
- */
- #define MAXBTRKS 1023
- #define BTRKSPERBLK (BSIZE/(2*sizeof(unsigned short)) )
- #define STATSIZ 15 /* Fast access badtrk tbl size */
- /* Next macro jumps us to next badblk if at end of this one */
- #define BLKBNDY(nbad) ( (nbad)>0 && (nbad)%(BTRKSPERBLK)==0 )
- #define DKBNDY(nbad) ( (nbad)==STATSIZ || BLKBNDY((nbad)-STATSIZ) )
- struct badtrks dkbadtrks[NXPD][STATSIZ]; /* Static badtrk tables */
- struct dkbadtab {
- unsigned short b_magic;
- unsigned b_maxbad; /* tell user how max allowed */
- unsigned b_nbad; /* count of bad tracks */
- unsigned b_falias; /* first alias trackno */
- unsigned b_nalias; /* number of alias tracks */
- struct badtrks *b_btrkp; /* ptr into static vd struct */
- }dkbadtab[NXPD];
- struct dkbadtab *dkbtp[NVDS+1];
- #define TWO13PARLOC 2L /* Disk location of partition tbl */
- #define TWO2PARLOC 21L
- #define TWO13BADLOC 1L /* Disk location of bad blk tbl */
- #define TWO2BADLOC 22L
- #define TWO13BADBLKS 1 /* Bad blocks used in 2.1.3 */
- #define TWO2BADBLKS 4 /* Bad blocks used in 2.2 */
- #define TWO13GDTRKS 4 /* Required # good trks in 2.1.3 */
- unsigned short dklastbtrk[NXPD]; /* Last bad trk in each vd */
- struct dkbuf {
- struct buf *buffer; /* Max # outboard buffers */
- btrkp_t bufptr; /* Pointers into 'em */
- int bad; /* How many bad in this blk? */
- char inuse; /* In use? */
- } dkbuf [NVDS][TWO2BADBLKS];
- /* Initialized in dktype() depending on which disk layout is found */
- struct dklayout {
- long parblkno; /* Blk # of divvy table */
- long badblkno; /* Blk # of badtrk tbl start */
- int badblks; /* # of blks of badtrk tbl */
- int nsystrks; /* Tracks reserved for driver */
- int aliastrks; /* trks space reserved for */
- int newdisk; /* True if 2.2 */
- } dklayout[NVDS];
- };
- typedef struct diskinfo *dip_t;
- #ifndef STANDALONE
- extern struct diskinfo diskinfo[];
- extern dip_t dkalloc();
- #endif
- /*
- * Macros to extract appropriate bits from the minor device.
- * These macros depend on a bit ordering of high 2 bits for
- * physical drive, next 3 bits for virtual drive, and low 3
- * bits for partition of a virtual drive. More general macros
- * can be found in ../h/dio.h.
- */
- #define DPHYS(d) ((d >> 6) & 0x3) /* 2 highest bits */
- #define DVIR(d) ((d >> 3) & 0x7) /* 3 middle bits */
- #define DPART(d) (d & 0x7)
- #define DMKDEV(p,v,pa) ((p << 6) | (v << 3) | pa)
- #define WHOLE_DISK 0 /* virtual number of whole drive */
- /*
- * dksec{start,size}() return the starting sector number and size
- * in sectors of a minor device. They assume disks with sector
- * size of 512 bytes and XENIX block size of 1024 bytes. They,
- * along with the macros to convert sectors to blocks and back,
- * would need to be rewritten for a driver for which
- * those assumptions were untrue.
- */
- long dksecstart(), dksecsize();
- #define BTOS(b) (b << 1) /* BSIZE blocks to sectors */
- #define STOB(s) (s >> 1)
- /*
- * Misc
- */
- #define DK_ERROR -1
- #define DK_OK 0
- #define DK_EXIST 1 /* exists */
- #define DK_READY 2 /* needs init */
- #define DK_PARAM 4 /* disk parameters read */
- #define DKSECTOR 512
- #define DKSSHIFT 9
- #define DKSMASK 0x01FF
- #define MAXRETRY 4
- int dkctlr; /* Identifies controller being used */
- #endif
- struct dkcntlrtab { /* Information passed to dksetup */
- unsigned short base; /* I/O port base address */
- unsigned short offset; /* Offset of I/O port highest address*/
- short vec; /* Interrupt vector */
- short dma; /* DMA channel */
- char * type; /* Controller type, e.g. "W" */
- };