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- /*
- * @(#) dio.h 2.1 88/05/18
- *
- * Copyright (C) The Santa Cruz Operation, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987.
- * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987.
- * This Module contains Proprietary Information of
- * The Santa Cruz Operation, Microsoft Corporation
- * and AT&T, and should be treated as Confidential.
- */
- /*
- * header file for sco standard bad track scheme
- */
- /*
- * minor device number macros
- */
- #define dmask(x) ((1 << (x)) - 1)
- #define dphys(ptr,x) (((unsigned)(x) >> ( 8 - (ptr)->physbits)) & \
- dmask((ptr)->physbits))
- #define dlog(ptr,x) (((unsigned)(x) >> (ptr)->partbits) & \
- dmask((ptr)->logbits))
- #define dpart(ptr,x) ((unsigned)(x) & \
- dmask((ptr)->partbits))
- #define dmkdev(ptr,d,l,p) (((unsigned)(d) << (8 - (ptr)->physbits)) | \
- ((unsigned)(l) << (ptr)->partbits) | \
- ((unsigned)(p)))
- /*
- * ioctl interface
- */
- #define DIO ('D'<<8)
- #define DIOGETP (DIO|1) /* get disk parameters */
- #define DIOSETP (DIO|2) /* set disk parameters */
- #define DIORPART (DIO|3) /* read partition table */
- #define DIOWPART (DIO|4) /* write partition table */
- #define DIORBTRK (DIO|5) /* read bad track table - fails in 2.2*/
- #define DIOWBTRK (DIO|6) /* write bad track table -fails in 2.2*/
- #define DIOBITP (DIO|7) /* get bit parameters */
- #define DIORVDT (DIO|8) /* read virt. drive table */
- #define DIOWVDT (DIO|9) /* write virt. drive table */
- #define DIOSDISK (DIO|10) /* Size disk characeristics */
- #define DIORDISK (DIO|11) /* Read disk characteristics */
- #define DIOWDISK (DIO|12) /* Write disk characteristics */
- #define DIOSBTRK (DIO|13) /* Set badtracks/virt. drive */
- #define DIORBTRK22 (DIO|14) /* read bad track table - for 2.2 */
- #define DIOWBTRK22 (DIO|15) /* write bad track table - for 2.2 */
- #define DIODKTYPE (DIO|16) /* which disk type are we? */
- #define DIOFORCE22 (DIO|17) /* force driver into 2.2 mode */
- /*
- Definitions for space used by system routines in the hard disk area. Note that
- they are in sector(512 byte) quantities. The size of the badtrack table is not
- defined here because it can vary - it grew from 2 to 8 with Release 2.2.
- */
- #define BOOTZERO 2 /* Really only 1, but 1 more is reserved */
- #define DIVVYTBL 2 /* Size of divvy table */
- #define BOOTONE 40 /* Maximum size of boot1 code */
- #define BTABMAX 8 /* Maximum size of badtrack table */
- /* Number of sectors at start of virtual */
- /* drive that must be good (error free) */
- /*
- * table sizes
- */
- #define MAXPARTS 16 /* max partitions possible*/
- #define MAXALTS 1023 /* max alternate tracks possible */
- #define MAXVDRIVES 16 /* max virtual drives possible */
- #define NPARTS(ptr) (1 << ((ptr)->partbits))/* this dev's # of partitions */
- #define NVIRTS(ptr) (1 << ((ptr)->logbits ))/* this dev's # of virt. drives */
- #define NPHYS(ptr) (1 << ((ptr)->physbits))/* this dev's # of phys drives */
- /*
- * magic numbers
- */
- #define PAMAGIC 0x1234 /* magic number for partition table */
- #define BAMAGIC 0x4321 /* magic number for bad track table */
- #define VAMAGIC 0x1342 /* magic number for virtual drive table */
- #ifdef M_I386
- #pragma pack(2)
- #endif
- /*
- * table format for DIOGETP, DIOSETP
- */
- struct dparam {
- unsigned short d_cylin; /* cylinders per drive */
- unsigned short d_heads; /* heads per drive */
- unsigned short d_sectors; /* sectors per cylinder */
- unsigned short d_bytes; /* bytes per sector */
- unsigned short d_reserved; /* sectors reserved for system use */
- /* at beginning of disk */
- };
- /*
- * table format for DIORPART, DIOWPART
- * partitions of zero size are considered non-existant
- */
- struct partable {
- unsigned short p_magic; /* magic number validity indicator */
- struct parts {
- long p_off; /* offset of partition */
- long p_siz; /* size of partition */
- } p[MAXPARTS];
- };
- #ifdef M_I386
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- /*
- * table format for DIORBTRK, DIOWBTRK
- * alternate list stored in sorted order by b_trk terminated
- * by a -1 in b_trk
- */
- struct badtab {
- unsigned short b_magic;
- unsigned short b_maxbad;
- struct badtrks {
- unsigned short b_trk;
- unsigned short b_alt;
- } b[MAXALTS];
- };
- #ifdef M_I386
- #pragma pack(2)
- #endif
- /* table format for DIOBITP
- * Get makeup of minor device number, which is how many bits of the
- * number are the partition number, how many are the virtual drive,
- * and how many are the physical drive
- */
- struct dbitparams {
- short partbits;
- short logbits;
- short physbits;
- };
- #ifdef M_I386
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- /* table format for DIORVDT, DIOWVDT
- * Get/set the contents of the virtual drive table
- * which lists what operating system can be found
- * in each virtual drive, and the sizes of each.
- */
- #define NOTACTIVE 0x00
- #define ACTIVE 0x80
- #define NO_OS 0
- #define DOS 1
- #define DOSL 4 /* different number for "large" DOS */
- #define XENIX 2
- #define CCPM 0xDB
- #define AVIRT 5 /* active virtual drive (bootable) */
- #define DOSVIRT 6 /* DOS virtual drive */
- struct vdtab {
- unsigned short v_magic;
- unsigned short v_nvds;
- struct vdisk {
- unsigned short v_active;
- unsigned short v_os;
- long v_off;
- long v_size;
- long v_reserved; /* sectors reserved for system use */
- } v_vdisk[MAXVDRIVES];
- };