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- This file describes some of the new features in WWIV. I may have missed
- a few of the things, so don't be surprised if you find a few other
- changes. Since I've split up quite a few of the source files in order
- to support overlays, I can't simply run the source files through a
- 'diff' program to find the changes.
- /****************************************************************************/
- WWIV v4.12:
- Turbo C++ is now being used to compile WWIV, which supports overlays.
- Many sysop and seldom-used functions are now in overlays, so you should
- see about 55k more free than before. Also, if you are in WWIVnet and do
- not have the 'free36k' mod installed, you should see (gosh) about 36k
- additional memory free (actually, more than that now).
- an upload event may now be specified in init. Replacement parameters
- are %1 = chain.txt, %2 = path of file, %3 = filename of file. For
- example, "type %2%3" will type out the file (very worthless, but you get
- the idea). If the file is deleted by the program, then the upload is
- aborted. This is meant to be used for such things as virus checkers and
- archive checking.
- zmodem batch download - in the external protocol section of init, hit B
- for batch. My command line is "dsz port %2 speed %1 sz @%3" - the @
- means to use a file list instead of specifying the filenames on the
- command-line. Once you've set the batch string, all the batch stuff
- works the same, except at batch download time, the user has the option
- of using zmodem batch instead of ymodem batch.
- When extracting a message to a text file ('E' at the mail or scan
- prompt), you now have the options of: "O)verwrite, A)ppend, N)ew name,
- Q)uit", which should be pretty self-explanatory.
- The /b parameter to the BBS did not work in v4.11. That has been fixed.
- In keeping with the new structure of WWIVnet, costs for network traffic
- are no longer printed anywhere.
- Validation of network posts before they are sent out on the network is
- now an option in //boardedit. If you set the network validation option
- on a networked sub, no messages will be sent out on the network on that
- sub until a sysop, co-sysop, or lcs (for that sub) validates the
- messages (or removes them). It works about the same as normal message
- validation.
- If you have a 'welcome.ans' file, the BBS will automatically detect if
- the user supports ANSI, instead of asking the user.
- The post/logon ration restriction should now work.
- You can now specify a directory to be "archive only", in which case,
- only files that have an extension matching one of those specified in
- INIT will be allowed.
- If the string "!-@REMOTE@-!" is received at the NN: prompt, the BBS
- tries to run the program "remote", passing the modem speed like "/B2400"
- (the com port speed should be left as is). This is to allow an off-line
- reader to hook into the BBS.
- A new substitution parameter, %4, is available for external protocols
- (and dsz batch download). It is replaced with the actual modem speed,
- as specified in init, to allow you to put in "estimate 0 %4" in your dsz
- command-lines. Also, the allowed lengths of the command-lines has been
- increased a bit so it will maybe fit.
- /****************************************************************************/
- WWIV v4.11:
- //pending from the main menu prints out network traffic pending
- transmission.
- the /c option from the main menu has been moved to the defaults section,
- closer to where it should be. Setting the extra colors causes the
- transfer section to be printed out more colorfully. In future versions,
- the message base section may also get more colorful with this option
- set.
- Shrink for terminal program is now an option in init. It should be
- self-explanatory.
- Free format phone is now an option in init. If this is set to 'Y', a
- new user may enter his phone number in any format he wants, up to 12
- characters. This is useful for non-US callers, where their telephone
- format does not fit the ###-###-#### structure.
- Using the shrink feature for on-line programs in v4.10 didn't always
- work. That is fixed now.
- In v4.10, you could only //load messages up to about 25k and have it
- work. Now, the full 32k for messages is supported.
- When you A)utoreply to email in v4.11, the mail is deleted only AFTER
- you have replied, so that if you abort the reply, you will still have
- the letter sitting there to re-read and perhaps re-reply to.
- When using v4.11 and net18 or later, and a net update is received, the
- BBS will shrink out to run network2. Previously, there had been a
- memory problem, and receiving net updates might cause the system to
- hang.
- When using the / option at WFC, you can now call out to any system
- listed in your callout.net file. If the BBS would not normally call the
- system you specify at that time, you will get the question "Are you
- sure?".
- 40 column messages work, finally. Apparently they never worked in v4.xx
- before, and noone has noticed until now. I guess 40 column machines
- really are dying off.
- Moving files with extended descriptions in v4.10 would cause the BBS to
- not correctly free up some memory. This is fixed.
- "ASK" in the transfer section for files that don't exist on disk is now
- "N/A"
- The user is now asked to enter an extended description for a file before
- he uploads it. This makes much more sense, and is actually a move
- toward allowing batch uploading and a bimodem interface.
- In v4.10, if the user ran a program requiring the BBS to shrink before
- posting, the caller number would not really be incremented correctly.
- That has been fixed.
- A "post/call ratio" may now be specified. It restricts the user from
- downloading if he doesn't meet the post/call ratio. The up/download
- ratio is still applied, so a user must meet both ratios in order to
- download. Obviously, if both are 0, there is no downloading
- restriction.
- An all-new uedit search routine has been implemented, allowing much more
- generalized searches, somewhat like you might use to search a real
- database. There is a reasonable help file for it in the help.msg file,
- so be sure to install the new help.msg. Go into uedit, hit / to get to
- the search options, then hit ^O for on-line help, and it will describe
- how the new search works.
- New "region" listing available for posts/email on the From: line. Make
- sure you copy the 'regions.dat' file into your data directory to enable
- this.
- There is a new 'anony' option for message bases - "Real Name". This is
- kinda funky, and not really implemented fully yet, but if you are
- registered and have the source code, you can add onto it.
- Mailing lists are now supported for the multi-email option. The files
- *.mml in the data directory contain a listing of the users in that
- mailing list, one per line, by name or number. Such as, if you had a
- file 'people.mml' in your data directory that had the numbers 1, 2, 3,
- 4, and 5 in it, one per line, you would have a mailing list. The
- mailing list is GLOBAL, ie, everyone has access to it. When a user
- specifies that mailing list, every user specified in it is added to the
- destination list for the multi-email. A user may then add another
- mailing list, or delete people out of it.
- "Optional lines" can now be specified in the default section. This is
- >NOT< the same as the extended description setting in the xfer default
- section. This is used to allow users to filter out optional lines in
- messages, such as the much-too-common "tag lines" in WWIVnet posts. A
- setting of 0 (the default) will print out all optional lines, while a
- setting of 10 prints out none of them. Since this is a new feature, it
- won't have any effect at all until people who make mods to the BBS start
- supporting it. Look for more info on how it works on WWIVnet in the
- next few weeks.