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- 1. Introduction 1
- Product Features; Additional Memory in the First Megabyte;
- Where to find Additional Information; Product Support
- 2. Installation 6
- Installing 386Max; Default Settings
- 3. Basic Options 9
- When to Use the Basic Options; How to Use Options:
- List of Basic Options; Examples
- 4. Memory Use Display 15
- LIST Command
- 5. High DOS Memory Use 17
- How High DOS Memory is Used; Loading Programs in
- High DOS memory; Examples; Notes
- 6. Memory Mapping 21
- Memory Resident Programs; How to Read the Display;
- EMS Memory usage
- 7. Memory Swapping 25
- SWAP Option
- 8. Access Times Display 28
- Why Swap Memory; Fast and Slow Memory; How to
- Swap Memory; Notes
- 9. ROM Locations Display 30
- ROM Locations Table; How to Display ROM Locations
- 10. Enabling and Disabling 386MAX
- ON, OFF, and AUTO Commands
- 11. Advanced Options 33
- List of Advanced Options; Advanced Examples
- 12. Common Questions 41
- Answers to commonly asked questions
- Appendix A. Device Driver Option Summary 46
- Appendix B. Utility Program Command Summary 48
- Appendix C. Messages 50
- Installation Messages; Device Driver Option Errors;
- Critical Error Messages; Utility Program Messages
- Glossary 59
- Index 61
- If you are in a hurry to get started, copy the files 386MAX.SYS
- and 386MAX.COM onto your hard disk, and place a line similar to
- the following in your CONFIG.SYS file:
- Device = 386MAX.SYS
- where d: refers to any drive letter and path refers to any
- path on that drive.
- 386MAX assumes default settings which are just right for most
- users who want the maximum amount to expanded (EMS) memory.
- The options, commands, and displays are there if either you or
- your system consultant need them to customize your system.
- 386MAX has a great deal of built-in flexibility to accommodate
- the non-standard world of DOS-based hardware, software, and local
- area networks. The more technically inclined may want to look
- over the options available and explore ways to maximize their 386
- system.
- Multitasking and\or Networks
- If you are using 386MAX in conjunction with a multitasking pro-
- gram such as Windows 2.0 or DESQview 2.01, be sure to read the
- description of the INCLUDE option in Chapter 11, "Advanced
- Options".
- Do check the README file to see if your system needs special
- consideration. Users with 386 accelerator cards should read
- Chapter 7, "Swapping Memory", for maximum performance.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- p.1
- Chapter 1
- 386MAX is a memory manager for 386-based systems with extended
- memory. 386MAX makes every byte of memory in the first
- megabyte available to DOS 3.x programs. You get more fast
- memory to rum large applications such as spreadsheets,
- CAD\CAM and network drivers.
- Product Features
- Using 386MAX gives you these advantages:
- *No separate expanded memory board is needed. Your
- system can be set up to mix extended and expanded
- memory in any combination.
- 386max fully emulates the lotus-intel-microsoft (LIM)
- Expanded Memory Specification (EMS) Version 4.0 using the
- 386 hardware paging tables and all available extended
- memory.
- 386MAX also supports advanced LIM EMS Version 4.0 features
- such as physical page mapping throughout the first 640 KB
- of DOS memory allowing multitasking programs to swap your
- applications in and out.
- *Valuable low DOS memory is freed-up for direct use by DOS
- applications. 386MAX does this by loading memory-resident
- programs above the first 640 KB.
- Using a utility supplied with 386MAX, memory filled in above
- the display adapters can be used to run memory-resident
- programs.
- *Reduces the time to type a file to the screen with an EGA by
- up to 40 percent! 386MAX automatically remaps slow ROMs to
- fast RAM )all EGA ROMs and many BIOS ROMs). This technique
- is called ROM caching.
- *Swaps fast memory into the first 640 KB so DOS programs run
- at their fastest speed.
- Fast memory is easy to identify. The TIMEMEM utility supplied
- with 386MAX displays a table of which memory is fast and
- what memory is slow.
- *Expands DOS memory to 704 KB )on some systems) and backfills
- to at least 640 KB on all systems.
- For example, after installing 386MAX, a 512 KB system with
- a monochrome display adapter is increased to 704 KB of
- available, contiguous memory.
- *Supports the Weitek 1167 Floating Point Accelerator (FPA).
- *Automatically ensures correct operation of Direct Memory
- Access (DMA) of remapped memory.
- *Allows hardware interruption of all EMS and extended memory
- usage. With this feature, you system runs more smoothly
- when using background communications and other interrupt-intensive
- programs.
- * Uses only about 3 KB of valuable low DOS memory. Other me-
- mory managers use from 20 to 64 KB.
- Additional Memory in the First Megabyte
- In general, 386MAX allows your programs to take advantage of all
- the first megabyte of memory not used for some other purpose such as
- display or network adapters. 386MAX also provides access to the
- memory beyond the first megabyte as either extended or EMS memory
- or any combination of the two.
- The ration between EMS and extended memory can be changed at
- system startup time by the EMS= or the EXT= option without having to
- change any memory board switches.
- The following table summarizes the additional low and high DOS
- memory that 386MAX makes available to DOS. Different system
- board memory and display adapter configurations are shown. All numbers
- are shown in kilobytes.
- ┌───────┬──────────────┬────────────┬────────────┬────────────┐
- │ │ Monochrome │ CGA │ EGA │ Hercules │
- │System ├──────────────┼────────────┼────────────┼────────────│
- │Board │ Additional │ Additional │ Additional│ Additional │
- │Memory │ Low High │ Low High │ Low High │ Low High │
- ├───────┼──────────────┼────────────┼────────────┼────────────│
- │512 │ 192 240 │ 224 192 │ 128 176 │ 192 192 │
- ├───────┼──────────────┼────────────┼────────────┼────────────│
- │640 │ 64 240 │ 96 192 │ 0 176 │ 64 192 │
- └───────┴──────────────┴────────────┴────────────┴────────────┘
- Additional Low and High Memory available to DOS with 386MAX
- Note that if EMS memory is used the high memory figures above
- are reduced by 64 KB. If other special-purpose memory boards
- or ROMs appear in the address space above the display adapters,
- 386MAX detects and skips over them automatically and does not
- assign high DOS memory to that area.
- What This Manual Contains
- The remainder of this manual describes how to install, configure,
- and use 386MAX on your system.
- The manual has 12 chapter, three appendices, and an index:
- *Chapter 1, "Introduction", list 386MAX product features
- and technical specifications, and gives an overview of the
- contents of this document.
- *Chapter 2, "Installation", explains how to install 386MAX
- and the default assumptions that 386MAX makes.
- *Chapter 3 - 11 each explain a feature of 386MAX.
- 3. Basic Options - How to customize default settings along
- with examples.
- 4. Memory Use Display - How to display DOS and extended
- memory use.
- 5. High DOS Memory Use - How to load memory-resident
- programs in high DOS memory.
- 6. Memory Mapping - How to display a map of memory-resident
- programs as well as EMS memory usage.
- 7. Memory Swapping - How to put the fastest memory where
- it is most frequently accessed.
- 8. Access Times Display - How to display memory access
- times.
- 9. ROM Locations Display - How to display the location of
- all ROMs in high DOS memory.
- 10. Enabling and Disabling 386MAX - How to switch 386MAX
- on and off so you can run protected mode programs.
- 11. Advanced Options - How to specify advanced memory
- management option in 386MAX.
- *Chapter 12 provides answers to commonly asked questions.
- *Appendices A-C summarize all 386MAX device driver options,
- utility program commands, and error messages.
- Technical Specification
- 386MAX requires the following hardware and software:
- *Any 80386-based personal computer;
- *A minimum of 256 KB extended memory starting at 1 MB or
- the equivalent amount of recoverable shadow RAM such as
- found on a COMPAQ Deskpro 386.
- *PC-DOS or MS-DOS 3.00 or later.
- 386MAX uses approximately 3 KB of conventional memory and 60 KB
- or more of extended memory. The actual amount of extended memory
- used varies depending upon the amount of memory to be managed. 386MAX
- conforms to the Lotus-Intel-Microsoft (LIM) Expanded Memory Specification
- (EMS) Version 4.0 or earlier. 386MAX supports up to 32 MB of EMS memory.
- 386MAX is implemented as a device driver so other device drivers can
- take advantage of EMS memory. It runs in protected mode at the topmost
- addresses in extended memory. When 386MAX is active, DOS programs
- run in a special mode of the 80386 called Virtual 8086 Mode.
- Where To Find Additional Information
- For the most current information on enhancements to the product,
- display the README file found on your distribution diskette.
- This file describes those features added to 386MAX since this
- User Guide was printed.
- Also consult the Glossary in Appendix C for the definitions of
- some of the terms used in this manual.
- Product Support
- Qualitas technical support personnel are happy to help you get
- the maximum benefit form 386MAX. Our technical support hours
- are Monday through Friday, except for holidays, 10 am to 5 pm
- Eastern Time. If you have questions or comments about 386MAX,
- call us at 301-907-6700, or write to:
- Qualitas, Inc.
- 7101 Wisconsin Avenue, #1386
- Bethesda, MD 20814
- Only registered users are eligible for technical support. We can
- answer your questions more quickly and efficiently if you jot
- down the disk serial number (that is, registration number) and version
- number of 386MAX before calling. The serial number is found on
- the printed disk label; the version number is found by inserting
- the distribution diskette in drive A and displaying the disk
- volume label with VOL A:.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- p.6
- Installing 386MAX
- To install 386MAX, copy both of the files 386MAX.SYS and
- 386MAX.COM to any directory on your hard disk and include a
- line similar to the following in your CONFIG.SYS file:
- Device = 386MAX.SYS options
- where d: refers to any drive letter, path refers to any path on
- that drive, and options refers to the options and associated
- parameters listed in Chapter 3, "Basic Options", and Chapter 11,
- "Advanced Options". If no options are present on the device driver line,
- 386MAX assumes default setting which are described in the following
- section.
- The placement of the above line in your CONFIG.SYS file is important.
- Device drivers which manage your hard disk (such as partitioning
- it into multiple drives) or which provide similar capabilities such as
- a bootable Bernoulli Box should be installed first. Then 386MAX
- should be installed. Following that, you may install any device
- drivers which reference extended memory (some of which is used
- by 386MAX) or EMS memory (all of which is created by 386MAX) such
- as VDISK>SYS, disk caches, RAM disks, or the like.
- Although 386MAX and VDISK are completely compatible, our device
- driver needs to be installed first to manage the extended memory
- used by VDISK. Also, be sure to specify how much extended memory
- to reserve for VDISK by using the EXT=nnnn option see Chapter 3,
- "Basic Options").
- Unless you disable the EMS part of 386MAX by specifying EMS=0,
- be sure to remove other EMS managers from your CONFIG.SYS file.
- Such files typically have names which contain the letters EMM.
- If you choose to use 386MAX in conjunction with the expanded
- memory manager which came with your EMS adapter, there are two
- steps you must take. First, tell 386MAX not to provide any EMS
- memory by placing the option EMS=0 on its device driver line.
- Second, by sure to place the call to the other EMS manager pre-
- ceding the call to 386MAX.
- After modifying your CONFIG>SYS file, be sure to reboot your
- system to put 386MAX to work for you. When the system starts up, a map
- of the system's memory usage is displayed similar to the following
- one. Chapter 4, "Memory Use Display", illustrated how to re-display
- this map at any other time.
- ┌──386-to-the-Max───────────────────────────────────────Memory Usage┐
- │ The First Megabyte of Address Space │
- │ ███████████████████████████████▓▓▓▓▓▓▓≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈■▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░■■■■ │
- │ Conventional Memory Low EGA High EMS ROM │
- │ │
- │ New top of DOS memory = 640 KB █ DOS ≈Video │
- │ Added Low Dos memory = 128 KB ▓ Low ■ ROM │
- │ Added high Dos memory = 112 KB ▒ High │
- │ Available extended me. = 1028 KB Φ Other # Unused │
- │ Available expanded me. = 2688 KB in segment E000 ░ EMS │
- │ │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- Default Settings
- If no options are present on the device driver line in your
- CONFIG.SYS file, 386MAX assumes the following default settings:
- *Allocates all of extended memory as EMS memory;
- *Backfills all memory from the top of system board memory to
- the bottom of display adapter memory;
- *Topfills all memory above display adapter memory and tells
- DOS that if is available for its use;
- *Swaps all slow ROMs for fast RAM;
- *Uses the 64 KB segment at E000 as the EMS page frame.
- These default settings should suffice for most user's needs.
- However, if your needs differ, Chapter 3, "Basic Options", and Chapter 11,
- "Advanced Options", provide information on how to customize 386MAX
- to your preferences. Also, see Chapter 3, "Basic Options", for
- sample device driver lines.
- If you are using 386MAX in conjunction with a multitasking
- program such Windows 2.0 or DESQview 2.01, be sure to read the
- description of the RAM option in Chapter 11, "Advanced Options".
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- p.9
- Chapter 3
- This chapter describes the basic options recognized by the
- program. More advanced options are described in Chapter 11.
- When to Use The Basic Options
- Unless you tell it otherwise, 386MAX automatically provides
- default setting that make full use of extended memory as EMS memory (see
- the list of default settings in the previous chapter).
- You may wish to use some of the device driver options to change
- the defaults 386MAX has set for you. For example, you may need to
- recapture some extended memory for VDISK.
- How to Use the Options
- To use the device driver options to customize 386MAX to your
- requirements, first display your CONFIG.SYS file and locate the
- 386MAX Device =line. It should look similar to
- Device = 386MAX.SYS options
- If no options are listed on the device driver line, all default
- settings are in place. Next, simply edit the device driver line
- to change or add any of the 386MAX options described below.
- List of Basic Options
- While the first two options each tell 386MAX how much extended
- memory to convert EMS memory, they represent different views
- of the same question. Use the EMS option if you know exactly
- how much EMS memory you need (such as for an EMS-based disk
- cache) and want all the rest used as extended memory.
- Conversely, use the EXT option if you know exactly how much
- extended memory you need (such as for a VDISK-based RAM disk)
- and want the rest used as EMS memory.
- EMS=nnnn
- Use nnnn kilobytes of extended memory as EMS memory.
- If this option is omitted, all extended memory (up to the
- smaller of either 32 MB or the total extended memory less
- the EXT=value is used as EMS memory.
- If nnnn is less than the total amount of extended memory,
- the remaining extended memory is available for other use (such
- as VDISK).
- Enter nnnn in decimal kilobytes; for example, to use 1,024
- KB (1 MB) of extended memory as EMS memory, specify
- EMS=1024. The value must be a multiple of 16 KB. It is
- rounded down if not.
- To turn off the EMS memory portion of 386MAX, use EMS=0.
- EMS= and EXT= may not be used together.
- EXT=nnnn
- Leave at least nnnn kilobytes of extended memory as extended
- memory. The remaining memory is automatically used as EMS
- memory.
- If this option is omitted, all extended memory (up to the
- smaller of either 32 MB or the EMS= value) is used as EMS
- memory.
- Enter nnnn in decimal kilobytes; for example, to leave at
- least 1.024 KB (1MB) of extended memory as extended memory,
- specify EXT=1024.
- The actual value used may be up to 12 KB higher than the
- specified value because EMS memory is allocated in multiples
- of 16 KB only, and any remainder is left as extended memory.
- EXT= and EMS= may not be used together.
- SWAP=nnn
- Swap the first nnn kilobytes of conventional memory (which
- presumably is slow) with the same amount of extended memory
- starting at 1 MB (which presumably is fast). For more
- details, see Chapter 7. This option is needed only with
- 386 accelerator cards installed in machines with 16-bit
- memory on the system board.
- FRAME=xxxx
- Use EMS page frame of xxxx.
- If this option is omitted, 386MAX automatically searches for
- an available 64 KB window in high DOS memory. The first frame
- checked is at the highest available address. If this frame
- isn't available, locations lower in memory on 16 KB boundaries
- are tested.
- Enter xxxx in hexadecimal paragraphs; for example, specify
- FRAME=D000 to use segment D000 as the swapping area. This
- value must be on a 16 KB boundary (that is, the low-order
- hex digits must be x000, x400, x800, or xC00).
- Generally, you should allow 386MAX to select the EMS page
- frame automatically.
- If there is no room for a 64 KB EMS page frame, 386MAX will
- install with a smaller frame.
- SYS=systype
- Gives the name of 386 system you are using. Almost always,
- the type of system doesn't make a difference or 386MAX can
- figure it out.
- See the file SYSTYPES on the distribution diskette for a
- list of values for systype. If your system doesn't appear in
- this list, you can ignore this command. If it does, place the
- corresponding key word found in the SYSTYPES files following
- SYS=on the device driver line.
- PRO=d:\path\filename.ext
- Collects into a single separate file any of the options in
- this Chapter or in Chapter 11.
- First, create a file anywhere on your hard disk and place
- the options on separate line sin that file. Then tell 386MAX
- where to find this file with the PRO= option where:
- d: is any drive letter
- path is any path on that drive
- filename.ext is any valid filename and extension.
- You may list device driver options on the Device= line in
- your CONFIG.SYS file or in the file pointed to by this
- option. However, they may not appear in both places.
- Examples
- Next we discuss several common ways in which 386MAX may be
- configured. The examples below use options which are described
- in detail in this chapter. In the following examples, assume
- you have 4 MB of extended memory in your system.
- The actual division of extended memory into its separate uses
- varies depending upon your system configuration. For example, extended
- memory may be used for ROM mapping, for 386MAX program storage
- (as opposed to the 3 KB used in low DOS memory), for EMS memory, for
- extended memory, for high DOS memory fill, and finally for low
- DOS memory fill.
- On a system with 512 KB memory on the system board and 4 MB of
- extended memory (and whose EGA and system ROMs are both slower than
- extended memory), the extended memory use is as follows:
- ROM mapping region = 80 KB
- Program storage = 64 KB
- EMS memory = 3712 KB
- Remaining ext memory = 0 KB
- High DOS memory = 112 KB
- Low DOS memory = 128 KB
- Total extended memory = 4096 KB
- 1. Suppose you have copied the 386MAX.SYS file to the root
- directory of drive C. To invoke 386MAX using all of extended
- memory as EMS memory, place the following line in you CONFIG.SYS file:
- Device = 386MAX.SYS
- 2. If you wish to reserve 1,024 KB (1MB) of extended memory for
- VDISK and use the remaining 3 MB for EMS memory, program storage,
- memory fill, etc, use the following line:
- Device = 386MAX.SYS EXT=1024
- The figure in Chapter 4, lists the corresponding division of ex-
- tended memory for extended memory into its separate uses for the
- above line.
- 3. If you wish to disable the EMS memory manager (thus using
- all of extended memory for extended memory, high and low memory
- fill, etc.), use the following line:
- Device = .SYS EMS=0
- Although we recommend converting all memory in your system to
- extended memory and letting 386MAX manage it for you, disabling
- the EMS part of 386MAX does allow it to co-exist with an
- EMS memory board already in your system. In this case be sure
- to include the EMS driver which came with you EMS board in your
- CONFIG.SYS file preceding the call to 386MAX.SYS. Disabling
- EMS memory also increases by 64 KB the available high DOS
- memory in which to load memory-resident programs.
- 4. To allow only enough EMS memory to handle (say) an EMS-
- based disk cache program, use the EMS=option. If the disk
- cache uses 512 KB of EMS memory, use the following line:
- Device = 386MAX.SYS EMS=512
- 5. If you are using a 386 accelerator card and have set your
- system switches to disable all but the first 256 KB of system
- board memory (presumably the accelerator board is backfilling
- memory from 256 to 640 KB), use
- Device = 386MAX.SYS SWAP=256
- 6. If you are using an Intel Inboard and have 512 KB of system
- board memory (presumably 386MAX is backfilling memory from 512
- to 640 KB), use
- Device = 386MAX.SYS SWAP=512 SYS=INBOARD
- 7. If you have collected you basic and advanced option into a
- profile (in, say, the 386MAX directory on drive c,) use
- Device = 386MAX.SYS PRO=C:\386MAX\386MAX.PRO
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- p.33
- Chapter 11
- In addition to the commonly used device driver options (discussed
- in Chapter 3, "Basic Options") 386MAX includes several advanced
- options. These options control how 386MAX manages memory.
- You may enter these options on the Device= line in your
- CONFIG.SYS file, or in a profile pointed to by the 386MAX PRO=option.
- (See Chapter 3, for information on using the PRO=option).
- List of Advanced Options
- INCLUDE=nnn or xxxx-yyyy
- To take greater advantage of multitasking systems such as
- Windows 2\0 and DESQview 2.01 you might want to increase
- the size of the swapping region. The default range of this
- region is between 64 KB and 640 KB. To increase the region size,
- use the INCLUDE option. The argument to this option can take
- one of two forms:
- 1. If you would like 386MAX to select the addresses in high
- DOS memory to use for swapping, use INCLUDE=nnn where nnn
- specifies the size of the region. This value must be a multiple
- of 16 KB and is specified in decimal. For example, to specify
- an additional 64 of high DOS memory, use INCLUDE=64. This
- form of the INCLUDE option converts high DOS memory to
- swapping region, or
- 2. If you have specific address to use for swapping, use the
- form INCLUDE=xxxx-yyyy. In this form, xxxx is the starting
- segment and yyyy is the ending segment. Both parts of the
- argument are expressed in units of paragraphs in hexadecimal.
- Both parts must be a multiple of 16 KB (that is, each value
- must be of the form x000, x400, x800, or xC00). This form
- of the INCLUDE option allows you convert both high and low
- DOS memory to swapping region. For example, an EGA can be
- used to drive either a monochrome or color monitor. If your
- system has a single display adapter only, you might want to
- include the region reserved for the display adapter you don't
- have. Thus if you have a color monitor only, use INCLUDE=
- B000-C000. If you have a monochrome monitor only, use
- INCLUDE=B800-C000.
- Note that these two forms may be used together. For example,
- INCLUDE=B000-B800, 64 includes the region normally reserved
- for a monochrome display adapter and requests an additional
- 64 KB of high DOS memory be used for swapping. The comma-
- delimited items may be specified in any order. This option
- may appear multiple times.
- EXCLUDE=xxxx-yyyy
- To decrease the size of the swapping region, use the EXCLUDE
- option. If you don't use programs which take advantage of
- additional swapping region available in the LIM EMS 4.0,
- you might see a performance improvement by excluding some or
- all of the region from 64 KB to 640 KB. To exclude the en-
- tire region, use EXCLUDE=1000-A000. This option may appear
- multiple times.
- Do not fill in memory above the display adapters.
- By specifying this option, more memory might be available
- for use as EMS or extended memory, but no additional memory
- is available for memory allocations by DOS.
- Moreover, if this option is used, you cannot load memory-
- resident programs above the display adapters.
- Do not fill in memory between the top of system board memory
- and the bottom of the display adapters.
- By specifying this option, more memory might be available for
- use as EMS or extended memory, but no additional memory is
- available for direct use by DOS.
- Do not swap slow ROMs for fast RAM.
- Ordinarily, 386MAX times each ROM it finds, and if the ROM
- proves to be much slower then extended memory, it copies the
- ROM to the faster memory and uses that instead. 386MAX
- uses this process to speed up an EGA display by up to 40
- percent.
- If you do not want 386MAX to move ROMs to fast memory, use
- the NOROM option. You can see which ROMs (if any) 386MAX
- LIST at the DOS command line. See Chapter 4, for more in-
- formation.
- To ensure that we catch system reboot, 386MAX always remaps
- at least the top 4 KB of system ROM into RAM. Generally,
- we time all ROMs to see if extended memory is faster than
- the ROMs (and almost always the ROMs are very slow). If
- RAM is faster than ROM, we speed up the ROM. However,
- even if system ROM is as fast as RAM, we still remap the
- top 4 KB of system ROM so we're sure of properly rebooting
- the system. If for some reason, this is not a good use of
- memory on your system, you can disable it by specifying
- the key word NOWARMBOOT on the device driver line which
- invokes 386MAX.SYS or in a profile.
- Do not recover extra RAM on systems which are recognized
- automatically by 386MAX.
- Certain system such as the COMPAQ family of 386 computers
- are recognized by 386MAX without need for you to use a
- SYS=option. Moreover these systems have some extra RAM
- which 386MAX automatically recovers and puts to use for
- you. If you have some other use for this RAM and don't
- want 386MAX to recover it, use this option.
- RAM=xxxx-yyyy
- Mark paragraphs xxxx through yyyy as RAM. Both values are
- entered in hexadecimal and are in units of 16-byte para-
- graphs. This option should be used in case there is RAM
- in your system (such as on a network or high-resolution
- graphics adapter) which is not found by 386MAX at startup.
- During installation, 386MAX always checks for all RAM above
- the display adapters. Use this option in the unlikely case
- that some RAM isn't found then 386MAX is installed. This
- can occur because the RAM was not enabled at that time.
- This option may appear multiple times.
- In certain rare cases, you might find that 386MAX installs
- correctly, but the keyboard is locked. To overcome this,
- use the key word RESETKEYB.
- ROM=xxxx-yyyy
- Mark paragraphs xxxx through yyyy as ROM. Both values are
- entered in hexadecimal and are in units of 16-byte para-
- graphs.
- Use this option if the specified ROM doesn't have the usual
- signature, or if you wish to disable automatic remapping for
- some other ROMs but not for this one.
- If this option is used, the automatic remapping mechanism
- is disabled for all ROMs. In any case, the specified ROM
- is not remapped to other memory unless that other memory is
- somewhat faster then the ROM.
- To see the ROM addresses currently mapped to fast memory,
- use the LIST command described in Chapter 4. This option
- may appear multiple times.
- For those 386 systems which use the Chips and Technologies
- AT\386 CHIPSet (specifically the 82C302) there is some
- shadow RAM available for use. To reclaim this memory, use
- the key word SHADOWRAM.
- TOP384
- For COMPAQ Deskpro 386-compatible systems with an extra
- 384 KB of extended memory, use the key word TOP384. This
- option tells 386MAX to reclaim the extra memory for use as
- EMS memory, etc. Systems which can use this feature in-
- clude those from Trillian, Micronics, and others. Because
- the COMPAQ family of computers is recognized automatically
- be 386MAX, there is no need to use this option on those
- system.
- USE=xxxx-yyyy
- This option overrides reserved high DOS memory which the pro-
- gram has found and otherwise would skip over. USE tells
- 386MAX not to reserve paragraphs from xxxx through yyyy but
- instead use it for high DOS memory. For example, some 386
- systems have ROMs which are decoded at multiple addresses,
- only one of which is actually used. This option may appear
- multiple times. Both values are entered in hexadecimal and
- are in units of 16-byte paragraphs.
- VIDMEM=xxxx-yyyy
- Normally, 386MAX automatically detects the most commonly used
- display adapters such as Video Graphics Array (VGA), Enhanced
- Graphics Adapter (EGA), Color Graphics Adapter (CGA), Mono-
- chrome Graphics Adapter (MDA), and Hercules Display Adapter
- (HDA).
- This option should be used for your primary display adapter
- only. If you have a secondary high-resolution graphics adapter
- and its RAM isn't found by 386MAX at startup, use the RAM
- option to tell 386MAX to avoid those locations; do not use
- VIDMEM for this purpose.
- In the rare case that 386MAX mis-identifies your primary dis-
- play adapter as starting higher in memory that it actually
- does, 386MAX might overlap part of the display adapters with
- low DOS memory.
- This mis-identification is not fatal; you can detect it if you
- notice that your programs are not using the full display adapter
- memory. Typically this means that high-resolution graphics
- modes in your primary display adapter don't display data
- correctly.
- To help 386MAX better identify your display adapter, use the
- VIDMEM option to specify the starting and ending addresses of
- your display adapter. For example, some EGA boards when run
- in monochrome mode don't properly identify themselves as an
- EGA, and instead appear as a MDA. In this case, use VIDMEM=
- A000-C000.
- Before experimenting with this option, you might first specify
- the NOLOW option (see Chapter 3) to disable low DOS memory fill
- altogether. If that clears up graphics display problems, then
- specify a value for VIDMEM. Typical values are A000-C000 (640
- KB for a lecan be
- used to drive either a monochrome or color monitor. If your
- system has a single display adapter only, you might want to
- include the region reserved for the display adapter you don't
- have. Thus if you have a color monitor only, use INCLUDE=
- B000-C000. If you have a monochrome monitor only, use
- INCLUDE=B800-C000.
- Note that these two forms may be used together. For example,
- INCLUDE=B000-B800, 64 includes the region normally reserved
- for a monochrome display adapter and requests an additional
- 64 KB of high DOS memory be used for swapping. The comma-
- delimited items may be specified in any order. This option
- may appear multiple times.
- EXCLUDE=xxxx-yyyy
- To decrease the size of the swapping region, use the EXCLUDE
- option. If you don't use programs which take advantage of
- additional swapping region available in the LIM EMS 4.0,
- you might see a performance improvement by excluding some or
- all of the region from 64 KB to 640 KB. To exclude the en-
- tire region, use EXCLUDE=1000-A000. This option may appear
- multiple times.
- Do not fill in memory above the display adapters.
- By specifying this option, more memory might be available
- for use as EMS or extended memory, but no additional memory
- is available for memory allocations by DOS.
- Moreover, if this option is used, you cannot load memory-
- resident programs above the display adapters.
- Do not fill in memory between the top of system board memory
- and the bottom of the display adapters.
- By specifying this option, more memory might be available for
- use as EMS or extended memory, but no additional memory is
- available for direct use by DOS.
- Do not swap slow ROMs for fast RAM.
- Ordinarily, 386MAX times each ROM it finds, and if the ROM
- proves to be much slower then extended memory, it copies the
- ROM to the faster memory and uses that instead. 386MAX
- uses this process to speed up an EGA display by up to 40
- percent.
- If you do not want 386MAX to move ROMs to fast memory, use
- the NOROM option. You can see which ROMs (if any) 386MAX
- LIST at the DOS command line. See Chapter 4, for more in-
- formation.
- To ensure that we catch system reboot, 386MAX always remaps
- at least the top 4 KB of system ROM into RAM. Generally,
- we time all ROMs to see if extended memory is faster than
- the ROMs (and almost always the ROMs are very slow). If
- RAM is faster than ROM, we speed up the ROM. However,
- even if system ROM is as fast as RAM, we still remap the
- top 4 KB of system ROM so we're sure of properly rebooting
- the system. If for some reason, this is not a good use of
- memory on your system, you can disable it by specifying
- the key word NOWARMBOOT on the device driver line which
- invokes 386MAX.SYS or in a profile.
- Do not recover extra RAM on systems which are recognized
- automatically by 386MAX.
- Certain system such as the COMPAQ family of 386 computers
- are recognized by 386MAX without need for you to use a
- SYS=option. Moreover these systems have some extra RAM
- which 386MAX automatically recovers and puts to use for
- you. If you have some other use for this RAM and don't
- want 386MAX to recover it, use this option.
- RAM=xxxx-yyyy
- Mark paragraphs xxxx through yyyy as RAM. Both values are
- entered in hexadecimal and are in units of 16-byte para-
- graphs. This option should be used in case there is RAM
- in your system (such as on a network or high-resolution
- graphics adapter) which is not found by 386MAX at startup.
- During installation, 386MAX always checks for all RAM above
- the display adapters. Use this option in the unlikely case
- that some RAM isn't found then 386MAX is installed. This
- can occur because the RAM was not enabled at that time.
- This option may appear multiple times.
- In certain rare cases, you might find that 386MAX installs
- correctly, but the keyboard is locked. To overcome this,
- use the key word RESETKEYB.
- ROM=xxxx-yyyy
- Mark paragraphs xxxx through yyyy as ROM. Both values are
- entered in hexadecimal and are in units of 16-byte para-
- graphs.
- Use this option if the specified ROM doesn't have the usual
- signature, or if you wish to disable automatic remapping for
- some other ROMs but not for this one.
- If this option is used, the automatic remapping mechanism
- is disabled for all ROMs. In any case, the specified ROM
- is not remapped to other memory unless that other memory is
- somewhat faster then the ROM.
- To see the ROM addresses currently mapped to fast memory,
- use the LIST command described in Chapter 4. This option
- may appear multiple times.
- For those 386 systems which use the Chips and Technologies
- AT\386 CHIPSet (specifically the 82C302) there is some
- shadow RAM available for use. To reclaim this memory, use
- the key word SHADOWRAM.
- TOP384
- For COMPAQ Deskpro 386-compatible systems with an extra
- 384 KB of extended memory, use the key word TOP384. This
- option tells 386MAX to reclaim the extra memory for use as
- EMS memory, etc. Systems which can use this feature in-
- clude those from Trillian, Micronics, and others. Because
- the COMPAQ family of computers is recognized automatically
- be 386MAX, there is no need to use this option on those
- system.
- USE=xxxx-yyyy
- This option overrides reserved high DOS memory which the pro-
- gram has found and otherwise would skip over. USE tells
- 386MAX not to reserve paragraphs from xxxx through yyyy but
- instead use it for high DOS memory. For example, some 386
- systems have ROMs which are decoded at multiple addresses,
- only one of which is actually used. This option may appear
- multiple times. Both values are entered in hexadecimal and
- are in units of 16-byte paragraphs.
- VIDMEM=xxxx-yyyy
- Normally, 386MAX automatically detects the most commonly used
- display adapters such as Video Graphics Array (VGA), Enhanced
- Graphics Adapter (EGA), Color Graphics Adapter (CGA), Mono-
- chrome Graphics Adapter (MDA), and Hercules Display Adapter
- (HDA).
- This option should be used for your primary display adapter
- only. If you have a secondary high-resolution graphics adapter
- and its RAM isn't found by 386MAX at startup, use the RAM
- option to tell 386MAX to avoid those locations; do not use
- VIDMEM for this purpose.
- In the rare case that 386MAX mis-identifies your primary dis-
- play adapter as starting higher in memory that it actually
- does, 386MAX might overlap part of the display adapters with
- low DOS memory.
- This mis-identification is not fatal; you can detect it if you
- notice that your programs are not using the full display adapter
- memory. Typically this means that high-resolution graphics
- modes in your primary display adapter don't display data
- correctly.
- To help 386MAX better identify your display adapter, use the
- VIDMEM option to specify the starting and ending addresses of
- your display adapter. For example, some EGA boards when run
- in monochrome mode don't properly identify themselves as an
- EGA, and instead appear as a MDA. In this case, use VIDMEM=
- A000-C000.
- Before experimenting with this option, you might first specify
- the NOLOW option (see Chapter 3) to disable low DOS memory fill
- altogether. If that clears up graphics display problems, then
- specify a value for VIDMEM. Typical values are A000-C000 (640
- KB for a lecan be
- used to drive either a monochrome or color monitor. If your
- system has a single display adapter only, you might want to
- include the region reserved for the display adapter you don't
- have. Thus if you have a color monitor only, use INCLUDE=