home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- (note: items changed since the last posting of this information will be
- marked with a vertical bar "|" to the left)
- B)ulletin
- added: A = All, display all bulletins
- added: N = New, display all new bulletins
- added: S = Scan, allows AND/OR searches and then displays the
- entire bulletin if the text was found anywhere in it
- added: D = Download, queues up all requested bulletins for
- downloading (whether explicitly requested or requested
- via the All, New or Scan subfunctions)
- D)ownload
- enhanced: Batch downloads now accept wildcards
- added: Ymodem and Ymodem/G as internal BATCH protocols
- enhanced: During shelled protocols the top 3 lines are frozen
- enhanced: Prior to initiating the file transfer you can edit the
- list of files batched up for file transfer - adding or
- removing files from the list.
- E)nter Message
- added: Full Screen Editor
- added: F = return to Full Screen Editor
- added: Q = quote mode
- added: U = upload mode (non-echo mode)
- enhanced: Saves the message "as is" if carrier is lost prior to
- the user saving the message (the message can later be
- re-edited using the new EDIT command described below)
- E)dit Header (subfunction of read command)
- added: N = Refer Number
- added: R = Read Status
- added: P = Protection (including Sender and Group Password)
- EDIT) Msg (subfunction of read command)
- new cmd: Allows the originator of a message to re-edit his
- message after having posted it.
- F)iles
- enhanced: Optionally will colorize DIR files on the fly (applies
- to the "L", "N" and "Z" commands as well)
- enhanced: V)iew now passes the comm port number to the batch file
- added: G = Goodbye
- FLAG) File main prompt, subfunction of Files prompt or more prompt
- new cmd: Allows the caller to "flag" a file for later download.
- Any number of files may be flagged up to the batch file
- limit set by the sysop.
- J)oin
- enhanced: Now accepts either a conference number or a name
- L)ocate
- enhanced: Displays all secondary lines after the matched filename
- enhanced: If an invalid file is requested it will automatically
- switch to a Z)ippy search command
- enhanced: If the filename is less than 8 characters long and no
- wildcards have been used it automatically appends "*.*"
- to the name (ie searching for BETA turns into BETA*.*).
- enhanced: Changes a request of "FILE*" to "FILE*.*"
- added: D = Download, download files that are found
- added: N = New, locate files using filespec and date
- N)ew
- enhanced: displays all secondary lines after the file is found
- added: D = Download, download files that are found
- O)p Page
- enhanced: When done the caller's screen is restored and the
- session continues from where he left off
- enhanced: Now accepts either a door number or a door name
- Q)uick Scan
- enhanced: TS (see TS enhancements in the Read command)
- R)ead command
- enhanced: TS = now scans the message text as well as the header
- enhanced: TS = if in graphics mode it highlights the text
- enhanced: TS = allows AND/OR searches to be performed
- enhanced: TS = allows stacking of search text and msg number
- added: COPY = COPY a message (similar to MOVE a message)
- added: RR = read the reference message
- added: L = read in reverse order from the last message back
- added: Z = zip (compress) capture file before downloading
- added: SET = set last message read pointer
- added: G = Goodbye
- added: J = Join a conference
- added: USER = Read mail either to or from a specific user
- added: O = Read Only - it doesn't set Last Msg Read pointer
- it doesn't mark a message as being read. It can
- be restricted by security level.
- new cmd: Can be used to select or deselect conferences the user
- wants to scan and also to reset the last message read.
- new cmd: Can be used to test a file for CRC errors or viruses
- prior to downloading (if the sysop provides the test).
- U)pload
- added: Ymodem and Ymodem/G as internal BATCH protocols
- enhanced: Allows external batch uploads using DSZ-log compatible
- protocols
- enhanced: Allows user supplied multi-line descriptions with word
- wrapping while typing in the descriptions
- enhanced: Records the name of the uploader in the description
- WHO command
- new cmd: Allows a caller to view the list of callers currently
- online - WITHOUT giving them access to the node chat
- functions (can be useful if you want the caller to know
- who is there but don't want them tieing up the system
- chatting with other callers while online).
- Y)our Mail Scan
- added: Q = Quick Scan for your mail. It displays only the
- number of messages found and the number that are
- for you using 1 line per conference instead of the
- normal 3 line display.
- Z)ippy Search
- enhanced: Displays all secondary lines as well as filename
- enhanced: If in graphics mode it highlights the "found" text
- enhanced: Allows AND/OR searches to be performed and will even
- find matches if keywords are on SEPARATE lines in the
- DIR file
- added: D = Download, download files that are found
- added: N = New, locate files using filespec and date
- USERS command
- new cmd: Allows caller to see the names of users in a conference
- and to search the user names/cities for any text
- 1) View Log
- added: S = Scan, allows AND/OR searches of the caller's log
- 5) Scan Header
- enhanced: TS (see TS enhancements in the Read command)
- 7) User maint
- enhanced: Combines both user maintenance menus into one menu
- 7) Scan Users
- enhanced: Allows AND/OR searches to be performed
- 13) View Node
- added: S = Scan, allows AND/OR searches of the caller's log
- added: A = All, allows all node logs to be displayed/searched
- 14) Drop to DOS
- enhanced: Now allows a node to be dropped to DOS when waiting for
- a call to come in
- F5 - shell
- enhanced: Adds "(PCBoard Shell)" to the front of the DOS prompt
- enhanced: When done the caller's screen is restored and the
- session continues from where he left off
- F9 - scrn off
- enhanced: Turning the screen OFF sends output to a 'virtual
- screen' so that pressing F9 will restore the screen
- contents as if the screen had never been toggled off
- ALT-F1 or CTRL-F1
- added: Decrease caller's time by 5 minutes (was DN arrow)
- ALT-F2 or CTRL-F2
- added: Increase caller's time by 5 minutes (was UP arrow)
- ALT-F9 or CTRL-F9
- added: Decrease caller's security level (was LEFT arrow)
- enhanced: Code now checks the PWRD file to find the next "real"
- security level - when found it properly adjusts the
- time limit as well as download byte limit
- ALT-F10 or CTRL-F10
- added: Increase caller's security level (was RIGHT arrow)
- enhanced: Code now checks the PWRD file to find the next "real"
- security level - when found it properly adjusts the
- time limit as well as download byte limit
- added: Shell to PCBFiler
- added: Toggles thru Help/Name/Conf/Comment/Modem status lines
- added: Shell to PCBSM
- Shift F-Keys
- enhanced: Now uses a "^M" character sequence for carriage returns
- so that multiple lines of information can be placed in
- the function key definition.
- enhanced: Allows the use of "%" followed by a filename which will
- automatically import the file.
- Comm Routines
- enhanced: Utilizes the 16550A FIFO Buffer
- enhanced: Uses dual input and output ring buffers
- enhanced: Allows up to 115,200 baud operation (tested & reliable
- at that speed on an AT-class machine with a 16550A chip
- installed - with speeds in excess of 11,000 CPS)
- enhanced: Now allows non-standard comm ports to be installed in
- the system (comm ports beyond COM1 and COM2) by
- specifying the IRQ and BASE address for the comm port.
- New @-variables:
- @byteratio@ Gives a '#:#' formatted string for Dn:Up Byte Ratio
- @cls@ Clears the screen
- @event@ Gives the time specified for the event
- @expdays@ Gives the number of days until subscription expires
- @fileratio@ Gives a '#:#' formatted string for Dn:Up File Ratio
- @more@ Forces a "more?" prompt
- @node@ Displays the node number of the current node
- @numblt@ Displays the number of BLT's in the current conference
- @numdir@ Displays the number of DIR's in the current conference
- @poff@ Turns the prompt off (disables the 'more prompt')
- @pon@ Turns the prompt on
- @qoff@ Turns Ctrl-X/Ctrl-K checking off
- @qon@ Turns Ctrl-X/Ctrl-K checking on
- @wait@ Forces a "press enter to continue" prompt
- @x.. The X followed by two hex digits will set the color
- | @##@ Addresses a message to all users of a specific security
- | @##-##@ Addresses a message to all users in a range of security
- Removed:
- HOME - help/status line (see ALT-H)
- PGUP - help/status line (see ALT-H)
- PGDN - help/status line (see ALT-H)
- END - help/status line (see ALT-H)
- DN - decrease time (see ALT-F1)
- UP - increase time (see ALT-F2)
- LEFT - increase security (see ALT-F9)
- RIGHT - decrease security (see ALT-F10)
- Enhanced:
- * At logon it now displays the bulletin numbers of updated bulletins.
- * The callers log now includes "attempted to logon as" records to
- indicate when a caller changes his name and re-attempts the logon.
- This includes all attempts - including new users, existing users
- and users who decide not to register.
- * PCBoard now uses an "auto ansi detection" routine so that if a user
- chooses not to use color graphics but his comm program has ansi
- capabilities PCBoard will take advantage of them (for faster cursor
- movement, defaulting to the full screen editor, etc).
- * PCBoard now displays an asterisk "*" to the right of the FILE DATE
- when displaying file listings to indicate that the file is new to
- you i.e. the file is more recent than your "Date of Last DIR Scan".
- * PCBoard now removes the vertical bar "|" from the display when
- secondary file descriptions are found.
- * PCBoard now only updates the user's "Last Date DIR Scanned" to match
- the date of the most recent file posted rather than using the date
- on which he performed the scan.
- * PCBoard now passes a 4th parameter to external protocol batch files
- signifying the actual "connect speed" of the caller to provide for
- proper calculation of file transfer times by the external protocol.
- * PCBoard now allows an alternate method of logging into the system
- (as sysop or local user) without taking the phone off the hook. If
- the phone rings while you are logged on you will be informed and can
- then exit back to the call waiting screen to let PCBoard answer the
- phone. This option allows you to snoop around the system without
- giving callers a busy signal and then let the system answer the call
- if the phone does ring.
- * PCBoard now sports a new Call Waiting screen with a new look and
- new capabilities - including system wide as well as node-specific
- statistics for the activity of your system. In addition, a module
- is provided so that third party software can update the statistics
- without having to write directly to the file.
- * Added support for security specific NEWS, CNFN, DOORS, CLOSED,
- EXPIRED and WARNING files.
- * Added the ability to have a PCBTEXT entry display a complete file
- rather than just the limited text found in PCBTEXT. For instance
- instead of displaying the line "your time has been adjusted for an
- upcoming event" you could display a complete file explaining to
- the caller when the event will be run and why their time was
- adjusted.
- * All multi-letter commands (COPY, MOVE, LANG, OPEN, NODE, etc) can
- now be called by typing just the first two letters.
- * For a "R A c/d/z" command (capture,download,zip) you can now set the
- maximum number of messages by area and total for the scan so that
- the caller does not overrun your hard disk on a capture.
- * When a users time limit falls below 10 minutes you can now decrement
- his remaining time 1 minute at a time instead of 5 minutes.
- * External protocols can be specified as requiring MNP. They also can
- be set to keep the comm port open and to freeze or not freeze the
- status lines on the screen depending on the external protocol's
- needs.
- * Added the ability to set the number of "rings" before answering.
- * The status lines include not only the logon time and current time
- but also the current minutes online and minutes remaining.
- * Searching for files (for downloading) now begins with the default
- filename extension if no extension was provided by the caller - in
- other words if the caller asks for TEST it will first search for a
- file called TEST.ZIP and not finding one will then search for TEST.
- * When you answer YES to the question "Display NEWS only when changed"
- it will now display the news file if it is at least one minute
- newer than the last time the caller was on - previous versions
- required the NEWS file to be created at least a day earlier.
- * The default subscription period may now be defined by the sysop.
- Also, the default 'expired security level' can be set to a value
- other than the new user security level.
- * The "guard time" prior to an event during which uploads are not
- allowed is now configurable by the sysop.
- * The maximum files in a batch can now be configured according to
- security level.
- * The Maximum Download Bytes can now operate in two modes: 1) as in
- previous versions it can be an "absolute" limit or 2) it can now be
- adjusted according to the baud rate of the caller so that a caller
- at higher speed can download more bytes.
- * A "Maximum Download Bytes" setting of "32767" results in unlimited
- download bytes (i.e. the caller is displayed "Unlimited" and when
- a transfer is performed his maximum download bytes are not adjusted
- by the number of bytes downloaded).
- * Adjustments can now be made to a user record (such as security or
- conference registration changes) from another node or from PCBSM
- *while* the user is online without losing the updated information.
- * When reading messages the caller can have the screen cleared prior
- to displaying a message - this can be set with W)rite User Info.
- * Input fields which are surrounded by parenthesis (i.e. having the
- "(" and ")" characters around the field) can be edited using the
- cursor keys or the CTRL-Key substitutes that are used by the Full
- Screen Editor.
- * The LOGOFF Script Questionnaire now allows for graphics or
- non-graphics, multilingual and security specific versions of the
- file. In addition, if the name of the LOGOFF ANSWER file is blank
- then you can dispense with the leading semicolon since the code will
- assume that none of the lines in the file are questions. This will
- make it easier to use a program such as THEDRAW to create logoff
- files.
- * Prior to dropping to a DOOR the code can now create a DOOR.SYS file
- for those who want to read DOOR.SYS instead of PCBOARD.SYS.
- * Files can be chained together for display (such as NEWS files or
- bulletins, etc).
- * If a caller is online and the screen is logically toggled off -
- then any keypress on the LOCAL keyboard will toggle the screen
- back on to help avoid accidentally typing into a caller's session.
- * The default behaviour of the "do you want to scan for mail" prompt
- can now be set to scan ALL conferences so that the user does not
- have to know to type "A" in response to the question.
- * The default behaviour of the "R S" command can now be set to read
- new mail in ALL conferences so that the user does not have to use
- the "R A" command.
- * PCBSetup now differentiates between "editing your own message" and
- "editing any message" for security purposes.
- * PCBoard can now be set to ask the built-in questions of a new user
- AND to also ask the questions in the NEWASK file so that you can
- conveniently get new users onto the system while at the same time
- gathering extra information about them.
- * The "Allow Only Password Changes" has been changed to "Disallow
- complete update" so that if you answer YES the caller will still
- be able to change his password, his conference scans and his
- "clear screen between message" settings.
- * PCBoard now supports more than 40 conference areas. It does this by
- way of an external users file which has been designed to be dynamic
- in nature and provides for a maximum of over 65,000 total conference
- areas in the system. The BBS software as well as each of the
- utilities have been redesigned to provide the capability of going
- way beyond the previous 40 conference area limit.
- * The external users file (called USERS.INF or Users Info file)
- provides for the capability of installing Third Party Software into
- the file - allowing PCBoard software to manage the data for Third
- Party Authors (i.e. adding new records when a new caller calls in or
- removing records when you pack the users file).
- * In conjunction with the USERS.INF file a new file called USERS.SYS
- is created by PCBoard prior to dropping to DOS for a door
- application. The USERS.SYS file contains everything there is to
- know about the user - including the information from the USERS file
- as well as from the USERS.INF file (both PCBoard and Third Party
- Application records). This makes USERS.SYS a "one stop shopping
- spot" for everything you need to know about the user. The file
- format (like USERS.INF) is dynamic allowing for more conferences
- or larger Third Party Application records.
- * The USERS.SYS file is a READ/WRITE file - meaning that if an
- application modifies it while the caller is out to DOS then PCBoard
- will read USERS.SYS back in and update the USERS and USERS.INF files
- based on the information found in the file.
- * Door applications can now be executed without having to type OPEN
- or DOOR and a number. Plus they can now be given command line
- parameters at the time of opening.
- * PCBoard now supports Conference Sysops - where you can define via
- conference flags (similar to conference registration or conference
- scan flags) whether or not a caller's security level should be
- increased to that of "sysop" while logged into that conference.
- * PCBoard now keeps track of the number of messages read or written
- by the caller while online in PCBoard and displays that information
- either in PCBSM or on the PCBoard status line together with the
- total bytes uploaded or downloaded (which was previously being
- recorded but not shown on the status line).
- * PCBoard now records (in the user's record) when a message is left
- for him via PCBoard so that when he logs on he will be informed of
- the fact that there is mail waiting for him AND which conferences
- have mail waiting without having to scan for new mail.
- * PCBoard now provides both the normal 'registration' method for
- allowing a user into a conference as well as a security level based
- method for conferences that are non-public.
- * PCBoard will continue to pre-register NEW callers into public
- conferences and set their default 'scan' and 'expired' conference
- registration flags UNLESS the public conference has a security level
- requirement for joining it.
- * Currently both a regular and an OVERLAY version of PCBoard v14.5 are
- being tested with the OVERLAY version requiring 200K of memory or
- less to operate.
- * A 'debug mode' has been added with varying levels of reporting so
- that a more complete report of what the system is doing at a given
- time can be made available.
- * Versions 14.0 to 14.2 required that user names start with a letter
- from A to Z while the new code removes that restriction. Also, it
- can now be set to allow one name users to log onto the system and
- more fully supports users with more than two names.
- * A path can be defined for each individual DOOR batch file so that
- batch files can be consolidated in a single area if desired.
- | * Replying to a message that is FROM yourself will now result in the
- | TO field being copied over to the TO field of the reply rather than
- | copying the FROM field across.
- | * Replying to a NON-echo message will now default to NO when asked if
- | the message should be echoed.
- | * Added support for FREE files - where files can be downloaded and not
- | be charged in the files or bytes downloaded record as well as not
- | charging against the time online if desired.
- | * Messages addressed to users via the @##@ or @##-##@ substitution
- | variables are automatically protected against being deleted. In
- | addition, the messages are treated as PRIVATE in that users without
- | the proper security level will not even see the message.
- | * Messages addressed to users vai @user@, @##@ or @##-##@ are now
- | automatically protected against deletion by anyone who is not a
- | sysop.
- | * The sysop can now set in PCBSetup the hours when he is 'in' for
- | answering the page bell.
- | * When the sysop is not in, the page bell is off or when the sysop
- | fails to answer his page the user will now be prompted as to whether
- | or not he would like to leave a comment to the sysop instead. The
- | message indicating the sysop is not in could be modified in PCBTEXT
- | to display a file indicating the hours of the day when the sysop is
- | available for chat.
- | * PCBoard's NODE list will now show when a caller is paging the sysop
- | and PCBMONI will show the same but will ring a page bell at the
- | same time allowing the sysop to monitor all nodes for pages from
- | one screen.
- | * The node status, when set to unavailable, previously stayed in that
- | state at all times until the caller hung up or changed it back to
- | available thus masking what he was doing while online. The node
- | status will now reflect whatever he is doing (such as entering a
- | message or transfering a file) but then go back to unavailable when
- | he finishes.
- | * Uploads can now be tested for CRC errors or viruses after the file
- | is finished being uploaded. Additionally, a new command TEST can
- | be used by the caller to test any file he suspects of having errors.
- | * The name of the message CAPTURE file can now be set in PCBSetup or
- | when not specified it defaults back to the caller number.
- | * The CAPTURE file when downloaded can now be set to not charge the
- | download time against his session time.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (example usage of some of the new commands):
- * TS A 1+ <enter>
- PCBoard & LANtastic <enter>
- The above commands will search thru every available message in ALL
- conferences areas you are set to scan for any message that has both
- the word "PCBoard" AND the word "LANtastic" in it.
- * TS A 1+ <enter>
- PCBoard & (LANtastic | DESQview) <enter>
- The above commands will search thru every available message in ALL
- conferences areas you are set to scan for any message that has both
- the word "PCBoard" AND either the word "LANtastic" OR the word
- "DESQview" in it.
- The parenthesis tell PCBoard how you want to group your criteria if
- you have a complex search request such as the one above. It will
- allow for nearly any number of parens and any combination of AND's
- (using the "&" character) and OR's (using the "|" character).
- * TS A 1+ USER JOHN DOE <enter>
- PCBoard & Help <enter>
- The above command (similar to examples above) adds the keyword USER
- to the command line specifying that only messages that are either
- TO or FROM John Doe should be displayed if they are found to have
- both the words PCBoard and Help in them.
- * Z A <enter>
- PCBoard & DESQview <enter>
- The above commands will search all of the file directories for any
- file that has both the word "PCBoard" and the word "DESQview" in the
- description (anywhere - including secondary description lines).
- * L PCB*.* A N <enter>
- 120189 <enter>
- The above command combines a Locate Search of the file directories
- with a "new files search" for files that begin with "PCB" and were
- posted on or after 12/01/89.
- * Z DESQview A S D <enter>
- The above command combines the Zippy Search of the file directories
- with a "new files since" search and then tags all files found for
- later downloading (i.e. files with "DESQview" in the description
- that are new since the last time you were on)
- * USERS <enter>
- Utah <enter>
- The above command searches for the names of users that participate
- in the current conference who have the word "Utah" in their user
- record (USERS does a text search on the name and address fields).
- * 7 S <enter>
- John & (Smith | Doe) <enter>
- The above command (sysop function 7) will search the entire user
- record (name,address,phone,comments,etc) for the any user record
- that has both the word "JOHN" and either the word "SMITH" or the
- word "DOE" in it.
- * OPEN QMAIL <enter>
- The above command will search and find the QMAIL door and open it
- (rather than having to know the number of the door).
- * J SUPPORT <enter>
- The above command will search and join the SUPPORT conference
- (rather than having to know the number of the conference).
- * B A <enter>
- The above command will display all bulletins.
- * B N D <enter>
- The above command will download all new bulletins.
- * B A S D <enter>
- DESQview & LANtastic
- The above command will download all bulletins that have both the
- word "DESQview" and the word "LANtastic" somewhere in the file.
- * R A Z <enter>
- The above command will capture all messages in all conferences since
- the last message read, compress the capture file and the begin the
- download procedure.
- * 13 A S <enter>
- Searches all caller logs and displays entries where either John Doe
- or John Smith were logged on.
- * R SET 100 <enter>
- Sets the last message read for that conference to 100.
- * Y A S Q <enter>
- The "Q" which is a new parameters gives a new display showing each
- conference on a single line and shows only the number of messages
- for you and the number found. It looks something like this:
- Messages Messages
- Num Conference To You Found
- --- ---------- -------- --------
- 0 Main Board 0 18
- 1 Support 12 1628
- 2 DOOR 5 370
- 3 Utility 0 431
- 4 Net_Mail 1 895
- 5 LANtasti 2 642
- * SELECT D 1-3 6 <enter>
- The select command is used to select or deselect conferences. The
- above command starts out by deselecting all conferences after which
- it reselect conferences 1 thru 3 followed by 6. It will then prompt
- the caller for any last message read changes in each of the newly
- selected conferences.
- * OPEN 1
- All of the above are now valid ways of opening a door. In these
- examples the door name is "MYDOOR" and it can be opened either with
- or without the words OPEN or DOOR. Additionally, parameters may be
- typed in on the command line which will then be sent to the door
- application on the assumption that it can use the parameters.