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- ────[ Release ]────
- Dr. Insanity Mr. Sike Blind Justice Jenetic Bytemare
- Darkstar Invisible Stalker Draconis
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- A NAPPA profile of explosives, written by Blind Justice
- These are not for use at all. I am not to be held respondible if you are dumb
- enough to try to use these formulas. Okay?
- In this NAPPA Profile I will discuss and give samples of explosives relying on
- chemicals. Why would I choose to use a NapBottle instead of a Molotov
- Cocktail? Because Chemical Fires are espeacially nasty. Because they are
- chemical reactio ns they continue to burn, even after being doused with water,
- CO, or Foam in most cases. They don't need oxygeon in most cases! But there
- are several disadvantages, one major one being, fumes and the actual chemicals
- involved are extermely dangerous to you. Plus they can be hard to find.
- In addition I will discuss kiddie explosives. These are explosives that are
- simple to make, and easy to use.
- [NapBottle]
- These are nasty bottles, that are basically chemical molotov's. So use
- everything for a normal molotov; ie, Bottle, lid/top, rag, rubber band, etc...
- Special Ingredients are:
- SulphuricAcidConcentrate,Gasoline,PotassiumChlorate,and Sugar [Confectioners].
- 1. Pour approximatly 2/3 quarts of gasoline into a bottle. Taking the
- Sulphuric acid Concentrate add it SLOWLY to the gasoline, until it is filled
- almost to the top. Make sure you did not spill gas or Sulphuric acid on the
- outside of the bottle, use a funnel if you have to.
- 2. Dissolve about 3.5 oz's of potassium chlorate and 3.5 oz's sugar in about
- 1/2 cup water[Boiling]. Crystal should form within five minutes, or cooling.
- You should have about an inch of liquid left, if excess exists, pour it out.
- Pour into another smaller bottle.
- Take a rag and a rubber band, wrap the rag around the bottle's midsection, and
- use the rubber band to secure it.
- When you are ready to have phun, mix the small bottles contents, up for about
- two minutes. Next pour the small bottles contents onto the rag, soaking it.
- To ignite the fuel source, merely throw or break the bottle open, when the
- Sulphuric Acid contacts the Potassium crystals, a chemical bondwill break in
- the crystals creating energy needed for spontaneous cumbustion. The result
- will be an explosion followed by a HUGE streak of flame, which will burn as
- long as there is fuel, water will not douse it, unless massive quantities are
- used.
- [Napid Drop]
- This is a varition on the NapBottle. It will basically explode after a set
- time.[time is actually an approximation.] Otherwise it acts as a NapBottle.
- Speacial Ingredients are:
- SulphuricAcidConcentrate,Gasoline,PotassiumChlorate,and Sugar [Confectioners].
- Tape,Cardboard, Rubber[Must be of large size, ie, innertubing, castol lining,
- etc].
- 1. Take the Sulphuric Acid Concentrate and mix it 1 part gas, 1 part acid. Set
- aside.
- 2. Mix one part of Sugar, and PotassiumChlorate with 2 parts water[Boiling]
- Allow crytals to form. THIS time pour out all of the liquid left.
- 3. Form a cicurlar tube with the cardboard, the diamater should be '1 larger
- then the bottle/jar. In addition the tube should extend about 2 times the
- length of the bottle/jar. Make sure that the bottom of the tube is level with
- the bottle/jar bottom. Using tape as a sealant, tape the bottom shut, so that
- it is secure. Pour the Potassium Compound into the tube until it is over 2/3's
- full. Let it settle, and allow the tubing to dry.
- 4.Take the top of the bottle/jar and drill a small hole 1.27 centimeters in
- diameter[Half and Inch]. Cut a rubber waffer from your sheet, large enough to
- fit inside the cap without being held[MAKE SURE ITS SECURE]. Shut the cap and
- fill bottle/jar with water. Make sure that it does not leak, shake it, toss it
- up and down, MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO LEAKS. Pour out the water. Pour Sulfuric
- Acid into the jar, about 1/3 full. Tape the Potassium Compound covered tube
- shut at the other end, after filling it 95% full of gasoline.
- When simply turn the bottle upside down so that the acid comes in contact with
- the rubber top. When the acid has eaten through the rubber it will ignite with
- the potassium causeing a violent explosion.
- [SemiPlastique]
- This is basically highly unstable sludge. Inertial energy will cause it to
- explode.
- Ingredients are simple: Ammonia, Small Bottle, and Nitric Iodine[Solid or
- Dried]
- 1. Take the Nitric Iodine, if it is in a solid form, break it into smaller
- fragments. If in a Dried form leave it alone. Put the Nitric Iodine into the
- bottle, pour enough Nitric Iodine into the small bottle to fill it
- approximately half way.
- 2. Pour in enough Ammonia to fill the small bottle to the bottle neck. Invert
- bottle, for about ten seconds, invert it again for about ten seconds. Repeat
- twice. [Note shaking it will not have any adverse effects[MOST of the time]
- but take it as a precaution.] Leave it out of sunlight, letting it sit, for
- approximately 24 hours.
- 3. When the 24 hours have passed, pour off exess liquid.
- When you are done, you should have a sludge, more solid then liquid though, if
- it is too wet, add Nitric Iodine, in .75 gram increments[stir SLOWLY!] leave
- for another 6 hours[IF MORE IODINE WAS ADDED]. When you are ready, merely
- throw the compound against a solid object. All goes well[It IS unstable] it
- should explode. If it does not, attempt reepeatedly. If after a couple of
- trys, it does not work, dispose of it. The Ammonia did not form the nessasary
- covalent bonds with the Nitric Iodine.
- This text file contains several different ways to create 'easy' explosives.
- These are all feasable and require simple formulas if any. Follow insturctions
- and enjoy!
- [Generic Mace]
- This is a Generic Mace formula, it will provide you with a compound that will
- cause, bluriness and pain when sprayed in the eyes.
- 1. Take an empty spray can[Bianca, Windex, Spritze, etc...] unscrew the top
- pour in [note: all amounts can be multiplied or divided by any number equally]
- 1.5 pints of alchohol. Add .5 pints of Iodine. Screw cap back on and shake for
- about thirty seconds. Add 1 gram of salt.
- 2. Another variation that might be used is Iodized Salt, in the form of 10
- grams.
- When you are ready to use the Mace, merely spray the Mace into the general
- direction of your victim. The results will be immediate.
- [BallonBomB]
- This is also goes by the guiess HindenberG bomb. It is really kid stuff but
- can be fun for making loud noises. Don't expect anything spectacular.
- Materials nessasary are:
- Ballon, Small Bottle, Liquid Plumr, Aluminum Foil, KRs or Length of WaterProof
- Fuse, and a rubber band.
- 1. Take the bottle, set it on its side. Fill bottle with .75 full of Liquid
- Plumr. Cut off a small square of Foil, approximately 1.25 square inchs. Take
- the ballon and put the foil inside of it. Quickly place the ballon neck around
- the bottle neck [Make sure that you have a sure seal!].
- 2. The Foil should have fallen into the Liquid Plumr, if it has not force it
- in.
- 3. Once the foil is in the liquid plumr allow the bottle to sit until the foil
- is totally disolved. Once this has happened allow the bottle to sit for about
- two more minutes. [Hydrogeon is lighter then air, and will rise.] Quickly take
- the ballon off of the bottle, makeing sure to hold the neck shut. Take the KRs
- or WaterProof Fuse and slip it into ballon neck far enough to contact
- hydrogeon. Shut the neck quickly. Take the rubber band and slip it around the
- ballon neck, about three times.
- 4. The liquid Plumr can be reused SEVERAL times. Merely repeat.
- When you are ready for a simple explosion, light the fuse and get back. What
- will result will be a ball of flame that will quickly disperse.
- [Cartridge BomB]
- This is a multipourpose bomb. It can spray shrapnel or just make noise, or
- even incinerate. You decide.
- Materials needed:
- Co2 cartridge, KRs or WaterProof fuse, Clay[Dry], Newspaper or other flammable
- paper, Hacksaw, Hammer, and Gun Powder or anything explosive.
- 1. Take the Hacksaw and the Co2 Cartridge. Secure the cartrdige with a vice of
- some sort. Use the HackSaw to cut the cartrdige in half, just below the nozzle
- end. Continue cutting lower in about 1 centimeter increments until you the
- hole is about the size of a pencil.
- 2. Take the gunpowder and pour it either liberally or conservatively into the
- newspaper. Crush the powder with the hammer[DONT POUND IT]. Fill the Co2
- cartridge with the Gunpowder from the newspaper. Let it sift in, don't pack it
- in unless you want a volitile explosion. Take the KRs or WaterProof Fuse and
- stick it against the inside of the catridge. Use a little clay to secure it.
- Pour a bit of powder into the cartridge again. Take the rest of the clay and
- secure the end of the cartridge.
- When you are ready to use it for what ever use you have dictated[However much
- powder you use] merely light the fuse and get away.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Well, thats it for this file, I hope you all liked it. Stay tuned
- for more great philes by NAP/PA, and a few cracks will be on the way
- as well! Also, our first newsletter will be released very shortly!
- Call these great boards:
- The Digital Underground NAP/PA HQ (301)
- Starpirates II NAP/PA (703)
- Plutonium Mines Int. NAP/PA -INC- (716)
- Infinite Intoxication NAP/PA -INC- (508)
- <NEW> Chimaron Conspiracy NAP/PA -INC- (612)
- -- If you interested in becomming a member or a distribution site,
- contact Dr. Insanity on any of the above boards or contact Mr. Sike on
- TDU or Starpirates II.