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Text File | 1990-02-01 | 35.1 KB | 1,463 lines |
- ~filter.hlp
- This parameter allows you to
- tailor the conversion by replacing
- a specific character ( or
- characters ) found in the source
- document with any character in the
- converted document.
- This option is useful when the
- destination word processor does not
- contain characters supported by the
- source word processor.
- Values under the "input code"
- column are fixed, and represent
- characters in the source document.
- Values under the "convert to"
- column are the actual replacement
- characters. These are the only
- values that can be changed. Use the
- up or down arrows to scroll through
- the characters. Use the left or
- right arrows to move between each
- column. A character can be changed
- either by entering the new char-
- acter or by entering the number
- associated with the new character.
- To retain the changes press the
- F3 key. To exit without changes
- press the ESC key.
- ~fntfltr.hlp
- The typestyle filter allows
- you to substitute typestyles from
- the original document with any
- supported typestyle in the conver-
- ted document. This can be
- beneficial when the word processor
- you are converting to doesn't
- support the same typestyles (fonts)
- that the original word processor
- supports.
- The top window displays the
- list of options. The middle left
- column displays typestyles sup-
- ported by the original word
- processor. The middle right
- column displays the list of
- corresponding typestyles supported
- by the word processor to which you
- are converting. (This is the
- default translation). The bottom
- window displays a list of the
- typestyles from which you select.
- To substitute a typestyle, use
- the DOWN ARROW key to move the
- cursor to highlight the original
- typestyle. Use the F2 key to move
- between the middle and bottom
- windows. With the ARROW keys,
- highlight the typestyle you wish
- to substitute for the original
- typestyle (the original meaning
- the value in the middle right
- column). Use the F3 key to
- select it as the new typestyle
- you will be converting to.
- To save changes, choose F10.
- To exit without saving changes,
- choose ESC.
- ~autodir.hlp
- Use this option to quickly scan the
- contents of a directory and identify
- documents to add to the queue.
- Enter the directory name (with complete
- path).
- To add documents to the queue:
- 1) Highlight the document name by moving
- the cursor to it.
- 2) Press RETURN to add the highlighted
- document to the queue.
- When through selecting documents from
- this directory, press ESC.
- ~at.hlp
- There are no parameters for this
- option.
- ~center.hlp
- When this parameter is set to
- YES, the software generates a Line
- Center control code in the
- translated document each time a
- line in the document is centered
- between the columns determined to
- be the left and right margins.
- When set at NO, the software
- does not check for centering. A
- blank area preceding a line of text
- is attributed to tabbing or
- spacing, and no center codes are
- inserted in the translated
- document.
- The RETURN key toggles between
- YES and NO.
- Default: YES
- ~dcals.hlp
- DCA provides three ways for
- users to adjust the interline
- spacing (vertical distance from one
- printed line to the next).
- The user may either set the
- "line spacing" or the "lines per
- inch" or both. The lines per inch
- field is used by the conversion
- to calculate the exact distance
- between printed lines. The line
- spacing field can be used to modify
- that distance. For example, a line
- spacing value of 2 means the
- physical distance between lines
- should be doubled.
- This parameter allows the user
- to select which of the three
- methods should be used to support
- interline spacing when converting
- documents to DCA.
- 1. Support with line spacing
- changes.
- If this method is chosen,
- then documents converted to
- DCA/RFT will be set to the default
- 6 lines per inch, and changes
- in interline spacing will be
- supported with "line spacing"
- changes.
- Note: Line spacing values can only
- have the following values 0.5, 1.0,
- 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0. which may result
- in approximation of the true
- distance.
- 2. Support with line density
- changes.
- Choosing this method causes
- documents converted to DCA/RFT
- to be set to the default single
- line spacing and changes in
- interline spacing will be supported
- with "lines per inch" changes.
- 3. Support with a combination of
- spacing and line density.
- This choice causes documents
- converted to DCA/RFT to use a
- combination of "line spacing"
- and "lines per inch" changes to
- support interline spacing.
- First, an attempt will be made
- to support with 6 lines per inch
- and one of the available values for
- line spacing. If this results in
- loss of accuracy then single line
- spacing, with a specific lines per
- inch change will be used to
- increase precision.
- Default: Support with a combination
- of spacing and line density
- ~dcasr.hlp
- In DCA/RFT and TXT, if a line
- contains only a soft return, this
- soft return will be interpreted as
- a hard return during printing and
- pagination. However, in many word
- processors, such soft returns will
- be ignored because it does not have
- a semantic meaning.
- This parameter is set up to
- allow you to choose a method of
- handling such soft returns. These
- soft returns can be converted to
- soft returns or hard returns.
- Note: In DCA and TXT, soft returns
- and hard returns are called
- "carrier returns" and "required
- carrier returns" respectively.
- The RETURN key toggles between
- "Keep as Soft Returns" and "Convert
- to Hard Returns".
- Default: Keep as Soft Returns
- ~d_left.hlp
- This parameter is only
- applicable if the "Margin
- Determination Method" parameter is
- set to "Use the user supplied
- defaults" in which case this left
- margin is used, and scanning is not
- performed. Choose any value to
- 999. Note: the value chosen must
- agree with the image of the text.
- Default: 1
- ~d_right.hlp
- This parameter is only
- applicable if the "Margin
- Determination Method" is set to
- "Use the user supplied defaults" in
- which case this Right Margin is
- used, and scanning is not
- performed. Choose any value to
- 999.
- Default: 65
- ~ext.hlp
- The User Defined Extension
- parameter allows you to assign any
- valid DOS extension to the converted
- documents. This parameter works in
- conjunction with the "File Naming
- Method" parameter when its value is
- set to either "Original File Name
- with User Defined Extension" or
- "User Defined file Name with User
- Defined Extension."
- An entry here has no effect
- when File Naming Method is set to
- either "Prompt User For Output File
- Name", "Original File Name with
- Original Extension", or "User
- Defined File Name with Original
- Extension."
- A plus sign ("+") can be
- included in the extension if you
- wish to automatically increment the
- extension names with numbers
- starting at 01.
- example:
- A+ = .A01, .A02, .A03, ...
- + = .001, .002, .003, ...
- Because DOS allows only three
- characters for a file extension,
- when using the "+" option, the
- extension is limited to one
- character , including the "+".
- Default:
- DW2/3 TXT .TXT
- Microsoft Word 4.0 .DOC
- Microsoft Word 5.0 .DOC
- WordPerfect .WPF
- WordPerfect 5.0 .WPF
- WordStar .WS
- WordStar 2000 .WS2
- A special extensions is required by
- the follow word processors:
- MultiMate 3.6 .DOC
- MultiMate Advantage II .DOC
- You cannot alter the extension
- for these word processors.
- ~filespec.hlp
- The User Defined File Name
- parameter allows you to assign any
- valid DOS name to the converted
- documents. This parameter works in
- conjunction with "2. File Naming
- Method" parameter when its value is
- set to either "User Defined File
- Name with User Defined Extension"
- or "User Defined File Name with
- Original Extension."
- An entry here has no effect
- when File Naming Method is set to
- either "Prompt User For Output File
- Name", "Original File Name with
- User Defined Extension", or
- "Original File Name with Original
- Extension."
- To enter a name, type in any
- valid DOS name (up to eight
- characters) and press RETURN.
- Note: The plus sign ("+") can
- be included in the file name if you
- wish to automatically increment the
- file names with numbers starting at
- 001.
- Examples:
- ABC+ = ABC001, ABC002, ...
- ABC+X = ABC001X, ABC002X, ...
- + = 001, 002, 003, ...
- Because DOS allows eight
- characters for a file name, when
- using the ("+") option, the file
- name is limited to seven
- characters, including the ("+").
- Default: "+"
- ~fltrpar.hlp
- This parameter has three pos-
- sible values: US/Group1, Norwegian/
- Danish, and Hebrew, and is deter-
- mined by the type of keyboard
- layout included in your system.
- Unless an alternate keyboard
- layout is being used, this para-
- meter should not be of concern.
- Default: US/Group1
- ~intdir.hlp
- Determines where the
- intermediate work files are stored
- during translation. Although these
- are erased after each translation,
- they temporarily require
- approximately 1 1/2 times the size
- of the largest document that will
- be converted.
- This parameter is important
- when running from a floppy drive,
- as there must be sufficient space
- for the input document files, the
- temporary work files, and the
- converted files all on a single
- floppy disk.
- Enter a drive letter or the
- name of an existing directory on
- the hard disk, and press RETURN.
- Default: The current drive and
- directory
- ~merge.hlp
- This parameter indicates the
- type of document being converted.
- The parameter value for
- WordStar toggles between document
- file and data file.
- Default value: Document file
- ~method.hlp
- This parameter determines how
- translated files are named. The
- RETURN key toggles among five
- possible values:
- 1.) Original File Name with User
- Defined Extension
- The file name of the source
- document is assigned to the
- translated document in the form:
- [Output Directory][Original File
- Name].[User Defined Extension]
- The "Output Directory" and
- "User Defined Extension" parameters
- are also used to build the file
- name. For example, when a WordStar
- document named: "LETTER.XYZ" is
- translated to MultiMate, and the
- MultiMate parameter values are set
- to:
- a. File Naming Method = Original
- File Name with User Defined
- Extension
- b. Output Directory = A:
- c. User Defined Extension = ABC
- the translated file will be saved
- 2.) Original File Name with Original
- Extension
- The file name of the source
- document is assigned to the
- translated document in the form:
- [Output Directory][Original File
- Name].[Original Extension]
- For example, when a WordStar
- document named: "LETTER.ABC" is
- translated to MultiMate and the
- MultiMate parameter values are set
- to:
- a: File Naming Method = Original
- File Name with Original
- Extension
- b. Output Directory = A:
- the translated file will be saved
- 3.) User Defined File Name with
- User Defined Extension
- A user selected file name is
- assigned to the translated document
- in the form:
- [Output Directory][User Defined
- File Name].[User Defined Extension]
- The "Output Directory", "User
- Defined File Name" and "User
- Defined Extension" parameters are
- all used to build the file name.
- For example, when a WordStar
- document named "LETTER.ABC" is
- translated to MultiMate and the
- MultiMate parameter values are set
- to:
- a. File Naming Method = User
- Defined File Name with User
- Defined Extension
- b. Output Directory = C:\MMATE
- c. User Defined File Name = FILE
- d. User Defined Extension = DOC
- The translated file will be saved
- 4.) User Defined File Name with
- Original Extension
- Only the file extension of the
- source document is assigned to the
- translated document in the form:
- [Output Directory][User Defined
- File Name].[Original Extension]
- For example, when a WordStar
- document named "LETTER.ABC" is
- translated to MultiMate and the
- MultiMate Parameters are set to:
- a.) File Naming Method = User
- Defined File Name with
- Original Extension
- b.) Output Directory = A:
- c.) User Defined File Name =
- The translated file will be saved
- as: A:\FILES.ABC
- 5.) Prompt User for File Name
- As each document is translated,
- the user is prompted to enter a
- name. The user must include any
- desired drive letter or directory,
- and is responsible for appending
- any mandatory file extension. For
- example: ".DOC" when translating to
- MultiMate.
- Default: Original File Name with
- User Defined Extension
- ~mmauthor.hlp
- Text entered here appears in
- the Author Field of documents
- translated into MultiMate.
- Default: None (No text is entered
- into the Author Field.)
- Note: If the word processor you
- are converting from has a
- corresponding author field, that
- entry will overwrite the entry in
- this parameter.
- ~mmcomnt.hlp
- Text entered here automatically
- appears in the Comment Field of
- documents translated into
- MultiMate.
- Original Entry: None (No entry in
- the Comment Field)
- NOTE: If the word processor you are
- converting from has a corresponding
- comment field, the parameter will
- pass along that entry, and the
- entry here will be overwritten.
- ~mmcwt.hlp
- The third of the three
- printer tables, the Character Width
- Table (CWT) contains character
- information, such as character
- width and character redefinition,
- that will be sent to your printer.
- Enter the name of your
- Character Width Table (up to eight
- characters) and press RETURN.
- Default: None (The parameter is
- left blank)
- ~mmpat.hlp
- The Printer Action Table
- (PAT) is one of three tables that
- sends print information and
- commands, contained in your
- document, to your printer.
- PATs contain codes which
- tell your printer how to perform
- MultiMate word processing
- functions. See your MultiMate
- Printer Guide for additional
- information.
- Enter the name of your
- MultiMate Printer Action Table (up
- to eight characters) and press
- Default: TTYCRLF
- ~mmsat.hlp
- One of three printer
- tables, the Sheet Feeder Action
- Table (SAT) contains codes to
- direct your sheet feeder to work
- with your printer and MultiMate.
- As with the Printer Action
- Table, the Sheet Feeder Action
- Table is specified on the Document
- Print Options Screen.
- Enter the name of your
- Sheet Feeder Action Table (up to 8
- characters) and press RETURN.
- Default: None (The parameter value
- is left blank)
- ~mmvers.hlp
- Because of the differences
- in function handling (i.e. footers
- and footnotes) between versions of
- MultiMate, this parameter defines
- the type of output MultiMate
- document to produce.
- The RETURN key toggles
- between "MultiMate Advantage II
- version 1.0" and "MultiMate
- version 3.6". Choose the version
- you plan to edit and print your
- documents from.
- Default: MultiMate Advantage II
- version 1.0
- ~msdeftab.hlp
- Each paragraph in a Microsoft
- Word document has preset tab stops
- at half-inch intervals. The con-
- version allows you to change this
- value. You may enter a new value
- in tenths of an inch ( for instance
- ".6" or "1.0") or in centimeters
- (for example "1 cm" or "1.5 cm").
- To change this value, enter any
- valid measurement unit, and press
- RETURN. When using the centimeter
- measurement unit there must be a
- space between the number and the
- measurement unit "cm".
- Default: .5 in
- ~m_method.hlp
- The WordStar conversion allows
- the user to choose one of three
- methods for determining the
- margins:
- 1) Scan the text. Scan the
- image of each line, generating
- statistics, and make educated
- changes to the left and right
- margin. This parameter should
- be used if .RR, .LM, and .RM
- commands are not in the WordStar
- file (true for earlier versions of
- WordStar).
- 2) Examine dot commands. Uses
- only the information provided by
- the .LM, .RM, and .RR commands for
- determining margin changes.
- 3) Use the user supplied
- defaults. Use the margin settings
- supplied by the user through
- the "Default Left Margin" and
- "Default Right Margin" parameters.
- ~outdir.hlp
- This parameter determines where
- the translated files will be
- stored. To change the current
- entry, you must type the name of an
- existing drive and path
- (including colon), and press
- For example, the entry:
- will cause all translated documents
- to be sent to the subdirectory
- "DOCS".
- Default: None (documents are stored
- in the current DOS default
- directory.)
- ~q_docs.hlp
- To add individual documents to the queue,
- type each document name. Include the drive
- letter or directory path unless the logged
- drive/path is identified at the top of the
- queue; then type the document names only.
- You can use the DOS wild-card characters *
- and ? in the document names.
- For example:
- A:*.* Queues all documents on the
- disk in drive A.
- C:\WS5\*.* Queues all documents in the
- WS5 directory on drive C.
- When you use Auto Translate as one of your
- conversions, the Input Queue is divided
- into two parts. On the left, you type the
- document names; on the right, Star Exchange
- identifies the source word processors for
- those documents.
- To select documents from a directory
- listing, press F2 for Automatic Directory
- Assistance. To delete an entry from the
- queue, press DEL. To translate documents,
- press F10.
- ~remdocs.hlp
- To remove individual entries:
- 1) Highlight an entry by moving
- the cursor to it.
- 2) Press DEL to delete the
- highlighted entry from the
- queue.
- To remove all entries from the
- queue:
- Press ALT and D concurrently.
- When through deleting entries,
- press ESC.
- ~sel_conv.hlp
- "Conversion A" and "Conversion B" are the
- two word processors (conversions) between
- which documents are translated.
- WordStar or WordStar 2000 must always be
- present in the Conversion A or Conversion B
- window. To choose a second word processor
- from the main "Conversions" window, highlight
- the conversion. Then press the right or left
- arrow key to enter it as Conversion A or
- Conversion B.
- If you use Auto Translate to convert
- documents, you don't need to identify the
- source word processors to Star Exchange.
- When Auto Translate is one of the two
- conversions selected, only one option appears
- on the Main Menu: "Translate from Auto
- Translate to WordStar."
- To change or view the System Parameters,
- press F2. To change or view conversion
- parameters, press F3 (Conversion A) or
- F4 (Conversion B). To use a Character Filter
- or Typestyle Filter, press F5 or F6.
- ~sysdir.hlp
- Determines where the
- intermediate work files are stored
- during translation. Although these
- are erased after each translation,
- they temporarily require
- approximately 1 1/2 times the size
- of the largest document that will
- be converted.
- This parameter is important
- when running from a floppy drive,
- as there must be sufficient space
- for the input document files, the
- temporary work files, and the
- converted files all on a single
- floppy disk.
- Enter a drive letter or the
- name of an existing directory on
- the hard disk, and press RETURN.
- Default: The current drive and
- directory.
- ~tabstops.hlp
- When a tab character (hex 0x09)
- is encountered in the document, the
- conversion uses default tab stop
- settings to assign the number of
- blank spaces prefacing the indented
- text.
- Default: Every eighth space
- 9,17,25,33,41,49,57,65,73,81
- ~tf_file.hlp
- This parameter is used to
- specify which previously created
- character filter file (if any) to
- use during the translation.
- Enter the name of the file,
- including drive and directory on
- which the character filter
- file resides, and press RETURN.
- Default: NONE
- ~t_method.hlp
- The WordStar conversion allows
- the user to choose one of three
- methods for determining the tabstop
- locations:
- 1) Scan the text. Scan the
- image of each page, generate
- statistics indicating possible
- tabstop locations, and make
- educated choices about the tabstop
- locations for each page of text.
- The information found in .RR
- commands is not used if this method
- is selected.
- 2) Examine dot commands. Use
- only the information found in
- .RR commands for determining
- the location of tabstops. The
- WordStar default settings will
- be used until a .RR command is
- encountered.
- 3) Use the user supplied
- defaults. Use the settings provided
- by the user in the "Default
- Tabstops" parameter as the
- tabstops for the entire document.
- Suggested for users who use only
- one set of tabstops for the entire
- document.
- ~ufr.hlp
- Valid characters in one word
- processor may not be recognized by
- another.
- This parameter defines a
- character to insert in a translated
- document when a character which
- cannot be translated appears in the
- original. When the translated
- document is edited, these
- characters mark locations which
- might need attention.
- Type the Hex-ASCII
- representation of the desired
- replacement character, and press
- Default: 40 (@)
- NOTE: For DCA/RFT, the
- replacement character is "7C",
- the "@" in EBCDIC.
- ~wordwrap.hlp
- Select a value between -4 and
- +4 to compensate (respectively
- subtract or add to the right
- margin) for word wrapping anomaly
- that occurs among various word
- processors. This adjustment affects
- only the output document generated
- by the conversion.
- Default: A (Automatic Adjustment)
- ~wpf_prs.hlp
- The PRS file refers to the
- Printer Description File created by
- WordPerfect 5.0, when you installed
- your printer.
- Enter the name of an existing
- PRS file name, and press RETURN.
- NOTE: If there is no PRS file used
- during the translation to or from
- WordPerfect, the conversion will
- use default values. In this case,
- fonts cannot be correctly sent.
- ~ws2fn.hlp
- The PDF file refers to the
- Printer Description File created by
- WordStar 2000 when you installed
- your printer.
- Enter the name of an existing
- PDF file name, and press RETURN.
- NOTE: If there is no PDF file used
- during the translation to or from
- WordStar 2000, the conversion will
- use default values. In this case,
- font and line height values created
- during the conversion may not
- correspond to your printer's
- values.
- No Default
- ~wsch.hlp
- This parameter allows the user
- to choose the character set to be
- supported when creating WordStar
- documents. This is necessary based
- on different WordStar versions
- which support different character
- sets.
- 1) Full WordStar Release 4 set.
- Choose this option when converting
- to WordStar Release 4.
- 2) Standard Ascii Set. Choose
- this option when converting to any
- WordStar version up to and
- including 3.31.
- 3) Full DOS set. This option
- will support the full set of DOS
- extended characters which
- currently is only available in
- WordStar Release 3.4
- Default: Full WordStar Release 4
- ~wscu.hlp
- This parameter defines the
- method the conversion will use when
- supporting continuous underlining.
- Versions of WordStar 3.31 and
- earlier did not support underlining
- white space. If this parameter is
- set to "Underscore White Space" the
- conversion will replace spaces by
- underscores if continuous
- underlining is on (due to word
- wrapping considerations this is not
- done in paragraphs).
- The second choice "Do Not
- Underscore White Space" should be
- selected for continuous
- underlining.
- Default: Do Not Underscore White
- Space
- ~wsls.hlp
- The WordStar word processor
- provides three ways for users to
- adjust the interline spacing
- (vertical distance from one printed
- line to the next).
- The user may either set the
- "line height" or the "line spacing
- field" or both. The line height
- field is used by the word
- processor to calculate the exact
- distance between printed lines.
- The line spacing field can be used
- to modify that distance. For
- example, a line spacing value of 2
- means the physical distance between
- lines should be doubled.
- This parameter allows the user
- to select which of the three
- methods should be used to support
- interline spacing when converting
- documents to WordStar.
- 1. Support with .LS (line spacing
- changes)
- If this method is chosen,
- then documents converted to
- WordStar will be set to the default
- 6 lines per inch, and changes in
- interline spacing will be supported
- with "line spacing" changes.
- Note: Line spacing values are
- limited to whole number increments
- (1,2,3.....) which may result in
- approximation of the true distance.
- 2. Support with .LH (line height
- changes)
- Choosing this method causes
- documents converted to WordStar
- to be set to the default single
- line spacing and changes in
- interline spacing will be supported
- with "lines per inch" changes.
- Note: Some printers are limited in
- their ability to adjust the lines
- per inch.
- 3. Support with a combination of
- .LS and .LH changes
- This choice causes documents
- converted to WordStar to use a
- combination of "line spacing" and
- "lines per inch" changes to support
- interline spacing.
- First, an attempt will be made
- to support with 6 lines per inch
- and one of the available values for
- line spacing. If this results in
- loss of accuracy then single line
- spacing, with a specific lines per
- inch change will be used to
- increase precision.
- Default: Support with a combination
- of .LS and .LH changes
- ~wsphrb.hlp
- Phantom rubout is unique to
- WordStar: there is no direct trans-
- lation available in other word
- processors.
- This parameter defines a char-
- acter to insert in a translated
- document when a Phantom Rubout is
- encountered in the WordStar
- original.
- Enter the Hex-ASCII
- representation of the desired
- character.
- Default: 52 ("R")
- ~wsphsp.hlp
- Phantom space is unique to
- WordStar: there is no direct
- translation available in other word
- processors.
- This parameter defines a
- character to insert in a translated
- document when a Phantom Space is
- encountered in the WordStar
- original.
- Enter the Hex-ASCII
- representation of the desired
- character, and press RETURN.
- Default: 53 ("S")
- ~ws_rel.hlp
- It is necessary to select
- the WordStar release level that
- you are currently using. This is
- due to differences in functionality
- and file format between WordStar
- releases.
- Press <ENTER> to toggle
- between the four choices listed
- below.
- Release 5.0
- Release 4.0
- Release 3.4
- Release 3.31 and below
- ~style.hlp
- The Style File Directory refers
- to the directory where a WORD 5
- style sheet is stored.
- Enter the directory where
- the current document's style
- sheet is located.
- NOTE: If there is no Style File
- directory specified the
- document will be converted without
- the style sheet's formatting.
- Default: NONE
- ~mmpitch.hlp
- This value will be the default
- pitch put into the Print Options
- Menu of the MultiMate document.
- Values range from 1 to 9
- and will be used to calculate
- the positioning of tabstops and
- margins on the MultiMate format
- lines in the document.
- Changing the default pitch of
- a MultiMate document after it has
- been converted is not suggested
- since the format lines would then
- have to be manually altered to
- preserve the original layout.
- Default: 4 (10 chars/inch)
- ~pagelnth.hlp
- This parameter helps to
- determine where page breaks occur.
- The conversion scans the document
- looking for form feed character. If
- found, a required page break is
- issued. If no form feed is en-
- countered within a number of lines
- specified here, a soft page break
- is issued.
- Enter the number of physical
- lines per printed page, up to the
- maximum of 99.
- Default: 66 (lines per page)
- ~hdr1lnth.hlp
- This parameter defines the
- number of lines of header text on
- the 1st page.
- For example:
- The actual text on the first
- page begins on line 8. Line 3
- contains a header. Lines 1, 2 and
- 4 through 7 are blank. The entry
- for First Page Header Length should
- be 7.
- Default: 0 (no top margin, and no
- header on the first page.)
- ~ftr1lnth.hlp
- This parameter defines the
- number of lines of footer text on
- the 1st page.
- Enter the number of lines in
- the bottom margin on the first
- page. This number equals the total
- page length minus the number of the
- last line of text.
- For example: The actual text
- on the first page ends on line 58.
- Blank lines and footer text are
- found on lines 59 through 66. The
- entry for First Page Footer Length
- should be 8 (66 lines per page
- minus 58).
- Default: 0 (No bottom margin and no
- footer on the first page.)
- ~hdrxlnth.hlp
- This parameter defines the
- number of lines of header text,
- starting from the 2nd page until
- the end of the document.
- The actual page length is
- indicated by the page length
- option. The header length is
- included in the page length.
- Default: 0
- ~ftrxlnth.hlp
- This parameter defines the
- number of lines of footer text,
- starting from the 2nd page until
- the end of the document.
- The actual page length is
- indicated by the page length
- option. Enter the number of lines
- in the bottom margin - the total
- page length minus the line number
- of the last line of text. This
- number will be constant although
- the text within these lines may
- vary.
- Default: 0 (no bottom margin and no
- footers on the 2nd through last
- pages.)
- ~lhzwidth.hlp
- The entry for this parameter
- must be between 0 and 7.
- A right margin change is not
- issued if a line is shorter than
- the specified right margin and
- falls within the specified position
- of the right margin based on the
- surrounding lines.
- Default: 2
- ~rhzwidth.hlp
- The entry for this parameter
- must be between 0 and 7.
- A right margin change is not
- issued if a line extends less than
- the specified number of characters
- past the right margin based on the
- surrounding lines.
- Default: 0
- ~prntmrgn.hlp
- For word processing packages
- which support a print margin
- (different from the left margin)
- the parameter passes along a value
- as the print margin for the
- translated document.
- Enter the number of spaces
- desired between the left edge of
- the page and the first print column
- on the page.
- Default: 10
- ~lschange.hlp
- When the conversion encounters
- a pattern of single lines of text
- separated by blank lines, this
- parameter determines whether to
- translate the text exactly as it
- appears in the ASCII document or
- whether to issue a line spacing
- change (and strip out the blank
- lines.)
- For example, this text appears to
- be triple spaced:
- single line of text
- (blank line)
- (blank line)
- single line of text
- (blank line)
- (blank line)
- single line of text
- (blank line)
- (blank line)
- single line of text
- (blank line)
- (blank line)
- Note: At least four repetitions of
- a pattern of text and blank lines
- are required to trigger a line
- spacing change. Otherwise, the
- translated text is single spaced.
- When this parameter is set to NO,
- single line spacing is retained,
- preserving the lines exactly as
- they appear in the document, and
- terminating each with a hard
- carriage return.
- Default: YES
- ~minrmrgn.hlp
- This parameter can be used to
- tell the conversion process what
- the minimum right margin generated
- by the conversion should be. This
- can be very useful in keeping the
- conversion from generating word
- wrapped text on short lines. The
- conversion will never generate a
- right margin (offset including left
- margin) greater than this value.
- Default: 40
- ~tsd.hlp
- The ASCII conversion allows
- you to choose between two methods
- for determining the tabstop
- locations:
- 1) Scan the text to generate
- tab stop information. Scan the
- image of each page, generate
- statistics indicating possible
- tabstop locations, and make
- educated choices about the tabstop
- locations for each page of text.
- 2) Use the user supplied
- defaults. Use the settings provided
- by the user in the "Default
- Tabstops" parameter as the
- tabstops for the entire document.
- Default: Scan the text to generate
- tab stop information
- ~cas.hlp
- The Character Attribute
- Support parameter allows you to
- determine whether bolding, under-
- lining, and overstriking should,
- (for printing purposes), be con-
- verted to the backspace (Hex 08)
- character.
- For example, if the parameter
- value is set to "Support Bold/
- Underline/Overstrike with Backspace
- Character", the ASCII document will
- support bold, underline, and over-
- struck text in the following way:
- a.) Bold =
- "character backspace character"
- "or A backspace A"
- b.) Underline =
- "character backspace underline"
- "or A backspace _"
- c.) Overstrike =
- "character backspace overstrike"
- "or A backspace /~
- If the parameter value is set
- to "Do Not Support Bold/Underline/
- Overstrike Attributes", these
- character attributes will not be
- supported in the converted ASCII
- document.
- Default: Do Not Support Bold/Under-
- line/Overstrike Attributes
- NOTE: When converting FROM ASCII,
- the conversion will support these
- character attributes if they exist
- in the original document as
- explained in the example above.
- ~twpdf.hlp
- The DRV file refers to the
- Printer Description File created by
- TotalWord when you installed
- your printer.
- Enter the name, including
- directory path, of an existing
- DRV file name, and press RETURN.
- NOTE: If there is no DRV file used
- during the translation to or from
- TotalWord, the conversion will
- use default values. In this case,
- fonts cannot be correctly sent.
- ~END