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- ;**************************************
- ;Editing the TELMERGE.SYS Control file
- ;**************************************
- ;
- ;This file contains control scripts (pretyped command sequences)
- ;for TelMerge telecommunications. By editing these, you can
- ;customize TelMerge for your system and the online services you
- ;use. Your changes take effect when you save this file and start
- ;TelMerge.
- ;
- ;Make your changes to the appropriate section(s) below:
- ;
- ; The SYSTEM section governs the default transmission rate,
- ; communications port, and other settings for your computer
- ; and modem. TelMerge uses the settings from this section
- ; unless others are supplied by a SERVICE script or a .TEL
- ; file.
- ;
- ; The MENU section contains the TelMerge Communications Menu--
- ; the menu of services that appears when you start TelMerge.
- ; You can edit it to list only the services you use.
- ;
- ; The SERVICE section contains log-on scripts for each service
- ; in the Communications Menu (plus any other scripts you wish
- ; to store there). Before using a service you must add to its
- ; script the appropriate phone number, user ID code,
- ; password, or other information. You get this information
- ; when you sign up with the service.
- ;
- ;The following is a complete list of keywords that can be used in
- ;the TELMERGE.SYS file. See the TelMerge documentation for
- ;definitions.
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;*****************
- ; System Section
- ;*****************
- ;
- ;The following keywords set the basic defaults for your system.
- ;The current settings work for most systems. If the setting for
- ;any keyword here doesn't match your system's requirements, replace
- ;it with one of the other choices listed for that keyword.
- ;
- ;Specify the settings that you will use most of the time. If a
- ;particular service requires different settings, specify them
- ;in that service's script. Settings in a script override settings
- ;in the System Section.
- ;
- ;NOTE: Text following "{" or ";" is a comment. TelMerge ignores it.
- Modem HAYES {Specifies a Hayes Smartmodem.
- {Other choices: HAYES2400, DIRECT, ANSWER, ACOUSTIC.
- Port COM1 {Indicates that the modem is connected to serial port COM1
- {Other choice: COM2.
- Baud 1200 {Specifies a baud rate of 1200
- {Other choices: 110, 300, 2400, 4800, 9600.
- Logging ON {Opens a logfile as soon as you connect to the remote
- {service. Both sides of the session are saved in that file.
- {Other choice: OFF.
- Print YES {Prints incoming information from a session to your
- {default printer, alternate printer, or a disk file.
- {YES prints to your default printer.
- {NO turns printing off.
- {COM2 or LPT2 direct printing to a different device.
- {<filename> prints to a disk file.
- LineDelay 2 {Delays specified number of tenths of a second
- {after sending a line of text.
- {Current setting is 2/10 second.
- Emulate VT100 {Emulates a mainframe terminal.
- {Other choices: NONE, VIDTEX (VT52).
- Graphic NO {Will not display graphics characters from remote.
- {Other choice: YES
- ;UseDTR YES {Speeds hang up. Modem switch must be set to use
- {DTR, data terminal ready.
- ;Append YES {Adds logging of current session to the end of the
- {old logfile instead of starting a new one for each session.
- {Other choice: NO.
- ;Network TYMNET {Specifies the network you are using (if any)
- {Other choices: TELENET, UNINET.
- ;Protocol XMCRC {Specifies a file transfer protocol.
- {If you don't include a "Protocol" keyword,
- {Xmodem checksum is used.
- ;***************
- ; Menu Section
- ;***************
- ;
- ;Edit this section if you want to change the list of services on
- ;the TelMerge Communications Menu. If you add a service to the
- ;menu, you must also add a control script to the SERVICE section,
- ;below.
- ;
- ;While editing the Communications Menu, note that each line to
- ;appear onscreen must begin with the word "Say", and that the
- ;symbol "|" turns onscreen highlighting on or off. The line
- ;"Say |NEW| Add new service here" is a template for the next
- ;service you add. Copy it to the line below, then replace the
- ;original line with the name of your new service. Be sure to
- ;delete the semicolon from the line describing your new service.
- ;or it won't appear onscreen.
- Say || |C O M M U N I C A T I O N S M E N U
- Say ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Say
- Say |CIS| CompuServe Information Service |ESL| EasyLink by Western Union
- Say
- Say |ITT| ITT Telex and TIMETRAN |MCI| MCI Mail
- Say
- Say |OAG| Official Airline Guides |ONT| ONTYME Messaging Service
- Say
- Say |RCA| RCA Telex and TELEXTRA |SOU| The Source Telecomputing
- Say
- Say |DIR| Direct Connect Mode |ANS| Answer mode
- Say
- Say |TEL| Another TelMerge User
- ;Say
- ;Say |NEW| Add new service here
- Say
- Say ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Say
- Say Enter your selection:
- Hold ?3 {Wait for user's selection from keyboard
- {3 character maximum
- Cls
- Goto ! {Go to the Label that matches selection
- ;******************
- ; Service Section
- ;******************
- ;
- ;This section contains log-on scripts for the services on the
- ;Communications Menu. Add the missing information for each service
- ;to the right of its keywords below, delete any scripts you don't
- ;want, or write new scripts of your own. The first script, labeled
- ;"NEW," is a dummy. You can use it as a template for the next
- ;script you write.
- ;
- ;If you have already created a .TEL file for a service, you can use
- ;WordStar to insert it into this section instead of typing the
- ;script from scratch. Later, you can delete the .TEL file.
- ;
- ;Whenever you add a script, remember to add its label to the
- ;Communications Menu. You can use a completed script to call a
- ;service, however, even if it isn't on the menu. Simply type its
- ;3-character label at the "Enter your selection:" prompt.
- ;
- ;You can write scripts to automate much of an online session, for
- ;example, to send or ask for certain information or to make several
- ;calls in succession. The following keywords are useful for
- ;automating calls (see the "TelMerge" tab section of your manual
- ;for details):
- ;
- ;CALL Dials the service now.
- ;WAIT word Awaits this word from the service after
- ; logging on.
- ;SEND word Sends this word (or words) to the service.
- ;PAUSE secs Waits this number of seconds.
- ;QUIET secs Waits this number of seconds after remote has
- ; finished sending.
- ;FILESEND filename Sends the specified file.
- ;LOGGING ON or OFF Turns logging on or off at this point in
- ; session.
- ;PRINT ON or OFF Turns printing on or off at this point in
- ; session.
- ;HANGUP Hangs up phone, gets ready for another call.
- ;
- ;
- ;Here are brief descriptions of the keywords used in the scripts
- ;below. For more information about these and other keywords, see
- ;the "TelMerge" tab section of your manual.
- ;
- ;ANSWERBACK string Sends your personal ID code in response to a
- ; telex WHO ARE YOU request.
- ;BAUD rate Sets the transmission rate for this service.
- ;END Ignores subsequent commands in this script.
- ;HOSTID string Issues up to 30 characters as a network's
- ; internal "phone number" for the service you
- ; are calling. Example: HOSTID CPS
- ;INTERACTIVE number Specifies the phone number of a telex real-
- ; time system.
- ;LABEL string Characters you will type to start calling this
- ; service.
- ;LOGFILE filename Names the file that records an online session.
- ; Example: LOGFILE MCI.LOG
- ;LOGGING ON or OFF Turns automatic recording of an online session
- ; on or off.
- ;NETWORK name Telephone network through which to contact
- ; this service. (TYMNET, Telenet, UNINET)
- ;NUMBER number Phone number to dial.
- ;PASSWORD string Password required by the service (30
- ; characters maximum).
- ;SERVICE string Name of the service you are dialing. Appears
- ; in status line while you are connected. (32
- ; characters maximum.)
- ;USERID string User identification code required by the
- ; service you are using. (30 characters maximum.)
- Label NEW
- Service
- Number
- Logfile
- Userid
- Password
- End
- Label CIS
- Service CIS
- Number
- Userid
- Password
- Logfile CIS.LOG
- End
- Label ESL
- Service ESL
- Number
- Userid {01EasyLinkID UserName Password
- Baud 300
- Logfile ESL.LOG
- Logging ON
- End
- Label ITT
- Service ITT
- Number
- Interactive
- Answerback
- Password
- Logfile ITT.LOG
- Baud 300
- End
- Label MCI
- Service MCI
- Number
- Userid
- Password
- Logfile MCI.LOG
- End
- Label OAG
- Network
- Hostid
- Service OAG
- Number
- Userid
- Password
- Logfile OAG.LOG
- Baud 300
- End
- Label ONT
- Network TYMNET
- Hostid
- Service ONT
- Number
- Userid
- Password
- Logfile ONT.LOG
- Baud 300
- End
- Label RCA
- Service RCA
- Number
- Interactive
- Answerback
- Password
- Logfile RCA.LOG
- Baud 300
- End
- Label SOU
- Service SOU
- Network
- Hostid
- Number
- Userid
- Password
- Logfile SOU.LOG
- End
- Label DIR
- Modem DIRECT
- Service TelMerge
- End
- Label ANS
- Service TELM
- Modem ANSWER
- End
- ; Use this to call another TelMerge user.
- ; The F4 "Send" key will allow you to send
- ; files to the other user with error checking.
- Label TEL
- Service TelMerge
- Logfile TEL.LOG
- Number
- End