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- Cracked by Bad Brains
- Supplied by Trump Jr.
- Docs by Alan Flynn
- Note: Most of the documenation booklet is "story" but with no real clues.
- I'll sum them up at the end of the document file. The MAP is included as
- a GIF. It's 640x400x16 EGA (you'll have to scroll), but only has 4 "colors"
- in it (greys, black and red for the title).
- The shops in Maramon offer their wares at reasonable prices. But, if a
- shop is damaged by the monsters, prices there will increase to reflect the
- cost of repairs.
- Leathers.....................50
- Ring Mail...................150
- Chainmail...................500
- Steel Plate................1500
- Methreal...................4000
- Fire Globe...................10
- Icewand.....................150
- Flamewand...................200
- Fearwand....................300
- Gonshi (bag of 12)...........50
- Luffin (bag of 6)............30
- Mirget (bag of 6)............40
- Nift (pouch of 12)..........100
- Potion (jar of 8)............50
- Sermin (bag of 12)...........30
- Hammers and Maces
- Hammer........................5
- Mace.........................20
- Warhammer....................30
- Axes
- Light Axe....................15
- Battleaxe....................80
- Great Axe...................180
- Swords
- Shortsword...................20
- Scimitar.....................25
- Longsword....................50
- Greatsword..................100
- Bows
- Shortbow.....................25
- Longbow......................60
- Quiver (20 arrows)...........30
- Suggestions:
- Kelligan the Huntsman: The huntsman came to Maramon because he couldn't
- afford to stay in Deruvia. He's low on funds, but well equipped with a
- longbow, a light axe, and some healing potions. His skill (and yours)
- might let him save his money to buy better armor and a better hand weapon.
- Or he might buy a few fire globes from Elmer Kozak to help him survive
- the first few nights.
- Stavros the Blacksmith: The blacksmith is the strongest of the four. But
- he has little equipment, and no armor. He should probably buy leather
- armor and a pouch of sermin mushrooms. He doesn't need to worry very
- much about his weapon: he can destroy orcs and goblins with his bare hands.
- Lumelia the Courier: The courier came to Maramon on a whim. She has no
- weapons or armor at the start, but she has the most gold. Buy her some
- ring mail and a longsword. She'll do well until the monsters start fighting
- back in earnest.
- Hornbern the Scholar: The scholar has the best equipment of the four. He
- should buy better armor: he can just afford ring mail. And he should be
- wary of using up his wands; they are expensive to recharge, and his saber
- is a formidable enough weapon.
- Whichever character you choose, be sure to visit THE FLYING FISH on day 1
- and talk to Captain Barbos before he sails to Castle Oshcrun.
- Movement
- Don't worry about drowning in the ponds or breaking bones on stone walls. Your
- hero simply will not move anyplace impossible.
- To enter a building or strongroom, move into the door. (Some buildings do
- not have any visable doors: they are private homes, and cannot be entered.
- Your hero is NOT a door-to-door salesman.) Remember that the shops and
- public buildings of Maramon are all locked tight when night falls.
- Hand-to-Hand Combat
- When holding a hand-to-hand weapon [an axe, hammer, mace or sword] your hero
- must be right next to the monster and facing in its direction. (Try moving
- toward the monster until it blocks you, then swinging away like mad.) Watch
- the LIFE POINTS out of the corner of your eye: they change color when they're
- down to ten, and it's time to retreat for a rest or a potion or some sermin
- mushrooms.
- Ranged Combat
- Ranged weapons [bows and wands] shoot in the direction your hero is facing
- (north, south, west, east or diagonally). Their projectiles travel in
- straight lines. Remember this when shooting at monsters and when the
- monsters are shooting at you.
- Fire Globes
- Elmer Kozak sells magical glass spheres called "Fire Globes." Your hero
- can place these fire globes in strategic locations - perhaps near the doors
- of the Dark Towers. Then, when the monsters step on them, they explode,
- usually destroying the monster and everything it is carrying. (The "USE"
- command allows your hero to lay a fire globe directly in front.)
- Warning: Fire globes are very hard to see. Don't walk on them!
- The Consequences
- Some monsters carry treasure. If your hero slays a treasure-bearing monster,
- you will see the monster's bag of loot lying at the spot of the monster's
- demise. Move your hero onto the bag to gain your well-deserved reward.
- At daybreak (0800 hours), if any monsters survive on the streets of Maramon,
- you will find that buildings have been looted, pillaged, burnt, and otherwise
- damaged. The more surviving monstres, the more damage.
- Buy
- Check [C] (Inventory)
- Drop
- Fix (Weapons/Wands) [Elmer Kozak can recharge wands, Tamur can repair weapons]
- Get (LOOK first)
- Hold [H] (Ready Weapon)
- Keys
- Look
- Map [M] (City Hall only)
- Pass [P] (Game Skip)
- Quit (Save/Restart/Load/Quit/Continue)
- Rest
- Sell
- Stairs (Up or Down)
- Study (Library, Scholar will enjoy, Blacksmith will hate)
- Talk (The Crab's Claw, The Flying Fish are good for clues)
- (Also: Mayor Andello, Timothy Quint, and the four shopkeepers)
- Use [U]
- Xit
- 0 - Hero Status
- C - Check (Inventory)
- H - Hold Weapon (Ready)
- J - Joystick/Single Step Toggle
- P - Pass
- Q - Quit
- U - Use
- V - Volume (Sound Toggle)
- ESC - Wait (pause)
- Gonshi Increase Speed
- Luffin Increase Dexterity
- Mirget Increase Strength
- Nift Increase Armor Protection
- Luffin and Mirget are cumulative.
- All will wear off in time.
- Potion Restore Life Points (Max.)
- Sermin Restore 10 Life Points
- Mayor Andello
- Fioro Andello has been the mayor of Maramon for many years. He is
- very distressed at the sudden appearance of the monsters, especially
- since it happened only days after his three sons sailed eastward to
- Castle Oshcrun.
- The Whelk Family
- Goodman Whelk and his wife own and operate the two taverns of Maramon:
- The Flying Fish near City Hall and the Crab's Claw in the northeast
- corner of town. They are helped by their two young children, 12 year-
- old Jenny and 10 year-old Billy.
- Tamur the Brave
- The town of Maramon keeps all its weapons in a building southwest of
- City Hall, where they are maintained by a man named Tamur, who used
- to be known as "Tamur the Brave." His is a sad story.
- When the monsters first began to appear, Tamur was foremost among the
- town's defenders. As his companions gradually were lost to crippling
- injuries or death, Tamur continued his nightly battles.
- One morning, Tamur announced that he had found an iron key on the body
- of one of the monsters he had killed the previous night. The key looked
- like it would fit the lock on the old tower near the weapon storehouse;
- Tamur might be able to descend into the cellars of ancient Maramon and
- defeat the monsters at their source.
- As the townsfolk cheered him on, Tamur unlocked the tower door and
- entered. Hours later, he staggered out, an expression of unalloyed
- fear on his face. Without a word, he turned and threw the iron key
- over the city wall into the Sea of Oshmar.
- Tamur no longer fights monsters. To this day, no one knows what he
- saw and did in the ancient cellars of Maramon.
- Timothy Quint
- The librarian, Timothy Quint, is fairly new to Maramon. He grew up
- in Deruvia, a sickly child and an unhealthy young man. He devoted
- his life to reading and study, while his health continued to worsen.
- On the advice of a professor, Timothy sailed to Maramon to become
- the town's librarian and scribe. He is not convinced that Maramon's
- sea air is the tonic that the professor thought it would be, but he
- is not absolutely sure that he will never attempt another voyage
- across the sea of Oshmar.
- Denn and Arbo Steele
- The Steele brothers, Denn and Arbo, are casualties of Maramon's struggle
- against the monster infestation. Denn was crippled by orcs; Arbo
- blinded by gnolls. Denn is now supporting both brothers by leather
- working and, occasionally, selling pieces of the Steele family
- collection of armor.
- Madame Rosel
- Near the town gates lives Madame Rosel, who appeared in Maramon some
- years ago, no one knows from where. She was an old woman then, and
- she remains an old woman now. She tends her small garden and wanders
- the island. Her knowledge of herbs and mushrooms is by far the
- greatest in Maramon.
- Elmer and Dalina Kozak
- The Kozak mansion, just south of Sunrise Park, used to house over a
- dozen Kozak family members. Now the only two left are old Elmer and
- his unmarried granddaughter Dalina.
- Elmer is thought by many to be the wisest man in town, and by many
- others to be the most foolish. He has set up Elmer's Magick Shoppe
- in the parlor of the mansion, but has not yet been known to sell
- anything.
- Dalina has inherited a certain amount of strangeness from her grand-
- father. But while Elmer spends most of his time alone in his library
- with his stacks of books. Dalina spends most of her time alone in her
- boat at sea - or, at least, she did, before the monster emergency
- forced her to join the other townsfolk in the continual repair work.
- The Guest House Families
- The Belaris family has always provided bed and board for visitors in
- the Sea Breeze Inn at the east edge of town. Now that the population
- of Maramon is so depleted, the Pickrell and Stoner families have also
- made their spare rooms available for boarders. Your hero is welcome
- to rest at any time at any of the three guest houses.
- Fishermen
- Most of the other residents of Maramon are fishermen. As Goodman
- Whelk explained, they are now usually busy repairing the damage done
- nightly by the monsters, and the fishing industry is suffering greatly.
- The fishermen are not sociable folk, and your hero is not likely to
- strike up many friendships. Two exceptions are Old Jonas and Young
- Jonas, who visit the Crab's Claw regularly.
- The Maramon Library holds much more information than one might expect
- in an isolated town. The open shelves in the library's main room are
- full of books, sure to be fascinating to your hero.
- The closed stacks behind Timothy Quint's desk contain many interesting
- books, generally textbooks and reference works. They will provide
- your hero with the opportunity to gain strength, speed, dexterity, and
- magic skill. Of course, your hero will need to have enough experience
- to gain the benefits that these books provide. The "Score" on the
- computer screen will change color when your hero is ready to visit
- the closed stacks.
- The pride of the Maramon Library is the Rare Books Room. Your hero
- will need to visit the Rare Book Room often, and to study all the
- subjects it offers, in order to complete the Maramon commission.
- It is suggested that your hero read about keys, mushrooms, and towers
- first. Reading about wizards should be put off as long as possible
- - but no longer.