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- echo off
- if "%1" == "" goto usage
- rem am I on master A?
- if not exist disk.1 goto usage
- if not exist install.bat goto usage
- if %1==a: goto floppy
- if %1==A: goto floppy
- if %1==b: goto floppy
- if %1==B: goto floppy
- echo
- Hard Disk installation
- echo This will create a directory called \FIREKING on your hard disk
- echo and copy the game files into it.
- pause
- mkdir %1\fireking
- mkdir %1\fireking\levels
- copy readme.com %1\fireking >nul:
- uz -o game %1\fireking >nul:
- uz -o ega %1\fireking >nul:
- uz -o cga %1\fireking >nul:
- if exist disk.2 goto skip1
- :loop1
- ask "
- Please insert Master Disk B into current drive, then press <Enter>"
- if not exist disk.2 goto loop1
- :skip1
- uz -o levels1 %1\fireking\levels >nul:
- uz -o levels2 %1\fireking\levels >nul:
- uz -o levels1a %1\fireking\levels >nul:
- uz -o egamon1 %1\fireking\levels >nul:
- uz -o egamon2 %1\fireking\levels >nul:
- uz -o cgamon1 %1\fireking\levels >nul:
- uz -o cgamon2 %1\fireking\levels >nul:
- echo echo off > %1\fireking\fk.bat
- echo set FKCODE=%1\fireking\>> %1\fireking\fk.bat
- echo set FKLEV1=%1\fireking\levels\>> %1\fireking\fk.bat
- echo set FKLEV2=%1\fireking\levels\>> %1\fireking\fk.bat
- echo game %%1 %%2 %%3 %%4 %%5 %%6 %%7 >>%1\fireking\fk.bat
- echo
- Fire King is now installed, the game can be played by typing:
- echo %1
- echo cd \fireking
- echo fk
- goto exit
- :floppy
- echo
- Floppy Disk installation
- echo This will create a set of disks for playing Fire King. A version specific
- echo to your video card is created; if you need to run the game with different
- echo cards use install to make a separate version for each video card wanted.
- echo Note: if installing onto a single 1.44M or 1.2M disk ignore the messages
- echo asking you to insert the 2nd and 3rd blank disk.
- echo Please make sure the disks are formatted.
- ask "Select video mode: 1.EGA/Tandy 16 colour, 2.CGA/Tandy 4 colour: " 12
- if errorlevel 2 goto cga
- :ega
- echo
- Creating EGA/Tandy 16 colour Version
- :loop5
- ask "
- Insert blank disk 1 into %1, then press <Enter>"
- if exist %1\disk.id goto loop5
- copy readme.com %1\ >nul:
- copy disk.id1 %1\disk.id >nul:
- uz -o game %1\ >nul:
- uz -o ega %1\ >nul:
- :loop6
- ask "
- Insert blank disk 2 into %1, then press <Enter>"
- if exist %1\disk.id goto loop6
- mkdir %1\levels
- if exist disk.2 goto skip2
- :loop2
- ask "
- Replace Master Disk A with Master Disk B and press <Enter>"
- if not exist disk.2 goto loop2
- :skip2
- copy disk.id2 %1\disk.id >nul:
- uz -o egamon1 %1\ >nul:
- uz -o levels1 %1\levels >nul:
- uz -o levels1a %1\ >nul:
- :loop7
- ask "
- Insert blank disk 3 into %1, then press <Enter>"
- if exist %1\disk.id goto loop7
- mkdir %1\levels
- copy disk.id3 %1\disk.id >nul:
- uz -o egamon2 %1\ >nul:
- uz -o levels2 %1\levels >nul:
- uz -o levels2a %1\ >nul:
- goto mkbatch
- :cga
- echo
- Creating CGA/Tandy 4 colour Version
- :loop8
- ask "
- Insert blank disk 1 into %1, then press <Enter>"
- if exist %1\disk.id goto loop8
- copy readme.com %1\ >nul:
- copy disk.id1 %1\disk.id >nul:
- uz -o game %1\ >nul:
- uz -o cga %1\ >nul:
- :loop9
- ask "
- Insert blank disk 2 into %1, then press <Enter>"
- if exist %1\disk.id goto loop9
- mkdir %1\levels
- if exist disk.2 goto skip3
- :loop3
- ask "
- Replace Master disk 1 with Master disk 2 and press <Enter>"
- if not exist disk.2 goto loop3
- :skip3
- copy disk.id2 %1\disk.id >nul:
- uz -o cgamon1 %1\ >nul:
- uz -o levels1 %1\levels >nul:
- uz -o levels1a %1\ >nul:
- :loop10
- ask "
- Insert blank disk 3 into %1, then press <Enter>"
- if exist %1\disk.id goto loop10
- mkdir %1\levels
- copy disk.id3 %1\disk.id >nul:
- uz -o cgamon2 %1\ >nul:
- uz -o levels2 %1\levels >nul:
- uz -o levels2a %1\ >nul:
- goto mkbatch
- :mkbatch
- if exist %1\game.exe goto skip4
- :loop4
- ask "
- Insert blank disk 1 back into %1, then press <Enter>"
- if not exist %1\game.exe goto loop4
- :skip4
- echo echo off > %1\fk.bat
- echo set FKCODE=a:\>> %1\fk.bat
- echo set FKLEV1=b:\>> %1\fk.bat
- echo set FKLEV2=b:\>> %1\fk.bat
- echo game %%1 %%2 %%3 %%4 %%5 %%6 %%7 >>%1\fk.bat
- echo
- Fire King is now installed, the game can run from the batch file fk.bat
- echo on the Program Disk (now in drive %1).
- echo Note: if you specified tandy 4 colour the program should be started with "fk /c"
- echo
- Disk 1 should be labelled "Program Disk"
- echo Disk 2 should be labelled "Levels 1 Disk"
- echo Disk 3 should be labelled "Levels 2 Disk"
- goto exit
- :usage
- echo Hard Disk and Floppy install program for Fire King
- echo Fire King works best on a hard disk. If you have a 1.2M 5.25" or a 1.44M
- echo 3.5" disk drive Fire King can fit entirely onto one floppy disk; otherwise
- echo Fire King needs multiple disks to play.
- echo Hard Disk
- echo ═════════
- echo Firstly make the Fire King master disk the current drive. Now type
- echo "INSTALL DRIVE:" where DRIVE: is your hard disk. For example if your hard
- echo drive is C: and floppy is A: type
- echo A: [enter]
- echo INSTALL C:[enter]
- echo If your hard disk or floppy drive has a drive letter other than C: use its
- echo letter instead.
- echo Floppy Disk
- echo ═══════════
- echo Prepare formatted disks to copy the game onto, either:
- echo 1 x 1.2M 5.25" or 3 x 360k 5.25" or
- echo 1 x 1.44M 3.5" or 3 x 720K 3.5" (depending on your drive).
- echo Type "INSTALL B:" (assuming the master is in A:, if the master is in B:
- echo type "INSTALL A:") and follow the instructions.
- :exit