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- Θƒ --------------------------- SSG Documentation -------- page 1 ----------
- Decisive Battles requires 512K of memory to run. There are three basic
- graphic displays within Decisive Battles: the 4 color CGA system, the 16
- color TANDY/MCGA system and the full map EGA system.
- If you are experiencing any video problems the program can be forced to
- start up in the video mode of your choice.
- Just type 'DB1 n' followed by (Enter) where n is
- 'c' for CGA;
- 'e' for EGA;
- 'v' for VGA;
- 'm' for MCGA;
- 't' for TANDY;
- 'h' for HERCULES.
- 'f' for full map disabled EGA.
- Users with VGA will get the normal EGA graphics.
- Note: The scenario 'Shiloh' is on Disk 1.
- The remaining five scenarios are on Disk 2.
- Press any key to continue...
- --------------------------- SSG Documentation -------- page 2 ----------
- Additional keys:
- In the FM mode (EGA/VGA mode) when the units are moving around the
- screen it is possible to speed up and slow down the movement rate
- by hitting the '+' and '-' keys to change the movement delay.
- The delay will be displayed briefly ( 0 means no delay i.e. the
- fastest speed possible).
- Installing 'DB1' to a hard disk:
- You can install 'DB1' on a hard disk by copying all files from
- disks one and two into a subdirectory. For example, if you wished to
- copy from drive A: into a subdirectory called 'games' on the C: drive you
- would do the following;
- 1: Make sure you are in the C: drive
- 2: Type 'md games (Enter)' (this makes the subdirectory)
- 3: Type 'cd games (Enter)' (change to the games subdirectory)
- 4: Place Disk one in drive A: and type 'copy A:*.* (Enter)'
- 5: Place Disk two in drive A: and type 'copy A:*.* (Enter)'
- Press any key to continue...
- --------------------------- SSG Documentation -------- page 3 ----------
- 3.5in disks are no longer included in the package. If you wish to upgrade
- your 5.25in disks return them to SSG with $5.00 (plus $2.50 to cover
- postage and handling).
- The combat screen has now been simplified. The number of attacking units
- is indicated by the number of attacking unit shapes drawn
- followed by the defender with crosses indicating cohesion losses (or
- three skulls if it is KIA'd). Losses in men and results of combat are
- indicated below these icons.
- In DB2 the scenarios had a '.DFS' suffix. You may convert a DB2 scenario
- to the DB1 format by simply changing the suffix. However the '.LBM'
- file will have to be redone.
- If you wish to use the creation utility included in this game to create
- new scenarios then we advise you to subscribe to our 'Run 5' magazine.
- An explanation of how to create a scenario using the full map
- graphics system is in Run 5 Issue 14.
- Press any key to continue...
- --------------------------- SSG Documentation -------- page 4 ----------
- Creating full map (EGA) graphics;
- ---------------------------------
- Users with an EGA/VGA card wishing to create a map should follow these steps:
- Start the game using the 'DB1 f' option which disables the EGA full map
- system. Then create the standard TANDY/MCGA 16 color map using the normal
- If this game uses the first slot in the save game menu it will be called
- 'df_001.dxg'. Now quit the game and return to DOS.
- Before restarting the game again you will need a set of full map hexes to
- start with. If you would like to start with the Shiloh full map
- terrain shapes then type 'copy shiloh.lbm df_001.lbm (Enter)'.
- Now restart the game normally by typing 'DB1 (Enter)'and use the DISK option
- to load the create file. It is suggested to use the 'INIT MAP' option to
- give you a start. You are now ready to create the new map. When you have
- typed in all the unit data you should use 'INIT UNIT'.
- Remember to save the game at regular intervals and to back up important
- files on other disks as retyping data is a painful process!
- Press any key to continue...
- --------------------------- SSG Documentation -------- page 5 ----------
- More on full map (EGA) graphics;
- --------------------------------
- The '.lbm' files contain the full map graphics.
- The full map graphics are only graphic images and do not affect the
- play of the game.
- DPAINT2 from Electronic Arts can be used to manipulate the file and can
- greatly assist the process. 125 unit and display icons and up to 250
- full map hexes can be used. To get the maximum number of shapes it may
- be necessary to use the 'Page Size' function in the 'Pict' menu of DPAINT2
- to change the height (700 gives the maximum of 250 hexes) of the file.
- The 'Decisive Battles' program reads the size of the file on loading and
- adjusts the WARPAINT values automatically.
- IMPORTANT: When saving a '.lbm' file a temporary file is created first.
- When the temporary file is successfully saved the original is deleted and
- the temporary file renamed. This means that there must be enough space on
- current disk to hold the temporary file.
- Press any key to continue...
- -----[ Other Products ]---- SSG Documentation -------- page 6 ----------
- 'REACH FOR THE STARS' is SSG's all-time classic game of space
- exploration and conquest. It is a four-cornered contest for domination
- of the galaxy and there's only one winner. The computer plays all places
- not taken by humans and it never gives anyone an even break.
- Fight the battles of Mexico City, Belleau Wood, Iwo Jima, Okinawa,
- the Pusan perimeter, Inchon and Hue with the elite fighting men of the
- US Marines.
- Can you, standing in for Robert E. Lee, stall McClellan's Federals
- outside Richmond? Or can you, as George Gordon Meade, stop the Army of
- Northern Virginia at Gettysburg and turn the war against the Confederacy?
- Can you, commanding the veterans of Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern
- Virginia. stop Ulysses S. Grant's Army of the Potomac from capturing
- Richmond? Or as Wiliam T. Sherman can you defeat Joe Johnston, destroy
- Atlanta and march to the sea?
- Press any key to continue...
- -----[ Other Products ]---- SSG Documentation -------- page 7 ----------
- Join England, Spain, France and Portugal as they set out to
- discover, and exploit, the New World in the 15th Century. Explore the
- trackless wastes, establish colonies and conduct raids and invasions.
- Recreates battles from the North Africa Theatre. You can command either
- Axis or Allied forces in the battles of Syria, Sidi Rezegh, Cauldron,
- Alem el Halfa, Kasserine, Maknassy, Tebourga Gap and Malta.
- Explore a gigantic 3-dimensional continent of enchanted forests,
- ancient temples, blistering deserts and dark dungeons. Defeat the fierce
- and hideous denizens which terrorize the land. Use the spoils from your
- conquests to aquire mighty weapons, magic artifacts and arcane spells.
- The battles of Minsk, Moscow, Kharkov, Prokhorovka, Kanev and Korsun
- are bought to life in this game from the Russian Front, ranging in size
- from 3 divisions at Prokhorovka to 20 or more at Kharkov.
- Press any key to continue...
- --------------------------- SSG Documentation -------- page 8 ----------
- RUN5 is the house journal of Strategic Studies Group. It is intended to
- support the users of SSG products and enable them to gain continuing
- benefit from their programs. RUN5 is published quarterly and is
- available through retailers or by subscription.
- For more information about SSG games or RUN5 please contact:
- in North America Strategic Studies Group Inc.
- 1747 Orleans Court
- Walnut Creek, CA, 94598 phone (415) 932-3019
- or elsewhere Strategic Studies Group Pty. Ltd.
- PO Box 261
- Drummoyne fax (02) 819-7737
- Australia, 2047. phone (02) 819-7199
- Online Addresses Compuserve: 72040,34
- Applelink: AUSTO161
- MCI Mail: 384-8467
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