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- -- genlines off
- -- genlabels off
- /*
- TYMXPC - Single-session physical and logical session X.PC login.
- Copyright (c) 1986, 1989, Digital Communications Associates, Inc.
- All rights reserved
- For Crosstalk Mk. 4, Ver 1.1 - 01-19-89 by Sheldon T. Hall
- See TYMXPC.DOC for details on use of this script.
- */
- assume device 'XPC'
- global string NEW_STR
- proc GET_DATA takes B, integer W
- print bright; B; ': '; normal;
- form start
- field NEW_STR, width W, fill 250
- form accept
- form end
- endproc
- /*
- */
- ScriptDesc = "Login to Tymnet using the X.PC protocol"
- if parent = "TYMXPC" then end
- odw = defwindow
- w1 = freewin
- window w1, zone 11, color 17h
- defwindow = w1
- title ' X.PC login '
- print
- print ' X.PC connection for ';
- case script of
- '' : print 'terminal mode';
- default : print name;
- endcase
- if val(version) => 1.1 then {
- if not XPCAutoLog then {
- if null(answerback) then {
- print
- GET_DATA ' Your X.PC password', 20
- clear
- answerback = NEW_STR
- save
- }
- }
- }
- wait 3 seconds for '~?'
- reply 'a';
- wait 15 seconds for 'host', 'in', 'name'
- if timeout then jump THE_END
- if val(version) => 1.1 then ...
- if not XPCAutoLog then ...
- reply answerback
- watch 20 seconds for
- 'error', key 27 : bye : Jump THE_END
- chr(27) + chr(27) :
- endwatch
- if exists(name + '.XTC') then script = name
- -- wait 2 seconds
- -- packetmode ON
- wait 2 seconds
- shut
- defwindow = odw
- if XPCautoLog then {
- trap on
- z = error
- GO
- if error then {
- wait 3 seconds
- }
- z = error
- trap off
- }
- label THE_END
- defwindow = odw
- script "TYMXPC"
- end