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- ; Allows a "flat" projection of wireframe 3D models (lines, arcs,
- ; circles, polylines, solids, points) onto the current UCS. This
- ; could be a useful aid for generating working drawings from a 3D
- ; model. 3dmeshes will not be projected; Width information will
- ; not be projected for polylines; Extrusion information will not
- ; be projected. Entities not capable of projection will be
- ; highlighted and tallied.
- ; After projection, the user is allowed to make the projection
- ; into a block, or write it out as a drawing file. These blocks or
- ; drawing files (typically Top, Front, Side, and Iso projections)
- ; could be re-inserted onto a single UCS and annotated to create a
- ; multi-view orthographic drawing.
- ; The prompt sequence is:
- ; Select entities: {do so}
- ; Project more entities? <N>: {Y or N}
- ; Make projected entity(s) into a block? <N>: {Y or N}
- ; Write projected entities to disk as DWG file? <N>: {Y or N}
- ; Written by Jerry Ford & Brad Zehring
- ; Autodesk Training Department 8/18/88
- ;----- Standard Error Function ---------------------------------
- (defun projerr (st)
- (if (/= st "Function cancelled")
- (princ (strcat "\nError: "s))
- )
- (moder)
- (setq *error* olderr)
- (princ)
- )
- ;----- Mode Save -- Saves designated system variables in a list ---
- (defun MODES (a)
- (setq MLST '())
- (repeat (length a)
- (setq MLST (append MLST (list (list (car a) (getvar (car a))))))
- (setq a (cdr a)))
- )
- ;----- Mode Reset -- Resets previously saves system variables ---
- (defun MODER ()
- (repeat (length MLST)
- (setvar (caar MLST) (cadar MLST))
- (setq MLST (cdr MLST))
- )
- )
- ;----- Converts radians to degrees ------------------------------
- (defun rtd (r)
- (* 180 (/ r pi))
- )
- ;----- Project LINE ---------------------------------------------
- (defun lines-pro (/ stpt endpt)
- (setq
- stpt (trans (cdr (assoc 10 elist)) 0 1)
- endpt (trans (cdr (assoc 11 elist)) 0 1)
- )
- (command "line"
- (list (car stpt) (cadr stpt) 0)
- (list (car endpt) (cadr endpt) 0)
- ""
- )
- (setq entset (ssadd (entlast) entset))
- )
- ;-----Project CIRCLE -- circle will be projected as curve fit polyline
- ; derive 0.3490658504 with (* pi (/ 1.0 9.0))
- (defun circ-pro (/ pntlst center radius p-coord p-ctr)
- (setq
- radius (cdr (assoc 40 elist))
- center (cdr (assoc 10 elist))
- p-ctr 0
- pntlst '("c") ;initialize point list for PLINE command
- )
- (while (< p-ctr 18)
- (setq p-coord
- (trans
- (polar center (* p-ctr 0.3490658504) radius)
- ename 1
- )
- )
- (setq p-coord
- (list (car p-coord) (cadr p-coord) (cddr center))
- )
- (setq pntlst ;build point list
- (cons
- (list 'quote (list (car p-coord) (cadr p-coord)))
- pntlst
- )
- )
- (setq p-ctr (1+ p-ctr))
- )
- (eval (append '(command "pline") pntlst)) ;feed in one COMMAND call
- (command "pedit" "l" "f" "x")
- (setq entset (ssadd (entlast) entset))
- )
- ;----- Project ARC -- arc will be projected as curve fit polyline
- ; derive 6.2831853072 with (* 2 pi)
- (defun arc-pro (/ center radius st-ang end-ang)
- (setq center (cdr (assoc 10 elist))
- radius (cdr (assoc 40 elist))
- st-ang (cdr (assoc 50 elist))
- end-ang (cdr (assoc 51 elist))
- )
- (command "pline")
- (arc-draw center radius st-ang end-ang)
- )
- (defun arc-draw (center radius st-ang end-ang
- / pt-num incl-ang angmult p-ctr)
- (setq incl-ang (- end-ang st-ang) p-ctr 0)
- (if (< incl-ang 0) (setq incl-ang (+ 6.2831853072 incl-ang)))
- (setq pt-num (fix (+ 1 (/ incl-ang 0.3927)))) ;set # of pline vertex's
- (if (< pt-num 4) (setq pt-num 4)) ;minimum # of vertex
- (setq angmult (/ incl-ang (- pt-num 1)))
- (while (< p-ctr pt-num)
- (setq p-coord
- (trans
- (polar center (+ st-ang (* p-ctr angmult)) radius)
- ename 1
- )
- )
- (setq p-coord
- (list (car p-coord) (cadr p-coord) (cddr center))
- )
- (command (list (car p-coord) (cadr p-coord)))
- (setq p-ctr (1+ p-ctr))
- )
- (command "") (command "pedit" "l" "f" "x")
- (setq entset (ssadd (entlast) entset))
- )
- ;----- Project PLINE -- polyline will be projected as polyline
- (defun pline-pro (/ 2dor3d bit-70 closed)
- (setq 2dor3d nil)
- (setq bit-70 (cdr (assoc 70 elist))) ;type of polyline?
- (if (equal 0 (boole 1 bit-70 1)) ;test for closure
- (setq closed nil)
- (setq closed (cdr (assoc 10 (entget (entnext ename)))))
- )
- (cond ((= (boole 1 bit-70 8) 8) (setq 2dor3d 0) (pline-dr)); space poly?
- ((= 16 (boole 1 bit-70 16)) (setq reject-ent (ssadd ename reject-ent)));mesh?
- (t (setq 2dor3d ename) (pline-dr));must be 2D poly
- )
- )
- (defun pline-dr (/ subname sublist sub-etype bulge v-coord
- sp ep center radius st-ang end-ang)
- (setq subname (entnext ename))
- (setq sublist (entget subname))
- (command "pline")
- (while (eq (setq sub-etype (cdr (assoc 0 sublist))) "VERTEX")
- (if (/= (logand (cdr (assoc 70 sublist)) 16) 16) ;spline frame?
- (progn
- (if (/= (setq bulge (cdr (assoc 42 sublist))) 0) ;bulge?
- (progn
- (setq v-coord (trans (cdr (assoc 10 sublist)) 2dor3d 1))
- (setq v-coord (list (car v-coord) (cadr v-coord)))
- (command v-coord) (command)
- (setq entset (ssadd (entlast) entset))
- (setq sp (cdr (assoc 10 sublist)))
- (if (setq ep (cdr (assoc 10 (entget (entnext subname)))))
- (progn
- (cvtbulge sp ep bulge)
- (command "pline")
- (arc-draw center radius st-ang end-ang)
- (command "pline")
- )
- (if closed
- (progn
- (setq ep closed)
- (cvtbulge sp ep bulge)
- (command "pline")
- (arc-draw center radius st-ang end-ang)
- (setq closed nil)
- )
- (command)
- )
- )
- )
- (progn
- (setq v-coord (trans (cdr (assoc 10 sublist)) 2dor3d 1))
- (setq v-coord (list (car v-coord) (cadr v-coord)))
- (command v-coord)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (setq subname (entnext subname))
- (setq sublist (entget subname))
- )
- (if closed
- (progn
- (setq v-coord (trans closed 2dor3d 1))
- (setq v-coord (list (car v-coord) (cadr v-coord)))
- (command v-coord)
- (command)
- )
- (command)
- )
- (setq entset (ssadd (entlast) entset))
- )
- ;----- Project 3DFACE -- face will be projected as 1 polyline ---
- (defun face-pro (/ c-type corner)
- (setq c-type 10)
- (setq pntlst '("c"))
- (while (< c-type 14)
- (setq corner (trans (cdr (assoc c-type elist)) 0 1))
- (setq pntlst
- (cons (list 'quote (list (car corner) (cadr corner) 0)) pntlst)
- )
- (setq c-type (+ 1 c-type))
- )
- (eval (append '(command "pline") pntlst))
- (setq entset (ssadd (entlast) entset))
- )
- ;----- Project SOLID -- solid will be projected as 1 polyline ----
- (defun solid-pro (/ c-type pntlst)
- (setq pntlst '("c")) ;initialize point list for SOLID command
- (setq c-type 10) (findcorner)
- (setq c-type 11) (findcorner)
- (setq c-type 13) (findcorner)
- (setq c-type 12) (findcorner)
- (eval (append '(command "pline") pntlst)) ;feed in one COMMAND call
- (setq entset (ssadd (entlast) entset))
- )
- (defun findcorner (/ corner)
- (setq corner (trans (cdr (assoc c-type elist)) ename 1))
- (setq pntlst ;build point list
- (cons (list 'quote (list (car corner) (cadr corner))) pntlst)
- )
- )
- ;----- Project POINT ----------------------------------
- (defun point-pro (/ pt)
- (setq pt (trans (cdr (assoc 10 elist)) 0 1))
- (command "point" (list (car pt) (cadr pt) 0))
- (setq entset (ssadd (entlast) entset))
- )
- ;----- Project all entities ---------------------------
- (defun proj-ent (/ ctr entities setlength ename elist n-of-ents)
- (prompt "\nExtrusion and mesh information will not be projected. ")
- (setq ctr 0)
- (setq entities (ssget))
- (setq setlength (sslength entities))
- (while (setq ename (ssname entities ctr))
- (setq elist (entget ename)
- etype (cdr (assoc 0 elist))
- )
- (cond ((or (eq etype "LINE") (eq etype "3DLINE")) (lines-pro))
- ((eq etype "CIRCLE") (circ-pro))
- ((eq etype "ARC") (arc-pro))
- ((eq etype "POLYLINE" ) (pline-pro))
- ((eq etype "3DFACE") (face-pro))
- ((eq etype "POINT") (point-pro))
- ((or (eq etype "TRACE") (eq etype "SOLID")) (solid-pro))
- (T (setq reject-ent (ssadd ename reject-ent)))
- )
- (setq ctr (+ ctr 1))
- )
- (setq n-of-ents (sslength reject-ent))
- (princ (strcat "\n" (itoa n-of-ents) " entities not projected"))
- (redraw-rej)
- )
- ;----- Redraw rejected entities --------------------------
- (defun redraw-rej (/ r-ctr)
- (setq r-ctr 0)
- (while (> n-of-ents r-ctr)
- (redraw (ssname reject-ent r-ctr) 3)
- (setq r-ctr (1+ r-ctr))
- )
- )
- ;----- Make BLOCK from projected entities ----------------
- (defun make-blk (/ blknam blkflg ip)
- (setq blknam (getstring "\nBlock name: "))
- (setq blkflg "") ;initialize flag to redefine exist block
- (if
- (tblsearch "BLOCK" blknam)
- (while
- (and (tblsearch "BLOCK" blknam) (not (eq blkflg "Y")))
- (prompt (strcat "\nBlock " blknam " already exists. "))
- (setq blkflg (strcase (getstring "\nRedefine it? <N>: ")))
- (if
- (not (eq blkflg "Y"))
- (setq blknam (getstring "\Block name: "))
- )
- )
- )
- (setq ip (getpoint "\nInsertion point <UCS 0,0,0>: "))
- (if (not ip) (setq ip '(0 0 0)))
- (if
- (eq blkflg "Y")
- (command "block" blknam "Y" ip entset "")
- (command "block" blknam ip entset "")
- )
- )
- ;----- Write projected entities to disk as DWG file ------
- (defun write-blk (/ flname dwgflg filept ip)
- (setq flname (getstring "\nFile name: "))
- (setq dwgflg "") ;initialize flag to redefine exist file
- (if ;file of same name?
- (setq filept (open (strcat flname ".DWG") "r"))
- (progn
- (setq filept (close filept)) ;close file
- (while
- (and
- (setq filept (open (strcat flname ".DWG") "r"))
- (not (eq dwgflg "Y"))
- )
- (prompt (strcat "\nFile " flname " already exists. "))
- (setq dwgflg (strcase (getstring "\nOverwrite it? <N>: ")))
- (if
- (not (eq dwgflg "Y"))
- (progn
- (setq filept (close filept))
- (setq flname (getstring "\File name: "))
- )
- (setq filept (close filept))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (setq ip (getpoint "\nInsertion point <UCS 0,0,0>: "))
- (if (not ip) (setq ip '(0 0 0)))
- (if
- (eq dwgflg "Y")
- (command "wblock" flname "Y" "" ip entset "")
- (command "wblock" flname "" ip entset "")
- )
- )
- ;--------- Convert bulge information -------------------
- ; AutoLISP function to convert from Polyline "Bulge" representation
- ; of an arc to AutoCAD's normal "center, radius, start/end angles"
- ; form of arc. This function applies the bulge between two adjacent
- ; vertices. It assumes that global symbols "sp", "ep", and "bulge"
- ; contain the current vertex (start point), next vertex (end point),
- ; and bulge, respectively. It sets the appropriate values in global
- ; symbols "center", "radius", "st-ang", and "end-ang".
- ; by Duff Kurland - Autodesk, Inc.
- ; July 7, 1986
- (defun cvtbulge (sp ep bulge / x1 x2 y1 y2 cotbce)
- (setq x1 (car sp) x2 (car ep))
- (setq y1 (cadr sp) y2 (cadr ep))
- (setq cotbce (/ (- (/ 1.0 bulge) bulge) 2.0))
- ; Compute center point and radius
- (setq center (list (/ (+ x1 x2 (- (* (- y2 y1) cotbce))) 2.0)
- (/ (+ y1 y2 (* (- x2 x1) cotbce) ) 2.0)
- (caddr sp)
- )
- )
- (setq radius (distance center sp))
- ; Compute start and end angles
- (setq st-ang (atan (- y1 (cadr center)) (- x1 (car center))))
- (setq end-ang (atan (- y2 (cadr center)) (- x2 (car center))))
- (if (< st-ang 0.0) ; Eliminate negative angles
- (setq st-ang (+ st-ang (* 2.0 pi)))
- )
- (if (< end-ang 0.0)
- (setq end-ang (+ end-ang (* 2.0 pi)))
- )
- (if (< bulge 0.0) ; Swap angles if clockwise
- (progn
- (setq temp st-ang)
- (setq st-ang end-ang)
- (setq end-ang temp)
- )
- )
- )
- ;----- Select entities, test for entity type and call approprite function
- (defun C:PROJECT (/ olderr reject-ent entset)
- (setq olderr *error* *error* projerr)
- (modes '("cmdecho" "blipmode" "expert" "flatland"))
- (mapcar 'setvar
- '("cmdecho" "blipmode" "expert" "flatland")
- '(0 0 1 0)
- )
- (setq reject-ent (ssadd))
- (setq entset (ssadd))
- (proj-ent)
- (while ;continue projecting more selection sets?
- (eq (strcase (getstring "\nProject more entities? <N>: ")) "Y")
- (proj-ent)
- )
- (cond
- ((eq (strcase
- (getstring "\nMake projected entity(s) into block? <N>: ")
- ) "Y"
- )
- (make-blk)
- )
- ((eq (strcase
- (getstring "\nWrite projected entity(s) to disk as DWG file? <N>: ")
- ) "Y"
- )
- (write-blk)
- )
- (T)
- )
- (moder)
- (setq *error* olderr)
- (princ)
- )