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- PopLoad
- Supplemental Documentation
- Contents
- 1. Configuring EMS driver software
- 2. Notes on specific EMS drivers
- 3. Tips
- SECTION 1. Configuring EMS driver software
- This information is intended to assist you in using the
- documentation provided with your EMS driver software.
- If you are not familiar with EMS, the Technical Notes in
- the manual and tutorial will make the following material
- more meaningful.
- If you are already using EMS 4.0 with other software, you
- should check your configuration by running the CHECKEMS
- program on this disk. If the display shows just one line
- below the "Mappable high memory" heading and the size
- exceeds 64K, you have a user friendly driver and need not
- read any further in this section.
- To use PopLoad to full advantage you will want the largest
- possible "Page Frame" i.e. mappable high memory area. For
- some EMS drivers this is the default. Others require that
- options be specified when the driver is loaded from the
- config.sys file. These drivers typically default to the
- minimum EMS 4.0 page frame size of 64K and use the highest
- available 64K in high memory.
- To increase the page frame size you specify a lower address
- for the page frame start address and that space beyond the
- default 64K is to be included. You specify these options
- by adding codes to the line in your config.sys file that
- loads the EMS driver. For example, the line could read as
- shown below where SSSSS and IIIII override the driver's
- defaults for the start address and add to page frame size.
- device = [d:][path][filename.sys] SSSSS IIIII
- For the format used to specify these options you must refer
- to your driver documentation. In the example below the
- "frame=" and "include=" are part of the notation used by
- some drivers. The aaaa, bbbb and cccc are hexadecimal
- addresses defining the page frame start address and an
- address range to be included.
- frame=aaaa include=bbbb-cccc
- The driver documentation and the memory mapping utility
- programs included with many drivers will guide you in
- selecting the addresses to use.
- When you have changed the options, power off and on to
- install the driver. A cold boot is recommended as some
- drivers determine the memory configuration from data which
- remains in memory through a warm boot.
- You should then run the CHECKEMS program on this disk to
- view the memory statistics it obtains from the driver. The
- page frame size reported must equal or exceed the EMS 4.0
- 64K minimum or PopLoad will refuse to load.
- SECTION 2. Notes on specfic EMS drivers
- A problem can arise using older versions of the driver for
- the AST Premium 286 if the default page frame conflicts
- with the address space used by a network or other adapter
- installed in your machine.
- To deal with this, you need the latest version of the
- driver (REMM43.SYS) as earlier versions do not support all
- the options required. Specify the address space to exclude
- and the page frame start address as described in the AST
- manual with the /X= and /S= options. Using /S= produces
- only a 64K page frame. You can extend the page frame to
- the maximum size with the /L= option. The format is
- /L=aaaa-bbbb where aaaa is the address following the page
- frame and bbbb is the highest available (usually EFFF).
- Current versions of AST drivers are available free from AST
- or by downloading from the AST BBS. (714) 852-1872
- The Compaq CEMM.EXE LIM 4.0 driver is included on the disks
- in the Compaq MS-DOS for the 386 series. Documentation for
- the driver is found in a separately priced manual which
- covers supplementary programs. The essential parameters on
- the config.sys command are: "nnn Mn" The nnn specifies the
- page frame size in Kbytes. M1 specifies a page frame start
- address of C000, M2 specifies C400 etc. For a 128K page
- frame starting at C000 the load command options would be,
- "128 M1"
- The reported bugs in the EMS 4.0 driver software supplied
- in IBM DOS 4.0 were not encountered in testing with these
- updated versions available from IBM dealers: XMAEM.SYS
- (3-29-89) and XMA2EMS.SYS (4-06-89).
- Users of 386 based PS/2 machines should consider a third
- party driver to escape the 64K page frame limitation and to
- gain added features.
- Intel Inboard-386 ILIM386.SYS
- The version (with a file date of 2/13/89) appears to work
- perfectly. An earlier version dated 10/28/87 does not.
- Contact Intel for a copy of the new version. It is also
- available on the Intel BBS. (503) 645-6275
- Third Party Drivers
- PopLoad has been tested with the third party EMS drivers
- for 386 based machines listed below. Both provide
- compatible EMS driver support. The Quarterdeck program
- that provides memory statistics, incorrectly reports that
- their driver is not loaded when our driver is also present.
- The Qualitas driver does not have this problem and uses
- less memory.
- 386MAX
- Qualitas, Inc.
- 7101 Wisconsin Avenue, #1386
- Bethesda, MD 20814
- (301) 907-6700
- QEMM-386
- Quarterdeck Office Systems
- 150 Pico Boulevard
- Santa Monica, CA 90405
- (213) 392-9701
- SECTION 3. Tips
- Maximum TSR Size
- TSR's may require more memory at start up than they occupy
- when loaded. Thus, a TSR that would seem to fit may not
- and PopLoad will display the message "Program size exceeds
- largest high memory block." The same message is displayed
- if a TSR attempts to load a file such as a dictionary into
- memory and the combined requirement exceeds the available
- space.
- Shell Programs
- PopLoad is designed to work only with TSR's and cannot be
- used to load DOS shell programs such as Norton Commander
- and Lotus Metro.
- Disk Cache Programs
- As noted in the manual, PopLoad is not compatible with disk
- cache programs using EMS. Most cache programs allow you to
- specify use of extended rather than expanded memory.