home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- echo off
- if "%1" == "" goto def
- if "%1" == "go" goto go
- if exist MTE.EXE goto xinst
- :def
- echo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- echo :
- echo : You must be "logged" onto the MTE disk
- echo : and specify which drive to install onto.
- echo : For example, to install MTE into drive C:
- echo : from drive A: Type:
- echo :
- echo : A:[cr]
- echo :
- echo : then
- echo :
- echo : INSTALL C:[CR]
- echo :
- echo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- echo :
- goto end
- :xinst
- if "%1" == "a:" goto app
- if "%1" == "A:" goto app
- if "%1" == "b:" goto app
- if "%1" == "B:" goto app
- if "%1" == "c:" goto app
- if "%1" == "C:" goto app
- if "%1" == "d:" goto app
- if "%1" == "D:" goto app
- if "%1" == "e:" goto app
- if "%1" == "E:" goto app
- if "%1" == "f:" goto app
- if "%1" == "F:" goto app
- if "%1" == "g:" goto app
- if "%1" == "G:" goto app
- if "%1" == "h:" goto app
- if "%1" == "H:" goto app
- goto def
- :app
- echo Installing MTE into %1\MTE
- md %1\MTE >nul
- md %1\MTE\SEND >nul
- md %1\MTE\RECV >nul
- copy *.* %1\MTE >nul
- %1
- cd %1\MTE
- cls
- echo : MTE is Now Installed onto %1\MTE
- echo :
- echo :
- echo : If this is your 1st time running MTE...
- echo :
- echo : 1) Make sure that you select the proper MODEM SETUP string
- echo : for your particular modem. (Press [Alt-S], cursor to
- echo : "Modem Setup" and press [F2] to view a list of modems).
- echo :
- echo : 2) Select the proper COM Port. (Press [Alt-P] and press
- echo : the SPACE BAR to toggle to the correct port).
- echo :
- echo : 3) Before dialing from the Dialing Directory, inform
- echo : MTE of your "Area Code", "Local Dialing Prefix",
- echo : if any (ex: "9,") and "Long Distance Prefix/Suffix"
- echo : (ex: "9,1"). (Press [Alt-D], and press [O] for Options).
- echo :
- echo : Also... Make sure to read "READ.ME" for additional notices.
- echo :
- echo : Press ENTER to Start MTE or Ctrl-C to Cancel
- echo :
- pause
- install go
- :go
- mte
- :end