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- Ok folks...This game is based on the books by George Alec Effinger.
- It is a lot like Neuromancer...but MUCH easier to play and more enjoyable.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ------------
- In CIRCUIT'S EDGE, you assume the role of Marid Audran, a private investigator
- living in a future ghetto called the Budayeen. You will be called upon to us
- your deductive powers - and your moddies and daddies - to solve the various
- mysteries in the game.
- ---------------
- To use any of the menus along the top of the screen, type the first letter of
- the menu entry. To select an option from a menu, type the appropriate number.
- You can also call up menus and move through them using the numeric keypad or a
- mouse. Press ENTER or the mouse button to select an option.
- ----------------------
- Once you're in Marid's apartment, you'll soon receive a phone call. Type T to
- listen to the phone call. When the word MORE appears at the bottom of the
- text screen, press any key to continue the conversation.
- Now type E to exit the apartment. In the lower right corner of the screen is a
- small overhead view of the Budayeen, with an arrow showing your current
- location. Use the arrow keys or the 2, 4, 6, and 8 keys on the numeric keypad
- to move around.
- Explore the Budayeen until you know your way around and feel comfortable with
- the menus. Then restart the game and start your investigations.
- ----------------
- There are two main screen layouts in CIRCUIT'S EDGE. The first is used when
- you're inside establishments and when you're moving around the Budayeen, and
- the second is used during fights. The fight screen is explained under
- "Fighting."
- 1. MENU BAR: You can make a menu appear by typing its first letter, by
- highlighting your choice with the arrow keys or numeric key pad keys or
- by clicking on it with the mouse. Options under each menu are chosen by
- typing the number and/or letter, by highlighting it and pressing ENTER, or
- by clicking on it with the mouse.
- 2. CHIP SOCKETS: They's one moddy (personality module) socket, which is
- larger than three daddy (add-on chip) sockets. You can have a maximum of
- one moddy and three daddies plugged in at one time.
- 3. TIME: If the "Chronos 2000" daddy is chipped in, the current time is
- displayed.
- 4. BIO-SCANNER MONITOR: If the "Bio-Scanner" daddy is chipped in, the
- function monitors indicate Marid's general state of health.
- 5. CHARACTER WINDOW: Marid's face normally appears in this window, unless
- he's interacting with another character, whose face then appears.
- 6. LOCATION WINDOW: Inside an establishment, the window shows the interior
- and the name of the place. The scene may be scanned by using LOOK or the
- arrow keys (or numeric keypad). Outside, in the Budayeen, the window
- shows a three-dimensional view of the area ahead of you.
- 7. TEXT WINDOW: Conversations, descriptions of people and places, and other
- information appear in this window. If the word MORE appears at the word
- MORE appears at the bottom of the window, it means there is additional
- text to come; press any key to continue the text. Note that you'll
- sometimes have to make a "yes/no" decision based on your actions.
- 8. MAP WINDOW: When you're on the streets of the Budayeen, you'll see a
- small overhead map of the area around you. The arrow indicates your
- position and the direction in which you're heading. You can access a
- full-screen display of the Budayeen map by selecting the Map menu.
- -----
- You perform most actions during the game by using the menu bars along the top
- of the screen. To open a menu, type the first letter of the menu or select the
- menu with the numeric keypad or the mouse.
- Most menus have sub-menus, which have numbered options. To choose an option
- from a sub-menu, either type the number, or select it with the mouse or with
- the arrow keys, then press ENTER or the spacebar. Occasionally, there will be
- a third sub-menu that offers additional choices.
- You can close a menu by typing 0 or selecting CANCEL, by pressing ESC, or by
- opening another menu from the main menu bar.
- GAME This menu contains play controls and game options (see "Game Options").
- TALK The names of characters you can talk to, inside establishments and
- out, appear when you open this menu. You engage in a
- converstion with a character by selecting his or her name.
- INVENTORY Objects you carry can be manipulated with this menu.
- ACTION Lets you perform such actions as fighting, sleeping, and getting
- objects with the menu.
- MAP Shows a full-screen display of the Budayeen map.
- EXIT You leave an establishment by selecting this.
- --------
- You move around the streets of the Budayeen using the arrow keys (or keypad).
- You have your choice of using relative or absolute arrows when moving (see
- "Game Options" for more details). You can also move around with a mouse by
- clicking on either the Location or Map Window.
- When you move into a space adjacent to the entrance of an establishment and are
- facing the entrance, the location's name will appear in the text window. When
- you move one more space in the same direction, you'll be prompted to enter the
- establishment. To exit an establishment, type E (exit) or select the Exit
- menu. Not that the Map Window is blank when you're inside an establishment.
- You can exit the Budayeen by moving through the East Gates, where Bill the taxi
- driver will be waiting to take you to your destination. Use the Talk menu to
- tell Bill where you want to go. Exiting the Budayeen through the East Gates
- takes you into the cemetery.
- NOTE: Menus change to reflect your situation-be sure to check them when you're
- unsure what to do.
- -------
- When you enter an establishment or talk with a character, you'll be given a
- description of that place or character. You can set these descriptions up to
- be brief or more detailed-see "Game Options" for more details.
- Inside an establishment, you can select the Look menu to examine a location
- more thoroughly. You'll discover important clues and objects by looking
- around. Note: You may want to look around a place more than once to make sure
- you didn't miss something important.
- You can look at objects in you inventory by opening the Inventory menu,
- selecting an object, and then choosing LOOK AT IT.
- You can engage in conversation with characters both in establishments and on
- the street. When you select the Talk menu, a list of available characters
- appears. When you select a character to talk to, his or her description will
- appear. Then you're given options of things to say to the character.
- You can also ask characters about specific things using the TALK ABOUT...
- option. A message will appear in the text window, requesting that you enter
- what you want to ask about. Type in the name of whatever it is you want
- information on. If you make a mistake, use the backspace key (<-) to back up
- and erase it.
- When you wish to end a conversation, select the END THIS CONVERSATION option.
- You can then start a conversation with another person.
- ---------------------------
- Some characters will have objects you can buy. If the I'D LIKE TO BUY
- SOMETHING option appears on the Talk menu, that character has something to
- sell. Selecting this option shows a list of goods and their casts in kiam (the
- monetary unit of the Budayeen). Select the object you want to buy; the cot is
- automatically subtracted from the cash you carry. You can also buy something
- using the BUY ITEM option on the Action menu.
- You can also give objects to characters. From the inventory menu, select the
- object you want to give. A sub-menu will appear. Select GIVE IT to transfer
- the object to the character. You'll be asked if you really want to give the
- object away. Note that you can use this option to give money to characters;
- select KIAM and then type in the amount when prompted. When using this option,
- be very careful not give a character the wrong object.
- Some characters will be willing to buy objects from you. Select the object
- form the Inventory menu and then SELL IT from the sub-menu, if this option
- appears. If the character is willing to buy the object, it disappears from
- your inventory and your kiam are increased.
- NOTE: You can sell an item only when conversing with a character.
- --------
- You'll sometimes be forced to fight another character, whether you want to or
- not. You can also decide to attack someone by selecting the FIGHT option from
- the Action menu; choose the person you want to fight when the list of
- characters appears.
- The fight screen differs from the normal display screen:
- 1. MENU BAR: The menu bar is inactive until the combat is resolved.
- 2. CHIP SOCKETS: You cannot chip moddies and daddies in or out during a fight.
- 3. TIME: If the "Chronos 2000" daddy chip is in, the current time continues
- to be displayed.
- 4. BIO-SCANNER MONITORS: If the "Bio-Scanner" daddy is chipped in, the
- function monitors will be reduced as Marid takes damage during the fight.
- The screen will turn red for a moment when Marid is hit by his opponent
- and damage is ten recorded on the monitors.
- 5. CHARACTER WINDOW: The character who is fighting Marid appears in this
- window.
- 6. OPPONENT'S HEALTH BAR: The vertical bar next to the Character Window shows
- the opponent's health level. It will continue to drop as Marid does
- damage to the person. When the bar reaches the bottom, the character
- falls dead and the fight is over.
- 7. ATTACK SELECTION WINDOW: This window shows the weapon you're using in the
- fight and the attack options for the weapon.
- 8. TEXT WINDOW: The course of the fight is described here.
- 9. MAP WINDOW: This window does not change during a fight.
- To make an attack on your opponent, select one of the options in the Attack
- Selection Window. if you wish to use a weapon other than your hands, select
- the weapon's box or type the letter appearing under the box. The weapon will
- appear in Marid's hand and the options for attacking with that weapon will be
- shown. If discretion seems part of valor, you can try to end the fight (if you
- started it) or run away (if you were jumped.)
- A moddy or daddy may enhance your combat ability, if it is chipped in and
- you're holding an appropriate weapon. Ex., and "Outlaw" daddy increases your
- skill with a firearm, but does nothing if you're wielding a knife.
- Damage you take is shown on the Bio-Scanner Monitors (see "Health,"). Damage
- to an opponent is shown on the vertical health bar next to his or her picture.
- You'll be warned if your life functions begin to fall too low.
- -------
- The Inventory lists the objects you're carrying. You can carry a maximum of 10
- objects plus your kiam at any time. For safekeeping, you can drop off objects
- at
- your apartment.
- -----
- Selecting CHIP RACK from the inventory menu brings up a sub-menu of things you
- can do with your chips. Selecting one of these options brings up a list of
- your chips. Moddies are noted by M and daddies by D. The list also indicates
- which chips are currently plugged in. When a chip is in, it appears in one
- of the chip sockets. You can have one moddy (personality module) and up to
- three daddies (information add-ons) chipped in at one time.
- To pop a chip in or out, select CHIP RACK and then the CHIP IN/OUT option. If
- you're using a mouse, you can click on a chip in its socket to remove it, or
- you can click on an empty socket to bring up your chip inventory and then
- select a chip to pop in.
- The Chip Rack sub-menu also allows you to USE CHIP SKILL, DROP CHIP, and LOOK
- Moddies change your personality, and daddies give you temporary knowledge.
- When a chip is removed, the personality or knowledge disappears.
- Chips will prove extremely useful throughout the game. Some improve your
- combat ability and your health. some give you special talents you'll need in
- ferreting out clues. Others may prove useless.
- ---------------
- You can buy objects form characters by using the I'D LIKE TO BUY SOMETHING
- option form the Talk menu or the BUY ITEM option from the Action menu.
- Sometimes, if you look around establishments or examine dead bodies, you'll
- find other objects to take. Use the GET ITEM option from the Action menu to
- take objects you find.
- --------------------
- To use an object in your possession, open the Inventory menu and select the
- object. A sub-menu will appear. Select the USE IT option to employ the object.
- To examine an object, use the LOOK AT IT option from the inventory sub-menu.
- You can also give an object to another character, drop it, or try to sell it.
- If you're using your belt phone, you'll be asked to enter the eight digit
- commcode of the person or establishment you wish to contact. Commcodes for
- establishments are found in the "Business Directory or the Budayeen" in the
- back of this guide. Other numbers will appear during your investigations.
- -----------------------------
- To use an automatic bank machine, move to it as though you were entering a
- building. The location window will change into the bank machine. You must
- have your bank card with you to use the machine, an you'll be asked to type in
- your code: 4D424C. You can withdraw kiam, deposit kiam, and look at your
- balance. Select END TRANSITION to continue play.
- ------
- Life in the Budayeen is harsh, so you should try to stay in good health. If you
- chip in the Bio-Scanner daddy, you'll see six function monitors appear on the
- right side of your screen: Life, Strength (STR), Stamina (STAM), Agility
- (AGIL), Rest, and Food. You start the game with all monitors at 100%. As you
- suffer damage in fights or otherwise overexert yourself, your monitors go below
- 100% You can improve your health by eating and sleeping and by getting
- treatments at the medical center. Some moddies and daddies may improve your
- health functions, while you have them chipped in.
- Since all the real excitement in the Budayeen takes place late at night, you'll
- be accustomed to operating in the wee hours. Still, you will need sleep.
- Otherwise, you may overlook some important clues. Selecting the SLEEP option
- from the Action menu allows you to get some rest-the more you sleep, the better
- you'll feel the next time you wake. You'll be asked how many hours you wish to
- sleep. You have to be in Marid's apartment to use this option.
- You will also get hungry. There are a number of restaurants in the Budayeen
- where you can buy food.
- --------
- There are two forms of gambling allowed in the Budayeen: roulette and
- baccarat. You can ask the owner to play one of these games at a gambling den.
- You select a 1, 5, or 10 kiam chip to place directly on the board or on one of
- the side boxes. You can place up to five chips as one bet. Select a chip by
- typing the letter under the value (W, R, or Y) or by clicking on it with a
- mouse. Move the chip to the board or side box, by using the numeric keypad or
- dragging it with the mouse. Select PLAY ROUND or type P to play. You can
- cancel the last chip you played by selecting CANCEL BET or typing C; you can
- cancel as many bets as you have on the board this way. To leave the game,
- select QUIT/EXIT or type Q.
- When you play a round, the flashing box indicates where the ball is on the
- "wheel." The winning number flashes on the wheel and is shown in the upper
- right-hand box.
- This game is similar to "Black Jack" and "Twenty-One," except that you're
- trying to get as close to 9 as possible. You make bets of 25 kiam increments
- either to win or to tie. Select WIN or type W to win or TIE or T to tie.
- Select CANCEL BET or type C to withdraw your last bet.
- Select PLAY ROUND or type P to play. You'll be dealt two cards (the bottom
- row); the top row is the house's hand. Ten-spots and face cards count for 0.
- The values of the two cards are added together; if the sum is 10 or more, 10
- is subtracted from it; and the result is shown int he boxes next to he cards.
- You can draw another card by selecting DRAW 'CARTE' or typing D, or you can
- stand pat by selecting STAND 'NON' or typing S. An 8 or a 9 is a natural
- winner. If you and the house tie, neither side wins or loses money (unless you
- selected TIE, in which case you win).
- ------------
- Select GAME or type G to bring up the Game menu. The selections on the menu
- have the following effects:
- GAME OPTIONS Selecting this option brings up a sub-menu. When you select an
- option from the sub-menu, you'll usually be asked to confirm your selection.
- The sub-menu options are:
- SAME GAME You can save your current position int eh game with this option.
- However, you must be in Marid's apartment to same the game. You can have only
- one game position save at a time.
- PAUSE GAME This option puts the game on hold. To resume the game, press any
- key.
- LOAD GAME Use this option to return to a saved game. You must be somewhere
- inside the Budayeen to restart the game.
- QUIT THE GAME Use this option to exit play. Make sure you select SAVE GAME if
- you want to keep your current position before you quit (you must be in Marid's
- apartment to save a game).
- BRIEF MODE This mode is set to "off" when you begin play, which means that
- whenever you encounter a character or enter an establishment, you'll get the
- full description of that person or place. Turn Brief mode "on" if you wish to
- have the description appear only the FIRST time you enter a place or meet a
- person.
- ARROWS The game begins with the arrow keys (on the numeric keypad) set
- relative. Make sure you have NumLock OFF. You can change the arrow keys to
- absolute by selecting this option. The relative and absolute settings for the
- keypad operate as follows:
- 6 (--») Turn right 90° Face east, move east
- 4 («--) Turn left 90° Face west, move west
- 8 (up) Move ahead Face north, move north
- 2 (down) Reverse direction Face south, move south
- SOUND Use this option to toggle the sound on and off.
- MUSIC Use this option to toggle the music on and off. It appears only if you
- have a Roland or AdLib sound card.
- RECALL EVENTS Use this option when you want to recall important conversations
- and observations. You can continue back through events by pressing the
- spacebar. You may recall up to 50 events. Pressing ENTER or any other key
- after an event is fully described cancels this option.
- -----------------------
- <<Ok...this is the description of different people in the game...however,>>
- <<I'm not going to type this, because it is of no value to the game, the>>
- <<descriptions of the people are given to you when you meet them.>>
- ------------------------------------------
- <<Again, it would be a waste of tyme for me to type this and you to read it,>>
- <<so I'm NOT going to type it. (mmm...kinda lazy huh?heh) All it is just>>
- <<some of the Arabic phrases.>>
- ----------------------------------
- This is VERY important! Ok...the streets are labeled from right to left
- starting with the farthest right-hand street as 1st Street, then 2nd Street,
- etc. Also...the bottom is the South end, the top is the North end. The main
- street (the wide one in the very middle) is called The Street. In the very
- back (either north or south end) there are small little streets, called ALLEY
- (these are along the wall on the top and bottom and run horizontally).
- The streets are like this.
- ================================================================
- | etc. |
- | 16th N. 15th N. 14th N. 13th N. ........... 2nd N. 1st N. |
- G G
- T T
- E 16th S. 15th S. 14th S. 13th S. ........... 2nd S. 1st S. E
- | etc. |
- ================================================================
- <<Here is the list of shops and their addresses.>>
- AAA Secured Loans, 1011 STREET..............555GFX67
- Abu Salah's Rug Shop, 715 STREET............014LBT52
- Ad-Dur House, 576 S. Alley..................505QNK52
- Big Al's Old Chicago, 516 STREET............653GNE65
- The Blue Parrot, 214 STREET.................441GOE61
- Bougainvillea Apartments, 402 S. 1st Street.441GOH63
- budayeen Hotel, 963 STREET..................670TRX60
- Cafe de la Fee Blanche, 277 N. 9th Street...772XGW62
- Cafe Solance, 202 S. 12th Street............772XGF68
- Chiriga's, 821 STREET.......................745KBZ69
- Cold Tea, 323 S. 11th Street................718WGG67
- Crazy Abdul's, 666 S. Alley.................747SRG68
- Data Security Systems, 356 N. 3rd Street....876TGF69
- Double Wisdom Acupuncture, 1467 STREET......817UEX57
- Electroniques, 422 S. 5th Street............981VMK60
- Elegant Rooms, 224 S. Alley.................981ZTG52
- The Eyes of Texas, 474 N. 1st Street........441GRR65
- Five Pillars Apartments, 384 N. 12th Street.441GSB51
- Franco's Tattoo Parlor, 1286 S. Alley.......476MHH50
- Frenchy's Nightclub, 956 STREET.............041GVA69
- Friendly's Pawn Shop, 1522 STREET...........045XGW51
- The Gambling Den, 426 S. 5th Street.........441GTT68
- Grey House Apartments, 462 N. 8th Street....441GTK61
- Han Lon's House of Holograms, 215 N. 6th St.270GYH59
- Hassan's Tourist Paradise, 725 STREET.......275LTG65
- Heavenly Frangrances, 417 S. 9th Street.....217OXG51
- Hologames and More, 167 S. 13th Street......218HZT61
- Hotel del Palazzo 29356 Boulevard il Jameel.996HDP48
- Houri's, 325 N. 16th Street.................217KBL52
- House of Snakes, 929 STREET.................217LXG62
- Iku Iku Bath House, 230 S. 14th Street......377GVD62
- Jewels of Morocco, 368 N. 1st Street........419XEL51
- Jo-Mama's, 521 N. 3rd Street................415ZTF69
- Kiyoshi's, 111 S. 14th Street...............551HLA69
- Laila's Mod Shop, 424 S. 3rd Street.........675ETN62
- Leather Goddesses, 208 S. 1st Street........617MAX52
- Madame Mimi's Tarot Den, 1156 STREET........474HMG51
- Maq-allah's Newstand, 818 STREET............773NTE57
- Martyrs of Democracy, 282 N. 13th Street....774MRK62
- Medical Clinic, 271 STREET..................710BVT52
- The Medinah Apartments, 176 S. 16th Street..441GZX55
- Meloul's, 127 STREET........................718HNE65
- Morgue, 57 STREET...........................715ZNX52
- Muhammad's Glass, 529 N. 12th Street........774TFF60
- Mustafa's Pawn Shop, 258 S. 1st Street......775MTY69
- Neural Warez, 1421 Street...................817KTE57
- New Orleans soul and Fast Food Franchise,
- 532 STREET..................................869UFU56
- Police Station, 7799 Walid al-Akbar Street..911COP58
- The Red Light Lounge, 422 N. 7th Street.....441GEX52
- The Sahara Apartments, 577 S. 7th Street....441GFT57
- Sahtayn's, 369 S. 3rd Street................374MTR55
- Salah ad-Din Apartments, 400 S. 13th Street.378TAG60
- The Scarlet Orchid, 461 N. 10th Street......441GFV64
- The Sea-Ray Hotel, 124 STREET...............441GFX65
- Sensory Deprivation, 234 N. 4th Street......310LHK62
- Shimaal Mosque, 21006 Boulevard il Jameel...243DGE47
- Shoukri's Adult Video Holos, 34 S. 12th St..507EMG55
- The Silver Palm, 509 STREET.................441GFB58
- The Smoke Shop, 516 N. 11th Street..........441GFF67
- Tab, Caps & Pills, 1221 STREET..............478LSG67
- Transpex Games, 333 S. 4th STREET...........447GLI60
- Vast Food, 277 N. 2nd Street................675MGS61
- ----------------------------------------------------
- <<These are little notes you'll need>>
- Seipolt 110NPR56 X
- Hassan The Shiite 483FJL62
- Mahmoud 017JBL60
- Black Widows 292KVM48 XXX
- Lt. Okking 396ACE58
- Abdulaye 742DST67 X
- *** New Bank # 4D424C *** (your money card #)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Ok...that does it for the docs to CIRCUIT'S EDGE.
- Toxic shadoW