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- PC Tools Deluxe Version 6
- New Information
- This README file is intended to supplement the manuals.
- ========
- You need to run PC Setup to install PC Tools because some of the files
- are compressed and PC Setup will automatically decompress them.
- New Environment Variable
- ------------------------
- PC Setup will install an environment variable, PCTV, in your
- AUTOEXEC.BAT file if you select an LCD or monochrome monitor during the
- install process. The PC Tools Deluxe programs use this variable to set
- the appropriate colors on black and white or LCD systems.
- ========
- The /WRITE=nn parameter as documented in the manual has been modified
- to simplify ease of use. The new values for this parameter are
- /WRITE=ON turns on delayed writing, /WRITE=OFF disables delayed
- writing. The default is /WRITE=ON.
- =========
- PC Backup now supports the Tecmar QT-40i tape drive.
- This version of PC Backup is NOT compatible with versions of PC Backup
- included with PC Tools prior to Version 6. Version 6 uses a newer and
- faster compression method.
- PC Setup will automatically create a directory called OLDPCT and place
- all Version 5.x PC Backup files it encounters into this directory
- during the installation of Version 6 files.
- If you have a Version 5 backup set, you must use PC Backup Version 5 to
- restore it. To do so, simply type the following:
- Note that if you installed PC Backup to a directory other than
- "PCTOOLS", please substitute that name for PCTOOLS in the above
- instructions.
- Using PC Backup for the First Time
- ----------------------------------
- After you have configured PC Backup for your system, a Backup
- Confidence Test is performed which tests your computer for the speed
- setting that will give you the best performance and reliability. You
- will need a blank or otherwise unimportant floppy disk or tape for the
- test.
- The Backup Speed Command (Configure Menu)
- -----------------------------------------
- As described above, PC Backup performs a speed test during the initial
- configuration process to determine the best speed for your system. If
- you want to run the test again, use the Backup Speed Command in the
- Configure menu and select the TEST command button.
- Stack Failure
- -------------
- The default number of stacks set up by DOS 3.x or 4.x may not be
- sufficient for some systems that have controllers which support 1-to-1
- interleave. If you receive an "Internal Stack Failure" message or if
- PC Backup locks up during a backup, restore, or compare, make the
- following change to your CONFIG.SYS file:
- STACKS=x,128
- Use a value for x equal to the number of sectors per track of your hard
- disk.
- The following table shows some typical values:
- Drive Type Sectors per Track
- ---------- -----------------
- MFM 17
- RLL 25 or 26
- ESDI 34
- Backing Up to Tape
- ------------------
- If you are using tape, additional selections appear in the Backup
- Method dialog box:
- Full/Append to Tape
- Full/Erase Tape
- The Full/Append to Tape option does a Full backup to a tape immediately
- following the last backup on that tape.
- The Full/Erase Tape option does a Full backup to a tape at the
- beginning of the tape, regardless of any other backups on that tape.
- All previous backups made to that tape will be lost.
- The tapes created by PC Backup are written in a proprietary format to
- provide enhanced speed, compression, and error recovery. You will not
- be able to read tapes created by another backup program nor will they
- be able to read PC Backup tapes. However, any backup tape made by PC
- Backup can be read by PC Backup, even on a different brand tape drive
- (with the exception of Irwin brand drives.)
- The Backup Confidence test, done during initial configuration of PC
- Backup, will totally overwrite any data on the tape you insert for the
- test. Be sure it is a blank, formatted tape or one that contains
- expendable data.
- PC Backup and Compressed Files
- ------------------------------
- PC Backup will back up, but not further compress, already compressed
- files with the following extensions:
- Compare Report
- --------------
- If the Reporting command (found on the Options menu) is set to send a
- backup report to a text file on disk or to a printer, then Compare will
- automatically send a report to the same source if it finds any files
- that do not compare. If the report is sent to a text file, it is named
- Print Directory
- ---------------
- This command, found on the Restore menu, allows you to generate a
- directory report to a printer or text file from the last disk or tape
- of a backup.
- Automating PC Backup
- --------------------
- The Appointment Scheduler in PC Tools Desktop can load and run PC
- Backup using a setup file allowing you to schedule a backup to occur at
- a predefined time by setting an appointment. This is especially useful
- if you want to perform an unattended backup to a PC Backup supported
- tape drive using a setup file. For example, if you want to do a full
- backup of your hard drive on Friday evening at midnight using the setup
- file WEEKLY, you would set the following appointment:
- Be sure Desktop is loaded resident. When the alarm goes off, PC Backup
- will be run and your entire hard drive will be backed up to tape. Make
- sure that you insert a tape in the drive before leaving work on Friday.
- For more details please refer to the Appointment Scheduler chapter in
- the Desktop Manager manual.
- ------
- The manual incorrectly states that PCBDIR will optionally generate a
- directory report from the last disk of a backup. If you want to
- generate a report from a set of backup disks or tapes, select the
- Choose Directories command from the Restore menu. You will be
- presented with the Select Directory dialog box that includes an option
- to print a directory. Or select the Print Directory command from the
- Restore menu.
- =========
- Version 5.x of PC Secure cannot decrypt files made using Version 6.
- However, Version 6 can decrypt files encrypted with Version 5.x.
- You may encrypt a file multiple times, but you must decrypt the same
- number of times in reverse order.
- Command line options for PC Secure:
- ----------------------------------
- /P: if you press the Escape key, it aborts the current password and
- allows you to type another. You may use Escape multiple times. If you
- make a mistake in typing, you may use Escape to start over or Backspace
- to delete one character at a time. Pressing Enter accepts the
- keystrokes to that point.
- /K: doesn't prompt you to enter your key. If you press the Spacebar or
- Enter immediately after typing /K, you do not have a valid key.
- If you encrypt a file from the command line, it is encrypted without
- the benefit of a master key.
- =======
- If you choose to send a report to a file, that file is saved in the
- directory from which Diskfix was run.
- ========
- Clear File Command
- ------------------
- The Clean file command documented in the manual has been renamed Clear
- File. This command deletes the selected file(s) and writes the same
- byte pattern in every cluster that occupied the file, thus removing any
- of the data contained in the file. When the command is selected it
- presents you with a dialog box which allows you to select the byte that
- will be written and the number of times that the file will be written.
- If you select the U.S. Government Standard option, the clusters
- contained in the file will be written multiple times with a predefined
- pattern.
- Quick Run Command
- -----------------
- The Quick Run command is available on the Options pull-down menu only
- when you are running PC Shell in non-resident mode. If you are running
- PC Shell memory resident, this command will not appear on the menu.
- Choosing Quick Run toggles this setting on or off. When ON (the
- default setting), the word "ON" will appear to the right of the
- command. Applications in the Applications menu have independent Quick
- Run control on an application-by-application basis.
- The Quick Run command works as follows: When ON, PC Shell does not
- free up memory prior to running an application from the DOS Command
- Line or by double-clicking or pressing CTRL-ENTER on a file name not
- associated with an application in the Applications menu, such as an
- .EXE, .COM, or .BAT file. Memory is freed when you leave PC Shell with
- the Exit command.
- PC Shell takes about 208K of memory when active as a DOS shell. As
- long as the programs you are running do not need all available memory,
- the Quick Run command allows programs executed in this manner to be
- started much faster since no memory swapping takes place prior to
- running them. If your programs do not run or you do not have enough
- memory to load a large data file, choose the Quick Run command to turn
- it OFF. The memory is then freed prior to running your application.
- There will be a slight pause before it is run, but nearly all of your
- computer's memory will be available to the program.
- Hide Windows Command
- --------------------
- The Hide Windows command doesn't automatically display the DOS Command
- Line as documented in the manual. If the DOS command is on, it will
- stay on, but if you did not have it turned on, PC Shell will not
- automatically turn it on when you hide windows.
- The Short Cut Keys Line will be turned off if you have it on as some of
- its functions are not available when windows are hidden.
- LapLink Quick Connect
- --------------------
- The name of the LapLink Quick Connect program that runs on the server,
- or Laptop machine, has been changed from LL, as stated in the manual,
- to LLS.
- Shift-Function Key
- ------------------
- Pressing the Shift key along with a function key will perform the
- specified function on the file the highlight bar is on. Without the
- Shift key, the function is performed on all selected files. For
- example, if you have several files selected in the File List Window,
- but want to Quick View only the highlighted file, press the Shift key
- along with the F2 key and the file the highlight bar is on will be
- displayed.
- Hotkeying in PC Shell
- ---------------------
- An additional file is created by PC Shell called PCSHELL.RMG when you
- hotkey into PC Shell from another application, then run an application
- from Shell. The PCSHELL.RMG file contains a memory image of the first
- application.
- Resizing the Windows to the Default Size
- ----------------------------------------
- If at any time you want to resize the Tree and File List to their
- default sizes press Del. For example, you may have resized the Tree
- and/or File List and now you want to return them back to their default
- size.
- Application List Only Mode
- --------------------------
- If you are running an application from the Application List Only mode,
- the 'Run With Selected File' and 'Keystrokes' options will be ignored
- since there are no selected files.
- Viewing Files
- -------------
- Pressing the F9 key or clicking on the NextFile command will view the
- next selected file if there is one. If no files are selected, it will
- view the next file in the file list. If you are viewing the last file
- in the directory, it will stay on that file.
- Pressing the Shift key in a viewer shows an alternate set of functions.
- ================
- Databases
- ---------
- When you edit field names in a Database the edited field name in
- brackets in your current form file is automatically adjusted to reflect
- the changed field names. Databases will also automatically create a
- new default form file called NEW.FOR which contains the changed field
- names.
- Modem Telecommunications
- ------------------------
- The Read CompuServe Mail script does not create a 'TODAYS.CIS' file as
- indicated in the manual. This option will place you in CompuServe's
- EasyPlex mail service where you can read your mail using CompuServe's
- own menus.
- The CPS BBS script does not have options for reading or sending E-mail
- as indicated in the manual. After log on, you will be placed at the
- BBS's own menu.
- There is now an option to send telexes using the installed EasyLink
- service.
- Running PC Shell and PC Tools Desktop with Desqview
- ===================================================
- Use the following procedures to install PC Tools Desktop and PC Shell
- into Desqview.
- First select Desqview's "open Window" menu, then select "Add a
- Program", then press "O" for "Other (Add Program Not in List)".
- Desqview will then prompt you for the path in which it can find PC
- Tools Desktop, for example C:\PCTOOLS. After entering the path
- Desqview will display the following menu. Set the Parameters to the
- values shown. Note: Paths shown are for drive C, your path may be
- different:
- Specify Program Information
- Program Name ...........: PC Tools Desktop
- Keys to Use on Open Menu: DT Memory Size (in K): 350
- Parameters:
- Directory.: C:\PCTOOLS
- Options:
- Writes text directly to screen.......: Y
- Displays graphics information........: N
- Virtualize text/graphics (Y,N,T).....: Y
- Uses serial ports (Y,N,1,2)..........: N
- Requires floppy diskette.............: N
- Press F1 for advanced options
- Press F1 to go into the advanced Desqview options, and set the advanced
- options to the values shown:
- Specify Program Information Advanced Options
- System Memory (in K)...: 0 Maximum Program Memory Size (in K)...:
- Script Buffer Size.....: 1000 Maximum Expanded Memory Size (in K)..:
- Text Pages: 1 Graphics Pages: 0 Initial Mode: Interrupts: 00 to FF
- Window Position:
- Maximum Height: 25 Starting Height: 25 Starting Row...: 0
- Maximum Width.: 80 Starting Width.: 80 Starting Column: 0
- Shared Program
- Pathname...:
- Data.......:
- Close on exit (Y,N,blank)......: Y Uses its own colors............: Y
- Allow Close Window Command.....: Y Runs in Background (Y,N,blank).: N
- Uses math coprocessor..........: N Keyboard conflict (0-4)........: 0
- Share CPU when foreground......: Y Share EGA when
- foreground/zoomed..: Y
- Can be swapped out (Y,N,blank).: N Protection level (0-3).........: 0
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- To set PC Shell up to run with Desqview follow the same procedures used
- for PC Tools Desktop and use the following settings:
- Specify Program Information
- Program Name ...........: PC Shell
- Keys to Use on Open Menu: SC Memory Size (in K): 250
- Program...: C:\PCTools\PCShell.exe
- Parameters:
- Directory.: \PCTools
- Options:
- Writes text directly to screen.......: Y
- Displays graphics information........: N
- Virtualize text/graphics (Y,N,T).....: Y
- Uses serial ports (Y,N,1,2)..........: N
- Requires floppy diskette.............: N
- Press F1 for advanced options
- Press F1 to go into Desqview Advanced options, set the values to the
- same as you used for Desktop.
- Note: Do not run PC Shell or Desktop resident from inside Desqview as
- Desqview uses memory mapping techniques which PC Tools does not
- support.
- If you have any questions please call our Technical Support Department
- at (503) 690-8080. We hope you enjoy using the product!