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- HOT WIRE Version 1.0
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1990 DATASTORM TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
- All Rights Reserved
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Example Macros:
- These macro examples assume that you have already entered Shift-F5 to
- begin recording a macro starting from the appropriate command mode,
- and that you have entered the macro name and description. The key
- sequence should be entered as shown. Once entered, complete the
- macro recording process by entering Shift-F5.
- On-line help for macros is available when the program is prompting you
- for a macro name after you have pressed Shift-F5. It is also
- available after you have pressed Shift-F9 to select a macro to be
- played back. Further details can be found in your HOT WIRE User's
- Manual.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DESC: Copy subtree and its files
- This macro will copy the current directory subtree structure to the
- designated target tree, and then will copy all files to the newly
- created subtree. The result is identical to moving a directory
- structure except that the source subtree and files are left intact.
- This macro requires that both of the global parameters in the setup
- information screen are set to YES. The target tree and directory will
- be selected during macro pauses.
- Key Sequence: Description:
- F2 Enter the SETUP command mode
- G Select GENERAL
- G Select GLOBAL
- Y Enter YES for "Include All Subdirectories"
- Y Enter YES for "Match Subdirectories at Target"
- ESC Return from GENERAL command mode
- Q Return from SETUP command mode without saving changes
- C Select COPY
- D Select DIRECTORY STRUCTURE (without files)
- Shift-F8 Initiate a macro pause for target tree selection
- Shift-F8 Initiate a macro pause for target directory selection
- Shift-F8 Initiate a macro pause for target tree selection
- Shift-F8 Initiate a macro pause for target directory selection
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DESC: Update remote's subtree
- This macro is an example of how you might keep files updated between
- your laptop and desktop computers. Assume that you have an identical
- subtree (not necessarily the entire directory tree) on each machine
- which you want to keep current each time you take your laptop away
- from your office or home. In addition, you will want to update your
- desktop machine with any changes upon returning. The idea is to copy
- all source files which don't exist or are newer than those on the
- target machine. To minimize keystrokes, you will want to be able to
- run this macro from the DOS command line and locate the correct source
- subtree without having to traverse the tree. The target machine will
- have to be started in slave mode before running the macro on the
- master machine. To define this macro, begin with the highlight bar
- positioned on the desired source directory.
- Key Sequence: Description:
- F2 Enter the SETUP command mode
- G Select GENERAL
- F Select FILE
- ENTER Don't care
- N Don't want to rename files at target
- N Don't want to confirm before overwriting
- N Don't overwrite newer files at target
- ENTER Don't care
- Y Enter YES to pause for unsuccessful copies
- ENTER Don't care
- ENTER Don't care
- G Select GLOBAL
- Y Enter YES for "Include All Subdirectories"
- Y Enter YES for "Match Subdirectories at Target"
- ESC Return from GENERAL command mode
- Q Return from SETUP command mode without saving changes
- Shift-F6 Record current directory path
- Alt-C Copy all files
- <target path> Enter the entire target tree directory path (#:\...)
- ENTER Accept target path (log target tree and locate path)
- F10 Select F10 for "EXIT TO DOS" prompt
- ENTER Exit program
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DESC: Backup files changed today
- This macro will tag all files on the currently displayed tree which
- have a date stamp matching the current system date. All tagged files
- will then be copied to the root directory on the drive A floppy disk.
- Files which are still tagged after the macro has completed are those
- which were not successfully backed up.
- Key Sequence: Description:
- F2 Enter the SETUP command mode
- G Select GENERAL
- F Select FILE
- ENTER Don't care
- ENTER Don't care
- ENTER Don't care
- ENTER Don't care
- ENTER Don't care
- ENTER Don't care
- Y Enter YES for "Remove Tag After Successful Copy"
- ENTER Don't care
- G Select GLOBAL
- Y Enter YES for "Include All Subdirectories"
- N Enter NO for "Match Subdirectories at Target"
- ESC Return from GENERAL command mode
- Q Return from SETUP command mode without saving changes
- Ctrl-Home Position highlight at root directory
- T Select TAG
- D Select DATES
- ENTER Display system date in "FROM" entry
- ENTER Select displayed date
- ENTER Display system date in "THRU" entry
- ENTER Select displayed date
- ESC Return from GLOBAL TAG command mode
- A:\ Type in this path
- ENTER Select this target path
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DESC: Run hot key on tagged files
- This macro executes a hot key on each tagged file in the tree. The
- hot key is defined in advance by the user, and will use the file's
- path or name as a substituted argument. This macro assumes that the
- files have already been tagged.
- Key Sequence: Description:
- Shift-F7 Begin macro loop
- F4 Goto next tagged file
- <Hot Key> Press the hot key to be executed
- Shift-F7 End macro loop
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DESC: Selective reset archive attrib
- This macro will allow you to selectively reset the archive attribute
- for all files in the current subtree. First make sure the global
- parameters are set correctly. Then tag all files in the subtree which
- have their archive attribute set. Next perform the unset attribute
- operation on all tagged files individually, pausing for confirmation.
- For each file, pressing ENTER will perform the unset operation, or
- pressing ESC will skip the unset operation. Finally unset all the
- file tags in the tree.
- Key Sequence: Description:
- F2 Enter the SETUP command mode
- G Select GENERAL
- G Select GLOBAL
- Y Enter YES for "Include All Subdirectories"
- ENTER Don't care
- ESC Return from GENERAL command mode
- Q Return from SETUP command mode without saving changes
- F5 Select to untag any tagged files in tree
- T Select TAG
- A Type A for Archive
- ENTER Select attribute entry
- ESC Return from GLOBAL TAG command mode
- F4 Goto first tagged file in subtree
- A Select ALTER (now in LIST command mode)
- Shift-F7 Begin a macro loop
- C Select CURRENT FILE (if Fast Command Mode is NO)
- A Type A for Archive
- Shift-F8 Begin a macro pause
- ENTER or ESC Press enter or escape key to terminate macro pause
- F4 Goto next tagged file in subtree
- Shift-F7 Mark the end of the macro loop
- ESC Return from ALTER command mode
- ESC Return from LIST command mode
- F5 Select to untag all tagged files in tree
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DESC: Search text in tagged files
- This macro assumes that you've already tagged files in advance for
- viewing. The idea is to start a macro loop which, for each tagged
- file, goes into the VIEW command mode, finds the first occurrence of
- the text being sought, and then initiates a macro pause. The pause
- allows you to continue searches in the same file with F6 function key,
- or use any other VIEW command mode options (except for ones such as +,
- -, and FIND) until you press Shift-F8 to end the macro pause and
- continue to the next tagged file.
- Key Sequence: Description:
- F4 Traverse to first tagged file
- V Select VIEW
- F Select FIND
- Shift-F8 Pause to enter text to be sought
- ENTER Accept search text and start searching
- Shift-F7 Begin macro loop
- Shift-F8 Begin macro pause
- Shift-F8 End macro pause (this key will not be recorded)
- ESC Return from VIEW mode
- F4 Goto next tagged file
- V Select VIEW
- F Select FIND
- ENTER Start find operation
- Shift-F7 End macro loop
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DESC: Backup entire disk to drive A
- This macro will copy all tagged files on a hard disk to floppy drive
- A, allowing you to utilize as much diskette space as possible, as well
- as preserving the directory structure of the disk. This macro assumes
- that you have tagged all files on disk before starting. As files are
- copied, their tags will be removed. This allows you to repeat the
- macro several times while keeping track of the files which have not
- yet been successfully copied. As a diskette fills up, the program
- will inform you that there is insufficient disk space remaining for
- the current file copy operation. The amount of free disk space will
- be displayed along with this message. At this point, you may decide
- to use a new formatted floppy and retry the current file copy
- operation, or you may decide that there is sufficient disk space
- remaining to continue copying other files. After a complete tree
- traversal, the macro will terminate. Any files which are still tagged
- can be backed up by starting the macro again. You can continue this
- process until all files have been successfully copied.
- Key Sequence: Description:
- F2 Enter the SETUP command mode
- G Select GENERAL
- F Select FILE
- ENTER Don't care
- N Don't want to rename files at target
- N Don't want to confirm before overwriting
- Y Enter YES to overwrite newer files at target
- Y Enter YES to copy hidden and system files
- N Enter YES to pause for unsuccessful copies
- Y Enter YES to untag after successful copy
- ENTER Don't care
- G Select GLOBAL
- Y Enter YES for "Include All Subdirectories"
- Y Enter YES for "Match Subdirectories at Target"
- ESC Return from GENERAL command mode
- Q Return from SETUP command mode without saving changes
- Ctrl-Home Goto the root directory of disk
- A:\ Type in the target tree directory path
- ENTER Accept target path and begin copying
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DESC: Print list of small files
- This macro will print a list of all files with sizes less than
- 10000 bytes to the display screen, pausing after each new screen of
- information.
- Key Sequence: Description:
- F2 Enter the SETUP command mode
- G Select GENERAL
- G Select GLOBAL
- Y Enter YES for "Include All Subdirectories"
- ENTER Don't care
- ESC Return from GENERAL command mode
- Q Return from SETUP command mode without saving changes
- Ctrl-Home Goto the root directory
- T Select TAG
- S Select SIZES
- 0 Type in 0 for "FROM" entry
- ENTER Accept entry
- 9999 Type in 9999 for "THRU" entry
- ENTER Accept entry and perform tagging operation
- ESC Return from the TAG command mode
- P Select PRINT
- ENTER Pause between screens
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DESC: Prompts for each display color
- This macro will prompt you for each available display color. For each
- input field, the macro clears it of its current contents, and then
- begins a macro pause. The arrow on the display screen template points
- to the area which will be affected by the current input item. If you
- want to retain the current color value, press the escape key.
- Otherwise input a new color value and press the enter key. The macro
- pause will be automatically terminated. After you have been prompted
- for all colors, the macro will escape from the SETUP command mode
- allowing you to save changes permanently, if desired. Only fragments
- of the actual macro are shown here, but the idea should be clear.
- Key Sequence: Description:
- F2 Enter the SETUP command mode
- C Select COLORS
- B Select BASE
- TAB Clear the input field
- Shift-F8 Begin a macro pause
- ENTER or ESC Press enter or escape key to terminate macro pause
- TAB Clear the input field
- Shift-F8 Begin a macro pause
- ENTER or ESC Press enter or escape key to terminate macro pause
- . .
- . .
- . .
- ESC Return from BASE
- T Select TREE
- N Select NORMAL
- TAB Clear the input field
- Shift-F8 Begin a macro pause
- ENTER or ESC Press enter or escape key to terminate macro pause
- . .
- . .
- . .
- ESC Return from COLORS command mode
- ESC Return from SETUP command mode
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DESC: Find 1st matching dir and exit
- This macro allows you quickly locate the first directory in the tree
- which matches any number of characters that you specify. After you
- press enter, it will perform the search and, if found, make that
- directory the current DOS (origin/exit) directory, and then exit the
- program. This example macro is most useful in a batch file run from
- the DOS command line where the macro is run as an argument to HOT WIRE
- (entered as HW /fGOTODIR). If no directory is found to match your
- specification, an error message will occur, and the program will exit
- to the same directory that you started from.
- Key Sequence: Description:
- Ctrl-F Select the FIND directory command
- Tab Clear the input field
- ???????? Enter this wildcard spec (default extension is .*)
- Home Home the cursor
- Shift-F8 Begin a macro pause
- ENTER Pressing enter will terminate the pause
- C Select CHDIR command
- F10 Select F10 to get "Exit to DOS" prompt
- ENTER Press enter to exit the program
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DESC: Locate and edit daily log file
- This macro is an example of how you might use the directory and file
- record mechanisms. Assume that you keep a daily log file in a
- specific directory which you update frequently. This macro will
- locate that directory, locate the file in the directory, and then run
- the editor program on that file so that you can enter your updates.
- When recording the macro, begin with the directory highlight bar
- located on the directory to be sought. This is so you won't have to
- record any unnecessary traversal keys in the macro. It doesn't
- matter, of course, which directory is currently highlighted when you
- play back the macro. When you enter the LIST command mode, you will
- have to traverse to the correct file, however, and these keystrokes
- will be recorded. In this example, we will use the FIND command to
- locate the file, and then record the file name in the macro using the
- record mechanism. This process makes sure that the macro will only
- operate on the correct file. If the directory or file name which you
- record is not found when you play the macro back, the program will
- give an error message and terminate the macro. This macro presumes
- that you have defined an editor in the general setup information
- screen.
- Key Sequence: Description:
- Shift-F6 Record current directory path in macro
- L Select the LIST command mode
- F Find file specification in the current file list
- DAILY.LOG Type in the name of the file to be found
- Shift-F6 Record the file name in the macro
- A Select the ALTER command
- E Select the EDIT FILE command
- ESC Return to LIST command mode
- ESC Return to TREE command mode
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DESC: Delete directory subtree
- This macro will delete all the files in the current directory subtree,
- and then will remove the directories in the subtree. First, make sure
- that the setup parameters are initialized correctly. Then unset the
- read-only attribute on all files to be deleted. Next delete all the
- files after confirming the operation. Finally delete the directory
- structure to complete the macro. This macro can be easily misused
- producing undesirable results, so make sure you are completely aware
- of its function before using it on your own system.
- Key Sequence: Description:
- F2 Enter the SETUP command mode
- G Select GENERAL
- G Select GLOBAL
- Y Enter YES for "Include All Subdirectories"
- ENTER Don't care
- M Select MISC
- ENTER Don't care
- ENTER Don't care
- ENTER Don't care
- ENTER Don't care
- ENTER Don't care
- Y Enter YES for "Confirm Deletes"
- ENTER Don't care
- ENTER Don't care
- ESC Return from GENERAL command mode
- Q Return from SETUP command mode without saving changes
- A Select ALTER
- R Enter R for Read-Only
- ENTER Perform unset operation
- ESC Return from GLOBAL ALTER command mode
- Shift-F8 Initiate a macro pause for delete confirmation
- Y or N or ESC Pressing Y, N, or ESC terminates pause (your answer)
- D Select DELETE
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DESC: Edit file on slave machine
- Editing files or running other programs on the slave machine is not
- allowed by HOT WIRE. However, you can define a macro which will move
- or copy the file or program to the master machine and then edit or run
- it locally. This macro is an example of how you might edit a slave
- machine file by moving the file's contents to the master, running the
- EDIT FILE command, and then moving the updated contents back to the
- slave machine. This macro presumes that you have defined an editor in
- the general setup information screen.
- Key Sequence: Description:
- M Select MOVE
- C:\ Enter path of a master tree and press ENTER
- F7 Select F7 to change your current path
- C:\ Enter same path as above and press ENTER
- Shift-F8 Begin a macro pause and highlight the file
- Shift-F8 End the pause after it is highlighted
- A Select ALTER
- E Select EDIT FILE
- ESC Return from the ALTER command mode
- M Select MOVE
- #: Enter current slave directory path and press ENTER
- F7 Select F7 to change your current path
- #: Enter current slave directory path and press ENTER
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DESC: Set up for modem connection
- This macro quickly sets up your communications parameters for
- establishing a remote connection through your modem. This will be
- convenient if your direct connect cable and modem are attached to
- different COM ports, and you want to easily prepare for either type
- of connection. The macro selects the COM port that your modem is
- connected to and sets the connection type to MODEM. You may want to
- insert a macro pause at the block size input so that you can adjust it
- lower for faster retransmissions when errors occur. Lastly, it saves
- the setup information so that you are ready to press F3 or Shift-F3 to
- start the connection. A macro for DIRECT connections can be recorded
- in a similar manner.
- Key Sequence: Description:
- F2 Enter the SETUP command mode
- G Select GENERAL command mode
- C Select COM
- 1 Default to COM1 (enter your modem COM port here)
- ENTER Press Enter to move to next input item
- ENTER Don't care (use default base address)
- ENTER Don't care (use default IRQ line)
- M Enter "M" for MODEM
- ENTER Press Enter to move to next input item
- ENTER Don't care (use default block size)
- ENTER Don't care (use default I/O buffer)
- ENTER Don't care (use default I/O pause)
- ESC Return from GENERAL command mode
- S Save the information and return